剑9 Test4 高分范文

剑9 Test4 高分范文

Recent surveys suggest that many existing languages are facing extinction. Some people claim that there is nothing to worry about and communication between nations may even become less difficult as a result. However, I do not agree with this opinion because diversity is crucial to the survival and development of human civilization as a whole.

It is true that too many languages sometimes hinder communication and cause misunderstandings or even frustrations. We have to speak the same language to communicate well, which is why many people strive to learn a second language or even a third. But it does not mean that we do not have to protect the endangered languages as languages serve more important functions than communication. It is both a carrier of culture and a symbol of the identity of the people who speak it.

Undoubtedly, a language is a record of how the people who speak it have evolved. Therefore, it can provide clues as to how mankind as a whole has developed. Furthermore, the existence of a large number of language is conducive to cultural diversity and cultural exchanges which have resulted in some of the most important inventions or discoveries in the world. But how could cultural exchanges be possible if there were very few, or only one language left?

Apparently the idea that life will be easier if there are fewer language is too short sighted. People holding this view fail to take into consideration the role that language play in cultural diversity upon which the survival of mankind and social progress build.

As the English language becomes more widespread, some speakers of other languages fear that English loanwords are gradually replacing perfectly adequate native words.



Land of the Rising Sum


attainment [??teinm?nt] n.完成,成就

comparison [k?m?p?ris?n] n.比较,对照;比拟,比喻

incidentally [?insi?dent?li] ad.顺便说及地,顺便提一句

variation [?ve?ri?ei??n] n.变化,变动;变体,变种;变奏(曲) Gross National Product 国民生产总值

consistent [k?n?sist?nt] a.坚持的,一贯的;一致的,符合的 B

secondary school ['sek?ndri?sku:l] 中学

cover ['k?v?] n.封面, 盖子, 套子, 表面 v.覆盖, 涉及, 包含, 掩护 school years 受教育年限

virtually [?v?:t?u?li] ad.实际上,事实上

state school ['steit?sku:l] n. 公立学校

private sector 私营成分, 私营部门

set back 推迟,延缓,阻碍;使花费

The house is set back from the road. 那所房屋远离公路。

spacious [?spei??s] a.宽广的,宽敞的

standardize [?st?nd?daiz] vt.使标准化

let off 放过,宽恕;开(枪),放(炮等),排放

let off steam vt. 放掉不用的蒸汽(发泄, 发火)

for: The children were out in the playground letting off steam. 那些孩子在操场上玩,宣泄过剩的精力。

address [??dres] n.地址;演说 vt.写地址;演说;对付

mutual [?mju:t?u?l] 相互的,彼此的;共同的,共有的

bowing ['b?ui?] n. 鞠躬

unstream [?n'stri:m] vt. <英>不再把 ... 按智力分班

identity [ai?dentiti] n.身份;个性,特性;同一性,一致性

loyalty [?l?i?lti] n.忠诚,忠心

remove [ri?mu:v] vt.移开;脱下;去掉;把…免职,开除

rank [r??k] n.衔;阶层[ pl.]普通成员;排 v.分等级


compulsory [k?m?p?ls?ri] a.必须做的,强制性的,(课程)必修的 presumably [pri?zju:m?bli] ad.大概,可能,据推测

