


















本人擅长吹风造型/学习日式风格。本人注重两点思想/学习。本人技术/能力/形象我很相信自己。我把顾客当朋友,〈看谁走的远〉。接近年底,寻尽早上班,要求无押金,剪发30/以上。只饱一个月3500。我是由上海来到北京有一年了/不喜欢换店,我把每天都当做事业,为以后的发展做铺垫,有缘的话 我相信合作才能大作 *** *** *** *** *** 性别: 身高: 工作年限: * *** ***






(1) 依年代順序排列的履歷表

RESUME of Lin Wen-Ming

5F, 300 Tatung St.

Taipei 105




Candidate for Bachelor of Science degree in Electrical Engineering in June 1999. In upper 25% of class. Have been yearbook photographer for two years. Member of Outdoor Adventure Club, elected president in junior year. Elected to Student Board in senior year. Obtained and allocated funds for student activities. Wrote a report on peer advising that resulted in a change in college policy. Earned 75% of college expenses.


Received an Associate of Arts degree in General Studies in June, 1995. Member of the debate team. Participated in dramatics and intramural athletics.


1996, 1997 Qualified as laboratory technician for Summers hardened concrete testing under specif-

ication of the Taiwan Society for Testing

and Materials. Conducted the following tests: Load Test in Core Samples, Penetration Probe, and the Transverse Resonant Frequency Deter- mination. Implemented new reporting system for laboratory results.

1996-1997 Supreme Swimming Complex, Taipei

During academic year, worked 12 hours a week as life guard. Supervised other life guards and administered first-aid.

1993-1995 Summer and part-time jobs included newspaper carrier, supermarket stock clerk, and sales- person for a large department store.

Personal Grew up in Taipei. Travels include Japan, Background Korea, United States, and South-east Asia. Can converse in English. Interests include reading, photography, and sports (swimming, running, and tennis). Willing to relocate.

References Personal references available upon request.

* 強調大學時的優秀成績。

* 若是大專以上的學歷有二個以上 (包括研究所等) ,就從最近的 學歷開始,依序寫到過去。除非最高的學歷是高中,一般不寫出 畢業高中的校名。

* 若是參加過社團活動,或是擔任過學生會幹部,可以特別強調。

* 若是大部分學費是打工賺來的,在履歷表內說明,可以給予對方 良好的印象。

* 若是還沒有就業經歷,則打工的經驗就比較重要。可以盡量具體 寫出自己擔任過的工作。具有專門性的工作內容,對於應徵相同

領域的行業,特別有利。若是和應徵的行業沒有關聯時,就不必 寫出過於專門性的內容。若是打工經驗是不必負責任的單純工作 ,就不必詳細說明。

* 說明自己的興趣或喜好的運動項目,可以突顯自己的個性。

(2) 以職務為中心的履歷表

RESUME of Lin Wen-Ming

5F, 300 Tatung St.

Taipei 105


Education Candidate for degree in Electrical Engineering 1999 from Taiwan's Institute of Technology

Technical * Qualified as a laboratory technician for

hardened concrete testing under specification of the Taiwan Society for Testing and Materials. * Conducted the following tests: Load Test in Core Samples, Penetration Probe, and the Trans- verse Resonant Frequency Determination. * Graduated in upper 25% of class.

People * Elected president of Outdoor Adventure Club. * Elected to Student Board.

* Oversaw promoting and allocating funds for student activities.

* Participated in dramatics and intramural athletics.

Commun- * Wrote a report on peer advising that resulted ication in a change in college policy.

* Participated in intercollegiate debate. * Worked two years as yearbook photographer.

* Completed advanced courses in English speaking, small group discussion and technical writing.

Work * Smith Municipal Concrete Testing Laboratory, Experience Smith Laboratory Technician.

1996, 1997 * Supreme Swimming Complex, Taipei: Life Guard.


1993-1995 * Summer and part-time jobs included newspaper carrier, supermarket stock clerk, and sales- person for a large department store.

References References available upon request.

