

单位名称: 同济大学 本单位留学主管部门: 研究生院培养处 联 系 人: 王芳 电话: 021-65983537 传真:021-65988292 电子邮箱:pyc@gs. 通信地址: 上海市杨浦区四平路1239号 邮政编码: 200092



第二篇:20xx年6月 最新论文模版

编号: 0701080135 (宋体、Times New Roman四号字)

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学 院: 外国语学院

专 业: 英 语

方 向: 英语 (xx)

班 级: 2009级(x)班

姓 名: 某 某 某

指导教师: 某某某 教 授/副教授/讲 师




Abstract ......................................................................................................................... 1

摘 要 ............................................................................................................................. 2

I. Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3

II. International Business Negotiation Cultural Differences Cause Analysis ........ 4

2.1 Western Interpersonal Perceptions of Different .................................................... 4

2.1.1 People Pay More Attention to the Training of Relationship .............................. 4

2.1.2 Westerners Pay Attention to Time and Efficiency ............................................. 4

2.2 Economic Difference ............................................................................................. 5

2.3 Different Chinese and Western Time Concept ...................................................... 7 III. International Business Negotiations Cultural Differences in the Performance

........................................................................................................................................ 8

3.1 Their Differences in Ways of Thinking ............................................................... 8

3.2 Negotiators Language Differences ....................................................................... 6

3.3 Negotiators Custom Differences .......................................................................... 6

IV. Cultural Differences Impact On Business Negotiation ....................................... 6

4.1 Cultural Differences on the Negotiation Group Idea Influence ........................... 6

4.2 Cultural Differences on Negotiation Style Influence ........................................... 6

4.3 Cultural Differences on the Impact of the Use of Language Communication

Skills ........................................................................................................................... 6

V. Conclusion ................................................................................................................ 6

Notes .............................................................................................................................. 8

References ..................................................................................................................... 8

Acknowledgements ...................................................................................................... 9


Abstract (Times New Roman、小二、加粗、居中、段后空一行)

International business negotiation refers to the international economic and trade exchanges between the different main bodies is business related firms conducting consultations negotiations.

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Key Words: Cultural Difference, International Business Negotiation, Effect (Key Words: Times New Roman、四号,加粗、左缩进2字符; 英文关键词:Times New Roman、小四、首字母大写、关键词不超过五个)


摘 要(宋体、小二、加粗、居中、段后一行)

国际商务谈判是指在国际经济贸易交往中不同主体之间就商务上的有关事务所进行的磋商、 会谈。国际商务谈判是跨国界活动。这意味着了解各国不同的文化环境以及考虑到商业活动中的文化差异在国际商务谈判中是非常重要的,文化差异直接影响着谈判能否顺利进行。从文化的定义入手,剖析文化差异产生的原因,并在此基础上为如何应对谈判过程中出现的文化差异问题提出相应策略。


关键词: 文化差异, 国际商务谈判, 影响

(关键词:宋体、四号 加粗、左缩进2字符;中文关键词:宋体、小四、不超过5个词)


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Analysis of the Culture Differences in Business


I. Introduction

Negotiators pay attention to the understanding of possible cultural differences. Negotiation preparations include: negotiation context; the assessment of the situation in the negotiation process to verify the facts; schedule; the best alternatives and concession tactics negotiation language. and method; all these preparations must take into account the possibility of cultural differences. For example, the venue layout aspects of cultural differences on cooperation may have subtle effects. In the hierarchy of the heavier culture, if the room is arranged properly, more casually, may cause the other disturbed or annoyed.

The negotiation styles also vary from culture to culture. According to the characteristics of Chinese culture, in the negotiations, generally pay attention to “talk about the principle, after about detail”; western on the contrary, they pay more attention to “talk about the details, avoid discussing principles”. This difference in the West often leads to communication problems. Chinese love trouble in processing details before the relationship of the general principles of consensus, the specific issues to future negotiations to solve. Westerners usually think of details is the essence of the problem, so they prefer to think more in detail, and the problems in principle the thinking way, Americans tend to complex negotiations for a smaller problems. tasks by a series of small task piled up, like the price, packing, delivery and so on, then turn the solution.

As a student of English major, I know learn a lot of knowledge is very necessary and also I am specialize in the business negotiation ,so to learn different culture is very necessary. In the world of economic globalization today, along with the international and frequent business contacts, cultural differences have become very important, otherwise they could cause unnecessary misunderstanding, or even directly affect the actual effect of business contacts. Nowdays, we realize all kinds of culture before our business negotiation. We should do it with our energy and then we will have a successful business negotiation.

II. International Business Negotiation Cultural Differences Cause Analysis

Culture difference is a kind of objective existence. It is in the international

business negotiations in the status and role is also the multi dimension, much level, in the era of globalization. Different cultural background business contact is common, cultural turn flow of economic cooperation of the catalyst and the coagulant, culture conflict is the economic cooperation “cancer cells”.

2.1 Western Interpersonal Perceptions of Different

2.1.1 People Pay More Attention to the Training of Relationship

Chinese negotiation doesn’t focus on subject of negotiation, and lies in the establishment of long-term cooperative relationships. Initial negotiations Chinese will create a good atmosphere, let both sides feel comfortable with each other, until the establishment of mutual trust, then this is more easy to enter into negotiations theme. To the representative of China in the East, in interpersonal relationships in the value and human feelings, this is why the Chinese people always courtesy first, Chinese merchants and others before the negotiations always hosted other’s reason.

