
美国最著名纵跳训练计划, 练成预计纵跳能力可以提高20到30厘米以上, 锻炼过程很辛苦, 整个过程要15个星期.

2、向上跳离地面最少20到25cm。(若你觉得容易的话,你可以跳至25-30cm)。 当在空中,你的双手需放在后面。 着地时,完成一次。


1. 找张椅子来, 把一只脚放上去,呈90度
2.尽全力的跳开, 在空中换脚,在放在椅子上,

1. 双脚放直, 与肩同宽,"锁紧"你的膝盖...
2. 只用你的小腿跳, 只能弯曲你的脚?B, 膝盖尽量不弯曲...
3. 到地时,再迅速起跳,完成一次...
这一项很难, 你可用你的手帮助起跳...

1. 将脚尖抬到最高点,
2. 用脚尖快速起跳, 跳时不得超过1.5 或2.5cm

1. 站立,怀抱篮球于胸前
2. 蹲下(半蹲),看前方,背直,抬起脚尖,大腿需保持90度.
3. 跳起至8-13cm,一定要保持步骤2的姿势,
4. 着地,完成一下...
5. 如果要跳15下的话,1-14需跳于8-13cm,第15下,需尽全力跳高








纵跳训练计划, 练成预计纵跳能力可以提高20到30厘米以上, 锻炼过程很辛苦, 整个过程要15个星期.




2、向上跳离地面最少20到25cm。(若你觉得容易的话,你可以跳至25-30cm)。 当在空中,你的双手需放在后面。着地时,完成一次。


第二项:抬脚尖(提踵) 1、首先,找个阶梯或一本书来垫脚,然后只把脚尖放在上面,脚跟不得着地。 2、脚尖抬到最高点。 3、再慢慢放下,完成一次,双脚完成,完成一个组。


第三项:跳台阶 1、找张椅子来, 把一只脚放上去,呈90度。 2、尽全力的跳开, 在空中换脚,在放在椅子上。 3、重复2,将原起跳的脚放回椅子上,完成另外一跳。





第四项:纵跳 1、双脚放直, 与肩同宽,"锁紧"你的膝盖. 2、只用你的小腿跳, 只能弯曲你的脚, 膝盖尽量不弯曲 3、到地时,再迅速起跳,完成一次.




2、用脚尖快速起跳, 跳时不得超过1.5 或2.5cm








美国最著名纵跳训练计划(Air Alert4) 此计划需要先练习15周的训练,然后休息一个月,然后再练习Air Alert Advanced(需要6周)。前15周的练习,可以让弹跳增加8--14英寸,也就是20CM--35Cm.有这么一句话;3分练,7分吃,这句话是针对健美而言的。对于AA4,我觉得是4分练,4分吃,2分休息。这三项只有全部做到位,你才能增加35CM的弹跳,有一项做不到位,你的训练效果就会打折扣。AA4的训练是不需

要健身器械的辅助,所以不会对身高有影响。有的朋友说练这计划影响身高,这是没有理论根据的,至少我练这计划没影响身高。有兴趣的朋友可以去AA4的官网 相关注意事项


二,训练:每个动作的做法,视频里都有示范,大家学着做就行。下面,我以第七周的周一为例,进行细致讲解。 首先要热身,热身动作自己选,然后做舒展运动,视频里都有。这些准备活动5分钟就可以了。(热身之后,要用拇指按摩膝盖骨,用来活动膝盖,具体动作视频里有)然后开始训练。(只有周三一共练习六项,其他天一共练习5项) 先练第一项Leap ups(俗称半蹲跳)跳30次,然后休息1分钟,然后再跳30次,就这样跳4组。跳完以后尽量不休息,直接练第二项(后期的量很大,实在受不了的朋友,可以休息半分钟)然后练第2项Calf Raises(俗称提踵)先左脚练40次,再右脚练40次,这样一组就完成了,休息半分钟,再练第二组。(每个大项之间尽量不休息,每组做完了,可以休息半分钟至2分钟不等)然后练第三项,以此类推。 每周的数据都要按照时间表进行变更。(注意,周三练习第六项的时候,无论每组做多少次,只有最后一次要全力起跳) Step ups俗称台阶,Thrust ups俗称纵跳,Burnouts 俗称脚尖跳,Squat Hops俗称蹲跳。其实大家只要对照英文,看视频里的动作,就能一一对应上。

