

T: together M: male host F: female host 

T: Good morning/afternoon/evening my dear teachers and friends. Welcome to our English Contest. 亲爱的老师和同学们,大家早上下午晚上好,欢迎来到英语演讲比赛现场
M: I am your host XXX我是主持人。。。

F: I am XXX我是

M: In order to build our school culture and to enrich our school curricular activity


F: To present our school and ourselves 展示我们的学校和学生风采

M: To cultivate our learning ability and to enlarge our vocabulary


F: To train our logic-thinking and to trigger our English learning passion


M: Grade Five to Six organizes English Speaking Contest which provides us a stage to achieve all these goals.


F: I love English; I love speaking---The charm of this contest attracts 10 contestants. Before we get down to it, with great honor, we would like to introduce our gusts here. XXX,XXX, and XXX, let’s welcome.


M: Next, let’s introduce our judges of today’s contest. They are XXX… Let’s give them a big applause.

   接下来,请允许我介绍今天的评委。他们分别是。。。。 让我们欢迎他们。

F: Thanks for being part of the contest. Now, let’s welcome contestant No.1 XXX. Contestant No.2 XXX, please get ready.

   感谢所有嘉宾和评委的到来。现在,让我们掌声欢迎第一位参赛选手。。。, 二号参赛选手。。。请准备

M: Thanks XXX for your excellent performance, let’s welcome contestant No.2 XXX. Contestant No.3, please get ready.

   感谢一号参赛选手的精彩表演,接下来有请二号参赛选手。。。, 三号参赛选手。。请准备

F: Wow, XXX (No.2 ) performance is really awesome. Thank you. Now let’s welcome contestant No.3. Contestant No4, please get ready.


M: Did you guys enjoy No.3 poetry? I enjoy a lot. Now I will announce the scores of contestant No.1 and No.2. Contestant No.1, 90; contestant No.2 92. Congratulation! Now let’s welcome contestant No.4. Contestant No.5, please get ready.


F: What a beautiful poetry and what a beautiful voice. Thank you really much XXX. Now let’s welcome contestant No.5. Contestant No6, please get ready.


M: I can feel the energy and spirit of this poetry presented by XXX. It’s amazing. Thanks XXX. Now I will announce the scores of contestant No.3 and No.4. Contestant No.3,  90; contestant No.4  92. Congratulation! Now let’s welcome contestant No.6. Contestant No.7, please get ready.



 M: The Grade Five and Fix English Speaking Contest have come to en end. Thank you all the contestants. You all have done a good job.


F: Thanks our gusts and judges for joining us. The result of the contest will be announced within couple days, please pay attention to the announcement. Wish you have a good day.


M &F: See you. 再见



Good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.I'm very honoured to be the host for today's competition this afternoon to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the 1th “Welcome New Year”Cup English speech contest. This is the final of senior and junior groups. Thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition. In today's show. There are 21 contestants in both groups. They are coming from different Classes of different Grades. I hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn English better.These experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.So I hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.
二、Ok, now, let's warmly welcome our headmaster ,Mr.fu to make remarks.(现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎符校长给我们讲话)
(after Mr fu making remarks )
三、I think it’s better for me to introduce our judges.
四、Ok, time for show ,I think.The contest is divided into two groups. The first one is Group Senior.(比赛分为两个组,先进行的是高中组)
1、Now. let's warmly welcome contestant No.1   xxx.Her topic is “My school life”and contestant No.2 ,get ready ,please.
2、let's warmly welcome contestant No.2  xxx .and contestant No.3 ,get ready ,please.
3、let's warmly welcome contestant No.3  xxx.and contestant No.4 ,get ready ,please.
4、let's warmly welcome contestant No.4  xxx.and contestant No.5 ,get ready ,please.
5、let's warmly welcome contestant No.5   xxx.and contestant No.6,get ready ,please.
6、Ladies and gentlemen,the following is a double show. Now let's warmly welcome contestants No.6   and  .and contestant No.7 ,get ready ,please.
7、let's warmly welcome contestant No.7  xxx .xxxand contestant No.8,get ready ,please.
8、let's warmly welcome contestant No.8   xxx .and contestant No.9,
get ready ,please.
9、let's warmly welcome contestant No.9钟雄燕 .and contestant No.10,
get ready ,please.
10、let's warmly welcome the last contestant No.10  and xxx get onto the stage and give us a performance.
五、Wonderful! These ten contestants give us a wonderful show. Now, ladies and gentlemen, let’s get down to the other show .( 现在让我们进入另一场比赛,既初中组的演讲赛)
1、First, let’s warmly welcome contestant No.1 xxx,his topic is “My scool life”and contestant No.2 get ready please.
2、The next one making a speech for us is contestant No.2xxx. Let's welcome.
3、Let's continue the competition. The next will be No.3xxx please.Her topic is “My family”and contestant No.4 get ready please
4、Now it’s time for No.4 xxx.Her topic is “My friend”. No.5 get ready please.
5、Evryone has friends.Now let’s come to another topic“Our English Teacher”.Welcome contestant No.5 xxx. and contestant No.6 get ready please
6、Welcome contestant No.6 xxx.His topic is“Honesty” and contestant No.7 get ready please
7、Now let’s warmly welcome contestant No.7xxx.Her topic is “How Should One Read A Book”. Contestant No.8 get ready please
8、welcome contestant No.8 xxx. Contestant No.9 get ready please
9、Now it’s time for No.9 xxx.her topic is “My Good Friend”. Contestant No.9 get ready please
10、The next contestant’s topic is also “My Good Friend”.Now ,let’s welcome No.10 xxx.
11、Now let’s warmly welcome the last contestant No.11 xxx.His topic is also “My Good Friend”
六、And after all the contestants finished their speeches, our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.
Now, we are taking a break.
七、Good afternoon, everyone. welcome back to the 1th “Welcome New Year”Cup English speech contest. And now you are watching the final.
After our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.
 1、 First, I would like to announce the third winners:
 XXX    XXX     XXX    XXX    XXX
 2、And then, the second winners:
 XXX    XXX     XXX    XXX    XXX
3、Ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? How exciting the moment is!
Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winners:
XXX and   XXX
1、now,let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage.
XXX    XXX     XXX    XXX    XXX
    And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.
2、And then second winners please.
    XXX    XXX     XXX    XXX    XXX
3、ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.
九、well,how exciting today the contest is!
   But ,now I have to say : That’s all , thank you!

