


题目:Across recent world, only a few languages are increasing in use, while some others are declining. Is it a positive or negative development? (=287 words)



社会背景(全球化+经济融合-----有效交流的基石-----互通有无 +多边贸易)+正向观点(某些语言蓬勃发展—优点>缺点)+自己观点(某些语言普及-------国家间经济相互交流)

Nowadays, along with globalization and economic integration, certain languages recognized and accepted by a sizeable percentage of countries, as the corner stone of available communication between countries, further mutual exchange of needed products and multilateral trades. Therefore, some individuals deem that the merits of prosperity and development of some languages instead of that of various ones outweigh its demerits. After thoughtful consideration, I am convinced that a few languages being popularized and applied are in service of economic intercommunication between countries.

如今,伴随着全球化以及经济一体化,大多数国家认可与接受的某些语言,作为各国有效沟通的基石,促进多国的贸易以及互通有无。 因此,一些人认为 一些语言蓬勃发展而不是各种语言的蓬勃发展的优点远超过其缺点。深思熟虑之后,我认为一些语言的普及和应用有利于国家之间经济的相互交流。


Nowadays, along with globalization and economic integration, certain languages recognized and accepted by a sizeable percentage of countries, as the corner stone of available communication between countries, further mutual exchange of needed products and multilateral trades

状语:Along with : 伴随。。。adv

主语: Certain languages recognized and accepted by a sizeable percentage of countries, as the corner stone of available communication between countries,

语法:Certain languages recognized and accepted by a sizeable percentage of countries :Adj +N +done +介宾结构 = adj + N +adj +adv

as the corner stone of available communication between countries:插入语


谓语:Further vt 促进

宾语:Mutual exchange of needed products and multilateral trades

Mutual exchange of needed products n 互通有无

Multilateral trades n 多边贸易


第二段:论点 +论据+例证+结论

论点(主语:支持观点:少数语言使用 -----国家间的经济互补以及合作)+论据(没有语言作为有效媒介------无法正常进行---经济合作与交流) +例证( 英语 –起不可替代作用 1 提升沟通效率 2 解决矛盾纠纷) +结论(普及某些语言优势明显)

On one hand, popularization and application of some languages facilitate economic complementation and cooperation between countries better. In other words, without languages as media to enhance effective communicating, economic cooperation and communication between countries fail to run on the rails. For instance, English, as the most widely used language, utilized by plentiful countries plays an irreplaceable role in terms of enhancing efficiency of communicating among countries greatly and tackling the conflicts and disputes among multinational corporations effectively. From this point, the superiorities of popularizing some languages applied broadly are prominent.

一方面,(论点) 一些语言的普及和应用更好地促进国家间的经济的互补与合作。(论据)换句话说,没有促进有效沟通的语言作为媒介,国家间的经济合作与交流不能正常运行。(例证)例如,英语,作为最广泛使用的语言,被大多数国家使用对于极大地加强国家之间沟通的效率以及有效解决跨国企业之间矛盾与分歧起了不可替代的作用。(结论)从这个角度讲,普及一些广泛使用语言的优势是凸显的。


For instance, English, as the most widely used language, utilized by plentiful countries plays an irreplaceable role in terms of enhancing efficiency of communicating among countries greatly and tackling the conflicts and disputes among multinational corporations effectively.


English, as the most widely used language, utilized by plentiful countries

N,同位语,done +prep +n =N, 同位语,adj + adv


plays an irreplaceable role : 起了不可替代的作用


Enhancing efficiency of communicating among countries greatly and tackling the conflicts and disputes among multinational corporations effectively

解析:adv 修饰 doing




(另一种观点:多元文化丧失 +对此反驳观点:加快语言发展成为必然趋势 原因 1 多元文化融合

2 规避不必要的纠纷与分歧)

On the other hand, a series of issues also arise out of only utilizing a few languages, such as forfeit of diverse cultures, which exerts irretrievable deficiency toward diverse development across the world. However, accelerating development of certain languages that are widely used turns out to be the irreversible tendency, in the view of better integration of diverse development of various countries and evading dispensable disputes and divergence evoked by more utilizing disparate languages.

另一方面, 仅仅使用某些语言会引发一系列的问题,例如多元文化的丧失,对世界多元化的发展造成无法弥补的损失。然而,促进某些广泛使用的语言的发展成为不可逆转的趋势,鉴于各国多元化发展的更好的融合以及规避由过多的使用不同的语言引发的不必要的争论和分歧。


Accelerating development of certain languages that are widely used turns out to be the irreversible tendency, in the view of better integration of diverse development of various countries and evading dispensable disputes and divergence evoked by more utilizing disparate languages.


Accelerating development of certain languages that are widely used


Doing + N +定语从句


Turn out to be vt 成为


the irreversible tendency 不可逆转的趋势


in the view of better integration of diverse development of various countries and evading dispensable disputes and divergence evoked by more utilizing disparate languages.

In the view of + better integration of diverse development of various countries and evading dispensable disputes and divergence evoked by more utilizing disparate languages


第四段: 总结全文观点

( 支持观点:促进语言发展符合社会发展趋势 原因:社会经济更好的发展)

On balance, after summarizing what is outlined above, I hold the point of view/ that furthering development of certain languages to coincide with trend of development of the current society is mainly embodied in incomparable superiority, considering its role toward accelerating economic and social development better.



after summarizing what is outlined above, I hold the point of view that furthering development of certain languages to coincide with trend of development of the current society is mainly embodied in incomparable superiority, considering its role toward accelerating economic and social development better.


after summarizing what is outlined above :介宾结构做状语

主语谓宾: I hold the point of view


that furthering development of certain languages to coincide with trend of development of the current society is mainly embodied in incomparable superiority, considering its role toward accelerating economic and social development better.


furthering development of certain languages to coincide with trend of development of the current society

谓语:is mainly embodied in 主要体现

宾语:incomparable superiority 不可替代优势

条件状语:Considering its role toward accelerating economic and social development better(更好的促进经济以及社会发展的作用)






  题目:The best way for the government to solve traffic congestion is to provide free public transportation 24 hours a day 7 days a week. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  (Word count=299 words)


  “Getting somewhere” is a concept—despite its original meaning of “succeeding in something”—that plagues the general public around the world. To cope with the ever-deteriorating traffic, governments are believed to be able to help by providing free public transport around the clock.This essay disapprove of the practicality and validity in the practice.

  It is admittedly true that public transport is certainly appealing, especially when it is offered for free and 24/7. With no fees incurred, most if not all commuters will favour public transport regardless of such downsides as relatively prolonged trip and less comfortable experience. Also,should passengers choose public transport, their road safety would be enhanced for the insurance attached to their fare and when they travel at an inconvenient/late hour.

  However, it is impractical to implement all-day free public transport service. The first and most obvious obstacle is finance. Most countries are operating public transportation system as a public service with governmental subsidy, and thus free public transport might be financially impossible. Moreover, all-day public transport is theoretically redundant and with few precedents, and the need for that is little to none.

  To further the argument, the measure in the topic lacks rationale. Apparently, an ever-growing population will most likely incurs more traffic, and in that sense, population control instead of free transport would be the key. More profoundly, reasons for ever-heavier traffic are urbanisation and city planning. With the influx of population, cities are forced to expand in area and accordingly traffic mounts. Also, civil planning without a vision adds to traffic problems—trips to places with congested traffic around are sometimes unavoidable.

  In sum, free and all-day public transport service is not the cure to congested traffic because it is not financially feasible and does not address the issues behind the problem.
