

Teaching Procedures

Step1. The importance of writing about contrast(写作教学定位背景)

Step2 How to arrange a good composition

1) article structure

2) words and sentence structure

3) conjunction and transitional words

4) handwriting

Step3. Introduction to the structure of the argumentative writing

1) Dissusion: How to organize a good structure of the contrast composition

( 通过让学生把一篇打乱顺序的高考作文按比较好的结构排序活动实现)




1.Opinions are divided on this issue.

2.The students of class 3 had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood.

3. In short, the students have not arrived at any agreement yet.

4. But others do not agree. Young children have to learn Chinese pinyin at school. If they study Chinese pinyin and English at the same time, it will be very likely for them to mix them up. This will do a lot of harm not only to their Chinese learning but also to their future English learning.

5.Some of them think that English learning should start from childhood. As little boys and girls have a very good memory, they can learn a lot of English words by heart. This will help them lay a solid foundation for their future English learning.

___________ →____________ → __________→ __________→ _____________.

2)Summary: What should be included in the argumentative writing?


Part1. State an opinion

Part2. Give some supporting reasons for the topic.

Part3. Give some supporting reasons against the topic.

Part4. Draw a conclusion.

Step4. Review some conjunction and transitional words


1. 我们举行了一场讨论,讨论内容是……

We had a discussion about whether it is necessary to start learning English from childhood

2. 我们已经作了一个调查,调查内容是学生如何选择高考志愿……

We’ve had a survey on how to choose their courses, majors and universities.


We have held a discussion about whether it is good or not for a top student to share a desk with a slower student


1. Opinions are divided on this issue.


2. Opinions are mainly divided into two groups.


3. Different people, however, have different opinions on this matter.


4. Different people, however, think quite differently on this matter.


1. Sixty percent of the students are for the idea.

2. Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to…

3.Some people think that …According to them, all of us should...

4. Some believe that…


1.What’s more, we can …as well as …

2.Besides, it’s …, which …


1. However, … of the students think…

2. On the other hand, …of the students think…

3. However, others have different opinions.

4. But …of the students think…

5. Others argue that …In their opinion,…


1. What’s worse… 2. What’s more… 3. In addition, …

4.Besides, … 5.Plus, … 6.First,… Second, …Third, …


1. In short, no agreement has been reached yet.

2. So far, no agreement has been reached.

3. In short, the students have not arrived at any agreement yet.


As far as I am concerned, …….(In my opinion, …….; It’s my opinion that……)


For one reason,………. For another reason………

In a word,…….

Step5. Introduction to the pattern of the contrast composition Pattern

There is a discussion about/on ________________.

Opinions are divided on the question, _________ agreed, for they believe that _______. ① For one thing, _______________ .

② For another thing, _____________.

③ Furthermore/Besides_______________.

However/ Nevertheless, _______ disagreed with _________. They hold the view that ______.

① First of all,_____________.

② Moreover, ______________.

③ Most important of all, _______.

In my opinion/ As far as I am concerned, ________________.

模板2 :

We had a heated discussion about/on ...…. Students’ views/ideas/opinions on it students say / think / believe that…

to ….

模板3: (作文题目)But it is well known that A majority of people think that _ 观点一原因一.Furthermore, in the second place, 原因二. .

People, however, their opinions on this matter. Some people hold the idea that观点二. In their point of view, for one thing,原因一. For another thing,原因二. Therefore, there is no doubt that观点二_.

. It is not only because ____, but also because ____. ……

Step6 Application

下面是你班班会上以“中学生是否能佩带手机”为题进行讨论的情况。请你写一封信给21st Century报的编辑说明该情况,并表明你自己的观点。

比例 40%学生赞同 60%学生不赞同

理由 1.便于同亲友联系;



3.储存有用信息。 1.手机辐射对人健康有害;







1) List all words, phrases and sentence structure of each point 2)8 minutes for the students to finish the composition Step7 Evaluation

1) 选两篇学生的文章,全班一起批改

2) 先由学生打分,点评, 老师再进行点评

Thank you for your instruction!






In the picture we could see 许多人在网络中学习工作和娱乐 More specifically, 网络似乎把人们互相连接起来,while因特网又好像把人们彼此分开。

that an enormous number of citizens are surfing on the Internet, working, playing games and chatting with one another. More specifically, Internet connects these people while it seems that the web separates them from each other.

In fact, this subtle comic asks us a controversial question: is the Internet a blessing or a disaster? 确实给人们带来了很多好处) Internet indeed brings about a lot of benefits to the individuals. To specify my statement, I would like to take me as an illustration. 作为一个大学生,我不但可以通过网络阅读新闻,和朋友聊天,而且可以在网上方便的买到便宜的商品。

As an university student, I not only can read the news through Internet and chat with friends, but also can buy inexpensive things conveniently online.

On the other hand, opponents claim that the web might also exert numerous undesirable consequences. 素材

在当今中国,尤其在一些大城市中,越来越多的市民在网络上花费了大量的时间和金钱。(这个句型我讲过的!)In contemporary China, especially in some metropolitans, an increasing number of citizens spend a great deal of time and money on the Internet. 更有甚者,一些学生,多数是大学生,迷恋于网络而荒废了学业。(伴随状语的句型)Even worse, some students, mostly university students, get addicted to the web, giving up their study.

设问句开头Does Internet link people or disconnect them? From my perspective, Internet has brought about both positive and negative influence on today’s society. 深刻学习这个正反对比后,我们进入模拟考的文章~~

We can see in the picture that 两个人,各自背着大包,正在努力攀爬一个大楼. More specifically, 一个人正在追求文凭。Nevertheless, 另外一个人所渴望的确是真才实学。

two men, carrying a big bag respectively, try their best to climb a building. A person is pursuing the diploma, while what the other guy runs after is true knowledge and capability.

what I said=my words

hurts you!

In fact, this seemingly simple comic asks us a controversial question: which one is more important, certificates or ability? 文凭和能力哪个更重要呢?In terms of this question, there is no consensus of opinions among people. On the one hand, some people assert that 文凭更重要因为它是个可得见摸得到的本子the diploma is more significant because it is something which can be seen and touched. 更重要的是,在学生走出校门,找工作的时候,文凭可以帮助他们被用人单位定位并认可。

More importantly, when the students graduate from their schools and look for jobs, diplomas can help them to be noticed by companies and enterprises. 换句话说,HR主管不会注意没有文凭的应聘者。

In other words, Human Resource Manager will pay no attention to those applicants without certificates.

On the other hand, opponents claim that (真才实学才更重要因为它真正能体现你的能力)

true knowledge is more essential because it can show your ability.

以大学英语四级考试为例,在当今中国,尤其在一些大城市中,许多学生通过买答案等方法获得四级凭证。To specify my statement, I would like to take CET-4 as an illustration. In contemporary China, especially in some metropolitans, an enormous number of students obtain the CET-4 certificates in some tricky ways such buying keys. 毫无疑问,他们在今后的工作中如果接触老外的话,很可能会造成负面的后果。

Needless to say, if they meet foreigners in their work, it is most likely to generate some negative effects.

Who is right? From my perspective, both the diplomas and true ability are crucial. Therefore, 我们在为文凭而奋斗的过程中,一定要尽力掌握真才实学。we should not only pursue diplomas, but also try to learn true ability.

A pursuit of happiness

In the pursuit of various certificates, we might as well manage to master real capability.
