
(一) 结构














(背景)+ 对方观点+对方观点的一到两个理由+说出自己的观点+(引起下文)

3. 理由段

在开头段之后,要写两个或者三个理由段来支持自己提出的观点。理由段是五 段论式写法的文章最主要的组成部分,是考生的写作重点。

每个理由段(paragraph)是由表达单一中心思想(controlling idea or central idea) 的一组句子构成,包括一个主题句(topic sentence) 和若干支持句(supporting sentences)

主题句(topic sentence)是表达理由段主题的句子,它用以概括段落大意(announce the main idea of the whole paragraph), 要求全段其他文字都围绕它展开。

4. 结尾段




——. Some people suggest that ___. But on the other hand, there are also many people who strongly advocate that __. For my part, I absolutely agree with that latter point of view. The reasons are presented below.

The first reason that can be seen by every person is that __. __.__.__.

Another factor that we must consider is that __.__.__.__.

The third and very important reason is that __. __.__.__.

From what has been discussed above, we may safely draw the conclusion that __.__.__. What is more, __.


Nowadays there are many advertisements. Some people think that they have a negative influence on people, and therefore should be restricted. Do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include some relevant examples from you own knowledge or experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

Everywhere, and almost at any time, we find ourselves surrounded by all kinds of advertisements. Some people suggest that there should be some restrictions on advertisements. But on the other hand, there are also many people who strongly advocate that advertisements should not be

restricted. For my part, I absolutely agree with the latter point of view. The reasons are presented


The first reason that can be seen by every person is that advertisements provide us with much useful information. Advertisements keep us well-informed about products. As a result, we can compare them and choose the best and cheapest one. In addition, we can also find a job or rent a house with the help of advertisements

Another factor that we must consider is that advertisements bring us a lot of entertainment. Just imagine what a bus station or a newspaper would be like without advertisements. Would you enjoy watching a blank wall or reading traffic regulations while waiting for a bus? An interesting advertisement makes your waiting less dull and monotonous.

The third and very important reason is that advertisements also provide money for newspapers, magazines, radios and TV stations. Many kinds of media could not survive without advertisements. Because of advertising, we can enjoy so many TV programs with so little money. A newspaper would cost much more if we had to pay its full price.

From what has been discussed above, we many safely draw the conclusion that the government should not impose restrictions on advertisements. They provide much useful information for consumers. They make our life colorful with artistic pictures and words. What is more, they play an indispensable role in the survival and development of media.


__. A sizable percentage of the people hold the opinion that __. They claim that __. This argument is true to some degree. However, I am convinced that __. There are many reasons supporting my view.

The main reason is that __.__.__.__.

It might also be noted that __.__.__.

Some people may say that __. In fact, __.__.__.__.

So, as I see it, __.__.__. In addition, __.


Some people say university students should pay for all their tuition fees. To what extent do you agree or disagree

Give reasons for your answer and include some relevant examples from your own knowledge or experiences.

You should write at least 250 words.

In this time and age, higher education is advancing at an alarming rate. A sizable percentage of the people hold the opinion that the government should be responsible for the full tuition of college students. They claim that after graduation college students will make much contribution to the society. This argument is true to some degree. However, I am convinced that university students should support themselves for the full tuition. There are many reasons supporting my view. The main reason is that it can ensure the quality of college education. College education needs many well-paid professors and various advanced facilities. In other words, it needs a great sum of money. If the college students do not pay the tuition fee, it will lay heavy burden on the

government. If the government is unable to invest enough money on university education because of the limited budget, the quality of education cannot be ensured.

It might also be noted that it is quite fair to require students to pay the full tuition. It is

unnecessary that all the citizens go to colleges. Some high school leavers give up their further

study because they have their own life aim. That is to say, going to university is totally a personal choice. Therefore, it is not unreasonable that the people who make such a choice pay for it. Some people may say that students from the countryside and undeveloped areas cannot go to

college if students are required to pay full tuition. In fact, there are some feasible methods to solve the problem. The first option is the government grants and bank loans, although they may have to be paid back at a later date. In addition, the students should be encouraged to study hard to win scholarships. Furthermore, they can work part-time to earn money to cover some expenses.

So, as I see it, college students should pay for the full tuition. It can guarantee the quality of higher education. It is a reasonable practice. In addition, students from poor families can still go to college even if they have to pay the full tuition.

