专四寒假作文 (1)



(1) 每位同学准备一本专四作文本,完成下面20篇作文。具体要求如下:按照下面作文

题目的序号自己完成作文(每篇作文不少于250字),完成后再附一篇类似题目的范文,誊抄在自己写的作文后面 ,下学期开学后上交作文本,由相关老师检查批阅,并作为平时成绩记录在《英语测试》课程中。

(2) 范文背诵要求


础英语》任课教师检查背诵情况,并作为平时成绩记录在《基础英语》课程中。 二:寒假专四作文题目(20个)

1. The Bad Effects of Fake Diplomas

Directions: Fake diplomas are very popular today. Some people use them to get a good job and a satisfied salary. What is your opinion about this phenomenon?

2. Should Newly Graduated College Students Get to Work or Establish a Business?

Directions: As can be seen, the employment situation is getting severe in China these years. When most students swarm into various job fairs, some just turn to set up their own business. Should newly graduated college students get to work or establish a business? What’s your opinion on this issue?

3. Surfing the Internet

Directions: Nowadays, surfing the Internet has become popular in our society. As to its effects, different people hold different opinions. What is your point of view?

4. Raising Pets

Directions: Today, raising pets is very popular, especially raising dogs. Some people even call dogs their son. What is your opinion about this phenomenon?

5. Away from Net-bar Campaign

Directions: In today’s society, more and more teenagers go to Net-bars to indulge themselves in the Internet-world. They can not pull themselves out of it. Present your idea about it.

6. Being Indulged in Computer Games is Harmful

Directions: Continuous reports about the tragedies caused by children’s being indulged in computer games have aroused the whole society’s concern for this problem.

7. The Necessity of Occupation Planning

Directions: Is it necessary to make an occupational plan? Different people have different answers to this question. If your answer is “Yes”, can you list some important steps to follow for the plan or put forward some good suggestions?

8. Where would You Go after Graduation?

Directions: After university study, some students struggle to go to super cities, such as Beijing, Shanghai, while some choose to go back to their hometowns, maybe a provincial capital or a small town. Which do you think is better? Give reasons for your answer.

9. Teacher-centered Classes (Student-centered Classes) are My Favorite

Directions: Many reforms in schools now are being carried out. Class teaching method is one of the 1

reforms. Here you have two choices: one is teacher-centered classes, another is the student-centered classes. Which do you like better?

10. Degree and University Study

Directions: Some people think to get a degree is the only important thing while studying in college. Do you agree with them or disagree?

11. Choosing a Job Profitable or a Job I Love

Directions: How can we judge whether a job is desirable or not? Most people consider the amount of pay as an important or even the only condition when looking for jobs. There are also some other people thinking that their ideal jobs must be in accordance with the fulfillment of their dreams. What’s your opinions?

12. Should One Help Strangers?

Directions: Have you helped a stranger? Or have you received any help from a stranger? Recall your experience and state your idea.

13. Ambition and Action

Directions: Ambition and action are two important elements for any one to succeed. Which weighs more? Ambition or action?

14. Coping with Stress

Directions: In modern society, most people seem to be under great stress, which has caused a lot of psychological problems among them and serious problems too. What do you think of it? How to solve the problem? Give your opinions.

15. How to Deal with the Problem of Unemployment

Directions: In recent years, China has experienced an alarming increase in unemployment rate. The government has realized the graveness of unemployment problem and taken measures to create job opportunities. What’s your opinion of unemployment problem? Can you offer some suggestions or solutions.

16. Technology and Traditional Cultures

Directions: It is inevitable that as technology develops, traditional cultures must be lost. Technology and tradition are in compatible. We cannot have both together. To what extent do you agree with this opinion?

17. One Way to Eliminate the Generation Gap

Directions: Many parents admit that there is generation gap between them and their children. How can we eliminate the gap?

18. The Benefits of Traveling Abroad

Directions: More and more people choose to travel around in their vacations. Many people believe that traveling around benefit them a lot.

19. My View o Playing Internet Games

Directions: Many people believe that playing Internet games is very harmful, especially for children. But some young people don’t think so. What’s your opinion?

20. Should College Students Open E-shops?

Directions: Most E-shops are run by young people. Some college students also try to open e-shops on order to earn some money and get some social experience. Different people have different opinions on this matter. What’s your opinion?





It would probably not be too kindly disposed to the idea that B is not important . B________也好_________.

In a word, to choose A or B is something of a dilemma to the public because they sometimes are confused by the seemingly good qualities of B, and neglect hte genuinely good aspects of

A. For the reasons presented above, I strongly commit to the notion that A, but not B


Part One: The Model of Beginning Paragraph

1. ---------has become a hot topic among people, especially among the young, and heated debates are right on their way.

2. Recently, --------has become the focus of the society. And in this way, people swarm to-------.

3. ------has been playing an increasingly important role in our day-to-day life. It has brought us a lot of benefits but created some serious problems as well.

4. Nowadays more and more people are beginning to be aware of the seriousness of------.

5. ------ is now ------,and at the same time ------. These two factors have caused --------. Then what shall we do to solve ------- in the face of such a situation?

Part Two: The Model of Body Paragraph

1. A great number of solutions are being offered. Some people suggest that ------. Others argue that-------.

2. There are several measures for us to adopt. First, we can ------, there are a number of advantages of -----. Another solution is to ---------.

