
? 科学技术的发展使人们能够非常轻松地学习知识。

? The development of science and technology makes it sufficiently easy for

people to acquire knowledge.

1) The scientific and technological advances considerably facilitates

knowledge acquisition by people.

2) People have much easier access to knowledge as a result of the progress of

science and technology.

3) Scientific and technological achievements contribute to a great extent to


? 越来越多的人意识到环境保护的重要性。

? More and more people become aware of the importance of environment


1) An ever-increasing number of people realize the importance of

environment protection.

2) More people every day wake up to the importance of safeguarding the


3) The number of people understanding the importance of protecting the

environment keeps rising.

? 我认为在我们社区建工厂是不好的。

? I believe it will spoil the environment to build factories in our community.

1) I believe building factories in our community will be damaging to the


2) I hold that building factories in our community will cause serious damage

to the environment.

3) It is my belief that constructing factories in our community will upset the

environmental balance.

? 由于年龄的关系, 父母亲对孩子的了解有时还不如他们的同伴。 ? Because of the generation gap, parents occasionally know less about their

children than their companions do.

1) As a result of the generation gap, parents on occasions don’t know as

much about their children as their friends do.

2) Owing to the generation gap, what parents know about their children is

occasionally short of their children’s friends’knowledge of them.

3) Due to the generation gap, parents’knowledge of their children is occasionally

inferior to that of their children’s companions.


? 若团队里的每个人都竭尽全力, 他们的工作效率会有很大提高。 ? If everybody in the team does his utmost, the team’s working efficiency will

be greatly improved.

1) If everybody in the team does his best, the teams working performance

will be greatly upgraded.

2) The team will be working much more efficiently, if everybody in it exert


3) The team will be a lot more efficient if everyone in it goes all out.

? 语言环境对外语学习的影响是很大的。

? There are great influences of language environment on foreign language


1) The effect of language environment on foreign language study is


2) Foreign languages study is considerably influenced by what goes on in the

language environment.

3) The social framework in which languages function exerts a significant influence

on foreign language study.

? 我们要象保护自己的亲人那样保护野生动物。

? We should protect wild animals as we protect our families and relatives

1) It is our duty to protect wild animals to the same extent as we protect our

families and relatives.

2) We should be as committed to protecting wild animals as we are to

protecting our families and relatives.

3) Protecting wild animals should be as important a duty to us as protecting our

families and relatives is.

? 我们从电视上学会了好多有用的

? We have learnt a lot from TV.

1) TV has greatly increased our knowledge of the world.

2) Thanks to TV we have gained access to a great deal of information.

3) TV has greatly broadened our knowledge range.

? 我赞成政府花钱进行外太空探索.

? I am in favor of the government’s expense on the exploration of outer space.

1) I am in line with the government spending on the exploration of outer space.

2) I am all for government spending on the exploration of outer space.

3) Government spending on outer space exploration meets with my approval.

? 如果人们愿意在太空探索上面多花一些钱, 人们就会在不久的将来更多


? If people would spend more money on space exploration, they would receive

more convenience brought about by high technology in the near future.


1) Peoples’lives would be made more convenient in the near future as a result

of the high technology obtained in return for more money spent on space exploration.

2) People’s spending more money on space exploration would lead to

accessing high technology in the near future which would eventually bring about more convenience to their lives.

3) The high technology resulting from people’s increased budget space

exploration in the near future would entail more convenience to their lives.

? 强健的体魄是实现伟大理想的前提。

? Strong bodies are the premise of the realization of great ideals.

1) Strong bodies are the ground where the realization of great ideals is


2) The fulfilment of great ideals is grounded on strong bodies.

3) Strong bodies are the corner stone of the accomplishment of great ideals.

? 偶尔的失败有时候会有助于日后的成功。

? Occasional failures will do a favor for the following success.

1) Occasional failures will somehow pave the way to the following success.

2) Occasional failures will be conducive to following success.

3) Success can be assisted by preceding occasional failures.

? 假如你经常和外国人交流,你就会了解到很多国外的风俗习惯,


? You will know more about foreign customs as well as foreign

habits and your horizon will be broadened, if you often

communicate with foreigners.

? You will know more about foreign customs and habits, and you

can broaden your horizon as well, if you often\frequently

communicate with foreigners.

