










资料来源:教育优选 /





1.The proportion of the people who were divorced went up from 2.5% in 1981 to 7.5% in 1991, rising further to 8% in 2001.

2.The crop yields worldwide in 1990 were 15% up on those of 1985.

3. The number of shoppers during the Christmas period plunged by up to 23 per cent since then on.

4. After five years of steady decline, the high-school drop-out rate started to rise.

5. Oil consumption grew steadily from 1980 to 2000, apart from in 1990, when there was a drop of 5 per cent.

6. House prices fell as much as 40% between 1980 and 1985, compared with the period 1986 to 1990, when prices roughly doubled.

7. Arable land was being lost at the rate of over 38 thousand square miles per year throughout the 1980s.

8. Exports topped $10 billion in 2006, with those to Asia Pacific in excess of $2 billion.

9. The smoking rate in young girls was on the rise, similar to that among adult women.

10. Motorcycle casualities were in decline, down from a total of 54,037 in 1995 to 38,090 in 2000.

11. Gender equality would lead to 13.4 million fewer homeless children, a 13% reduction.

12. Inflation is likely to moderate through the early months of 2007.

13. The number of married couples showed a significant decline, accounting for 50.7% of the adult population, compared with 68% in 1971.

14. The smaller gap between movie-goers and television viewers reflected a 5% drop in the number of people who g to the cinema and a 1.2% increase in those who enjoy watching TV at home.


15. V

表示倍数的说法: home. 24. The study found that people who earned more than $100,000 received lower carners.

25. It also found that those on higher incomes lost on average other victims in property-related crime.

26. China’s agricultural trade deficit against US jumped 1.5 times to $ 35 billion over the five-year period.

读数据的方法: ’s population in 2002.


34. The per-capita spending of visitors in China stood in 2000, a year-on-year rise of one percent. 1990 and 2002. 38. There were 100,000 more people working on a full-time basis in 2004 than in 1994. 2001’s record figure. ’s citizens had no access to electricity in the year 2004, and require 43 years. “possibly” do so. 55. 40% of respondents said that students should be responsible for university fees, another 40% considered it the 56. The number of people enrolling for adult education courses increased by about 5% in 1999, lower than those for

表示时间的说法: 61. Britain’62. In 1993, 60% of Vietnam’s population was classified as being under the internationally-accepted poverty line, but 66. The secondary school enrolment rate sank considerably after an increase of 10% during the period 2

68. By age 15, Americans are less likely to smoke than Europeans, although the 10-to-13-year-olds in America are likely to smoke as European 10-to13-year-olds. level for at least five years. year. 79. Australia’

表示平稳或波动的说法: 87. The mobile phone owner 2003.

表示历史值的说法: 94. Auckland received non more than 200 mm of rain per month on average in the twenty-year period. 96. Britain’



80.2 years respectively. th107. Practical crafts was the most popular subject area, with an enrolment rate of 45%, education and sport. billion people. were most likely to have a professional job (40%). 115. countries more than doubled car emissions, from 3 billion to 6.2 billion, industrialized countries cut theirs by half, form 4 billion down to 2 billion. 118. With regard to government spending on education, there was a sharp reduction during the five-year-long period 122. Women were more likely to be part-time workers throughout the 1990s, with chose it simply because they loved studying. 4
