



题 目: 联盛超市布置设计改善

分 院:

专 业: 物流管理

班 级: (一)班

学 号: 20110410280110 姓 名: 指导教师: 填表日期:月


零售业是一个关系国计民生的行业,与国民经济的繁荣与衰退息息相关。伴随 20 多年 的经济快速成长,中国零售业正以每年 7%的速度增长,成为全球零售市场发展最快的国家。 零售业充满着机遇和挑战,提高流通业尤其是零售业的竞争力和素质,是中国未来经济发展 最为关键的环节之一。而如何促使顾客在店内的冲动购物或无计划购物最大化,这就涉及到终端设计的问题,包括卖场布局与产品陈列等一系列问题。

自 1930 年第一家超级市场在美国诞生, 21 世纪初超级市场在全世界范围内的迅速发 到 展,超级市场已走过了近 80 年的岁月。就美国、日本等发达国家的总体情况看,超级市场 是当今零售业的一支重要力量。但在竞争日趋激烈的零售业领域,超级市场遇到了来自各个 方面的挑战,目前国内外的超级市场的发展呈现以下几种趋势

(1)规模扩大化各国限定超 级市场的年营业额下限逐年上升.(2)服务多元.(3)组织集团化、连锁化。以美国和法国 的情况看,超级市场大多为连锁化经营。(4)经营国际化一些发达国家超市集团发现在国 内的市场机会减少,纷纷向全球市场扩张。 大型超市中即使其空间面积很大,但仍然需要小心注意各类物品的摆放。而且正因为其空间的巨大,顾客购物花费的精力也由此而增加,因此,超市中产品的摆放以及分类布局显 的尤为重要。对顾客购物环境及氛围的营造,促进顾客购物情绪的上涨,对超市有着至关重 要的影响。要研究正分析了现今各大超市的布局的合理性,为零售业的发展提供一定的归纳和借鉴意义。








研究方法: 本文在研究过程中,运用实地考察和理论学习相结合的方式,借助于大量权威数据、实 地经验等进行论证。具体分类有以下研究方法: 1.理论学习法。在本文的研究过程中,对现有相关的理论阅读学习,并结合课本提出 疑问,与同学互助进行问题的解决。 2.实地考察分析法。笔者收集了大量国内采用超市陈列布局的实例以及国外几家零售 业巨头在布局方面的成功案例的资料。通过对这些数据和资料的实证分析和研究并亲身 在此卖场实习,根据本超市的自身情况和当地人的购物特点,为新英佳购物广场的产品 陈列布局提供了可行、充分的依据。 3.规范分析法 4.定量分析法 5.定性分析法 6.微观分析法 7.宏观分析法


研究思路:对于零售业,人们也许只是关心于超市的服务、产品的品种、营销的手段,还有它的价格,而忽略了对超市产品陈列布局的研究,几年前身边只有小型超市,那时生意红火,为此小型超市如雨后春笋一般冒出。现在身边到处都是大卖场,可是小型超市照样没有减少,反而还在增加。为什么?难道那些生活用品利润真的那么高吗?两者定位不同。 大卖场定位集中消费,小卖场,小杂货店定位柴米油盐酱醋茶等人们上下班路上就可购买的 生活必需品。







6、制作毕业论文答辩 PPT



[1] 金 娟 , 王 颖 , 毕 春 辉 . 连 锁 超 市 经 营 管 理 实 务 [M]. 深 圳 :深圳海天出版社, 2003.

[2] 张 玉 明 . 超 市 卖 场 的 布 局 设 计 [J]. 商 场 现 代 化 , 2007(04):20-45

[3]李 瑞 杰 . 配 送 中 心 布 局 规 划 仿 真 与 评 价 [D]. 北 京 : 北 京 交通大学, 2010.

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[5] 高 明 , 周 三 元 . 基 于 2009(09): 90-92.