1) If you are in frequent touch with foreigners, your knowledge of

their customs and habits will be enriched and your overall concept of the world will be broader.


2) Communicating frequently with foreigners will broaden your

knowledge of their customs and habits as well as your overall horizon.

3) You will learn more about foreign customs and habits and your

range of knowledge will be wider if you communicate often with foreigners.


? 和同学们一起去旅游是个交朋友的好机会。

? Travelling with classmates provides a good opportunity to make


1) You have a good opportunity to make friends if you travel with


2) A good opportunity to make friends is incidental to travelling with


3) A good opportunity to make friends is involved in travelling with


? 有的父母根本不知道如何教育孩子,不是合格的老师。 ? Some parents are not qualified teachers, for they do not know

how to educate their children at all.


1) The fact that some parents do not know how to educate their

children at all proves that they are not qualified teachers.

2) Some parents not being qualified teachers is borne out by the fact

that they do not know how to educate their children at all.

3) The reason why some parents do not know how to educate their

children at all is that they are not qualified teachers.


? 每天都有很多车在小区周围的道路上行驶,对行人的安全造成


? There are many cars running on the streets around the community

every day, which poses a gigantic threat to the safety of the

people walking around/passers-by.

1) The safety of the people walking around/passers-by is greatly

threatened by the multitude of cars running on the streets around the community every day.

2)The big number of cars running on the streets all over the

community daily constitutes a huge threat to the safety of the people walking around/passers by/

3)The safety of the pedestrians is greatly jeopardized by the scores of

cars running all over the community every day.


? 大公司里面的能人很多,可以教我们学习科学技术知识,促进


There are many capable brains in big companies who could teach us a lot of science and technology and promote our personal growth, which is beneficial to our career development.

1)Our career development benefits from our prospective

individual growth promotion resulting from our potentially being taught a lot of science and technology by the many capable brains existing in big companies.

2) The great deal of science and technology information which the many capable brains in big companies can teach us thereby promoting our individual growth is beneficial to our career development.

3)The many capable brains existing in big companies can promote our personal growth by teaching us a lot of science and

technology, something which benefits our career development.

? 在户外活动可以有机会欣赏美丽的自然风景,而且空气也比在


? We have an excellent opportunity to enjoy the beautiful natural

sceneries outdoors where there is more fresh air than indoors, which is favorable to our health.


1) Enjoying the beautiful natural outdoors sceneries where there is

more fresh air than indoors is an excellent option and is beneficial to our health.

2)We are provided with an excellent chance to enjoy the beautiful

natural landscapes and seascapes where there is more fresh air than indoors, something which tones up our health.

3) Our health benefits from our tasting the joys of the beautiful

natural sceneries outdoors where there is more fresh air than indoors, and we have an excellent opportunity to do that.

? 因特网把世界各地的人联系在一起,消除了肤色地域宗教和财

富的差别,这对建立一个和谐的世界大家庭有积极的作用。 ? Internet connects people throughout the world regardless of the

distinction of their skin colors, locations, religions and wealth, which plays a positive role in the construction of a harmonious world family.

1) Internet contributes positively to the construction of a harmonious

global family by connecting people all over the world regardless of their skin colours, locations, religions and wealth distinctions.

2)Internet brings in touch people all over the world bridging over

their distinctions of their skin colours, locations, religions and


wealth, thereby playing a positive role in the establishment of a well-balanced global family.

3) The setup of a harmonious world family is aided by the fact that

Internet connects people throughout the world irrespective of their skin colour, positions, religions and wealth distinctions.

? 在公共交通工具上使用手机会干扰别人的思绪,有些人正想利


? Using cell phones on public transportation vehicles will interrupt

other people’s thinking, for they are just trying to make use of the time to think about their work of the day.

1) The use of cellulars on public transportation vehicles will interfere

with other people’s thinking, since they’re just trying to use the time to ponder over their work of the day.

2) Since many people are just trying to make use of the time in public

transportation vehicles to think about their work of the day, their thinking will be interrupted by the use of mobile phones.

3) Many people’s thinking will be broken off by the use of cell

phones in public transportation vehicles, because they are just devoting their time to trying to think about their work of the






? A great number of stars keep their great popularity through

frequent appearance on newspapers and broadcasting programs, so that they can earn money by acting in advertisements.

1) A great many stars hold on to their great popularity by means

of frequent appearance on mass media in order to earn

money through acting in advertisements.