三、休息;AA4和Air Alert Advanced之间怎么休息我已经讲了。下面我讲讲Air Alert Advanced练完了该怎么休息。其实很简单,每周打三次球就行了。如果每周不能打三次球,你就自己在家里按Air Alert 4的时间表,第七周的训练量训练,每周三次,这两种方法自己选择。你也可以一周内打两次球,练一次第七周的训练,这个你随便。这么做的目的就是Stay Active,保持活力。







3. 例:提踵2组,10(双脚都完成10下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,10(双脚都完成10下才算1组)

蹲跳4组,15.(1-14需跳於8-13cm,第15下,需尽全力跳高,,每周的星期3才要练。 ) 美国纵跳计划训练时间表



第一周:半蹲跳2组,20。 提踵2组,10(双脚都完成10下才算1组). 跳台阶


纵跳2组,15. 脚尖跳1组,100. 蹲跳4组,15.(1-14需跳於8-13cm,第15下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第二周 :半蹲跳3组,20。 提踵2组,15(双脚都完成15下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,15(双脚都完成15下才算1组)

纵跳2组,20. 脚尖跳1组,200. 蹲跳4组,20.(1-19需跳於8-13cm,第20下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第三周 :半蹲跳3组,25。 提踵2组,20(双脚都完成20下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,15(双脚都完成15下才算1组)

纵跳2组,25. 脚尖跳1组,300. 蹲跳4组,20.(1-19需跳於8-13cm,第20下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第四周 :半蹲跳3组,30。 提踵2组,25(双脚都完成25下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,20(双脚都完成20下才算1组)

纵跳2组,30. 脚尖跳2组,200. 蹲跳4组,20.(1-19需跳於8-13cm,第20下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第五周 :半蹲跳4组,25。 提踵2组,30(双脚都完成30下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,20(双脚都完成20下才算1组)

纵跳2组,35. 脚尖跳2组,250. 蹲跳4组,25.(1-24需跳於8-13cm,第25下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第六周 :半蹲跳3组,35。 提踵2组,35(双脚都完成35下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,25(双脚都完成25下才算1组)

纵跳2组,40. 脚尖跳2组,300. 蹲跳4组,30.(1-29需跳於8-13cm,第30下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第七周 :半蹲跳4组,30。 提踵2组,40(双脚都完成40下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,25(双脚都完成25下才算1组)

纵跳2组,50. 脚尖跳2组,350. 蹲跳5组,25.(1-24需跳於8-13cm,第25下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第八周 :不用做训练,让肌肉充分休息好.这个很重要!!!!

第九周 :半蹲跳3组,45。 提踵2组,45(双脚都完成45下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,30(双脚都完成30下才算1组)

纵跳2组,60. 脚尖跳4组,200. 蹲跳5组,25.(1-24需跳於8-13cm,第25下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第十周 :半蹲跳4组,40。 提踵2组,50(双脚都完成50下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,30(双脚都完成30下才算1组)

纵跳2组,70. 脚尖跳3组,300. 蹲跳5组,30.(1-29需跳於8-13cm,第30下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第十一周 :半蹲跳5组,40。 提踵2组,55(双脚都完成55下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,35(双脚都完成35下才算1组)

纵跳2组,80. 脚尖跳4组,250. 蹲跳5组,30.(1-29需跳於8-13cm,第30下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第十二周 :半蹲跳6组,40。 提踵4组,30(双脚都完成30下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,35(双脚都完成35下才算1组)

纵跳2组,90. 脚尖跳4组,275. 蹲跳5组,35.(1-34需跳於8-13cm,第35下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第十三周 :半蹲跳7组,40。 提踵4组,35(双脚都完成35下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,40(双脚都完成40下才算1组)

纵跳2组,100. 脚尖跳4组,300. 蹲跳5组,35.(1-34需跳於8-13cm,第35下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第十四周 :半蹲跳8组,40。 提踵4组,35(双脚都完成35下才算1组). 跳台阶2组,40(双脚都完成40下才算1组)

