
大学生新学期计划 一:主要目标



1. 坚持预习,坚持在上课前先预习一遍专业书籍,并在图书馆寻找有关资料。在上课之前对所上的内容有所了解,能提高上课效率。并且在老师上完一天的课程后,能够主动复习。温故而知新。

2. 每周抽一天时间早起背诵英语课文。

3. 每周坚持浏览一遍各种设计的新闻以及资料。

4. 坚持去校图书馆借书阅书,坚持超额完成老师布置的读书任务,并且做好读书笔记。

5. 对于课程知识,要多想多问,并且把其中有收获的部分记入笔记之中。

6. 每个月进行一次学习清算,反思自己这个月是否达成了学习计划,有哪一些做得不足的地方,下个月要注意改进。

7. 订阅英语辅导报,自学报纸上出现的一些英语单词,并且完成报纸上的练习题。

8. 身为一个艺术设计专业的学生,对于设计熟练的手感和创作的灵感是非常重要的,所以应该坚持在平时多浏览多练习。



Although I’m still a freshman in this new semester, I’ve learned a lot from the past few months. I chose English as my major because I extremely love this subject so that I will continuously devote myself into it. Maybe I’ve got not bad gradeslast term and it indeed inspired me to get more progress in the future. But what I know is that it’s still a long way to achieve my ultimate goal and I need to make great efforts. My dream is to be a translator, especially a simultaneous interpreter, but I knew it’s not easy to realize due to my limited knowledge now. So I need to work step by step.

Now it comes to my recent goals. Firstly, to be honest, I’m not good at oral English and English listening, I have to take a great deal of practice. What I plan is listening to the MP3 in order to imitate the foreigners’ accent and speak more in English. At the same time, I will do a lot of News dictation and English listening and comprehension to improve my skills. Secondly, to prepare the CET4 and the 2014National English Contest for College Students, I intend to memorize all the words in my vocabulary book within two or three months and finish my exercise books. Thirdly, I want to maintain my academic of my specialized course or do more better than ever before by working harder. Finishing my assignments and notes is what I need to insist on every day.

Just like the old saying goes, “Nothing is impossible to a willing heart”. I have a strong belief that I can realize my dream as long as I persist in it and study hard with plenty of time and patience.