* 適用於剛從學校畢業,除打工外,沒有就業經驗者,但是在特定的 領域中,具有優秀的能力和技術。這種格式可以強調能力,以彌補 經驗的不足。

* 在學歷欄上,只頇填寫大學校名、學位、學位取得年份。其它的資 料則寫在 "Technical", "People", "Communication" 各項目中。 這些項目並無硬性規定,可以自由強調自己的職務、資歷、能力等 (例如 "Language Abilities", "Management", "Sales") 。

* 具體的列舉出表現或能力 (例如電腦,簿記等) 。

* 可以寫出擔任過社團的社長,或是學生會的幹部等,以強調自己的 領導能力和協調能力。

* 可以寫出參加過大學討論會,或是任何與溝通有關的經驗,以說明 自己的溝通能力。

* 若是除打工外,沒有就業經驗時,只要簡單列舉打工場所的名稱、 業務、期間。

* 若是有長時間的空白期而不希望對方知道時,也可以省略經歷欄。 總之,在上述項目中,徹底強調自己的能力和資格。

(3) 目標式履歷表

RESUME of Lin Wen-Ming

5F, 300 Tatung St.

Taipei 105


Education Candidate for degree in Electrical Engineering 1999 from Taiwan's Institute of Technology

Job Objec- Research assistant in a testing or research tive laboratory.

Capabil- * Find and apply specifications of the Taiwan ities Society for Testing and Materials.

* Conduct X-ray diffraction tests.

* Work individually or as a team member in a laboratory setting.

* Take responsibility and think about a task in terms of objectives and time to complete. * Report research results in both Chinese and English written and oral forms.

* Communicate persuasively with nontechnical audiences.

Achieve- * Graduated in upper 25% of class.

ments * Earned 75% of college expenses.

* Qualified as laboratory technician for hardened concrete testing under specification of the Taiwan Society for Testing and Materials.

* Conducted major laboratory tests and implemented new reporting system for laboratory results. * Completed advanced courses in English speaking, small group discussion and technical writing. * Wrote a report on peer advising that resulted in a change in college policy.

Work * Smith Municipal Concrete Testing Laboratory, Experience Smith Laboratory Technician.

1996, 1997 * Supreme Swimming Complex, Taipei: Life Guard. Summers

1993-1995 * Summer and part-time jobs included newspaper carrier, supermarket stock clerk, and sales- person for a large department store.

References References available upon request.

* 針對特定的行業,來強調自己的能力和技術。

* 具體敘述自己所希望的職務,以說明自己將重點鎖定在目標上。

* 明確鎖定希望的行業,並說明在大學時,為配合此目標而加緊訓練 ,因而累積不少的打工經驗。

* 設計 "Capabilities" 和 "Achievements" 兩個項目,並針對和此 職務有關的資訊,加以整理以求得到公司的興趣。

* 在 "Capabilities" 項目中,簡潔而具體的描述:對於希望的職務 ,自己具有何種能力、資格、經驗等,包括適應力和溝通能力等。 此項目沒有固定的格式,只要對自己有利,都可以寫出來。

* 在 "Achievements" 項目中,寫出和希望職務有關的成就或業績。 若是缺乏經歷,也可以寫出和希望職務有關的打工經驗。剛從學校 畢業而沒有就業經歷者,也可以強調自己修過和此職務有關的學科 或專長,並強調學業成績優良。靠打工來賺學費的事情,也可以寫 在此項目中。

< 依年代順序排列的履歷表 >

Lin Wen-Ling

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789

Education Tamsui University, Taipei

1995-1999 Bachelor of Arts

Concentration: Sociology

GPA: 3.2 on a 4.0 scale

Spring, 1998 Temple University, Rome, Italy

Concentration: Textile Design

Autumn, 1996 Surrey College, British Columbia, Canada Concentration: Drawing

Work English Instructor

Experience AE Academy English Institution, Taipei 1998 Taught six conversation classes of all levels, ten hours a week.

1996-1997 Fashion Model

Create Taiwan Model Agency, Taipei

Modeled for fashion shows, advertisements for magazines and campaigns for new products and events.

1995 Fashion Advisor

Pacific Sogo Department Store, Taipei Worked in the Jeans Section, advising customers on wearing trendy clothes.

Skills Fluent in English as well as in Chinese. TOEFL score 600, 1998.