[6] 杨 晓 英 , 贾 晓 燕 , 魏 先 亮 . 基 于 Flexsim 的 设 施 布 置 方 法 的改进研究[J]. 物 流 科 技 , 2009(07): 86-88

[7] 白 继 周 卖 场 管 理 实 务 [M] 广 州 :经 济 出 版 社 2 0 0 3

[8] 付 玮 琼 商 场 超 市 布 局 与 商 品 陈 列 技 巧 [ M ] 北 京 : 工 业 出 版 社 2006

[9] 韩 阳 卖 场 陈 列 设 计 [M] 北 京 : 中 国 纺 织 出 版 社 20 0 6

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摘 要




由于面临来自全球和地区日趋激烈的竞争,提高生产效率、降低运营成本,对于企业来说将至关重要,其中库存管理将是制造型企业中控制生产成本的关键问题之一。库存就是金钱,是财务报表上的重要事项,管好库存就是管好企业的钱财 [1]。随着企业规模扩大,产成品结构越来越复杂,且整个市场对产品的个性化要求也日益提高,随之而来的问题是面对每天都要重复进行的收货、出入库、移库和盘点的工作,如何才能快速的完成大批量货物的快速核对、收取?在企业具有一定规模的仓库中,怎样才能快速地找到指定的货物?盘点一定要停业才能进行吗?对于仓库进行停业盘点所造成的损失是显而易见的,也是企业绝对不愿意承受的,但是不进行盘点又无法真实地掌握库房的情况,这同样是企业的管理者所不愿意面对的。有没有可以在不影响企业正常工作的情况下进行库房盘点的办法呢?本文基于RFID技术,设计实现基于此无线射频技术基础上的仓库管理系统,以达到对原有业务流程进行改造和重新设计来解决以上问题。 1



2.1 仓库管理系统的用户需求














系统支持射频输入和手工输入两种方式,以防射频系统不稳定时影响生产活动。 系统要求与PDM和财务系统集成,能够通过系统接口方式获得物料基础数据。 系统硬件部分要求模块化设计实现,维护简便稳定可靠。

手持部分需要结实耐用,能够在恶劣的环境中使用(下雨、下雪等)。 手持部分在无外接电源情况下,需要至少连续工作10小时以上。


3.1 仓库管理系统的结构


图1 仓库管理结构图

仓库管理系统由业务管理软件、RFID标签发行系统和RFID标签识别采集系统组成,这几个系统互相联系,共同完成仓库管理的各个流程。后台仓库数据库管理系统是整个系统的核心,RFID识别采集是实现管理功能的基础和手段。后台管理系统由中心数据服务器和管理终端组成,是系统的数据中心,负责与手持机通讯,将手持机上传的数据转换并插入到后台业务仓储管理系统的数据库中, 3


3.2 仓库管理系统的架构





3.3 系统设计要点





2010.06——2010.08 文献查新、资料收集。

2010.09——2010.10 资料分析、课题设计。


2010.11——2010.12 归纳整理、撰写论文。


【1】孟晓明,张建华.电子商务环境下的供应链管理中存在的问题与对策 研究叨.特区经济,2006,(8).


【3】 于歆杰,王赞基.应用自适应指数比例变换的适用值共享遗传算法.系统工程理论与实践.2002,

【4】Holland J H.Adaptation in Natural and Artificial System[M].AnnArbor:The University of Michigan Press,1975

【5】乔军.遗传算法在图像处理中的应用[J].中国农业大学学报 1998,






1 关于物流产业的基本认识




虽然物流活动久已存在,但在现代经济中,物流产业及其所提供的物流服务,与传统的物流活动或者生产、流通部门从事的物流活动已经有了本质上的区别。 第一,物流产业是国民经济中的动脉系统,它连接社会经济的各个部分并使之成为一个有机整体。在现代经济中,由于社会分工的日益深化和经济结构的日趋复杂,各个产业、部门、企业之间的交换关系和相互依赖程度也愈来愈错综复杂,物流产业是维系这些复杂交换关系的纽带和血管。


