essay 写法

一般欧美国家作业(Assignment)通常分为两种形式:一种是文章(Essay), 一种是报告(Report)格式。二者在形式上有所差别,但大体相同。通常学校发的论文写作规定会对一篇Assignment写成事Essay还是Report格式会作出明确要求。所以在阅读题目要求的时候,务必尽量仔细,否则会因为格式扣分。


1、字体:Times New Roman,字号:小四,行距:1.5倍。请有写作之前就把这些格式调好,以避免写好后再调节,会造成不必要的麻烦。





Essay的写作相对Report要简单一些。通常只包括三个部分,绪论(Introduction),主体(Main Body),结论(Conclusion)。绪论(Introduction)包括选题(topic)的背景介绍和文章要解决的主要问题,通常占总字数的10%左右。主体(Main Body)占总字数80%左右。如果题目中作了具体要求,就根据题目提到的几个方面来逐一讨论就可以了。有的题目没有作具体要求,就根据自己的构思来写。

但要求有逻辑性。结论(Conclusion)也是占10%,在这一段里把文章中的主要观点用一到两句话概括出来。Essay 可以不写题目,不要把小标题加粗。Reference的写作是两种形式都要涉及的,我放在最后来详细说。



1、标题页:包括标题和executive summary. 在Executive summary中是对文章的摘要,这两个部分一般是单独占一页。


如果题目中没有单独要求,一般就按照这几部分来写,但有的题目会作出 规定。请按题目要求写哪几部分来写。


Reference 是老师最看重的,所以请一定注意。

1、 不管前面的主体部分最后一页剩多少空格,reference都要另起一页写;

2、 每条reference之间要空一行。如果一条reference一排写不完,那么下面的几排提行时要和第一排三格。基本格式请参照我发过来的referencing 里面的要求;

3、 References 的排列要按字母顺序排列。可以用网址的reference放在最后;

4、 H引用分为直接引用和间接引用。直接引用就是用了文章或书中的原话。请在出现的作者后面以(年代,页码)的形式标注。没有出现作者就在引用的句子后面用(作者名,年代,页码)的形式标注。间接引用就是参照发文章或书中的观点,引用方法与直接引用形式一样,只是不需要标注页码;




1、文章里禁止用缩写,例如:can’t, don’t, didn’t, wouldn’t 应该写成cannot,do not,did not, would not。


3、避免用口语词汇和表达方法,例如:a little bit,well…I will talk about….



6、文章的INTRODUCTION要阐明自己的观点和立场,也就是你的THESIS STATEMENT,尽量不要在文章或段落的开头使用问句。





11、行距1.5倍,Basic Font:Times New Roman 12pt








我们要做的reference有2种,一种是in-text reference 也就是在文章里的reference,一种是在文章最后出现的reference, 也就是reference list。写一篇论文,2种reference都要出现,也就是说做完in-text reference,还要做最后的reference list。



Reference wizard 网站:


进入个网站,只要按照他要求的内容输入,他的系统会自动生成一个完整的reference,不过那只是reference list,不是in-text reference. In-text reference 还是需要自己完成。另外那个网站只能提供简单格式的reference,复杂的reference还是需要参考英文版文件。





行距: 1.5倍

页边距: Word 默认

字体: Times New Roman







Abstract (序);


字数为文章的的10-15%,例如,一篇文章要求2000字,那么abstract一般写200-300字, 除非特殊要求

Abstract的目的就是让读者知道你的在你的文章里写了些什么; Abstract的开头要用1-2自己的语言总结和解释文章的题目,简单来说就是用自己的话把文章的题目写一遍


Abstract的结尾就是写总结和延伸你的所有论点和整个的大标题; 不是每篇作业都要求写abstract,一般情况下都不要求,除非老师特殊写明要写abstract。







来概括所有In this easy, firstly, I will discuss…, and then I will…, thirdly, I will…的论点,每个论点用几个词即可,例如:





在body的部分里不能出现I,he,she等人称,除在举例中; 每一段话都有要introduction,explanation,examples。接下来重点讲这4部分如何写;

Introduction:用1-2句写你这段的主要的论点或者是idea; Explanation:用1-2句解释你的论点;







