

The mid-term examination is coming.Have you gotten ready?Do you feel nervous?



一.My Chinese Teacher

以"My Chinese Teacher"80-100之间的英语短文。提示内容如下:




My Chinese Teacher

,Ms Sun. Though she has been teaching us for only three years, I respect and love her very much.

Ms Sun is thirty-six years old and she is neither tall nor short.She works very hard. She is always the first to come and the last to leave her office. She tries to make her classes lively and interesting. And we enjoy her lessons very much.

Ms Sun is very kind and friendly to us. And we're getting on well with each other. But she is very strict with us in our studies.Ms Sun teaches us so well that we all enjoy learning Chinese. All the students think she is one of the most popular teachers in our school.







Dear Linda,



Li Hua


Dear Linda,

Secondly, try to catch every chance What's more, you'd better

Above all, you should be confident in yourself and don't give up whenever you meet with difficulty. I'm sure you will succeed through your hard work.

Best wishes and looking forward to meeting you inChina.


Li Hua

三.The Ways for Students to Relax:适当方式放松自己

中学生学习时间长、压力大,专家建议学生每天课后应采取适当的方式放松自己。你代表班级在一次 "The Ways for Students to Relax"的学校座谈中与二(1)班的Terry讨论了这一话题,请根据他的观点和你自己的观点,用英语给你的外籍教师Mr. Griffin写一篇有关这次讨论的汇报材料。

His ideas & Your ideas

1. Watching TV …

2. Playing computer games …

3. Hanging out with friends …


1. 开头和结尾已经写好;

2. 可以适当增加谈论话题时经常用到的话语,


4. 词数:70字左右。

Mr. Griffin,

student from Class One Grade Two.




Mr. Griffin,

AsIn his

However, I'm not quite agree with him. In my opinion, watching TV or playing computer games is not a good way to help us relax. I think listening to music and playing sports are good ways because they can help us keep healthy. I often play Pingpong after class and I find it really helpful to both my health and my study.

Besides, I think chatting with our friends isn't a bad way. I think it can help me get on better with my friends.

That's all and best wishes for you!



四.My English Learning

Ellen看到大家都对自己的未来充满期待,感到特别高兴。为了鼓励大家学好英语,他准备出一期英语学习经验交流专刊。请 根据以下问题和答案的提示并结合你的实际情况,以"My English Learning"为题写一篇80词左右的英文稿件,要 提示:

When did you start learning English? (in … /…years ago)


sing English songs…)



For example, I enjoy


目前,学生考试作弊现象严重,请围绕以下要点谈谈其中原因以及个人建议。 原因:1.考试太多太难 2.自身勤奋不够 3.把大量时间用在上网和玩游戏上 4.为了骗取家长和老师高兴

看法与建议:1、作弊有害;2、要做人诚实,学习发奋;3、学校应减少考试。 要求:1、字数80-100;2、围绕要点可适当发挥;3、文章开头已给出,不计入总字数。

At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit--cheating in examinations.


At present, a number of middle school students have picked up a bad habit - cheating in examinations.

There are three main reasons. First,some of which are too difficult.Second,they don't work hard at their lessons. Third,exams. Finally, s

In my opinion,progress. Besidesfor ourselves.



初中英语满分作文C80293000111. 1A Boy H t Hi L B Hurt His Leg一个男孩腿受伤了 个男孩腿受伤了One afternoon some boys were playing football on the playground . Suddenly one of them fell over and hurt his leg .……… 昨天下午, 些男孩正在操场上踢足球。突然 个男孩跌在 昨天下午,一些男孩正在操场上踢足球。突然一个男孩跌在 地上摔伤了腿。其他男孩把他送到了医院。医生仔细为他检查后 说,伤势并不严重。……… 2.Show the Way 指路 yYesterday evening, my mother and l went out for a walk.We met a foreigner on the road.When he saw us, ……… 昨天晚上,我和妈妈一起出去散步。我们在路上遇见了一个 外国人。当看见我们时,他停下来问我去温泉旅馆该怎么走。……… 外国人 当看见我们时 他停下来问我去温泉旅馆该怎么走3.Show the Way 指路Yesterday evening, my mother and l went out for a walk.On the road we met a foreigner.He asked me the way to the Hot Spring Hotel.……… 昨天晚上,我和我妈妈出去散步。在路上,我们遇上了一个外 国人,他问我到温泉旅店的路,我告诉他一直沿着这条路走,………4.Show the Way 指路I went out for a walk with my mother yesterday evening. When we walked along the road, we met a foreigner.……… foreigner. 我昨天晚上和我妈妈出去散步。当我们走在路上时,我们遇 到了一个外国人。他是一个很和蔼的人。………5.Show the Way 指路 yYesterday, I went out for a walk with my mother in the evening.When we were on the road,……… 昨天晚上,我和妈妈出去散步,当我们在路上时,遇见一位外 国人,他向我询问去温泉饭店的路。我告诉他沿着路往前走, 国人,他向我询问去温泉饭店的路。我告诉他沿着路往前走,………