Typing: 60 wpm

Computer language: Turbo Pascal

Business Writing

Honors Received Semester Merit Award for Out- December, standing Scholastic Efforts and Attitude, 1996 Cranberry Collegiate Institute, Canada.

Personal Grew up in Taipei. Studied abroad in Canada Background for six months as well as in Rome, Italy for a semester. Travels include the East Coast and West Coast of the U.S.A., Canada and European countries. Interests: studying

various cultures, learning languages and following fashion trends. Sports: Tennis (3 years), Aerobics (2 years).

References Personal references available upon request.

* 若是成績優良,可以特別強調 (例如 A Grade, 120 out of a total of 130 -- 130 個學分中,有 120 個學分的成績是 A)

* GPA (grade point average) 學業成績總平均

* 即使是就讀學校的海外分校,或是外國大學的地方分校,若是 就讀過,就可以依照年代的順序寫出來。

* 具體的寫出打工經驗,若是曾經在語言學校授課,就可以寫出 每週授課時數,學生是那些階層人士等。

* 雖然是 "在百貨公司當售貨員" ,卻應該寫成 "指導顧客穿著 流行服飾" ,將自己盡責任的工作態度表現出來。

* 具體的寫出自己的專長,檢定成績或檢定等級等。若是有電腦 、打字、速記、簿記、程式設計等檢定考詴的資格,都可以寫 出來。

* 可以強調自己有國際觀,有國際性的視野。

< 依年代順序排列的履歷表 >

RESUME of Chang Wen-Ling

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789


1996-2000 Candidate for a degree in General Studies in June 2000. In the upper 25% of class. Earned 70% of college expenses.

Business SPLENDID Restaurant, Taipei

Experience Responsible for organizing duties of other 1998-1999 part-time workers and balancing the accounts as well as waitressing.

1997 ABC Language School, Taipei

Worked 30 hours a week as a secretary during summer vacation.

Language * Fluent in English and Chinese

Ability * Took courses in English Business Writing * TOEFL score of nearly 600

Personal Grew up in Taipei. Participated in a homestay Background program in Canada for two months. Interested in music, movies, and sports (tennis, volley- ball, basketball). Member of the ABC University basketball club.

References Personal references available upon request.

* 說明成績維持班上的前 25% 並強調學費的 70% 是打工賺來的。 這樣可以給對方成績優良的印象,並突顯出靠打工賺取學費的 堅強意志和勤奮精神。

* "當服務員" 可以寫成 "當服務員,並負責管理其他服務員, 以及結算賬目"。這樣,印象就會完全改觀。

* 具體寫出暑假打工的經驗,例如在語言學校當祕書。由於有 祕書的經驗,可以突顯出具有協調能力、英文能力、或打字


* 若是有檢定考詴等資格,就要註明,並具體寫出英文讀寫能 力或會話能力的程度。

* 若是有海外 Homestay 的經驗,可以給對方一種有國際視野 的印象。

* 說明喜愛的運動,可以突顯出活潑開朗的個人形象。

< 依年代順序排列的履歷表 >

Lin Wen-Chen

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789

Education ABC College, Taipei

1999 Candidate for a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Social Science in June, 2000.

1996-1998 University of Ohio, Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A.

Major in Art History. A member of the Cosmo- politan Club, a social club for international students.

Business USA English Conversation School, Taipei

Experience Part-time job. English instructor. Conduct

1998-1999 conversation classes and consult with students.

1996-1997 SUPER AMERICA, INC., New York, U.S.A.

Internship. Duties included document translation, letter writing, typing, accounting and reception work.

1996 Summer ABC, INC., New York, U.S.A.

Internship. Interpreter for Chinese customers at this exclusive retail store on Fifth Ave. in New York.

Language Fluent in both English and Chinese. Obtained Ability a 600 TOEFL score and a 750 TOEIC rating.

Personal Grew up in Taipei. Traveled extensively in Background U.S.A., Europe and Japan. Interests include traveling, touring museums, seeing films, and reading. Willing to relocate.

References Personal references available upon request.