第三,物流产业可以为全社会提供更为全面、多样化的物流服务,并在物流全过程及其各个环节实现价值增值。2 中国物流产业发展的现状及主要特征





近年来,中国经济中出现的许多物流企业,主要由三部分构成,一是国际物流企业。这些国际物流公司一方面为其原有的客户——跨国公司进入中国市场提 6




3 中国物流产业发展面临的主要问题和制约因素








虽然中国的物流基础设施和装备条件已有较大的发展和改善,但与中国经济以及物流产业的发展要求相比,与发达国家相比仍然有较大的差距,在相当程度上影响着中国物流效率的提高,不利于物流产业的快速健康发展。主要表现是: 第一,中国交通运输基础设施总体规模仍然很小。








首先,影响各种物流服务方式的协调发展。例如,由于各种运输方式的多头管理和相互分割,各种运输方式长期以来呈现分立发展的局面,不同运输方式在运输组织方式、服务规范、技术及装备标准等方面存在较大差距,使得物流企业 7

很难根据市场需要选择合理的运输服务方式,许多企业只能利用单一的运输方式来开展物流服务,而以多式联运为基础的许多现代化物流服务方式还难以开展。 其次,造成物流资源的浪费。在条块分割、多头管理的模式下,各种基础设施的规划和建设缺乏必要的协调,一是导致大量的重复建设和过度竞争,例如公路主干网络与铁路网络的平行发展,各地争相建设港口、机场等现象;二是涉及到各种运输方式之间、国家运输系统与地方运输系统之间、不同地区运输系统之间相互衔接的枢纽设施和有关服务设施建设方面缺乏投入,对物流产业发展有重要影响的各种综合性货运枢纽、物流基地、物流中心建设发展十分缓慢。这种“重线路、轻结点”式的发展,即造成了资源的极大浪费,也影响着整个物流系统的协调发展。本文来自六*维*论^文*网

4 中国物流服务社会化健康发展的对策












从中国运输协会的调查报告和中国仓储协会的抽样调查报告数据来看,我国现有 8












1 采取措施提高我国第三方物流服务企业的规模毕业论文


2 设法营造跨部门、跨行业、跨地区的现代物流社会化服务经营环境

在推动中国第三方物流服务企业规模化发展的同时,必须通过修订和完善各种法规和政府行政行为去打破现有各种有形和无形的地区、行业与部门限制,全面促进和加速中国第三方物流企业的跨地区、跨行业和网络化发展的步伐。 3 以提高服务质量,降低物流成本为核心,以培育市场竞争力为手段,因地制宜地拓展第三方物流企业的发展空间。

4 努力降低生产流通企业使用现代物流社会化服务的“退出成本”


5 发挥企业和政府两个积极性,尽快提高基础设施水平


6 建立行业协会,规范第三方物流企业在服务管理方面的行为

在努力规范自身行为,提高服务水平的同时,必须尽快成立地区性以至全国性的第三方物流服务业的行业协会,由该协会作为行业自律机构,一方面由协会开展工作去防止和制裁第三方物流服务企业的出轨行为,一方面又行业协会这组织制定本行业企业共同遵守的行为规范和纪律,这样会起到很好的作用。5 结论 针对中国第三方物流服务业从业人员的现状,政府和企业都要应该努力加大投入去提高我国第三方物流业的从业人员的业务和管理水平。政府应该在有关这一行业的相应国民教育体系,包括中专、大专、学士、硕士、博士等层次的教育方面加大投入和指导,同时积极筹备和开展这方面的职业资格认证制度建设和实施工作。第三方物流企业自身需要在资金投入上确保现有从业人员的进修和培训方面的需要,同时积极寻求与高校和管理咨询机构的协助,通过开展服务管理咨询和企业内部培训与企业人力资源开发等方式提高自己企业员工的现代物流业务知识和业务水平以及现代物流管理的水平。


China miscarriage industry development present situation and existence question

The China miscarriage industry development present situation and the existence question along with the world economics fast development and the modern science and technology progress, the thing miscarriage industry take in the national economy an emerging service sector, in global scope rapid development. In on international, the thing miscarriage industry was considered is the national economy development artery and the foundation industry, its degree of development becomes weighs a country mod ionization degree and one of comprehensive national strength important symbols, is explained for the promotion economy development "the accelerator".