2) Appearing frequently as actors in commercials on mass

media helps considerably a great number of stars to keep their high popularity, as well as earning them money.

3) As well as holding on to their great popularity, many stars

earn money through acting frequently in mass media


? 到底谁更幸福:拿高工资但是每天工作时间长几乎没有时间和


? Who would be happier: those people who have to work long hours

every day to earn high salaries but have hardly any time to spend 9

with their families and friends, or those people who choose to work short hours every day to leave much time for their friends and families but earn low salaries?

1) I wonder who would be happier : those people who devote long

hours to their work in order to earn high salaries having as a result little or no time to spend with their families and friends or those who choose to work short hours and earn lower salaries for the sake of having much time to spend with their families and dear ones?

2) Which class of people would be happier : those who have to spend

many hours working with the view to earning high salaries, yet

have hardly any time at all to spend with their friends and families or those who choose to work on a limited timetable and earn low salaries so that they can spend much time with their families and mates?

3) What kind of people would be happier: those who choose to be

involved in long hours working in order to earn high wages and are left with hardly any time to spend with their families and

friends or those who opt to be engaged in a short hour timetable and earn low wages with the purpose of spending most of their time with their families and friends?


? 现代医药技术可以把以前不能治好的病人治愈,这有助于人类


? Modern medical technology can cure patients who were

considered incurable in the past, which contributes to the health and happiness of human beings.

1) Patients who were thought to be beyond any cure in the past can

be cured by modern medical technology and that is a contribution to the health and happiness of human beings.

2) Modern medical technology contributes to the health and

happiness of human beings by being able to cure patients who were deemed to be incurable in the past.

3) Health and happiness of human beings benefits from modern

medical ability’s ability to treat successfully patients who were considered incurable in earlier times.

? 过去的人冬天都没有暖气,出门也没有汽车坐,连吃肉都困难,


? How could those people in the past feel happy when there were

no heaters in winter, no cars to ride while going out, even no meat to eat?


1) How could those people in earlier times feel happy, considering

the lack of heaters in winter, of cars to ride when going out and even of meat to eat?

2) Granted the lack in the past of such things as heaters in winter,

cars to ride when going out and even of meat to eat, one wonders how people of those times could be happy.

3) One wonders how people in the past could be happy, given their

lack of heaters in winter, cars to ride when going out and even meat to eat.

? 城市的人连邻居都不一定打招呼,更别说和陌生人聊天了,哪


? Urban people even refuse to say hello to their neighbors, not to

mention chatting with strangers, unlike people in the provinces who are acquaintances and good friends of each other and are ready to play together.

1) People in the cities are reluctant even to greet their neighbours ,

let alone chat with strangers, in contrast to people in provincial areas

who are in friendly terms with each other and ready to play



2) Contrary to urban people who are not willing even to say hello to their neighbours, much less chat with strangers, people in the provinces mix well with each other and are ready to play together. 3) People in provincial districts eagerly consort with each other and become members of the same team which is in sharp contrast with the urban people refusing even to greet their neighbours ,let alone chat with strangers.

? 学生努力考到高分是为了展示自己的实力,获得别人的赞赏,更是为了掌握尽可能多的知识,以便于日后的发展。我不明白为什么会有人怀疑考高分的好处呢?

? Students who try their best to get high scores just want to show their ability, to acquire admiration from others, and, what’s more important, to master as much knowledge as possible for the future development. I am wondering why there could be such people as cast doubts on the advantages of pursuing high scores. 1) Students going all out to get high scores want to show their merit, earn other people’s admiration, and , above all, command as much knowledge as possible for their future development. I am


wondering how come there could be people questioning the

advantages of going after high scores.

2) As well as wanting to show their worth, students who try their

best to get high scores wish to go high in other people’s esteem and above all enrich their reservoir of knowledge to improve their development outlook. So I’m wondering at those people who doubt the benefits of targeting high sores.

3) I’m wondering at people’s being skeptical about the advantages

of seeking high scores, granted that students trying as much as possible to get them aim not only at proving their worth and in this way earning other people’s admiration but also at

commanding as much knowledge as possible in order to enhance their development prospects.

? 经常去比博物馆既可以学到很多知识,有利事业,又可以放松


? We can both acquire more knowledge, which is beneficial to our

career, and become relaxed, which is beneficial to our health, if we often visit museums.