* 注重整體設計和保留頁邊空白。

* 善用頁邊空白,可以使整體平衡,產生最佳效果。

* 在校名和公司名稱的下方,加上橫線,可以增加視覺上的美感。

* 說明在暑假時,曾在紐約第五街的高級商店中,為中國顧客翻譯。 雖然為期很短,但是在有名的商店中擔任翻譯的工作,可以使人 印象深刻。

* 強調國際性,運用 traveling, touring museums, seeing films, and reading 的句型,給對方一種英語流暢的感覺。

< 依年代順序排列的履歷表 + 以職務為中心的履歷表 >

Lin Yu-Wen

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789


1995-Present Smith Chemical Corporation, Taipei * Organized and maintained over 800 technical files.

* Composed correspondence and issued shipping forms.

* Recorded incoming shipments and prepared outgoing shipping forms for samples.

* Handled word processing for a department of twenty.

1993-1995 Victory Engineering Company, Taipei * Performed clerical functions and managed office supplies.

* Designed forms, prepared English letters and recorded payments.

Language Good Chinese and English speaking and Ability writing skills.

Second grade pass on the Eiken English Proficiency Test.

Attended interpreting classes at Smith Academy in Taipei.

Office Typing 60 wpm. Familiar with PC. Able Skills to operate telex and word processing equipment.

Education Tatung Academy, Taipei.

Studied English conversation, business English, and interpreting from English to Chinese and vice-versa.

* 依年代順序排列 + 以職務為中心的履歷表


* 使用數字來具體呈現職務經歷,例如管理和維護 800 種以上 的技術性檔案。這樣可以給對方一種負責任的印象。

* 具體表現出非常盡責做事的情況,即使只是做些影印文件等 雜項工作。

* 若是不想強調學歷,也可以先強調語言能力。

* 具體寫出與辦事能力有關的專長。若是會打字,就明確寫出 每分鐘 60 字的速度。

< 依年代順序排列的履歷表 + 目標式履歷表 >

Lin Yu-Wen

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789

Objective Challenging position in business management that will allow me the opportunity to gain experience in the accounting and finance functions of a large company.

Education Excel Specialists College, Taipei

1996-Present Currently enrolled part-time in a program leading to an advanced degree in business. Area of concentration is in financial manage- ment with special emphasis on the study of accounting for management control.

1992-1996 Tatung University, Taipei

B.Sc. Major in Real Estate and Urban Economic Development. Extensive course work in real property appraisal and investment analysis.

Employment Excel Specialists College, Taipei

1996-Present Assistant to the manager of analytical studies (Six-week intership). Collected and synthesized price data for the College's annual inflation study. Project involved library research as well as telephone contact with college suppliers. Internship led to current part-time position of coordinating draft for the final report.

1995-1996 ABC Real Estate, Taipei

Real Estate salesperson. Employed part-time by ABC to buy and sell property.

1992-1996 Tatung University, Taipei

Head Resident. Responsible for running all aspects of a college dormitory. Duties include supervising residents and maintenance staff, and preparing all paperwork for Department of Student Affairs. This job was concurrent with full-time academic study. Earned 70% of college expenses.

Summers Excel Specialists College, Taipei

Dispatcher: Employed by Physical Plant Depart- ment with responsibility for keeping accurate records on a forty-vehicle motor pool.

Groundperson: Responsible for maintenance of college buildings and grounds at Tatung Uni- versity.

References Available upon request.

* 從希望職務開始,以學歷為中心,依年代順序排列的履歷表。

* 以希望職務為首,可以有效而明確的傳達個人的目標和對於


* 由於是即將畢業的學生,所以在學歷項目中寫出與商業有關 的修習科目。

* 由於剛畢業的初次謀職者沒有經歷,而有與希望職務相關的 學歷,所以必頇強調學歷。

* 具體寫出與希望職務有關的科目內容,將會更有效果。

* 在經歷項目中,說明在校打工的經驗。這種經驗對於希望的 職務很有助益,因此有利於爭取職務。

* 雖然是打工經驗,因為實際在公司內工作,所以有利於爭取 職務。

* 說明當過宿舍管理會長,可以突顯出管理能力。

* 具體寫出暑假打工的經驗。

< 依年代順序排列的履歷表 + 目標式履歷表 >

Chen Wen-Ling

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789

Career Reservation Agent


Education Tatung University

Bachelor of Arts, June 1999

Major: English

Work English Instructor, U.S.A. Foreign Lanugage Experience Institute, Taipei (1997-1999)

Currently teaching five conversation classes of various levels, fifteen hours a week. Also teaching private classes for the TOEFL examination.