辩论型题目写法二: 对称式写法

(一) 结构






2. 开头段的写法


3. 第二段,第三段段落展开的方法






1. 开头段介绍背景和双方观点(参见一边倒写法)

2. 开头段引起下文

It’s quite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different interpretations on the same issue.

As to whether it is a blessing or a curse, however, people take different attitudes.

It is quite natural that people seldom reach a total agreement on such a long-running controversy.

3. 对称式写法第二段第一句

Those who favor that _ give their reasons as follows.

People, who advocate that _, have their sound reasons.

4. 第三段第一句

However, the other side of the coin voices its strong opposition, saying that _.

To this issue, some other people hold a different attitude, arguing that _.

5. 最后一段第一句

Admittedly, there are merits to both arguments. As far as I am concerned, I firmly commit to the notion that _.

From the above comparison and contrast, anyone can safely conclude that _.

As far as I am concerned, I strongly believe that _.


__. Some people suggest that _. But on the other hand, there are also many people who strongly advocate that _. It is quite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different interpretations on the same issue.

Those who favor that _ give their reasons as follows. In the first place, _. In the second place _. Furthermore, _.

However, the other side of the coin voices its strong opposition, saying that _. For one thing, _. For another, _. In addition, _.

There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments. For my part, I completely agree with the latter view that _._._._.

Task 2

What are the advantages and disadvantages of the Internet?

In recent years, the Internet has been gaining its popularity at an amazing rate. Some people suggest that the Internet brings us a lot of benefits. But on the other hand, there are also many people who strongly advocate that its drawbacks should not be ignored. It is quite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different interpretations on the same issue.

Those who favor that the Internet has many advantages give their reasons as follows. In the first place, the Internet brings us great convenience and efficiency. For example, we can send E-mails to our friends in other countries in a few minutes while sending a traditional letter takes us at least a week and costs much. In the second place, we can make friends with people from all parts of the world. It overcomes the geographical barriers and makes the world smaller. Furthermore, the Internet accelerates the flow of information and spreads education to all corners of the globe. We can have easy and quick access to the latest information worldwide.

However, the other side of the coin voices its strong opposition, saying that the Internet has many weaknesses. For one thing, it can easily lead to psychological problems. An Internet-addicted person tends to be isolated, self-centered and unsociable. For another, there is a sharp rise in the number of cyber crimes. More and more financial crimes such as money laundering are committed via the Internet. In addition, it also has negative impacts on young because there are a lot of obscene and violent contents on line.

There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments. For my part, I completely agree with the latter view that the Internet has more disadvantages than advantages. It gives rise to people’s mental problems. It results in various computer crimes. It is harmful to the growth of the young. Something should be done as soon as possible to protect people from the negative effects of the Internet.


_. A majority of people hold the view that _, while others are of the opinion that _. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.

People, who advocate that _, have their sound reasons. First of all, _. Secondly, _. Finally, _.

To this issue, some other people hold a different attitude, arguing that _. To begin with, _. Next, _.

Moreover, _.

It is quite understandable that people from different backgrounds put different interpretations on the same issue. For my part, I stand on the latter opinion that _. In addition, _.

Task 2

In recent years, many young people decide to further their study abroad. What are the benefits and drawbacks of studying abroad?

Over the last several years, along with the rapid development of economy, an increasing number of parents have been sending their children to study abroad. A majority of people hold the view that study abroad brings students many benefits, while others are of the opinion that students

should finish university education in their motherland. It is quite natural that people from different backgrounds may have divergent attitudes towards it.

People, who advocate that study abroad has a lot of disadvantages, have their sound reasons. First of all, living far away from home, students will suffer from loneliness and homesickness. Overseas students often feel disoriented and depressed for lack of adequate knowledge and

understanding of the local customs and lifestyle. Secondly, many students do not want to return to their native country after graduation because most of them want to seek a more comfortable life and a brighter future overseas. This may result in a serious brain-drain and our country will inevitably incur a huge loss of talents.



What factor cause this problem? 什么因素导致了这个问题

Why this problem occurred ?为什么这个问题会产生

How to solve this problem? 如何解决这个问题

What is the solution to this problem?解决这个问题的方案是什么

What kind of measurement(措施) should xxx take ?

(Government, individual (个人)) 我们可以采取什么样的措施