1) Paying often visits to museums makes it possible for us to both

obtain more knowledge, which is beneficial to our career, and also feel relaxed , which contributes to our health.


2) We can reap the double benefit of coming by more knowledge ,

which is advantageous to our career, and also becoming relaxed and so benefiting our health, by often visiting museums.

3) Visiting often museums entails both acquiring more knowledge

and in turn benefiting our career as well as unwinding and so ensuring a better shape.

? 难道在小公司工作就没有好处吗?我相信答案是肯定的! ? Aren’t there any benefits of working in small companies? I believe

the answer will definitely be yes.

1) I believe the answer to the question if there are any benefits in

working in small companies is definitely affirmative.

2) If asked I would answer that there are definitely benefits in

working in small companies.

3) I would definitely give an affirmative answer to the question if

there are any benefits in working in small companies.

? 城市的人有更多机会接受良好教育,并且有更多机会找到好工


? There will be more opportunities for urban people to receive good

education and find good jobs.


1) Urban people will be provided with more opportunities to be

well educated and employed.

2) Urban people will be more likely to be better educated and


3) There will be more opportunities to urban people for good

education and professions.

? 有了计划,就会提高工作效率。

? People will surely improve their working efficiency greatly with a

plan in advance.

1) A plan in advance will certainly enhance greatly people’s working


2) People’s working performance will surely be significantly

strengthened by a plan in advance.

3) Having a plan beforehand will surely upgrade people’s working

efficiency to a great extent.

? 很明显,将来的人会更有钱,会购买更多的汽车以利于自己的


? Obviously, people in the future will be wealthier and buy more

cars to facilitate their travelling.


1) It is obvious that future people will be richer and purchase more

cars to make their travelling yet easier.

2) It can be safely claimed that as a result of the people becoming

wealthier in the future , they will buy more cars to render their travelling easier.

3) Since it is obvious that people in the future will be much better off ,

more cars will be purchased by them as they will attempt to

facilitate their travelling.

? 无论是同时做很多件事,还是一件一件地做事,都有各自的优


? Both doing many things at the same time and doing things one

after another have their own respective benefits.

1) Respective benefits can be found in both carrying out many things

at the same time as well as doing them one after another.

2) Both doing many things at the same time and doing things in

sequence have their fair share of benefits.

3) We may benefit both from doing many things together as well as

from doing them in succession.

? 现代医药的进步是科技进步的典型例证。


The progress of modern medicine is a typical example of the progress of science and technology.

1) The progress of science and technology is exemplified by the progress of modern medicine.

2) The progress of modern medicine typifies the advances of science and technology.

3) The progress of science and technology is strongly attested to by that of modern medicine.

? 和别人穿着一样的衣服,可以很容易被别人接受,和别人交流


Dressed in clothes of the same style as others, people will find it easier to be accepted, to communicate with other people and consequently become their friends.

1) People will find it easier to associate with other people , to be accepted by them and as a result make friends with them if dressed in clothes of the same style as those other people.

2) Being dressed in outfits of the same style as others makes it easier for people to communicate as well as go well over with them and consequently become their friends.


3) Being dressed in the same fashion as others helps people

consort with them, earn their trust and eventually become their friends.

? 谁也不希望自己因为处处和别人不一样而被一个群体抛弃。 ? No one wishes to be abandoned by a group, just because he does everything differently.

1`) No one wants to be left out of a group on the mere basis of doing everything differently.

2)The idea of being left out of a group solely on the grounds of doing everything in a different way does not appeal to anyone.

3) Being banished from a group owing just to carrying out things in a different way is something that nobody likes.

? 为了有更充足的私人空间所以选择自己开车出行而不乘坐公共


? For more private space in travelling, there are numerous people

who choose private cars instead of public transportation.

1) There is a big number of people who prefer private cars to public

transportation in order to have more private space while



2) Having more private space in travelling is the reason why a lot of

people prefer to drive their private cars rather than travel by public transportation.

? 想象一下城市商业区几乎没有人的景象吧?那将是非常令人失


Could you imagine that there are few people in commercial city areas? That would be more than disappointing.

1) Could you visualize thinly populated commercial city areas? That would be very frustrating.

2) Could you picture commercial city areas with scarcely any people at all? That would extremely demoralizing.