Survey Assistant, International School System, Taipei (1997)

Currently assisting Dr. Lin Cheng-Yi, Tatung University, in special research on inter- national education that will be submitted to the Ministry of Education.

Guide at C.K.S. International Airport, for the Canada Photographist Association (Summer, 1998)

Guided over 500 foreign visitors to various parts of Taipei from C.K.S. International Airport.

Skills and Fluent in English as well as in Chinese. Interests Some Spanish speaking ability.

Scored 600 on TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), January, 1999.

Typing: 60 wpm

Accounting Ability: English Business Writing Computer Language: C++ and Turbo Pascal

Honors Scored the highest on the English Speech Contest in Taipei City and third highest in the nation (May and September, 1998).

Activities Volunteer Counselor for Exchange Students,

Youth for Understanding, Taipei (1997-1999).

* 說明目前在語言學校的授課時數和學生程度。若是每週只授課


* 說明協助教授作研究,可以給對方一種曾經致力於重要工作的 印象。

* 對於比較簡單的工作,可以用具體數字來說明,例如:從中正 國際機場接送過五百位以上的外國觀光客,遊覽台北市內多處 觀光景點。這樣,印象就會完全改觀。

* 若是除英語外,還會其它外語,即使只會說些會話,也可以寫 出來。

* 若是獲得過全國性或國際性比賽的優勝獎,即使是在高中時代 ,最好都寫出來。

< 依年代順序排列 + 以職務為中心的履歷表 + 目標式履歷表 >

Lin Yu-Wen

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789

Objective Obtain a career-oriented position providing opportunities for advance while allowing me to utilize my experience and work skills.

Education Tatung University, Taipei

Computer Science Major



Work Experience

1997-Present ABC Computer Co. Ltd., Taipei

Assigned to the Computer Aided Technology Project in the Scientific Systems Group. Duties and responsibilities include:

* Participation in efficiency testing of Model 200 Data Base Management System to be used in the Computer Aided Drafting System.

* Participation in the design of Back-up and Recovery techniques of the system. * Design and initialization of the Data Bases.

Application Programming was done in PASCAL and FORTRAN.

References Available on request.

* 這是 "依年代順序排列、以職務為中心" 的目標式履歷表。

* 先寫出希望的職務,以引起對方的注意。

* 由於希望的職務是與電腦有關的工作,所以列舉出學會的 電腦語言。

* 在經歷項目中,詳細而具體的列出在目前公司內所從事的 與電腦有關的職務。

* 選擇可以強調特點和優點的格式,不斷的修正、再修正, 直到能引起對方的注意而給你面詴的機會。

< 以職務為中心的履歷表 + 依年代順序排列的履歷表 >

Chen Yu-Ling

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789


Smith & Johnson, Accountants, Taipei

June 1995 - Present

Senior Accountant

* Preparation of income tax returns (Individuals, Partnership, Corporation, etc.)

* Preparation of sales tax, commercial rent tax, and payroll tax returns

* Preparation of financial reports and statements * Responsible for developing and maintaining

accounting systems for clients

* Responsible for whole engagements with limited supervision

* Management advisory services for clients

* Review and Compilation Services

* Write up and general ledger work


Certified Accountant, Taipei, 1992

Bachelor of Business Administration - Accounting, Tatung University, 1991

President's Award


Taiwan Institute of Certified Public Accountants Tatung University Alumni Association


Finished upon request.

* 若是職務經歷很長,而工作場所只有一、二處,就可以採用 以職務為中心的履歷表。

* 若是在職務方面有很多經歷,以職務為中心的履歷表,可以 更有效的強調實務經驗、實績和能力。

* 以職務經歷為中心,在經歷後面可以按年代順序,將學歷附 加上去。

* 由於強調合格會計師的經歷,因而省略電腦、打字等技能或 專長,以及興趣、活動、運動等個人資料。這樣可以給對方 一種非常專業化的印象。

< 目標式履歷表 >

Lin Yu-Wen

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789

Job Target English Teacher Coordinator

Capabilities * Teach, using the latest intercommunicative techniques.