1 About thing miscarriage industry basic understanding

1.1 Miscarriages industry development and its basic connotation

The thing miscarriage industry production and the development are the economy develops the certain stage, the social division of labor unceasing deepening product. In the traditional thing flows the activity to disperse in the different branches of the economy, the different enterprise as well as the enterprise organizes in the different

function department. Along with the economical fast development, the science and technology level enhancement as well snidest realizations advancement speeding up, the large scale production, the massive expenses causes in the economical the thing to flow the scale day by day huge and is complex, the tradition, the disperser carry on the thing flows the activity not to be able to adapt the modern economy development red quest by far, the thing flows active the low efficiency and the high quota cost, already becalm e the restriction factor which the influence

economy operating efficiency and the so piety reproduced smoothly carries on, and is regarded as "the economical dark mainland".

1.2 Miscarriages industry basic characteristics

Although the thing flows the active existence, but in the modern economy, the thing which the thing miscarriage industry and its provides flows the service, flowed the thing with the traditional thing which the activity or the production, the circulation departmental engaged in to flow the activity already to have the essentially difference. First, the thing miscarriage industry is in the national economy artery system, it con acts the social economy each part and causes into become an organic whole. modern economy, because the social division of labor daily

deepening and the economic structure day by day complex, between each industrial, department, enterprise change relations and intercept indent degree also increasingly intriguing the thing miscarriage industry is maintains these complex to exchange relational the link and the blood vessel. Second, the thing miscarriage industry through flows the ease entail factor to each kind of thing the optimum composition and there atonable disposition, the realization flows the active efficiency the enhancement and the society flows the total cost reducing. Third, the thing

miscarriage industry may comprehensively provide, the diverse thing for the entire society flows the service, and flows 2 China miscarriage industry development present situation and main characteristic

2.1 Specializations flow the service demand initially to reveal the clue

In recent years, along with the buyer market formation, the enterprise flowed in the domain to the thing to have "the third profit fountainhead" to start to have the quite profound understanding, the optimized enterprise interior has flowed the management, reduces the thing to flow the cost to become the present most domestic enterprises most intense desire and the request. Our country flowed active the level of development also quite to be low,

strengthens the enterprise interior to flow the management still was the entire society flows active the key point. At the same time, the specialized thing flower the also the development tendency is extreme eelier. First is the

multinational corporation is engaged in production management, the sale in China divides dials active as well as in the purchase process, to the high efficiency, the specie alizarin flows the service the huge demand, this is leads our country mica industry development an extremely important market foundation. Second is the domestic superiority enterprise flows the service to the specialization the demand. Third is in some emerging economical domains, like 10

private enterprise, express service industry as well as electronic commerce domain and so on, also has and has the cert inscape the thing to flow the service demand.

2.2 Specializations flow the enterprise to start to emerge

In recent years, in our country economy appeared many thing flowed tenet emprise, mainly by three parts of

constitutions, one was international flows the enterprise. These international flows the company on the one hand to enter the Chinese market for its original customer-multinational corporation to provide extends the thing to flow the service; On the other hand, is producing and the development specialization in view of the Chinese market flows the service demand to provide the service. Two, by the traditional transportation, the storage and transport and the wholesale trade enterprise transforms the thing which forms to flow the enterprise. They depend on the original thing to flow aspect the and so on service foundation and in customer, facility, management network superiority, through unceasingly develops and extends its thing to flow the service, gradually flows the enterprise to the modern age to transform. Three is the emerging specialization flows the enterprise, like Guangzhou's

valuable offering flows the company, north the national capital transports passes the thing to flow the company and so on. These enterprises depended upon the advanced management idea, the diverse service method, the science management pattern have won the market niche in the competition, became in our country mist carriage industry development a not allow to neglect strength. .

