


尊敬的 先生/女士(Dear Sir/Madam):



We hereby sincerely invite you to the “2012 Nanjing (Baixia) Golden Autumn Economic and Trade Fair ”to be held in Kingdee Technology Park(No. 532-2 East Zhongshan Road ) in Baixia District of Nanjing at 15:30 Sep 18th(Tuesday). Mr. Huang Mengfu, 11th CPPCC vice-president and ACFIC president, and other political and business elites will attend this meeting. The theme for this fair is ”Innovation, Transformation and Win-win”. We are glad to provide an interactive platform for both domestic and foreign clients by hosting a series promotion, communication and co-operation, so as to share benefits of the transformative development in economy.

We sincerely look forward to your support and participation.


Gov of Baixia District,Nanjing Municipality


Aug 26th 2012


15:30 区委、区政府主要领导与部分客商座谈

Leaders meeting

15:45 活动签到

Conference registeration

16:18 白下区人民政府区长曹永林介绍参会领导、来宾

President of Baixia government Cao Yonglin to introduce leaders and guests present 16:23 十一届全国政协副主席、国家工商联主席黄孟复致辞

The 11th CPPCC vice-president, ACFIC president Huang Mengfu to deliver a speech 16:28 省领导致辞

Leaders of Jiangsu Province to give a speech

16:33 市领导致辞

Leaders of Nanjing Municipality to give a speech

16:38 白下区委常委、区政府副区长薛凤冠介绍区情及辖区招商资源

Vice-president of Baixia government Xue Fengguan to introduce the investment

environment and business serving resources

16:45 项目签约、发照仪式

Signing ceremony

16:55 金蝶科技园领导介绍项目概况

Leader of Kingdee Technology Park to introduce the park

17:00 金蝶科技园开园仪式

Opening ceremony of Kingdee Technology Park

17:10 白下区委书记陈勇讲话

Secretary of the CPC Baixia Committee Chen Yong to deliver a speech



英文邀请函一般应该包括以下内容A诚挚邀请对方参加某一活动; B概括介绍活动的内容和安排; C再次表示诚意。 例如以下是一篇简短的邀请友人参加晚宴的英文邀请函: Dear Mrs. Li, May 5,2003 We should be very much pleased if you and Mr. Li would dine with us on Wednesday at 7 0’clock. (诚挚邀请对方参加晚宴)It will be quite a small party, as we have only asked Mr. And Mrs. Anderson and Miss Chang Ling, all close friends of ours. (简单介绍晚宴的内容与参与者)We trust you will be disengaged and able to give us the pleasure of your company.(再次表示诚意) Truly yours, Tom 怎样用英文接受邀请英文邀请函收件人的反应或是欣然接受,或是表示婉拒。例如: 表示接受的便条至少会包括以下内容: A感谢 B确切表示会赴邀。 Dear Mr. Tom, Please accept our hearty thanks for your kind invitation to your hoe dinner on Wednesday. Thank you for including us among limited number of your guests. You may be sure we will join you on that day and we are looking forward to the pleasure of being with you. Yours sincerely, Li Hong 接受英文邀请函时的常用语汇有: We are delighted to accept…… It is with great pleasure…… We are sincerely happy to join you…… 英文邀请函怎么样婉拒?拒绝邀请的便条往往包括以下部分: A收到邀请; B表示感谢; C阐述不能赴邀的原因; D表示遗憾和良好的祝愿。 Dear Mr. Tom, May 6,2003 We are very appreciative of your so warmly including us among your selected guests for Wednesday. Most unfortunately, however, we shall be unable to avail ourselves of your kind invitation on account of a previous engagement for the same day. I have ordered the Xinxin Department Store to deliver you a trifle, which please accept as a humble token of our felicitation on the party. With best wishes for a very jolly home diner. Yours sincerely, Li Hong 表示婉拒的常用语汇有: I shall have to say no to your kind invitation…… Very regretfully,…… Unfortunately, it will be impossible…… Because of, we find we cannot……