* Utilize the latest audio-visual equipment for language teaching.

* Supervise both Chinese and foreign English teachers.

* Prepare outlines for classroom instruction. * Counsel students regarding using English in their careers.

Achievements * Introduced intercommunicative techniques at ACES Language School.

* Supervised twenty Chinese and foreign teachers at ACES Language School.

* Organized English classes to meet the needs of such special groups as businessmen, housewives, people about to travel abroad, and students studying for university exams. * Prepared budgets and tuition scales for various language learning groups.

Work History

1995-Present ACES Language School, Taipei

Coordinator of Language Programs

1993-1995 John Smith's Language School, Taipei County English Teacher

Education Tatung University, B.A., English Major University of California - Summer Program for Language Teachers

* 鎖定希望的職務。

* 目標式履歷表可以強調能力、實力和適應力。

* 若是年齡較大,經歷較短,或是停職期間較長,可以採用目標式 履歷表。

* 若是因生兒育女而停職期間很長,最好是採用目標式履歷表。

* 在 Capabilities 項目中,寫出希望的職務和自己的專長能力。 例如:應徵英語教師的協調者,可以列舉監督能力、管理能力、 指導能力、諮詢能力,並強調在助理方面的適應力。

* 在說明項目中,使用專業術語 intercommunicative techniques 可以顯得更加生動。

* 在 Achievements 項目中,寫出與希望職務有關的傑出表現。 由於是應徵管理職位,所以強調管理能力和指導能力的表現。

* 若是經歷不長,只要簡潔說明即可,不必提到與希望職務無關 的經歷。

* 目標式履歷表可以帶來面詴機會,而日後發展就全憑實力而定。

* 在面詴時,必定會問到年齡、停職期間等問題,所以現在就要 準備如何應答。

< 目標式履歷表 >

RESUME of Chen Wen-Ling

5F, 200 Tatung St.

Taipei 103

Tel: 2345-6789

Education Department of Music, Soochow University

Job Objective Teaching children and foreigners how to play keyboard.

Capabilities * Have a license to teach keyboard from YAMAHA.

* Communicate well in English in both speaking and writing.

* 580 for TOEFL.

Achievement * Completed courses in classical piano

and advanced jazz, American pop and jazz history, pop song writing and history of non-western music.

* Second prize at the Asia Mozart Festival Piano Contest (1995).

* Received prizes for Chinese paintings in 1997 and 1998.

* Captain of the Karate Club at Soochow University.

Work * Tutored for Yamamoto's Piano School, Experience instructing high school students. * Tutored junior high school students and college music students.

* Provided voice training with piano accompaniment for beginners.

* Played keyboard with a band at a res- taurant in Taipei.

References References available on request.

* 若是已鎖定希望的職務,就可以採用以特定職務為目標的 目標式履歷表。

* 具體的寫出希望的職務。

* 在 "Capabilities" 項目中,具體寫出自己具有的專長或 資格,強調自己是最適合的人才。在本例中,目標是鎖定 在教小孩和外國人彈鍵盤,所以強調教導彈鍵盤的資格和 英語能力。

* 在 "Achievement" 項目中,說明在 1995 年曾得過鋼琴 比賽第二名。若是有這種和目標職務有關的事項,即使 並非最近的事情,也不妨寫出來。

* 這種職務一定重視技巧測驗,所以聯絡以前雇主的可能性




美式履歷表 resume

英式履歷表 curriculum vitae (略稱 C.V.)