3 China miscarriage industry developments face main question and restriction factor

3.1 Miscarriages industry development still were facing the bigger market demand restraint

The tradition planned economy system influence, our country quite many enterprises are being still retained "large and complete", "is small and entire" the operation scheme way, purchases from the raw material to the product sale process in a series of flows the active main dependence enterprise underlying tissues the self-service to complete. This kind flowed the active pattern by the self-service primarily thing to limit and to retard the industry and

commerce enterprise in the very great degree to the high efficiency specialization, the socialization has flowed the service demand the production and the development, this also was current restricts the China miscarriage industry fast development an important bottleneck.

3.2 Thing flow the enterprise the management level to wait for the enhancement

First, the service way and the method quite primitive and are unitary. At present most flows the service from the thing the enterprise only to be able simply to provide the transportation (to deliver goods) and stores in a storehouse the service, but in the circulation processing, the thing flows the information service, the stock

management, teething flows thing and so on cost control flows the increment service aspect, especially flows the plan design in the thing as well as the entire journey flows the service and so on a higher level the thing to flow the service aspect not to have comprehensively to launch. Second, the thing flows the enterprise to organize the scale to be smaller, lacks the essential competition strength. At present flows the service from the thing the enterprise, including circulation enterprise and so on the traditional transportation and storage and transport and the new

specialization flows the enterprise, the scale and the strength also peration scheme not yet forms. Third, the thing flows the enterprise to manage the management level to be lower, the thing flows the grade of service to wait for further enhances. Most flows the service from the thing the enterprise to lack the essential service standard and the internal management regulations, the management extensive, is very difficult to provide standardized the thing to flow the service, the grade of service is lower.

3.3 Low levels thing flow the infrastructure and the equipment condition seriously affect the thing to flow the

efficiency the enhancement Although our country thing flows the infrastructure and the Equipment condition had a bigger development and the improvement, but compares with our country economy as well as the thing miscarriage industry development request, compared with the developed country still has a bigger disparity,

affected our country in the suitable degree to flow the efficiency the enhancement, and was disadvantageous to the 11

thing miscarriage industry fast health development. The main performance is: First, our country transportation infrastructure overall scale very was still small. Second, the modernization flows the collection and the storage and transport facility less; the level of development is lower. Third, each kind of thing flows the facility and the

equipment technical level is lower, the thing flows the work efficiency not tube high. Fourth, the facility structure is unreasonable, cannot fully display existing flows the facility the efficiency. Fifth, the thing flows the facility and the equipment standardized degree is lower. Sixth, the information technology application level is lower. the entire process and its each link realization value increment in teething.


