PS (Personal Statement) 和SP (Statement of Purpose)的写作精髓

PS (Personal Statement) 和SP (Statement of Purpose)的写作精髓

我想说的是,经过这次一对一边改边交流,我的重大发现是:原来大家的对PS的理解本身就是错的。 初衷就是错的!



(CHECK一下自己 不是吗?)

而不是真正的 “PERSONAL”!“STATEMENT”! 人家招生委员,看漂亮散文,多了去了。你要拿美文,以语言之美,来打动一个本地人,好像并不是一个SMART的愿望。

写PS的同学们大都需要洗脑,你现在的目的,不是写一篇漂亮的英文作文,而是: 平实的、老实的、诚实的讲述自己!



那样就会直接导致你PS的结果是:假 大 空。 因为你所假想的说话对象,是在一个“大”学校的一“空”旷的位置上的(在我的想象的画面里没有墙壁和门的巨细的一个“假”想的对象。


因为你没有一个SOLID一个实在的具体的环境,一个看着你的有肉有骨头有牙床的脸,你在跟假象的对话说话,说的话的内容必定是虚无的,就像你跟自己说话,说话的内容也必定是“啊我好怕,啊我希望明天会好,啊老天爷爷保佑”。 你一定不会跟自己或者老天爷爷说,“我刚才在麦当劳外卖窗口看到的那个女生帽子下面露出来的头发的那一束挑染的蓝色很美”





因为有人在听,而那个人是活的。跟“假象”读者永远没有如此鲜活的能触动的EMOTIONAL交流。 以上是世界观,接下来是方法论!


很多人浪费一个月绞尽肉干憋出来的都是改改文法,出品一篇非常优美的漂亮的文书,而并不是一份 “动人” 的信。



就如我现在这般, 饿着肚子,凉着背脊,刚才还坐在地上厕所旁边的角落里披散着头发,刷刷刷地敲了起来,害得明天要考试的多罗逃到别的屋子里去,说我不断的敲击键盘的声音比单曲循环还要让人神经受不了。后来被虫子咬得背脊和小腿都长包了痒得不行才逃回卧室看到个水平物,就把笔记本放了上来把电子琴移开,接着刷刷刷地敲,敲得小拇指好疼,晚上九点了还没吃饭。



PS (Personal Statement) 或者SP (Statement of Purpose),前者是对一个SOUL MATE一个你好不容易碰到的灵魂频率一样的知己,述说你自己;后者是对一个你花痴的对象表达,大声说出我爱你。 都是要有自己的兴奋,自己的爱,自己的欲。



看了调查揣测大众的心理试图迎合大众而拍出来的自己也不确定的作品,那就是“无极”。 一切真正的大明星、好歌、好电影,一定都是自己的故事,一定都是自己想拍、想要,一定都是为了自己做出来的作品,不是为了别人,不是为了大众。是自己想,所以自己做,恰好别人也喜欢。但实情是真实的,为了自己的真实的触动,反而能打动人。


讲了半天 方法论如下:

找个让你COMFORTABLE TALKING的朋友聊天,告诉他/她,你为什么想申请那个专业,那所大学。就跟他/她说,讲话 MSN Q 都OK,如果是面对面讲话的话录下来,录哦。

如果你以为你会记得你讲过得每一句话,那么你一定会遗漏那些真正能打动人的小触动和小细节。 细节是KEY!



一定会被问,一定会试图解释 “我那个时候写了个程序” “什么程序啊?在文曲星上写的?就用那个小玩意儿啊?你怎么编的啊?用C语言?怎么会?编了个正弦曲线?为什么啊?你喜欢啊?还是数学课的作业啊?哦是游戏啊?你喜欢编电脑游戏啊原来” 你会发现,当你开始试图解释给别人听你的想法的过程,他们就变成语言,非常的清晰的蹦了出来,你自己就也听到了自己真实的声音,那些你一个人睡前跟自己说的时候模糊的摸不清的我也不知道我自己要干什么的飘渺的空想,变成了语言的文字的精准的“我爱电脑游戏编程”这八个字。 直接脱口而出了,而你自己也被自己的声音愣了一下,原来这就是我一直爱的,原来这就是我从小一直在干的事情,原来这就是我为什么后来选择这个专业现在又想在这个实验室干活的原因。