Conclusion主要是总结你文章中的论点,每个论点要用一句话; Conclusion最后一句要延伸一下,但是在conclusion里不能出现新的论点。



Conclusion是用1句话总结你的每个论点,要比introduction详细些; Introduction需要介绍题目的背景,conclusion责不用,只需要概括总结题目。








1.) Critical Essay 2.) Literature Essay 3.) Descriptive Essay

Literature Essay

1.) Introduction

a. Introduction to the topic

b. Thesis Statement

c. Essay Outline

2.) Body Paragraph 1

a. Transition Sentence

b. Essay point number 1

c. Explanation + Facts

3.) Body Paragraph 2

a. Transition Sentence

b. Essay point number 1

c. Explanation + Facts

4.) Conclusion

a. Transition Sentence

b. Restate important points and why they support your thesis

Terms commonly use in literature essays:

All fiction is based on conflict and this conflict is presented in a structured format called PLOT.


The introductory material which gives the setting, creates the tone, presents the characters, and presents other facts necessary to understanding the story. Foreshadowing

The use of hints or clues to suggest what will happen later in the story. Inciting Force

The event or character that triggers the conflict.


The essence of fiction. It creates plot. The conflicts we encounter can usually be identified as one of four kinds. (Man versus…Man, Nature, Society, or Self)

Rising Action

A series of events that builds from the conflict. It begins with the inciting force and ends with the climax.


The conflict reaches a turning point. At this point the opposing forces in the story meet and the conflict becomes most intense. The crisis occurs before or at the same time as the climax.


The climax is the result of the crisis. It is the high point of the story for the reader. Frequently, it is the moment of the highest interest and greatest emotion. The point at which the outcome of the conflict can be predicted. Falling Action

The events after the climax which close the story.

Resolution (Denouement)

Rounds out and concludes the action.



Almost always round or three-dimensional characters. They have good and bad qualities. Their goals, ambitions and values change. A round character changes as a result of what happens to him or her. A character who changes inside as a result of what happens to him is referred to in literature as a DYNAMIC character. A dynamic character grows or progresses to a higher level of understanding in the course of the story.


The main character in the story


The character or force that opposes the protagonist.


A character who provides a contrast to the protagonist.


Almost always flat or two-dimensional characters. They have only one or two striking qualities. Their predominant quality is not balanced by an opposite quality. They are usually all good or all bad. Such characters can be interesting or amusing in their own right, but they lack depth. Flat characters are someti

mes referred to as STATIC characters because they do not change in the course of the story.


First Person

The narrator is a character in the story who can reveal only personal thoughts and feelings and what he or she sees and is told by other characters. He can’t tell us thoughts of other characters.

Third-Person Objective

The narrator is an outsider who can report only what he or she sees and hears. This narrator can tell us what is happening, but he can’t tell us the thoughts of the characters.

Third-Person Limited

The narrator is an outsider who sees into the mind of one of the characters. Omniscient

The narrator is an all-knowing outsider who can enter the minds of more than one of the characters.


Conflict is the essence of fiction. It creates plot. The conflicts we encounter can usually be identified as one of four kinds.

Man versus Man

Conflict that pits one person against another.

Man versus Nature

A run-in with the forces of nature. On the one hand, it expresses the insignificance of a single human life in the cosmic scheme of things. On the other hand, it tests the limits of a person’s strength and will to live.

Man versus Society

The values and customs by which everyone else lives are being challenged. The character may come to an untimely end as a result of his or her own convictions. The character may, on the other hand, bring others around to a sympathetic point of view, or it may be decided that society was right after all. Man versus Self

Internal conflict. Not all conflict involves other people. Sometimes people are their own worst enemies. An internal conflict is a good test of a character’s values. Does he give in to temptation or rise above it? Does he demand the most from himself or settle for something less? Does he even bother to struggle? The internal conflicts of a character and how they are resolved are good clues to the character’s inner strength.

Often, more than one kind of conflict is taking place at the same time. In every case, however, the existence of conflict enhances the reader’s understanding of a character and creates the suspense and interest that make you want to continue reading.


An author’s use of hints or clues to suggest events that will occur later in the story. Not all foreshadowing is obvious. Frequently, future events are merely hinted at through dialogue, description, or the attitudes and reactions of the characters.

Foreshadowing frequently serves two purposes. It builds suspense by raising questions that encourage the reader to go on and find out more about the event that is being foreshadowed. Foreshadowing is also a means of making a narrative more believable by partially preparing the reader for events which are to follow.