摘 要


关键词:物流,发展,问题,方法1 前 言

现代物流工业是现代最受欢迎的行业。自从20世纪80年代早期物流概念从海外引入,物流业得到了迅猛的发展。目前,我国已有相当多的物流园区及中心,发展了一系列现代物流技术和取得了一大批自主知识产权的创新成果。研制开发了具有自主知识产权的集成化物流管理系统(LOG++/SMCS),成功实现了与著名ERP系统(SAP R/3)的实时连接。改变了我国传统物流系统性能单一、集成度低的现状,标志着我国物流软件系统与国际现代物流管理系统的接轨。研究开发了新型结构快速堆垛机。其运行速度0~150m/min,起升速度0~40m/min,货叉速度0~20/40m/min;水平方向采用激光测距技术,测距误差±1mm(500m以内),定位精度达到±3mm;垂直方向采用旋转编码器加齿形带技术,定位精度达到±3mm。进行了结构研究和动态性能分析,增加了设备的稳定性和可靠性;成功地将激光认址和旋转编码器、齿形带测距等新型检测技术整合到一起,运用于认址,从根本上改变了传统的认址方式,并采用冗余控制技术和故障自诊断技术等大大提高系统的效率与可靠性;新型货叉结构、带尺寸检测与条形码检测的新型载货台等10多项新技术,促进了物流关键设备的技术进步,大大缩短我国物流关键设备与国际先进水平的差距。在20xx年,国内外首创开发了具有国际先进水平的推挽式激光导引AGV小车(专利产品);攻克了路径规划、反射板布置、精确定位等难题,使小车能在卷接包机组内安全、灵活地行走和定位,实现完全自动化运送。20xx年设计应用具有国际先进水平的视觉识别移动式机器人自动辅料搭配系统。红河卷烟厂自动化物流系统和联想电脑公司集成化物流系统的成功开发与应用,填补了多项国内空白,创新出一批具有国际先进水平的系统和设备,大大缩小我国物流系统关键设备及主要技术指标与先进国家的差距,在行业中产生了广泛影响。经过多年研究和探索,太原钢运储存公司通过与科研机构的合作,成功地发展出由电脑计划设计的自动化的仓储打包系统,同样也是处于世界领先水平。由于受到政府的大力指出与重视,中国的现代物流业正以前所未有的速度发展。

但是,还是值得指出的是,中国的物流业整体还是处在初级阶段。中国在20xx年的国内生产总值是8.94×1000亿元,其中流通领域总占比重仅仅百分之8.1 这比发达国家如英美日要低许多。20xx年,沃尔玛,世界零售巨头的销售总额达 12


2 主要问题




物流园区是一个内有一家以上的物流公司或运送中心的特定的集中地。操作物流园区,可以形成规模效应从而减低成本。物流园区的构建应该对城市运送交通,城市生态环境,合城市规划起良性作用。但是,大多数城市物流园区的规划是掌握在当地政府手中的。近来,一些本地政府并不太清晰地说明了物流行业的深层意义。相反地,他们错误的认为物流业无论如何会使经济复苏。结果,许多地区纷纷规划筹建大批物流圈,物流园区或物流中心。现在很多物流园区都在规划,基层建设阶段,既不规划未来更高水平,也不连接到周边地区,也没有充分进行研究和调查当地的经济情况, 当地微观经济取向与当地货运流量. 这些物流园区没有占到任何便宜,强大的官僚掌控,市场反应不足,流动人口和物流不足,这些都阻碍他们进入良性循环,以及导致他们成为政府的重担。显然,这些物流园区并未遵循科学的原则,且已经违反我们的发展物流业的原意。事实上,物流业属于第三产业的,其功能应该是为第一产业第二产业的特定行业提供服务,物流业的利润,主要源自服务目标。第二,物流业是一个狭隘的利润率 可观的利润只能通过规模经营获得。因此,物流行为只能作为工业支柱。仅仅作为有利的第一产业和第二产业的基础, 或有意向巩固第一产业和第二产业的发展,只有这样物流业才能得到发展。在任何地方任何规划和建设区域性物流圈,园区或中心,一定需要讨论和严格研究使其与科学准则一致。物流场所的建构比例分布应该按照经济区域,而不是按照行政版图.否则大量重复建设项目,将极有可能因此而造成资源浪费。 除此之外,不少国内地区实施十分抽象与粗糙的物流草案。例如:在计划物流园区时,有些地区很少把构建区域性物流信息平台纳入考虑范围。一些其他地区以建造平台考虑,但他们只考虑自己的规划和设计,很少思考其建设的可能和实用性。换句话说,建设物流信息 平台是缺乏可操作性。



2.3.1配送设施的发展是物流业发展的一个重要指标,物流业是第三方物流服务,其中货物配送是必不可少组成部分.近期国外先进设备的物流配送已经达到这样的全自动化水平。日本物流中心是一个很好的例子,被称为"白鸟"主月制国公司.该中心共占用土地4208平方米,总面积达2774平方米,运送20000箱的货 13