set out [?set aut] 动身,起程;开始;摆放;阐明,陈述

logically ['l?d?ikli] adv.符合逻辑地, 逻辑上地

keen [ki:n] a.热心的;敏锐的;激烈的;锋利的

bring up [?bri? ?p] 养育,教养;提出

cartoon culture 动漫文化

approve [??pru:v] vt.赞成;批准,认可 vi.(of)赞成

deliver [di?liv?] vt.投递交;发表;接生;给予;解救,拯救 D

pattern [?p?t?n] n.型,模式;花样,图案 vt.仿制

format [?f?:m?t] n.设计,安排;格式,样式 vt.使格式化

elaborate [i?l?b?r?t, -reit] a.详尽的;复杂的 vi./ vt.详述;详细制订 elaboration n.详细说明,细致的工作

mind [maind] n.头脑;智力;想法 v.介意;注意;照料

repetition [?repi?ti??n] n.重复,反复

rarely [?re?li] ad.不常,难得

supplementary [?s?pli?ment?ri] a.增补的,补充的

worksheet [w?:k?i:t] n.(学生的)活页练习题, 工作记录表

distribute [di?stribju:t] vt.分发,分送,分配;使分布,散布

comprehensive [?k?mpri?hensiv] a.广泛的,综合的

coverage [?k?v?rid?] n.新闻报道;覆盖范围

homogeneity [?h?m?ud?e'ni:iti] n.同种, 同质, 同次性

render [?rend?] vt.使得,致使;给予,提供;翻译

cope [k?up] vi.(with)(成功地)应付,(妥善地)处理


remarkably [ri?mɑ:k?bli] ad.非凡地;显著地

mixed ability 混合能力

extra [?ekstr?] a.额外的 ad.特别地 n.额外的事物(费用)

assist [??sist] n.帮助,协助

foster [?f?st?] vt.收养;培养,促进 a.收养的,收养孩子的

scarcely [?ske?sli] ad.几乎不,简直不;决不;刚刚,才

keep informed of vt. 被通知, 让 ... 知道

juku n. 高考辅导学校


value [?v?lju:] n.价值;重要性[ pl.]价值观 vt.重视;评价

couple [?k?p?l] n.一对;一些;夫妻,情侣 vt.连接,使成对

accuracy [??kjur?si] n.准确(性),精确(性)

supportive [s?'p?:tiv] adj.支持的

repetitive [ri'petitiv] adj.重复的, 反复的

inspirational [?insp?'rei??n?l] adj.带有灵感的, 给予灵感的, 鼓舞人心的

Biological Control of Pets

第一段 reckless [?rekl?s] a.鲁莽的,不考虑后果的

synthetic [sin?θetik] a.合成的,人造的;虚假的

synthetic chemical 合成化学物质

pose a threat 构成威胁

agricultural crop 农作物

counter-productive [?kaunt? pr?'d?ktiv] adj. 产生相反结果的, 事与愿违的 engender [in?d?end?] vt.产生

widespread [?waidspred] a.分布(或散布)广的,普遍的

ecological [?ek??l?d?ik?l] a.生态的,生态学的

resistant [ri?zist?nt] a.(to)抵抗的,抗…的,耐…的

lethal [?li:θ?l] a.致命的

superbug n. 超级细菌


resistance [ri?zist?ns] n.反抗,抵制;抵抗力(性);阻力,电阻

potent [?p?ut?nt] a.(药等)效力大的,威力大的;强有力的

leave behind 不带,忘了带;把…撇在后面;留下

immune [i?mju:n] a.(有)免疫(力)的;不受影响的;免除的

insecticide [in'sektisaid] n.杀虫剂


glaring [?gle?ri?] a.炫目的;明显的

pesticide [?pestisaid] n.杀虫剂,农药

wipe out 擦掉,擦净;彻底摧毁,消灭

keep in check vt. 阻止(制止, 约束)

treadmill [?tred?mil] n.踏车,单调乏味的工作

syndrome [?sindr?um] n.综合症状;一系列表现(事件等)

withstand [wi??st?nd] vt.经受,承受,抵住

offspring [??f?spri?] n.子女,子孙,后代;(动物的)崽

bear [b??] n.熊 v.忍受, 负荷, 结果, 证实, 生子女


havoc [?h?v?k] n.大破坏,大毁坏

bask [bɑ:sk] vi.晒浴于

glory [?gl?:ri] n.光荣,荣誉;美丽,壮丽

avidly ['?vidli] adv. 热望地, 渴求地

boost [bu:st] vt.提高;推动;宣扬 n.增涨;推动,激励 proliferation [pr??lif?'rei??n] n.增殖, 分芽繁殖,扩散


outbreak [?autbreik] n.(战争等的)爆发,(疾病等的)突然发生 necessitate [ni?sesiteit] vt.使成为必要,需要

spray [sprei] v.喷,(使)溅散 n.浪花,飞沫;喷雾

outlay [?autlei] n.费用 vt.支付;花费

account for 解释,说明

invasion [in?vei??n] n.入侵,侵略,侵犯

push to the wall 逼, 使 ... 走投无路


property [?pr?p?ti] n.财产,所有物;房产,物业;性质,性能 cancer [?k?ns?] n.癌

mutation [mju:?tei??n] n.突变,变异


escalate [?esk?leit] v.(使)逐步增长(或发展),(使)逐步升级