留学360 雅思剑8部分写作指南



360教育集团()介绍雅思考试中心以平均每2年出一本真题集(每本仅包括4套A类真题和2套G类真题)的频度吊足了各位雅思考生的胃口,而剑8又选择了在4月1号Fool’s Day上市,让众多考生还徘徊在信与不信之间时突然发现考试中心并无戏言,哭笑不得。考试中心又出新招,那我们考生得小心看剑! ●写作题透



1)Data (Line chart, Pie chart, Bar chart 和Table), 写作特点包括描述静态数据对比,动态数据对比以及动态趋势变化。

2)Diagram (Flow chart 和Map), 写作特点考察如何按照时间和空间顺序描述。


1) 话题类别:教育教学,科技传媒,环境能源,社会生活,旅游文化,国际关系

2) 写作体裁:Argumentation和Report两种。



剑8 雨点小雷声大,题型话题考点无变化。

可这是一个流行凡事都“微”的年代,微博,微语录,微生活,雅思考试紧随时尚脚步和社会发展,我们还是需要去深究剑8 ,去探视它留下的“微变化”。结合20xx年考试的规律和剑8写作收录题目留下的蛛丝马迹,我们又得出了一个令人悲观的结论:





1. Some people think that parents should teach children how to be good members of society. Others, however, believe that school is the place to learn this.

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.

2. Nowadays the way many people interact with each other has changed because of technology. In what ways has technology affected the types of relationships people make?



Has this become a positive or negative development?

3. Increasing the price of petrol is the best way to solve growing traffic and pollution problems. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

What other measures do you think might be effective?

4. In some countries the average weight of people is increasing and their levels of health and fitness are decreasing.

What do you think are the causes of these problems and what measures could be taken to solve them?

历年考试Argumentation是体裁的重点,每年不低于80%,而从近两年Report考察次数的逐年上升,以及剑8中综合体的2篇收录,Report的重要性可见一斑,而综合体的练习写作也应该被提上重要日程。 ●考官心语

剑8的出现给了我们更多解读雅思考官心理活动的机会,因此我们不能一直徘徊在题型和话题,考点变与不变之间。对于写作,我们还要探究下考官给的写作范文,以及考官评语来寻求他们暗藏的心语。 Task1的两篇范文依然走的是简洁流畅明了风,不多说,各位考生都懂的。 Task2的两篇范文及两篇学生习作考官评语显示了评分标准依然无变化.考官评语出现的高频词语也尽显了四项评分标准在考核时的细分。各位考生都懂得,但在这里需要重申强调,其重要性可见一斑:

TR: address the questions, clear opinion with ideas to support

CC: linkers, referencing phrases, paragraphing

LR: word form, word choice, spelling

GRA: sentence form, grammar, punctuation

另在评语中的一个细节,剑8-Test2-Test2, 学生的习作是5.5分,考官的第一句就是: “The topic introduction has been copied from the task and is deducted from the word count. This leaves the answer underlength at 236 words, so the candidate loses markers for this. “ 此处的玄机在于,考生是不能够照抄作文题目的,字数将不计入,另外236的精准性表明了考官是会逐个去数文章字数是否达到要求的,所以考场上,字数限制At least的意思一定要理解透,不要轻易去挑战考官的情商和智商,否则丢分丢人,我们各位雅思考生可是伤不起啊!!!


有句话感触颇深:A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.悲观主义者从每个机遇中看到困难,乐观主义者从每个困难中看到机遇。剑8的出现让很多考生不知所措,其实完全没有必要。如果说剑桥真题系列是考生跟考官之间唯一的心灵交流的桥梁,那么剑8的出现是让考生跟考官之间的距离又近了一步。套用刚刚那句话:乐观主义者从剑8中看到考点,悲观主义者从剑8中看到负担。





Most parents and teachers believe that kids should start language learning in their middleschools. However, some elementary schools also provide foreign language learning as a test in educational field. Obviously, it contains positive as well as negative influence. Lingual skills from primary education are always based on the great interests kid's obtained in expressing their feelings. The strong motivation helps students acquire language with ease and fun, and then their unshaped mother language will also remove the barrier between one language and another. More importantly, without exerted pressing stress from tests and exams, students may devote themselves to language itself but nothing else However, the primary education for language learning is not as perfect as it sounds. The overly flexible timetable for language learning will never ensure that children have mastered some key features of lingual skills. Compared with that, secondary school will supply more professional lessons with accurate teaching from which

children can benefit a lot. However, if so, this activity will entirely ruin the interests of language learning for kids, which shift their flexible foreign language interests into the forced and test-oriented study all the time. Thus, this should never be put into practice for a better result until secondary schools. Obviously, primary school should also make some revolutionary changes for a better lingual atmosphere to cater to kids' interests.

