
Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?

1. 名校校园正成为旅游新热点

2. 校园是否应对游客开放,人们看法不同

3. 我认为…


第1点要求指出一种现象; 第2点要求阐述人们对该现象的不同看法;


由此可判断本文应为对比 选择型作文。

Should the University Campus Be Open to Tourists?

1)When it comes to whether the university campus should be open to tourists, there is no complete agreement among people. 2) Some people take it for granted that university campus should embrace tourists across the country. 3) However, others maintain that the university campus should be closed to tourists.(议论段:提出观点)

4)Those people who hold the first opinion believe that refusing

tourists is contradicting universities’ proclaimed spirit of openness. 5)In addition, they insist that no university has the right to reject taxpayers to enter its grounds because it is public land.6)However, still others think differently. 7)In their opinions, too many tourists will add a burden to the security department of the university. 8)Besides, they argue that these tourists will destroy the quiet environment and influence students’ normal study.(议论段:对比论证)

9)Weighing up these two arguments, I prefer the former opinion. 10)For one thing, it can enable high school students to get more information about the university. 11)For another, a

university should be an open place and impart the spirit of openness to its students. 12)Considering these, I may reasonably conclude that the university campus should welcome all tourists.(议论段:总结观点)



模板一:Nowadays, the influence of _________proves to be profound. And there has been a very controversial debate as to ________.

People in favor of A always provide the following evidence. Firstly, ____. Secondly, ______. Finally, ___________.

In short, I agree that _______.

Will Internet Replace Books?

Nowadays, the influence of Internet proves to be profound. And there has been a very controversial debate as to whether or not Internet will replace the book as the main source of information.

People in favor of the traditional information sources always provide the following evidence. Firstly, the history of human civilizaition is the written history. Secondly, people are free to choose any posture and place that make them comfortable when reading. Finally, traditional information sources like books ar relatively stable and reliable to preserve the human information well.

While others prefer the Internet. In the first place, the Internet has been bringing a lot of changes to our life. Secondly, we can find almost all of the information we need from the Internet. At the same time, we are able to process the data more rapidly and accurately from the Internet than from books.

In short, I agree that as a source of information the Internet will one day replace books. I am eagerly looking forward to that day.

模板三:Those who prefer A have their own reasons, while some other people prefer B. As for me, both A and B have merits and demerits.

First and foremost, _______ . Moreover, ______. Last but not least, _______.

On the contrary _____. In addition, _____. What’s the commonest,_______.

Either __ or ______. I believe______.

Compare Urban Areas with Rural Areas

Those who prefer urvan life have their own reasons, while some people prefer to live in rural areas. As for me, both urvan life and rural life have merits and demerits.

Urban citizens can appreciate a more colorful life than rural citizens. Townspeople are well-informed because they have the easier access to news.Townspeople can buy what they want at any time of a day as there is an adequate supply of goods.

On the contrary ,medical studies have proved that rural residents can live longer than urban residents, because they are free from a contaminated environment. In addition, the crime rate in the city is several times higher than in the countryside. What's the commonest, the life in the city is much more expensive than in the countryside.

Either an urban or a rural area gives pleasure and trouble. But I believe the subruban area has the excellences of both, because people they can appreciate not only the conveniences and variety of urban life but also peace and safety of the country.

模板四: When it comes to ____ , people’s opinions differ. Many people believe that ____ . For one thing, ___ . For the other thing, _____.

Some people, however, take a different attitude. They regard that _____ . In their views, ____ . Furthermore, _____ .

As far as I am concerned, ____ . On one hand, ___ .On the other hand, _____ . So ___ .


模板五:When asked _____ , people have different opinions.Many people believe that _____ .On the one hand,____ .on the other hand, ____ . All these point to the indispensability of ____.

However, others claim / argue that _____ .As far as they are concerned, _____ . Moreover,____. As for me, _____ .Because ____ .What’s more, ______. Therefore, _____.

模板六: There is no consensus of opinions among people as to ____ .Some people who are in favor of the idea of ____ hold that _____ . For one thing, ____ . For another,____ .Therefore,____ .

However, those who insist on ____ argue that ____ .In their opinion, ___ .In addition, ___ . Thus____ . In my viewpoint, _____ .That is to say,_____ .In a word, ____ .

模板七:There is a heated debate over ___.It is commonly accepted that ___ .In contrast, others think __ . Those who hold the first opinion suggest that ____ .In their view, ____ . However, others think ____ . They argue that____ .

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of ____ . First of all,_____ . Furthermore, _____ . Thirdly, _____ . Therefore, ____ .

A Good Major or a Good University.1. 学生在报考大学时面临两种选择—选好专业还是好大学。有人认为应该选择好专业2. 也有人认为应该选择一所好大学3. 我的看法

范文一When asked to choose between a good major or a good university before college enrollment,

people have different opinions. Many people believe that a good university means great advantage for job application after graduation. On the one hand, a good university has good reputations, which adds credits for its graduates. On the other hand, a good university has all sorts of channels to help graduates get a good job. All these point to the indispensability of a good university.

However, others claim that a good major is all that counts. As far as they are concerned, excellent teaching staff of a good major makes sure that the student are sufficiently trained in the chosen field.

Moreover, if one chooses a major that is most needed by the society, not only will he/she find a job easily, but they will contribute much to the society.