物给200个仓储中心。中心采用自动阶梯仓库来存储。中心的仓库冷风释放时利用的原则是,"热空气上升,冷空气下降",从第一至第四的货架是恒温恒湿的,用以储存巧克力糖果,而层由第五至第八的室温区用以储存一般的食物.使用空调降低建造建筑隔间的运行成本.物流系统都采用全自动操作。货物从第二层开始放入仓库,首先,分类装置先将货物分类; 然后堆垛机器人自动将货物叠成一摞,这些被摞好的货物由自动高速往返传送带传送到阶梯式仓储室。高速往返传送带负责将货物运送至分类站点.当装运准备完成时,将货物存放在发送准备区。由于采用自动控制装置, 物流中心的货物运送差错率已大大减少。此外,一旦出现差错,差错出现的原因会第一时间被查出,同时也不会影响服务质量。

另一个很好的例子是日本Sagawa快递公司的沙意库物流中心,这个中心拥有44308平方米。这个五层高的装甲建筑拥有亚洲最大的建筑规模。中心的第一二层是操作平台,第三到第五层是物流加工区(为第三方提供服务),顶层是公园和直升机停机坪。这个物流中心为与日本中部。全国范围内覆盖320条配送网络站点。分类工作是在货物运送到物流中心当天晚上通宵完成的。第二天早上备份好分类的货物就会被送往各个分配送站点。同时当中心的接收部收到货物,他们会用无线数据终端将货物分类的数据立刻传送到物流中心。之前不需要任何操作,货物就能被直接放上传送带分类,他们的操作能力是每小时79000件。由于产品经济社会发展和社会化分工,配送中心无疑将适应经济社会发展过程中的需求变化. 国内多数企业都处在较低的物流业水平,薄弱的物流意识,薄弱的分送能力.除此以外,面对小企业的竞争压力,和疲软的第三方企业物流需求,企业大多固守传统的物流观念:大而全或小而全。

2.3.2 尽管对现代物流业的信息技术发展趋势重视不够,某些地区和地方当局还是大力发展规划 物流园区。但他们忽略了现代物流业必须依靠现代信息技术. 一个人很容易得出这样的结论,物流业的发展史上,将不会没有现代信息技术的范例. 一个优化的系统不可能形成,除非物流,资金流,信息流再运用现代信息系统的条件下被带入一个有机的协作整体. 构建现代信息技术基础和设施是在考虑在规划建设物流中心和公园时的首要因素。


1)主要为社会提供服务2)有完整合理的物流功能3)有一套完整的信息4)拥有庞大的辐射和影响范围; 5)有限的品种,但大批量的货物; 6)强大的存储和处理能力; 7)对一个公司具有统一的管理和行政权。这个定义昭示我们物流中心的基本条件和资格是比较高的。而现在几乎没有所谓的物流中心,符合存在的标准与上述要求。


目前,大多数国内物流企业,因为他们薄弱的服务能力,只能承担基本业务如运输,装卸,或贮存尽管他们有意为客户处理增值服务当客户要求时,如报关,存货管理,分配, 配送和加工流通,但毕竟能力有限。此外,基于员工的素质,资本和设备,服务质量不理想。根据相关数据, 超过30%的客户对聘请的第三方物流企业的服务质量不满意。85%的物流服务的第三方物流公司都是基本服务,如运输和储存。而只有1 5%的增值服务,如信息,加工和融资. 此外,受影响的重要因素还 14