In sum, all the contributions made to optimize language learning will benefit both individuals as well as the community, culturally and traditionally, so the adjustments in primary education will be the key to solve this educational problem.


此范文根据题目的要求相应地分为四段: 第一段介绍题目背景并表明两个立场(Positions); 第二段通过分析基础教育阶段进行外语教学的好处,来充分论证其实施的必要性; 第三段介绍基础教育阶段学习语言所存在的问越,特别将其与中学教育进行了比较, 最终还是肯定基础教育.并提出要做适当的调整:




Elementary 基本的,初级的 Obviously 明显地,显而易见地 Positive 积极的 Negative 消极的 第二段

Motivation 动机;积极性;推动 Acquire 习得;获得;得到 Devote?to 投身于

Unshaped 不成体系的;不成型的 第三段

Flexible 灵活的 Timetable

Test-oriented 以考试为目的的,应试教育的 Revolutionary 变革的,革命的 第四段 Optimize 优化,最大化 Adjustment 调整,调节,调节器


1. Lingual skills from primary education are always based on the great interests kid's obtained in expressing their feelings.

基础教育阶段的语言技巧总是建立在孩子们获得用语言表达自我情感的兴趣之上。 2.However, if so, this activity will entirely nun the interests of language learning for kids. which shift their flexible foreign language interests into the forced and test-oriented study all the time.




地图题以及一些工程图表题是雅思考试中比较“另类”的话题。考生接触较少,因此会产生一定的恐惧心理。在总结这类地图和表格题的信息时,考生可遵循以下两个步骤:首先要弄清楚地图的方位顺序,其次要对比必要的信息,此外,考生还需要持别注意时态的应用。 雅思写作高分范文:

The two drawings illustrate the changes of the same island before and after the construction ofsome transport and service buildings.

致我们终将要考的托福、GRE、雅思 听力经验 口语经验 阅读经验 写作经验 GRE专区

It is clear that before development, the horizontal island which is about 260 meters long has a Few trees on both east and west sides. Furthermore, on the west edge, a small beach is located for tourism in the future.

The layout changes tremendously after buildings are constructed in almost the whole island. The trees on the east side are kept for the natural view.

However, the west trees are surrounded by some accommodation houses, with a footpath linked to the beach where a swimming zone is closely connected, Next to the western accommodation, there is a reception building around which a vehicle track road heading to the south pier for tourist sailing is just paved. On the opposite side of the pier, a restaurant stands at the north side near the seashore. The center of, the island is also designed to supply housing for tourists.

In sum, comparing the two drawings,tremendous developments have been evident.These developments make the whole island crowded with modern facilities, which may cause damages to the environment.


范文由四段组成:第一段为引言段,主要介绍该图表展示的是什么方面的信息;第二段对改建之前的岛屿进行描述;第三段对改建之后岛屿的设施和交通进行描述:最后一段对两个图表体现出来的总体特点(overview)进行归纳,同时也表达了对岛屿环境的担忧。 亮点词汇:


Illustrate 以图表的形式说明 Construction 建设;建筑物 第二段:

Horizontal 水平的;地平线的 第三段:

Layout 格局,布局

Tremendously 惊人地,非常地,可怕地 Accommodation 住处

Reception 接待,接收;招待会;感受,反应

Seashore 海滨,海岸 Crowded with 充满,挤满


I. The two drawings illustrate the changes of the same island before and after the construction of some transport and service buildings. 两幅图画描绘了同一座岛屿在建造交通服务设施前后的变化。

2. However, the west trees are surrounded by some accommodation houses, with a footpath linked to the beach where a swimming zone is closely connected. 然而,西边的树林周围则建起了一座座的房屋,房屋和紧挨着游泳区的海滩之间由一 条道路连接。