


Part V Writing ( 30 minutes )

Directions: In this part you are asked to write a composition on the topic: Privat Cars in China. You may write your composition according to the following outline.




With prices of cars being lowered and new brands(品牌)of cars launched (推出)every year, more and more families in China are buying and will buy their first cars. It is not uncommon that some well-off (= rich)families even own two vehicles.

However, cars have also caused many problems: air and noise pollution, traffic jams, increasing deaths and injuries resulting from accidents, and above all, the huge waste of our energy resources, which, once exhausted(= used up), would make our lifestyle unsustainable(不可持续的).

So we should make greater efforts now to solve the problems by providing more public transportation and encouraging people to use green vehicles and bicycles. Most importantly, our government should invest aggressively in developing environment-friendly (对环境友好的,环保的)source of energy before the ever-increasing cars do irreversible(不可逆转的) damage to the world we live in and threaten the very survival of the future generations.

(137 words)


Part V Writing ( 30 minutes )

Directions: In this part you are asked to write a composition on the topic: In the Face of Disasters. You may write your composition according to the following outline.



In the Face of Disasters

Human history has been associated with natural disasters, of which we have a long list:volcanic eruptions(火山爆发) and earthquakes, hurricanes(飓风) and tsunamis(海啸), floods and draughts(旱灾)or sudden outbreaks(暴发)of deadly diseases. Each of these catastrophes(灾害)can cause tremendous loss of life and property.

Human history is also the history of man fighting with disasters. We have learned how to predict and prevent some disasters and how to carry out effective rescue and relief operations(救援和救灾行动). We cannot eliminate disasters, so I think the 1

most important task is increasing our ability to predict and prevent them, because even the most successful relieve efforts cannot save the lost lives. (106 words )


Part V Writing ( 30 minutes )

Directions: In this part you are asked to write a composition on the topic: The Career I’d Like to Pursue. You must write your composition according to the following outline. Your composition should be no less than 100 words. Remember to write your composition sheet provided.

1. 我的理想职业是……

2. (陈述)原因。

3. 如何为之做准备。

The Career I’d Like to Pursue

When we begin to have the idea about the different jobs people do, our parents or teachers would ask us what we want to do when we grow up, expecting us to have a dream of a worthy career. My parents are both school teachers, so naturally they want to make good teacher of me.

Personally, I think it’s a good idea. School teachers are respected, because they are a vital part of the guidance people get when they start their journey of learning, which lasts all their lives. In a sense, what we grow up to be is initially decided by the influence from our teachers. For this reason being a school teacher is a career of honor. Also / Besides, teaching is now an admirable occupation, with stable income and paid vacations. Most importantly, being a teacher means being always inspired by the thrill of new knowledge and the vigor of young people. You can hardly get old mentally!

So I have decided to go to a normal university, where I will be taught all the things about how to be a good teacher to enlighten children, as my parents have done for years. (196 words)


Part V Writing ( 30 minutes )

Directions: In this part you are asked to write a composition on the topic: Recreation. You may write your composition according to the following outline. Your composition should be no less than 100 words. Remember to write your composition clearly on the composition sheet provided.



3. 你的看法。

If you are athletic or a sports fan, you would, as many people like you do, go in for exercises as a pastime. Sports not only make us physically strong, but also make us mentally tough, and the sportsmanship we learn make us civilized citizens.

Some people with a more artistic or romantic turn of mind entertain themselves 2

by reading, listing to music or writing poems, activities that require imagination and inspiration. Do not think reading and music are passive pastime. Although the book and music lovers are not likely to get their bodies exhausted like those who are fond of sports, who can say that they, when immersed in the realm of art and literature, are not as enthusiastic or passionate as the sports players?

So I think sports, books and music are all recreational activities that not only entertain people, but improve them as well. (147 words)


Part V Writing ( 30 minutes )

Directions: In this part you are asked to write a composition on the topic: Private Cars in China. You may write your composition according to the following outline.



For centuries books have been the main carrier of knowledge and information. We start our education by reading textbooks so the very act of learning is first associated with books even though we are now equipped with another, and much more powerful, vehicle of information — the Internet. Despite the prediction that Internet and e-books will soon replace traditional books, I believe that in foreseeable future most people won’t part with printed books, for the greatest advantage of paper books is that they are relatively cheap and you can take them everywhere(for example, places where is no Internet connection), write notes on them or mark the important content very easily.

Internet is a mighty resource of information, a living library that people can turn to for knowledge of actually every conceivable subject. With its pictures and videos, it serves people in a dynamic and fascinating way. However, just because of that, we often find it very hard not to be distracted. So better study your books first before you get hooked up for additional stuff.

(177 words)


Part V Writing ( 30 minutes )

Directions: In this apart you are asked to write a composition to provide guidance to children playing computer games. You may write your composition according to the following outline.




Computer games seem to have a magical power to make people engage in them, 3

especial teenagers. While they get caught in the fascinating cyber space, they forget, not temporarily, but in a way of total preoccupation(全神贯注),what they are expected to do in the real world.

If the games are simply educational, that is good news for teachers and parents. But more often than not they present a world of bloody violence, cut-throat competition and tricky plots. They tend to be tense, crazy and highly addictive. What else can we expect the addicted players to become but uneasy or even crazy souls?All in all, the games are a big source of unhealthy distractions.

How to curb the dangerous trend? One way is stricter monitoring. Parents, teachers and adults at large should keep a watchful eye on the games kids are playing. On the other hand, purely educational and child-friendly games should be developed to provide teenagers with healthy entertainment. (169 words )


Part V Writing ( 30 minutes )

Directions: In this part you are asked to write a composition about My Idea about How to Spend Holidays. You may write your composition according to the following outline.

1. 现代生活为人们提供了多种度假方式。

2. 选择度假方式很重要

3. 你倾向于何种方式。

My Idea about How to Spend Holidays

The greater convenience of modern travel / transportation and communication provides people with many new ways to spend holidays. For example, you can fly to faraway countries to enjoy different sceneries and cultures, or just stay at home to experience the fascinating virtual world on the internet.

The increasing options for holiday-making means we have to make a plan that suits us best. As a college student, I am not financially well-off, but that doesn’t follow I can’t have a wonderful and meaningful holiday. I choose to travel on foot with my friends to enjoy the pleasure of making explorations, and most importantly, I can learn how to overcome unexpected difficulties on route. (114 words)


Part V Writing ( 30 minutes )

Directions: In this part you are asked to write a composition about the proverb “where there is a will, there is a way” according to the following outline. Your composition should be no less than 100 words. Remember to write your composition clearly on the composition sheet provided.

题目:Where There Is a Will, There Is a Way





When we learn something new, we would / always meet with difficulties. Learning is actually a process of and overcoming difficulties, which vary/differ from person to person and from time to time.

At high school, I found the toughest subject, which was (抽象). Having failed quite a few tests, I decided to relearn it on my own by doing some relatively easier exercises at and started to deal with the more challenging ones. It took me a lot of time to find the solutions, but once I understood the right way to analyze, I found I could do other exercises easily and I developed a strong interest in geometry. More importantly, I learned the benefits of analyzing from different , a habit that has helped me to solve problems independently both in study and in life. (140 words )