3.Why--------? The first reason is that ------. The second reason is --------. The third is ---------.

4. The eventual result it brings out is -------. And perhaps the most obvious result of---- is ------.

5. ------ is necessary and important to our country’s development and construction. First, ------. What’s more, --------. Most important of all, ---------.

Part Three: The Model of Concluding Paragraph

1. Personally, I believe that ----. Consequently, I am confident that a bright future is awaiting us because-------.

2. With the development of society, -----. So it is urgent and necessary to------. If every member is willing to contribute himself to society, it will be better and better.

3. But for me, I would rather think of the matter in an optimistic way,because I believe --------.

4. My own point of view is that ------ is a normal behavior in our society. There is no doubt that -----. AS an old saying goes, --------.

5. From all the reasons above, we know that great changes had taken place in -----. And I believe that ------.


Model One: 引言: There is no consensus of (opinions/ disagreements) among people as to the view of ----------. Some people suggest that -------, while some other people argue that ----------. I agree with the latter to some extent. 提出自己的论点: I think------------.

提供论据,证明自己的观点: I can think of no better illustration of the (view/idea) than my own (experience/ example) of---------. First, ----- Second, ------ .Finally,------.

结论: My personal experience leads me to conclude that ---------.

Model Two: 引言: In the past few years, there has bee an growing trend that--------. People have conflicting views of this fact. Some people support and others worry. 提出自己的论点As for what I think,----------- is (beneficial to us in many ways./useful in many ways.) 提供论据,证明自己的观点:Firstly, -------. Secondly, -------. The last point,---------.

结论: Therefore, we have no reason to make a fuss about---------.

Model Three: 引言: In recent years there has been a big growth in the area of -------.提出自己的论点: --------is popular that it has become an indispensable part in our life.


Part One Model of Beginning Paragraph

1. One of the great writers once said that ---------. Now it still has a realistic significance.

2. There is an old saying goes that-----------. It’s the experience of our forefather; however, it is correct in many cases even taday.

3. One of our ancient philosophers said, ---------. Chinese people have always been holding this idea to be one of their standards of morality.

4. The English proverb says, ----------. This is quite true because--------.

5. In our history, the idea that ------- never has been so popular. On one hand,----------, on the other hand,---------.

Part Two: The Model of the Body Paragraph

1. From a personal perspective, I also prefer to ------ because ---------.

2. The advantages of -------- are much greater than those of --------. For instance, -----------.

3. However, if not managed properly, ------ can create many problems.

Sometimes-------. Furthermore, ---------. Therefore, ---------has been gaining public.

4. What is more, the essence of ------- is that -------, although we cannot, most of us------------.

5. To make a moral point, I feel that another reason why I prefer------ is that--------. Part Three: The Model of Concluding Paragraph

1. As regards me, I tend to pick-------- , for-------. What is more, ----------.

2. For me, --------- is a glory and it is the most important thing I have take into feasible consideration.

3. If I were given a choice between-------and -------, I would certainly prefer --------. For me,-------------.

4. My point of view in -------- largely results from the fact that --------.


Part One : The Model of Beginning Paragraph

1. Last (week/ month), I visited a friend of mine and found that ------- . The

(case/story/incident) is not rare. It has now drawn much nationwide attention to the issue/problem of ------------.

We may trace this problem back to --------, but it does not answer the question of why---------.

2. Perhaps nothing is more (dominant/popular/important/harmful/dangerous )in (the modern world/Chinese family/school/society) than --------. According to a

recent(study/investigation/poll)80% teenagers (people/women) are (addicted to/indulged in /interested in) doing--------.

True, it does some good to us, but when we applaud its benefits, we must acknowledge its enormous potential to affect us.

Part Two: The Model of the Body paragraph

1.分析原因: In my opinion, the (phenomenon/problem/failure/change) in ------ (is partly…/ mainly /largely attributable to…/due to…/owing to….) --------.

The fact that ------ has several factors. First,------. Second, ------. Finally, -----

2. 分析结果: It is important for people /teenagers to realize that------- ,for it will( produce/ exert/have)a remarkable (impact/influence/effect) on---------. First of all, -------.

Also,-------. Finally,--------.

Part Three; The Model of Concluding Paragraph

1.There is(no denying/little doubt)that (special/adequate/considerable/further)attention must be paid/called/devoted to the problem of --------.If we ignore/fall in/ are blind to the problem, it is very likely that ---------.

2. We must look for /search for/call for an immediate attention/action/method/measure because the present/current situation/state of ---------.

3. It is suggested/ recommended/hoped that great /persistent/contiuous efforts should be made to halt/ control/check the danger of-------. Anyhow, wider education/ more publicity should be given to the serious consequences/ effects of ---------. Only by recognizing/ realizing the -------, necessity/importance/dangerous effect of ----- can we-----.

提供论据,证明自己的观点: ------contribute both to --------and to -------. Besides,------offers -------. And most importantly, ------help to promote --------.

结论: -----plays a vital role in people’s life, and it deserves further attention from(the government/ authorities).

Model Five: 引言: Ever since early this century. 提出自己的论点: ------ has become an essential part of our modern life. It has played a decisive role in modern

(industry/agriculture/science and technology/natural defense and education). Nobody can deny that the development of our civilization depends on---------.

提供论据,证明自己的观点: If there were no --------, our modern world would be in trouble. For one thing,---------. For another,--------.

结论: Therefore, we should make better use of -------.