说真话。 很多申请的同学普遍的问题其实是,“我想去美国生活”或者“旅游”或者“看一看”,并不是“我好想在这个实验室里朝九晚五的干五年活”。目的不是真心的,所以违背意愿的假象的试图感动人,那是矫情。 正如我当初一样。 而我真的找到喜欢的事情的时候,在金融危机之后所有机构都在财政紧缩时,半夜三点的不睡觉的七封上书,字字有内容的七条建议的PS。








很多自己困惑很久的,一个下午茶的说出来的过程,很可能能让自己豁然开朗。 让别人问你,你为什么在这个时候选择出国。






第二篇:符合英文写作习惯的Statement of purpose个人陈述范例

Statement of purpose


A graduate from the Harbin Institute of Technologies, an institution of higher learning known for its selectivity, I have solidly grounded myself in a discipline that is still new in China, namely, mechatronics. With four years of strict training and conscientious studies behind, I am now versed in a broad range of subjects related to this discipline. But I would like to pursue more advanced studies in it. I now apply for acceptance into your Master' program for the sole reason that your program is one of the few that offer graduate studies in mechatronics.(一般而言,开头并不是一定要依时间顺序介绍自己的童年。扼要的阐明自己目前的情况和学习的愿望往往更好。)

I first became fascinated with making electronic devices in high school. Until then, I was content with making mechanical gadgets, from which I derived immense pleasure. As a child, I made my own toy gliders and vacuum cleaners. In making such things, I instinctively grasped the principles of aeromechanics. After I entered into junior high school, I began to make small electronic appliances by using electrical circuit boards. As I experimented for new inventions, I felt more and more constrained by the limited approaches. I yearned to make really user-friendly gadgets and devices that could be readily accepted on the market.

At the university, I chose mechatronics as my major for its interdisciplinary nature. Built on the combined strength of mechanics, electronics, computer science and automatic control, this genre of studies does away the single-mindedness inherent in the pursuit of studies in one area. With mechatronics, I began to create a much larger variety of products that could serve a lot of different purposes. The onset of mechatronics represents to me a major step forward in the manufacturing technology.

I thoroughly enjoyed the four years of my undergraduate studies at the Harbin Institute of Technology, a major cradle of China's engineering talents. I found most of the courses I took not only instructive but also entertaining. But I particularly liked the hands-on experience that the Institute always promoted and required. For virtually every course of my major, we engaged in assorted experiments and projects. The completion of each experiment or academic paper brought me immense satisfaction by giving me an unmistakable sense of achievement.

I feel that technology makes sense only when it serves some human purpose. A good product therefore has to be designed and tailored to conform to human habits, some of which may be based on misperceptions or misconceptions. Designers of consumer products have to be aware of and take into consideration those misperceptions or misconceptions so that the products they design have enduring attraction to consumers. All this is easier said than done, of course, as it requires the designers not only a sophisticated understanding of human nature but also superb engineering skills to realize his ideas. I am glad to say that I have both.

A large part of my strength comes from my expertise in computer science. Making good use of my spare time, I taught myself a whole range of computer courses, among which were: Networking and Communications, Operating Systems, Data Structure and Computation, Computer Systems and Their Principles, Software Engineering, Database, C Language, and Visual Basic. I was particularly fond of improving and upgrading mechanical devices by the combined use of computerized control technology and the programmable logical controller. My computer skills paid off when I embarked on my graduation project, for which I spent only 14 days instead of the three months most of my classmates spent.

By studying mechatronics, I am involved in one of the five high-tech disciplines that the Chinese government is actively promoting. Thanks to the state sponsorship, my department grouped together the strongest in my university, as demonstrated by the amount and quality of their scientific research and technological achievements. Taking full advantage of this faculty's seasoned guidance, I trained myself vigorously and fruitfully. My command of English was considered the best in my class throughout my four undergraduate years, and my computer skills were so good that it would be an understatement to say that they were the best in my department. My overall GPA was among the top five per cent in my class of 103 students.

Taking myself to task in the real world, I worked on numerous part-time jobs while I was at the university. For these jobs, I usually utilized my computer skills and command of English. For example, I wrote computer programs for small companies and searched for information on the Internet for them. Besides making money, I also learned to market both my expertise and myself as a person.

Your program stands out as one of the precious few that offer graduate research in mechatronics. That alone testifies to your excellence in engineering. As I seek to place myself on the cutting-edge of the studies in mechatronics, I think your program is where I should be pursuing my advanced degrees. I am sure that, with the benefit of your advice, I can acquire broader perspectives and more profound insights. Your favorable consideration of my application will be greatly appreciated.