纵跳2组,100. 脚尖跳4组,350. 蹲跳


5组,40.(1-39需跳於8-13cm,第40下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )

第十五周 :半蹲跳8组,50。 提踵5组,40(双脚都完成40下才算1组). 跳台阶4组,25(双脚都完成25下才算1组)

纵跳4组,50. 脚尖跳5组,300. 蹲跳4组,50.(1-49需跳於8-13cm,第50下,需尽全力跳高,每周的星期3才要练。 )




odd weeks意思是奇数周,就是指第1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15周;

even weeks意思是偶数周,就是指第2,4,6,8,10,12,14周。奇数周每周1,3,5训练,其他天充分休息;偶数周每周2,3,4训练,其他天充分休息。前期训练量不大,后期量训练很大。所以到后期不要进行别的力量训练,要充分让身体休息。 ______

sets意思是组数reps的意思是每组次数。训练的时候根据时间表进行数据的更换。第8周和第16周一定要充分休息,尤其是第16周,不能打球,不能进行下肢训练,这一点书上是有提到的。每个动作的名称是按你训练的先后顺序排的,从左到右的顺序,就是你训练时动作的先后顺序。 _________第16周休息结束后,再休息3周(这三周可以尽情的打球,而且每周最好要至少打三次球,用来保持腿的活力),这样一共休息一个月,就要进行Air Alert Advanced的训练了。 Air Alert Advanced的训练方法,我以第一周的周一为例进行讲解; Air Alert Advanced不练Squat Hops和Calf Raises(指第二项和第六项)每天的练习有5个cycle,每个cycle的训练内容是一样的,只是重复5次而已。所以我们只要弄清楚1个cycle需要练什么,重复5次,你当天的训练就结束了,记住,只有每个cycle之间可以休息2--3分钟,以及做Leap ups(半蹲跳)时可以休息1--2分钟,其他时间一律不能休息。(主要是因为,其他动作只有一组)以下是每个cycle的训练内容:首先,还是要热身,(具体的上文我已经提到过了)之后开始练Step Ups(就是以前练计划的时候的第三项,台阶)做15次,只练一组,然后练Leap Ups,每组跳15次,跳3组,组与组之间可以休息。然后练Burnouts(俗称脚尖跳)然后练Leap Ups,然后练Burnouts,然后练Thrust Ups这些做完了,你已经完成了一个Cycle,休息2--3分钟,再重做一遍(就是再做一个cycle),一个cycle反复重复5次,你就完成了今天的训练。所以Air Alert Advanced每周之内三天的训练量是一样的,奇数周1,3,5练。偶数周2,3,4练,坚持六周就可以了。

How to Do Leap ups (半蹲跳)

Leap ups are a muscle-intensive exercise that will help you develop muscle mass and explosive leaping ability off two feet. In most sports leaping ability is a premium skill. Leap ups will help you develop lower body strength, contributing to jumping, acceleration and endurance.

o 1. Begin in an athletic position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your heels on the


o 2. Lower yourself into a squatting position, keeping your back straight and your hands at

your side.

o 3. Spring up into the air, elevating at least 16 inches.

o 4. Land directly back into your squatting position and spring back up into the air. o 5. Repeat Steps 3 and 4 mulitple times.

Leap ups are excellent for increasing strength and endurance in your upper leg muscles. These are important for developing a strong base for your jumping ability. Some people also refer to these as rhythmic jump squats or knee tuck jumps.

To begin, prepare to bend down into a full squat position. Be sure to stretch out your legs a bit before doing this. Also, you should do some slow, full squat motions (without weight) before doing this exercise to get your knees ready. I’ve noticed that a lot of tall guys like me have problems with their knees, especially when they do squatting motions. Once you’re good a warmed up, squat down and jump back up as high as you can.

Repeat this movement in consecutive motions. This exercise is a bit tough at first so you might only get a few reps. Keep working at it, you’ll see some great benefits once you really get going with the leap ups.

Check out my man Kurt to see an example of leap ups.

