


One day a young man was standing in the middle of the town proclaiming1) that he had the most beautiful heart in the whole valley. A large crowd gathered, and they all admired his heart for it was perfect. There was not a flaw2) in it.

Suddenly, an old man appeared and said, "Why3), your heart is not nearly as beautiful as mine!"

The crowd and the young man looked at the old man's heart. It was full of scars. It had places where pieces had been removed and other pieces put in, but they didn't fit quite right, and there were several jagged4) edges. In fact, in some places there were deep gouges5) where whole pieces were missing.

The young man laughed. "Comparing your heart with mine, mine is perfect and yours is a mess of scars."

"Yes," said the old man, "Yours looks perfect but I would never trade with you. You see, every scar represents a person to whom I have given my love. I tear out a piece of my heart and give it to them, and often they give me a piece of their heart that fits into the empty place in my heart.

"But because the pieces aren't exact, I have some rough edges, which I cherish, because they remind me of the love we shared.

"Sometimes I have given pieces of my heart away, and the other person hasn't returned a piece of his or her heart to me. These are the empty gouges - giving love is taking a chance.

"Although these gouges are painful, they stay open, reminding me of the love I have for those people too, and I hope someday they may return and fill the space I've been waiting. So now do you see what true beauty is?"

The young man walked up to the old man, reached into his perfect heart, and ripped6) a piece out. He offered it to the old man.

The old man placed it in his heart, then took a piece from his old scarred heart and placed it in the wound in the young man's heart. It fit, but not perfectly, as there were some jagged edges.

The young man looked at his heart, not perfect anymore but more beautiful than ever, since love from the old man's heart flowed into his. They embraced7) and walked away side by side.

How sad it must be to go through life with a whole untouched heart! 一天,一个年轻人站在镇子的中央,宣称他拥有整个山谷最美丽的心。一大群人围了过来,都交口称赞年轻人的心,因为这颗心完美无瑕。








年轻人走到老者面前,把手伸进自己完美的心中,撕下了一片,赠给了老者。 老者把这片心放进自己的心里,然后从自己那颗苍老而又伤痕累累的心上撕下一片,放入年轻人心上的伤口。虽然能够放进去,但不十分吻合,因为有的边缘凹凸不平。






开放作文常见话题总结 成功与失败:

1. 面对困难,他们永不放弃而尽自己最大努力去寻找出路。

Faced with difficulties/Facing difficulties, they never give up but try their best to find a way out.

2. 取得成功的关键是要有坚强的决心和意志。

The key to success is to have great determination and a strong will.

3. 通往成功的路不会平坦,充满挑战和艰辛。我们要勇敢地去面对。只要不放弃希望并付

出艰苦的努力,我们最终会实现我们的目标的。 The journey to success is not smooth , full of challenges and difficulties. We should be brave to face them. As long as we don’t give up hope and make every effort to overcome all the difficulties, we will surely achieve our goal (success)finally.

4. 只有当我们下决心并全心全意付出努力,我们才会使我们的生活充实并最终实现我们的


It is only when we make up our minds and work heart and soul that we will live our lives to the fullest and realize our dream at last.

5. 失败是件糟糕的事情,但是却是成功之母。如果我们积极地应对失败,我们就不会被打


Failure is really a terrible thing but it is also the mother of success. If we hold a positive attitude towards failure with self-confidence and great courage, we will not be defeated and win victory. 积极心态:

1. 这幅图想要提醒我们乐观的重要性。

The picture intends to remind us of the importance of optimism.

2. 无论我们是贫穷还是富有,我们都应该因能为社会做事而感到高兴。所以,我们了解了给予是幸福的源泉。

Whether rich or poor, we should be happy to do something for society. Thus we can learn that giving is the source of happiness.

3. 对所发生的事持有积极的观点会帮助你发现生活中的美。

Having a positive outlook on what happens/has happened will help you realize the beauty in your life.

4. 我们应该对生活持积极态度并总是告诉自己我们不能向生活中的灾难低头,而是要珍惜我们所拥有的,为实现理想而奋斗。

We should hold a positive attitude towards life and always tell ourselves that we should not yield to disasters in life but to cherish what we have and strive for our dreams. /spare no effort to realize our dream.

5. 态度对于我们来说比事实更重要。我们不能改变过去;我们也不能改变事实。但我们唯

一能做的就是持有积极的心态。我确信生活就是百分之十发生在我身上的事和百分之九 十我对它们的反应。

Attitude to me is more important than facts. We cannot change our past; we cannot change the fact. However, the only thing we can do is to hold a positive attitude. I am convinced that life is 10 percent what happens to me and 90 percent how I react to it.


1. 这幅图传达这样一个信息,一些人有自己的做事方法,而其他一些人只是盲目地去模仿别人,一事无成。

The picture conveys the message that some people go their own way in doing things, while others blindly struggle to copy others and achieve nothing.