Chinese is very heavy, as the harmonious interpersonal relationship, the way one gets along with people pay attention to etiquette, pay attention to the friendship. Love by Social communication to establish and consolidate friendship, friends after the first business, or through friends close friends and business partners or business opportunities. Chinese heavy family and kinship, in “harmony” thought influence, people are right of collective or groups have a strong sense of belonging. Therefore, in order to national and social interests, we can ignore depending on personal interests. So more time Chinese for negotiations is taken to create a good interpersonal relationship and then say talks things, this will also tells us thousands years culture has a direct relationship.

2.1.2 Westerners Pay Attention to Time and Efficiency

For Westerners in the history first to enter the era of industrialization, and the progress of science and technology, productivity strong, so they will treasure every

minute, every means the emergence of new things, new value creation, so that they feel that “time is money” and never stop fighting for their profits, so they are business negotiations in the value of time and efficiency, because they will carefully assigned every minute, and allow them to produce more value. [1]

Therefore, Westerners do not like spend a lot of time on it, and it is tended to by law to regulate the business activities. To the problem they have different arrangements use legal means, rather than by conscience and morality. Some in the eyes of Chinese people can through interpersonal relationship to solve the conflict, in the eyes of Westerners it is not necessarily so. Western negotiators will contract to develop a detailed; in their opinion only contract can make the rights and obligations of both parties clearly. They are often admitted to signing a contract taking into account all accident legal compensation, the terms of the contract to write very detailed, in the negotiations that are sometimes better than the interests of Chinese decent is important, while the Westerners do not think so, they have more benefits, it also, with their historical background has the very big relations. The Westerners in the negotiations have more efficiency, more reasonable use of time.


2.2 Economic Difference


2.3 Different Chinese and Western Time Concept

…………………………………………………………………. III. International Business Negotiations Cultural Differences in the Performance


3.1 Their Differences in Ways of Thinking


3.2 Negotiators Language Differences


3.3 Negotiators Custom Differences

………………………………………………………………… IV. Cultural Differences Impact on Business Negotiation …………………………………………………………………

4.1 Cultural Differences on the Negotiation Group Idea Influence


4.2 Cultural Differences on Negotiation Style Influence


4.3 Cultural Differences on the Impact of the Use of Language Communication Skills

………………………………………………………………….. V. Conclusion

Above these, we have analyzed the cultural difference and its influence on international business negotiation, any in the cross-cultural business activities people should attach great importance to. In the market economy, the negotiations through every aspect of our lives, will always encounter a problem, which is required for negotiation to solve. If we want to become a master of negotiation, we must expand our horizons, a broad range of knowledge in different fields, for example, psychology,

etiquette, international trade; only continue to expand their knowledge, in order to make the negotiations become handy


The cultural difference is the objective existence, the attitude of individuals or groups tend to determine the role of cultural differences, it can exaggerate the cultural difference, but also cultural differences can be caused by reduced barriers to the lowest point. People in cross-cultural business negotiation, if can overcome the cultural barrier, know yourself as well as the enemy, do in Rome as Rome does., learn, the other person’s good part that can promote the bilateral understanding, joint efforts to create a adapt to both the economic and cultural environment, Any person engaged in cross-cultural business people should be highly valued. Cultural differences are an objective reality, the attitude of individuals or groups tend to determine the role of cultural differences, it can exaggerate cultural differences, cultural differences can also be an obstacle to reducing to a minimum. If overcome cultural barriers, to know ourselves, learn to stand on other people’s point of view to think that we can promote mutual understanding and work together to create a can adapt to both economic and cultural environment to success. From now on we should see all kinds of books and also know how to communicate with others.


[1] Foster, D. A. Bargaining across Borders: How to Negotiate Business Successfully Anywhere in the World [M]. New York: McGraw-Hill,1992,145.

[2] 王洪耘.商务谈判[M].北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社,20xx年,57.

[3] 左小平.国际商务谈判中的文化因素[J].商业研究,20xx年,69.

[4] 申艺芳.浅谈英语翻译中的中西文化差异问题[J].绥化师专学报,20xx年, 100—101.

[5] 汤秀莲. 国际商务谈判[M].南开大学出版社,20xx年,17.


[1]Chaney, LillianH. et. al. InterculturalBusinessCommunication[M]. Beijing:Higher Education Press,2000。

[2] Foster, D. A. Bargaining across Borders: How to Negotiate Business Successfully Anywhere in the World[M]. New York: McGraw-Hill,1992.

[3] Hymens, D. Language in Culture and Society [M]. New York: Harper and Row, 1994.

[4]Samovar, A. Larry; etal. Communication between Cultures[M]. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2000.

[5] 黄步苑: 中西文化方式差异与国际商务谈判[M].商场现代化,第466期,20xx年

[6] 贾玉新: 跨文化交际学[M].上海:外语教育出版社,19xx年.

[7] 李品媛: 现代商务谈判[M].大连:东北财经大学出版社,20xx年.


I study at Development College of Jilin Agricultural University ,during the four years I learn a lot of things and become a good girl at this time many good friends appear in my life so I feel very happy .

Firstly I would like to show my deepest gratitude to my supervisor, Professor. SongShuhui she is a good teacher and she knows a lot of knowledge .She has provided me with valuable guidance in every stage of the writing of this paper. Without his help, impressive kindness and patience, I could not have completed my paper. her spirit encouraged me not only in my paper but also in my whole life. Secondly I want to say something to my teacher Wang Wei she is very kind and during the four years I learn a lot from her and also she tells me how to become a decent girl.

Thirdly In my college life I meet so many good friends at this time they give me a hand and we have a happy life, so I want to say thanks to my friends.

Acknowledgements :要求词数在200词-230词之间