How to Do Bosu Calf Raises(提踵)

The Bosu calf raise is a very challenging exercise. Calf raises strengthen the muscles located on the back bottom of the leg. Toning the calf muscles gives a nice shape to your legs. Keeping these muscles strong will also help you to avoid ankle injuries during other activities. Since you will be standing on the Bosu you will also be improving your balance and challenging your core muscles.



o Instructions 1. Place the Bosu on the floor with the flat side down. Step up onto the center of the Bosu. If you find it difficult to maintain balance have a chair nearby for support. 2. Stand up straight and line your shoulders over your hips. Since the Bosu will challenge

your balance there is a tendency to lean forward or backward while doing this exercise. Keep the abdominal muscles contracted to help maintain your posture.

3. Check that both feet are pointing straight forward. Press into your toes and lift your heels up as high as you can. At first you may not be able to lift very high as you get used to the feel of the Bosu.

4. Then slowly and with control, lower your heels back down. To avoid injury to the ankles or knees make sure you stay in control of the movement and keep it small enough that you do not crash down on your heels.

5. Do 8 to 12 repetitions.

To really tone and shape the thighs in addition to the above, you can also do one set with the toes slightly turned out and one with the toes slightly turned in. These variations will all target the calf muscles from a different angle.

o o o o

How to Do Step Ups(跳台阶)

Step ups are a terrific exercise for developing explosive leaping ability. By repeating the exercise frequently you will develop your leg muscles. You will find that in a short period of time you will be able to jump higher off of one foot. This exercise is also good for muscle tone and when combined with other exercises will contribute to fine physical fitness.


o 1. Stand, feet shoulder-width apart, in front of the chair with the seat-side o





o facing you. 2. Raise your right foot onto the chair seat with your left foot on the floor only for balance. 3. Push off your right foot, springing your body straight up into the air. 4. Land with your left foot on the chair seat and your right on the floor for balance. 5. Push off your left foot, springing your body straight up into the air. 6. Land with your right foot on the chair seat and your left on the floor for balance. 7. Repeat steps 3 through 7 several times adding more repetitions as your legs

strengthen over time.


o How to Do Thrust Ups(纵跳)

The thrust up is a good exercise for developing explosive leaping ability. Unlike other exercises that focus on muscle development, thrust ups tune your body to get off the floor quickly. You will also find that this exercise strengthens your core.

? 1.

o 1. Begin in an athletic position with your feet about shoulder width apart and arms bent

at the elbow to your sides.

o 2. Flex your knees only slightly and thrust yourself into the air. Pump your arms up in

concert with your body.

o 3. Land softly, again flexing your knees only slightly, and bound back up into the air as

quickly as possible.

o 4. Repeat. This is not a muscle-intensive exercise and can be repeated many times in a

row. It is good to start with a few repetitions and build up from there as your body gets used to the exercise. For example, in week one, do 2 repitions of 20, and in week two do 2 repitions of 30.

How to Do Burnouts(脚尖跳)

Burnouts are a lower body exercise that focuses on the upper calf muscle to develop explosive leaping ability. They also indirectly work the core and upper body making them a useful addition to any workout. When combining this exercise with other exercises that focus on the quad and hamstring, an athlete will see improvement in leaping ability, fast twitch muscle fibers and acceleration.

o 1. Stand in an athletic position with your feet shoulder-width apart and your arms at your o



o sides. 2. Raise up on to your tip-toes high enough to feel the top of your calves engaged. 3. Hop three or four inches in the air. 4. Land on your toes and hop back up as soon as possible minimizing the time your feet or on the ground. 5. Repeat steps three and four multiple times.

Read more:

How to Do Squat Hops(蹲跳)

Squat hops are an intense lower body exercise that will help you develop explosive leaping ability off two feet. By repeating the exercise frequently you will build lower body and core strength and will notice immediate gains in your vertical, acceleration, endurance, agility and reaction time.


o 1. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart. Lower yourself into a very low squat, with

your back straight and feet fully on the floor.

o 2. Raise onto your toes and hop 2 or 3 inches into the air while maintaining your squat

position. Repeat a number of times.

o 3. Leap out of your squat position on the final rep, exploding as high as you can into the


o 4. Repeat for a few sets.

Read more:How to Do Squat Hops | eHow.com/how_4452279_do-squat-hops.html#ixzz1zzm4JFGm
