
A: today we are talk about friendship. what do you think about friendship?

B: uh… It is not food that we eat when we are starved, but it can help fill up our empty mind when we feel lonesome. It is not clothes to wear when we are frozen, but it is able to keep a stream of warmth welling up our heart.

A: Yeah. Friendship is untouchable but it exists and touches people’s heart. It is something wonderful.

B: what about you? in your eyes, What is friend ?

A: for me, friend is like a shade tree beside a summer way. they will understand my little trials and lend a hand; friend is like the sunshine that makes a perfect day; when I fell down ,they can change a frown into a smile .

B: friends are a basic source of happiness and hope in our lives . It not only brings us more joys and happiness, but also reduces the sense of lonely. moreover, friendship will help us get rid of trouble and sadness . It is an important part in our life, don’t you think so?

A: yeah, I agree with you. As the saying goes, A life without a friend is a life without a sun .

4.can you list some sayings about friendship?

A friend in need is a friend indeed. 患难见真情。

Friendship can not stand always on one side. 来而不往非礼也。

Friend is second self.朋友是另一个我。

A hedge between keeps friendship green.君子之交淡如水。


第二篇:初中英语课前值日生报告 初中英语课演讲Report2



answer my question.




"I don't know, father."answered Tom.

"Our teacher, father."Tom said.

Yale!Please come here and I will give you another topic.Look,this is a piece of paper with six squares on it.Every square refers a house and each one of three is a group .All you have to do is to use a pen to draw the lines which refers conduits ['k?ndit]to connect every number house with every letter house.But the two lines do not intersect at one point.

Can you understand?If you can't,I can translate it into Chinese.( ........... )

And who also want to have a try?

No.2 Try your best to retell the story.

The last question

No.3 Should I let Yale come back?

(Yale you can come back,You [two],come and stand there)

OK,that's only a joke. That's all,thank you.