2. 为了获取知识,我们应该找到恰当的方法并为之付出长期努力,否则我们只能事倍功半。

To acquire knowledge, we should find a proper method and put constant efforts into what we are doing. Otherwise, we may end up getting half the result with twice the effort.

3. 我们应该专注于取得成功的过程。只要每一步都很恰当到位,我们迟早会获得我们想得


we should focus on the process of fighting for success. As long as every step is proper, sooner or later we will gain what we long for.

4. 如果我们在追求我们所想得的过程中能更创新,别出心裁,我们就可能找到解决问题的


If we try to be more creative and think out of the box as we pursue what we want, there’s a great possibility that we find a much easier access, leading us directly to our goal.

5. 这幅图让我们思考什么是取得成功的最明智的做法。

The picture gets us to think what is the smartest way for us to achieve success.


1. 有两种做事的方法。它们是独立工作,和合作。There are basically two ways to get work

done. They are working individually and working in a team.

2. 合作给个人提供了与别人讨论与研究的机会。在这个过程中, 人们能彼此帮助,进而

提升他们的交际与合作能力。 Working in a team provides the individuals with the chance to discuss and study together.

During the process, they help each other so this can improve their communication and co-operative ability.

3. 只有当全体成员都意识到他们的作用,互相尊重,互相支持,目标才能被达成。

Only when all members of a group are aware of their own roles, respect and support each other, can the goal be achieved.

4. 我们都有各自的优势和劣势,然而,通过相互合作和充分利用各自的才能,我们就能


We all have strengths and weaknesses。However, by working with each other and making the best use of each other’s talents, we can always achieve a better result.

5. 我们必须认识到合作的重要性并且努力使自己尽量多的投入到这样的活动中。

In my opinion, we have to realize the importance of teamwork and try to involve ourselves in the activities as much as possible.


1. 作为社会成员,我们每个人应该多关心老人。

As a member of society, each of us should care more about the elderly.

2. 只有当我们彼此信任时,我们才能建成一个和谐的社会。 Only when we believe in each other can we build a harmonious society.


The young generation is becoming more and more self-centered, which will lead to a failure in communicating and cooperating with others.

4. 一些学生对电脑游戏上瘾,对学习越来越不上心。

Some students get addicted to computer games and pay less attention to their study.

5. 由使用过的塑料引起的白色污染问题正变得日益严重。

The problem of “white pollution” caused by used plastic bags is becoming increasingly serious.



1. 面对困难,他们永不放弃而尽自己最大努力去寻找出路。

2. 取得成功的关键是要有坚强的决心和意志。

3. 通往成功的路不会平坦,充满挑战和艰辛。我们要勇敢地去面对。只要不放弃希望并付出艰苦的努力,我们最终会实现我们的目标的。

4. 只有当我们下决心并全心全意付出努力,我们才会使我们的生活充实并最终实现我们的梦想。

5. 失败是件糟糕的事情,但是却是成功之母。如果我们积极地应对失败,我们就不会被打败,有自信有勇气,最终会赢得胜利。


1. 这幅图想要提醒我们乐观的重要性。

2. 无论我们是贫穷还是富有,我们都应该因能为社会做事而感到高兴。所以,我们了解了给予是幸福的源泉。

3. 对所发生的事持有积极的观点会帮助你发现生活中的美。

4. 我们应该对生活持积极态度并总是告诉自己我们不能向生活中的灾难低头,而是要珍惜我们所拥有的,为实现理想而奋斗。

5. 态度对于我们来说比事实更重要。我们不能改变过去;我们也不能改变事实。但我们唯

一能做的就是持有积极的心态。我确信生活就是百分之十发生在我身上的事和百分之九 十我对它们的反应。


1. 这幅图传达这样一个信息,一些人有自己的做事方法,而其他一些人只是盲目地去模仿


2. 为了获取知识,我们应该找到恰当的方法并为之付出长期努力,否则我们只能事倍功半。


4. 如果我们在追求我们所想得的过程中能更创新,别出心裁,我们就可能找到解决问题的


5. 这幅图让我们思考什么是取得成功的最明智的做法。


1. 有两种做事的方法。它们是独立工作,和合作。

2. 合作给个人提供了与别人讨论与研究的机会。在这个过程中, 人们能彼此帮助,进而


3. 只有当全体成员都意识到他们的作用,互相尊重,互相支持,目标才能被达成。

4. 我们都有各自的优势和劣势,然而,通过相互合作和充分利用各自的才能,我们就能


5. 我们必须认识到合作的重要性并且努力使自己尽量多的投入到这样的活动中。


1. 作为社会成员,我们每个人应该多关心老人。

2. 只有当我们彼此信任时,我们才能建成一个和谐的社会。


4. 一些学生对电脑游戏上瘾,对学习越来越不上心。

5. 由使用过的塑料引起的白色污染问题正变得日益严重。