初中英语满分作文C80293000116. 6Introduce Myself Introd ce M self 自我介绍Dear Mr.and Mrs.Brown, I'm a Chinese girl.My name is Li Hong.I'm very happy to y your house for the English Summer Camp.……… g p know that I'll stay in y 亲爱的布朗先生和布朗夫人: 我是一个中国女孩,我叫李红,很高兴我可以在英语夏令营期 间住在你们家。我想说一些我的事情以便你们了解我。我十五岁 大, 大,………7.Pick Apples 摘苹果It' s harvest time . The students are all busy helping the farmers with apple - picking . Look, some students are picking apples on the trees ……… 收获时节,学生们都忙着帮农民们摘苹果。看,一些学生在树 上摘,其他一些人往筐子里面装,很快树下的筐子就满了。有些果 子长得太高了,于是韩梅梅用梯子爬上树摘。……… 子长得太高了 于是韩梅梅用梯子爬上树摘8.My School Sport 我的学校运动I study at No .2 Middle School . There is a sports meeting in our school every autumn . I took the first place in long jump last year . ……… 我在第二中学就读。在我们学校每年秋天都有运动会,我在 去年的跳远比赛中得了第一名。我们经常在早晨锻炼,在中午做 眼保健操,………9.How to Keep Healthy 如何保持健康It' s important to know more about how to keep healthy . Just as Dr . Zhang told us, we should get up early and do morning exercises every day . ……… 在保持健康方面,很有必要了解更多。就像张医生所说,我们 应该起早 些,每天做 些 动 要 着 日 餐吃好对于我们 应该起早一些,每天做一些运动。要记着一日三餐吃好对于我们 的健康大有裨益。在学校在家里都要试着喝足够多的水。……… 10. Dear Mr . Smith, I' m sorry to tell you that I' m not feeling well today . I have caught a bad cold because I went swimming in the river yesterday……… 亲爱的史密斯先生: 我很遗憾告诉你我今天感到很不舒服,昨天下午我因为在河 里面游泳患上了重感冒。医生告诉我要呆在床上两夭。………A Sick Note 病假条

初中英语满分作文C802930001111. 11Introduce Myself Introd ce M self 自我介绍My name is Tom .I'm a boy of 15.My father is a manager. My mother works as an English teacher.……… 我叫汤姆,十五岁男生。我父亲是经理,我妈是英语教师,我 毕业于第三中学。计算机和英语我最喜欢,是我的长项。……… 12.Alan Brown 艾伦.布朗Alan Brown is an Australian boy . He is sixteen years old . He lives at 69 Park Road, Sydney with his parents . ……… 艾伦布朗是一个澳大利亚男孩。他十六岁,和父母住在悉尼 市公园路。艾伦是第四中学十年级学生。……… 13. 13Alan Bro n 艾伦 布朗 Brown 艾伦.布朗He is a 16-year-old boy . His name is Alan Brown . Alan is an Australian high school student . He lives at 69 Park Road, y y j Sydney . Art and music are his favorite subjects .……… 他十六岁,叫艾伦布朗。艾伦是个澳大利亚中学生。他住在 悉尼市公园路69号。美术和音乐是他最喜欢的科目。………14.Alan Brown 艾伦.布朗Alan Brown is an Australian student . He is 16 years old . And he lives at 69 Park Road, Sydney . Alan' s favourite subjects are art and music . ……… 艾伦布朗是 名澳 利 学 艾伦布朗是一名澳大利亚学生。他今年16岁,住在悉尼公园 他今年 岁,住在悉尼 园 路69号。艾伦最喜欢的学科是艺术和音乐。他的生活是丰富多 彩的。……… 15.Alan Brown 艾伦.布朗Alan Brown is a sixteen-year-old Australian boy . He is a middle school student . Now he lives at 69 Park Road, Sydney . ……… 艾伦布朗是一个1 6岁的澳大利亚男孩,他是一个中学生,现 在他住在悉尼公园路69号。艺术和音乐是他最喜欢的课程。………