As for me, such choice should be made according to our academic interest. Because whether a major or a university is good depends on how we look at it. If certain major or university fits our interest, it will be considered good. What’s more, interest is the best teacher, so a choice of our own interest can help us overcome difficulties in the study. Therefore, let our interest decide for us.

范文二 There is no consensus of opinion among people as to the choice between a good major or a good university before college enrollment. Some people who are in favor of the idea of having a good major hold that it can ensure one’s future success. For one thing, a good major, even in a common university, can help its students become rare talents, thus gaining in advantages for future competition. For another, a good major boasts various exclusive learning recourses which makes it highly possible for students to further their education. Therefore, a good major is more important.


However, those who insist on choosing a good university argue that graduates from famous

universities are popular in talent market. In their opinions, a good university can give students confidence, which is very helpful in their study and future work. In addition, a good university has a set of educating system, incomparable with common university. Thus it is wiser to choose a good university.

In my viewpoint, a good university should be my only choice. If there is a chance, who doesn’t want to enter Bejing or Qinghua, Harvard or Yale? That is to say, a good university is worthy of every effort. In a word, a good university is of great importance in one’s future development.

The Pros and Cons of Dormitory Life(重要) 1. 很多人认为学校应该要求大学生住在宿舍内,赞成理由是…2. 很多人认为学校不应该强制要求大学生住宿舍,理由是… 3. 在我看来,…

范文一:When it comes to whether university authorities should require students to live in dormitory, people’s opinions differ. Many people believe that there are great advantages of dormitory life. For one thing, students have the chance of enjoying the friendship of their roommates. This can be the most

precious memory they have later in life. For another thing, university dormitories do not cost much, while living off campus can be very expensive. Let alone the issue of security.

Some people, however, take a different attitude. They regard dormitory as an undesirable place. In their view, since 4 to 8 people live in one dormitory, there is not enough privacy. Furthermore, dormitory is troublesome because it is very likely that one could have clashes with his dorm mates.

As far as I am concerned, students benefit greatly from dormitory life. On one hand, dormitory life provides precious lessons on how to communicate with others. On the other hand, students do not feel lonely. There are always people of the same age around. And when they have trouble, there are always helping hands in the dormitory. So why should students live off campus while there is a good life right in here?

范文二: There is a heated debate over whether students should be required to live in dormitory. It is commonly accepted that dormitory life is a very important part of college life, so students should live in dormitory. In contrast, others think that students have the right to choose other places for accommodation. Those who hold the first opinion suggest that dormitory life is colorful and interesting. In their view, when young people live in one dormitory, they tend to create and enjoy a culture of their own. However, others think dormitory life can be annoying. They argue that dormitory is always crowded and one can hardly feel convenient and comfortable.

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the first group. First of all, I am interested in living with students from different places so that I can contact with special cultures. Furthermore, I can learn how to get along with other people from dormitory life. Thirdly, I like making friends and dormitory life gives me such chance. Therefore, I think dormitory life is worthy of living.

Marks or Abilities? 1. 在大学,一些学生认为学习成绩是最重要的2. 在大学,一些学生认为培养个人的能力是最重要的3. 你的看法


When it comes to the task of college students, students’ opinions differ. Many students believe that marks are very important. For one thing, they think that their primary task is to study and learn from

teachers and textbooks. For another, they seldom take part in other activities, for they are afraid that those activities will affect their study.

Some students, however, take a different attitude. They regard it is more important to develop one’s own practical ability. In their views, college students should not learn from the textbook knowledge, they should also learn from outside the textbook. Furthermore, one’s own practical ability is of primary importance.

As far as I am concerned, we should first study hard, then try to develop our abilities at the same time. On the one hand, study is our primary task. On the other hand, we shouldn’t neglect our own practical abilities, for when we enter the society, we need various abilities. So the sound foundation of knowledge along with practical abilities is essential for us to be useful for the society.

Electronic Dictionaries Are not Good

1. 很多学生喜欢使用电子词典2. 使用电子词典的缺点3. 正确使用词典学习进步会大得多

There is a heated debate over electronic dictionaries. It is commonly accepted that using the electronic dictionaries has many advantages. In contrast, others think using electronic dictionaries has more disadvantages.

Those who hold the first opinion suggest that it is more convenient to press some keys on the machine. In their views, they should catch up with the new development of the science and technology. However, others think electronic dictionaries are not good. They argue that constant use of such electronic device may cause side effects.

Considering one after another, I stand on the side of the latter. First of all, electronic dictionaries do not contain as much information as a qualified dictionary compiled by authorities of the field. Furthermore, some explanations in them are so simple that they cam certainly cause misunderstanding. Thirdly, a lazy attitude towards language learning is always most inefficient in the long run. Therefore, a learner should have a good dictionary on hand and treat the electronic dictionary as a makeshift.


Communicating by Telephone or by Letter?



Making friends with people of similar or different personalities

主体段落一:肯定与性格相同的人交友的优势 1.容易接近;2.能更好地相互理解


1. 性格相左的朋友特质;2. 能反映自己的优缺点3. 能发现自己的不足与所需。

Reading selectively or extensively?

主体段落一:为何要有选择性地阅读 1.时间有限;2.有害书籍的存在

主体段落二:为何要博览群书 1.各类知识密切相关,触类旁通;2.开阔眼界。