履歷表的內容最好是整理在一張 A4 大小的紙上。



使用電腦來製作履歷表時,必頇注意每行的間隔和字母的大小。 在履歷表的上下左右,保留適當的頁邊空白。






而英文履歷表沒有特定的用紙,格式和內容也不限定,必頇親自設計。 英文履歷表可以用電腦製作,用列印機印出來,不必注意字體是否美觀, 而必頇特別注意內容。

寫英文履歷表,最好是用英文思考,養成直接用英文來書寫的習慣。 在書寫以前,可以先將個人資料填入以下的空白欄中。

1 NAME: ____________________________________________________________

2 ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________

3 HOME PHONE NUMBER (Contact phone # if possible): _________________


Advanced Degree


From To _____________________________________________ (year) (year) (Name of university)

______ ______ _____________________________________________ (Address of university)

_____________________________________________ (Degrees or credits earned)

Undergraduate Degree


From To _____________________________________________ (year) (year) (Name of university)

______ ______ _____________________________________________ (Address of university)

_____________________________________________ (Degrees or credits earned)

Junior College Degree


From To _____________________________________________ (year) (year) (Name of university)

______ ______ _____________________________________________ (Address of university)

_____________________________________________ (Degrees or credits earned)

5 SPECIAL AWARDS AND HONORS: _______________________________________ __________________________________________________________________


Name of company: _________________________________________________

Address of company: ______________________________________________

Your position at the job: ________________________________________


From To

(month/year) (month/year)

____________ ____________

Description of responsibilities (list the most important duties, extraordinary duties): ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

Name of company: _________________________________________________

Address of company: ______________________________________________

Your position at the job: ________________________________________


From To

(month/year) (month/year)

____________ ____________

Description of responsibilities (list the most important duties, extraordinary duties): ___________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________

7 LANGUAGE ABILITY (Be specific, give your best scores, eg. TOFEL, etc.): ___________________________________________________________

8 SKILLS (Be specific, computer, word processing, typing or others):


9 HOBBIES, SPORTS: _________________________________________________

10 SOCIAL ACTIVITIES, EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES: ___________________ __________________________________________________________________

11 PERSONAL STRENGTHS: ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________


1 姓名

2 住址

3 電話號碼

4 學歷

5 獎賞事蹟

6 經歷 (具體寫出工作的內容,並強調自己對公司曾經作出的貢獻) 7 語言能力

8 專長,技能

9 興趣,運動

10 社交活動,課外活動

11 優點,特點


1 出生年月日

2 性別,身高,體重

3 照片 (在美國為避免種族歧視,所以法律上禁止硬性規定附照片) 4 配偶,父母,子女,兄弟,姊妹

5 健康狀態

6 希望待遇

7 介紹人 (若是想不出任何有利的介紹人,則不必言明)

8 離職或轉職的理由 (在面詴中談到時,最好說些希望獲取更好的經驗 或充分發揮自己的專長等)

9 署名 (履歷表上不必署名,署名是簽在所附的說明函上)



1 依年代順序排列的履歷表 (Chronological or Historical Resume)






* 以學歷為中心的履歷表,適合剛從學校畢業者或社會新鮮人等。

* 以經歷為中心的履歷表,由於工作場所較多,同一種職務的經歷較長, 可呈現出專業知識的累積過程,對於應徵同一種職務,特別有利。



* 若是職業經歷有空白的時期,例如女性因生兒育女而有數年的空白期, 最好別用這種格式。

* 經歷雖長,而工作場所卻只有一處或少數幾處者。

* 經常變換職業者。

* 不希望強調年齡時。

2 以職務為中心的履歷表 (Functional Resume)

這是以職務經驗和實績為中心的履歷表,對於應徵職務而言的最重要職務經驗, 加以強調而寫在最前面。由於不必考慮到公司的類別,可以適當排列



* 若是職業經歷有空白的時期,就不必顧慮此空白期,而強調自己的經驗實績。 * 若是經歷很長,就可以針對職務加以整理。

* 經常變換職業者,可以就目前或最近的職務,採用重點式強調的方式。 * 應徵和以前職務不同的職業者。

* 年齡較大者,就不必強調年齡。


* 希望強調在一流公司的工作經歷者。

* 希望強調職務經驗的累積過程者。

* 工作場所很多,而擔任職務卻很少者。

3 目標式履歷表 (Targetted Resume)


可以強調自己明確瞭解對方所要求的條件,再強調自己正是最適當的人才。 這必頇配合各公司的需求條件來寫履歷表,所以不能將同一份履歷表 寄給多家公司。若是將目標鎖定在特定行業或某種職務,則此履歷表 就會讓對方印象深刻。


為強調自己的優點或特點,也可以採用以上三種履歷表的混合方式, 組合成最有利的履歷表格式。