初中英语满分作文C802930001116.Alan Brown 艾伦.布朗Alan Brown is 16 years old . He is an Australian . He lives in 69 Park Road, Sydney . He is a middle school student . ……… 艾伦布朗今年16岁。他是 个澳洲人,住在悉尼公园路69 艾伦布朗今年16岁。他是一个澳洲人 住在悉尼公园路69 号。他是一个中学生。他与其他学生不同,他最喜欢的课是美术 和音乐。……… 17.Alan Brown 艾伦.布朗 艾伦 布朗Alan Brown is a sixteen-year-old Australian boy . He lives in 69 Park Road, Sydney . Alan is a student . ……… 艾伦布朗是一个1 6岁的澳大利亚男孩,他住在悉尼公园路 69号。艾伦是个学生,他很聪明,功课也很好,他最喜欢的科目是艺 69号 艾伦是个学生 他很聪明 功课也很好 他最喜欢的科目是艺 术和音乐,………18.My Summer Holidays 我的暑假Summer holidays are coming During the holidays the first coming.During holidays, thing I do is to get relaxed.I'll do morning exercises every day……… 暑假就要来临了。在暑假里,我要做的第一件事情就是放松 自己。我每天要做的首要事情就是和在学校一样做早操。……… 19.My Summer Holidays 我的暑假I was very glad to receive your E - mail yesterday . I think I will have a good summer holiday . Every morning I will climb the mountain near my home .……… ……… 昨天收到你的E - mail,我很开心。我想我会有一个快乐的 暑假。天天清晨,我都会去爬我家附近的山,我认为爬山对我们的 健康很有帮助。我还将要和朋友们打篮球。……… 20.My Summer Holidays 我的暑假How have you been recently ? The summer vacation is coming, andl have made a plan already . First, I will take half an hour' s exercise every d . ……… i day 最近过得怎么样?暑假就要到了,我也已安排好了计划。首 先,我准备每天做半个小时的锻炼。第二,我还要学会一些有意义 的,并且有需要的课程。………

初中英语满分作文C802930001121.My Summer Holidays 我的暑假The summer holiday is really long, so I decide to make a reasonable plan previously . I don' t know how you will spend this holiday, holiday and this is what I will do.……… do 暑假确实太长了,所以我决定提前做一个合理的暑期计划。 我不知你将怎样度过这个假期。下边是我将怎样度过这个暑假的 计划: 22.My Summer Holidays 我的暑假Dear Danny, I am glad to hear from you . And I' m very well these days What about you ? You asked me how I would spend my time during the summer.……… 亲爱的丹尼: 很高兴收到你的来信,我最近很好,你呢? 上封信里,你问到我将怎样度过这个暑假。……… 上封信里 你问到我将怎样度过这个暑假 23.Medicine Instructions 药物说明This medicine is used for curing cough, headache, and something like that caused by cold . Take one or t thi lik th t d b ld T k two pills each ill h time,……… 这盒药是用来治疗咳嗽,头疼以及由感冒引起的一些病症的。 每次饭前吃1-2片,每天3次。有时服药后会感到有些睡意。……… 24.Medicine Instructions 药物说明This medicine is used for curing cough, headache, and something like that caused by cold . You should take i b h ld k it before meals .……… l 这药是用来治疗咳嗽、头痛以及由感冒引起的一系列症状。 你要在饭前吃,而且一天吃三次,每次一到二片。………25. 25This medicine is used for curing cough, headache, and something like that caused by cold . Each time, you may take one to two pills before the meal . ……… 这种药适用于治疗由感冒引起的咳嗽、头痛等症状。每次,你 药 疗由感 痛等 每 可以在饭前吃一到二片药,每天吃三次。………Medicine Instructions 药物说明

初中英语满分作文C802930001126.Medicine Instructions 药物说明This medicine is used for curing cough, headache, and something like that caused by cold . Take it three times a day before the meals ……… meals, 该药品适用于感冒引起的咳嗽、头痛等症状。饭前口服,一天 三次,每次一到二片,疗程为三到五天。………27.This medicine is used for curing cough, headache, and something like that caused by cold . You should take the medicine before meals .……… 这种药治疗由感冒引起的咳嗽、头痛等。 这种药治疗由感冒引起的咳嗽 头痛等 你应该在饭前吃药。你得一天吃三次,一次吃一到二片。你 将吃上三到五天,直到你重新感到舒适为止。……… 28.Medicine Instructions 药物说明My Best Friend 我最好的朋友Hello ! I have a good friend . Her name is Lily . She was my classmate when I was in senior High School . She was the first girl I met when I entered the new school ……… 大家好!我有个好朋友叫莉莉。她是我上高中时的同学。她 大家好!我有个好朋友叫莉莉 她是我上高中时的同学 她 是我上新学校后第一个碰到的女生而且她给我留下很深的印象, 因为她总是面带笑容。……… 29. 9My Best Friend 我最好的朋友Hello I I have a good friend . Her name is Mali . Usually I call her Lily . I have known her for ten years . She is younger than me She is my neighbor . ……… 大家好,我有一个好朋友。她叫玛丽。通常我叫她丽丽。我 大家好 我有 个好朋友 她叫玛丽 通常我叫她丽丽 我 与她认识已经有十年了。她比我小,是我的邻居。我们是在公园 里玩的时候认识的。……… 30. 30 Hello ! I have a good friend . Her name is LeiLei . I got to know her when I was about eight . We are in the same class . ……… 大家好!我有一个好朋友,她的名字叫蕾蕾。我八岁的时候 认识她。我们在同一个班学习。她非常善良,常常在学习上帮助 我 在 学 非常善良 常常在学 我。………My Best Friend 我最好的朋友