Irony is the contrast between what is expected or what appears to be and what actually is.

Verbal Irony

The contrast between what is said and what is actually meant.

Irony of Situation

This refers to a happening that is the opposite of what is expected or intended.

Dramatic Irony

This occurs when the audience or reader knows more than the characters know.



The author’s attitude, stated or implied, toward a subject. Some possible attitudes are pessimism, optimism, earnestness, seriousness, bitterness, humorous, and joyful. An author’s tone can be revealed through choice of words and details.


The climate of feeling in a literary work. The choice of setting, objects, details, images, and words all contribute towards creating a specific mood. For example, an author may create a mood of mystery around a character or setting but may treat that character or setting in an ironic, serious, or humorous tone


A person, place or object which has a meaning in itself but suggests other meanings as well. Things, characters and actions can be symbols. Anything that suggests a meaning beyond the obvious.

Some symbols are conventional, generally meaning the same thing to all readers.

For example: bright sunshine symbolizes goodness and water is a symbolic cleanser.


The main idea or underlying meaning of a literary work. A theme may be stated or implied. Theme differs from the subject or topic of a literary work in that it involves a statement or opinion about the topic. Not every literary work has a theme. Themes may be major or minor. A major theme is an idea the author returns to time and again. It becomes one of the most important ideas in the story. Minor themes are ideas that may appear from time to time. It is important to recognize the difference between the theme of a literary work and the subject of a literary work. The subject is the topic on which an author has chosen to write. The theme, however, makes some statement about or expresses some opinion on that topic. For example, the subject of a story might be war while the theme might be the idea that war is useless. Four ways in which an author can express themes are as follows:

1. Themes are expressed and emphasized by the way the author makes us feel.. By sharing feelings of the main character you also share the ideas that go through his mind.

2. Themes are presented in thoughts and conversations. Authors put words in their character’s mouths only for good reasons. One of these is to develop a story’s themes. The things a person says are much on their mind. Look for thoughts that are repeated throughout the story.

3. Themes are suggested through the characters. The main character usually illustrates the most important theme of the story. A good way to get at this theme is to ask yourself the question, what does the main character learn in the course of the story?

4. The actions or events in the story are used to suggest theme. People naturally express ideas and feelings through their actions. One thing authors think about is what an action will "say". In other words, how will the action express an idea or theme?

IMAGERY: Language that appeals to the senses. Descriptions of people or objects stated in terms of our senses.


Whenever you describe something by comparing it with something else, you are using figurative language. Any language that goes beyond the literal meaning of words in order to furnish new effects or fresh insights into an idea or a subject. The most common figures of speech are simile, metaphor, and alliteration.


A figure of speech which involves a direct comparison between two unlike things, usually with the words like or as. Example: The muscles on his brawny arms are strong as iron bands.


A figure of speech which involves an implied comparison between two relatively unlike things using a form of be. The comparison is not announced by like or as. Example: The road was a ribbon of moonlight.


Repeated consonant sounds occurring at the beginning of words or within words. Alliteration is used to create melody, establish mood, call attention to important words, and point out similarities and contrasts. Example: wide-eyed and wondering while we wait for others to waken.


A figure of speech which gives the qualities of a person to an animal, an object, or an idea. It is a comparison which the author uses to show something in an entirely new light, to communicate a certain feeling or attitude towards it and to control the way a reader perceives it. Example: a brave handsome brute fell with a creaking rending cry--the author is giving a tree human qualities.


The use of words that mimic sounds. They appeal to our sense of hearing and they help bring a description to life. A string of syllables the author has made up to represent the way a sound really sounds. Example: Caarackle! Hyperbole

An exaggerated statement used to heighten effect. It is not used to mislead the reader, but to emphasize a point. Example: She’s said so on several million occasions

Descriptive Essay:

1.) Introduction

a. Introduction to the topic

b. Main point in the paper

c. Essay Outline

2.) Body

a. Break down event chronologically, in order of importance, etc.

3.) Conclusion

a. Transition Sentence

b. Restate important points

Research Paper

Title Page



Table of Contents

Outline of a Critical Essay

Notes: Footnotes, endnotes, and parenthetical in-text citiation Bibliography


Paraphrase, Summarize, Quotes