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the English Speaking Competition in Mathematic DPT.
First, let me introduce the hostess for today, a pretty young lady                                 her name is… Who is from Class_3 Grade 2005.
Standing here beside me is JACKY, He is also from Class_3 Grade 2005.
There are all together 17  contestants to compete in today’s English speech competition all form mathematic DPT
I hope we can exchange of how to learn English better.These experiences will be very useful for the students in our DPT.So I hope we’ll make good use of this opportunity.
At first,with great honor,we’d like to introduce the guests at present.They’re Mr****,Miss***,,welcome!
We are honored to have you here,and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today.
Now I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.
L and G,Miss***   ,Mr***,               ,welcome
Thank you for being a part of the competition.
Now let’s welcome professor Tang  to give us the opening address.
Than you professor
Ok,now let’s go over the rulers of the competition.
There are 2 parts in today’s competition, the 1st is prepared speech,each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speech.
The 2ed part is unprepared speech,each of the contestants has 2 minutes to present your unprepared speech,after your speech,you have 2  minutes to answer questions raised by the judges.
During your speech,a staff member will raise a yellow board as a signal that there is half a minute left.Then a a red board will be raised to let the speaker know that the time has run out.So please raise the board .Thank you !
According to the performance of every contstant ,5 scores will be given by our 5 judges,the fullmark is 10,the final score is the average excluding one of the highest and one of the lowest scores.
L and G ,the top 2 winners today will be able to attend the College Final to be held next month.
We all look forward to your wonderful performances,and we wish you the best of luck.
Now the topic for today`s prepared speech is                                and                    for every contestants to chose.
Let’s welcome C N.1
Thank your for C N 1,NOW let’s welcome C N.2
Thank you for C N. 2.Here ,L and G ,I would like to announce the score of C N 1 is .Congratulations!,now let`s welcome  C N 3.
L and G ,welcome back to english speech competition in mathematic DPT
Now let`s begin the  unprepared speech.
Let`s welcome C N 1
Judges, question please
Thank your for C N 1,NOW let`s welcome C N 2
Thank you for C N 2.Here ,L and G ,I would like to announce the score of C N 1 is
And now let’s have a short breath and wait for the final results.For this period,let`s welcome MISS     TO give us a comment on this competition.Welcome
L and G ,after our judges` discussion,the exciting moment is coming.
 First ,I would like to announce the third winners:
welcome to the stage   and let`s         to  give the prize.
AND then tne second winner is :
welcome to the stage   and let`s         to  give the prize.
L and G can you feel the most exciting monment ,right now ,what I am going to announce is the first winner:
welcome to the stage   and let`s         to  give the prize.
Congratulations to all the contestants and our thanks to all guests and judges.Thank you for comiong!
Till now ,L and G ,OUR Competition has to an end.Let`s look forword to the next year`s competition!
Thanks again!