涉及地区的缺点,有限的经营范围,过时的经营方式和效率低的存储(或交付)服务,物流人才,尤其掌握专门知识的综合管理人才,在市场中是难以找到自己位置。在今天的中国,就算有高薪。国内物流企业低品质的服务的主要原因是在于这三个要素:管理,技术而人才是远远低于均衡发展线的。现在,我国公路,铁路,民航和港口经营都是相互独立的,在某些方面来说,就如组织服务规则,技术器械规范。大多数情况下,企业提供物流服务 仅仅利用单一的运输方式,跨区域的面包车常用的旅行当他们返回没有携带任何物品。此外,壁垒一个一个地出现,物流系统无法顺利运作。一个重要因素 这直接影响到服务品质的是缺乏专业人才,在中国物流人才,尤其是综合性的管理人才,掌握专业知识,是渴望不可求,尽管以高薪聘请他们。

2.5 物流企业没有引起足够重视







2.6.1 小部分的物流专家为了提高中国物流产业,和其他从事物流的而并不是政府部门的专家组成了骨干队伍专注于物流,理论的物流到现在还没有被建立。 虽然越来越多的学者和专家已经进入了物流研究这个行业并且已经普及, 但是真正合格物流专家还是有限的。物流专家是加强和普及物流业的城堡。


中国已经将物流业列为四大新出现的工业之一了。而物流人才是10大急需人才之一,缺乏物流专业人才成为中国发展现代物流业的瓶颈。根据基本的数字资料显示,有超过400000的国有股份拥有公司和股份有限合作公司。假如大学和专科学校每年招收60个学生,而每个企业每五年雇用一个主修物流的学生,那么供应的物流人才还是远远低于需求。我们可以预期在一段足够长的时间里物流人才的还是远远的供小于求。现在,中国提供各层次的教育,也就是说,研究生课程,本科课程,专科学校和中专学校。但是,科学物流目标教育系统还是尚未成 15




2.8 对环境保护做得不够

物流产业的发展,引起了交通和运输给城市环境带来的污染问题,消费品生产加工后的残留物,物流过程中的包装,环境保护重要性增加,人类需要保护环境和资源,保证持续不便的经济和生产的发展还有考虑我们的后代是我们这个地球上共同的目标,现在,国内大型企业还没有完全了解环境保护的重要性因为他们还没有采用有效的措施,比如,有的物流公司建在市中心使城市的环境被煤矿, 油,严重得污染,特别是浪费还有就是设备噪音。除了这些,其他有些易燃易暴的严格上来说,企业应该重视起来大量的危害城市安全的事项。


面对市场竞争的剧增,企业寻求严厉的现代物流系统的需求,海外先进的物流公司发先中国物流市场有巨大的前景,并传布于中国。然而,进口现代物流系统不但降低成本而且很依靠,在长期操作中,其他的缺点是缺乏效率,时间上的服务和技术上的支持。因此,在国内提高现代物流系统和自己知识所有权有很重大的意义,改革水果关系到自己决定的自己决定所有权已经达到但是我们和外国主要的相同部门还是有差距3 主要对策


中国加入世贸组织后,其对外的物流业市场开放程度便会进一步加大,这将会给大多数物流企业带来很大的压力。在国外势力的影响下,这种极大的改变将会挑战现有的国有企业或各部门对其的适应能力。这将严重浪费资源和增加的物流业成本.物流业是一个要求各个方面都要密切合作的复杂行业。如果处于不同层次的各部门,只有基于自身利益考虑,甚至设置地方或部门经济壁垒,物流业将永远不会朝健康的方向发展。因此, 中国的相关政府部门应担当起对物流市场进行宏观调控的角色,从中国的实际情况出发,结合国外的理论和经验来研究我们的发展模式,为物流业的发展制定总体规划,并提出一些具体措施,以适应我国目前的状况。迎接国外企业的挑战和进一步规范中国的物流市场,政府部门必须制订切实可行的物流法规和政策以完善物流市场,推动物流企业的强制认证,培训工作人员和管理层人员并严格执行“凭证上岗”的制度。为了使物流业得到各级政府部门的理解和支持,如果条件允许,物流专家也可以被邀请发表演讲来达到这个目的。由于物流活动包括交通运输,包装,仓储,配送,货运等环节,涉及到国家信息部、铁道部、民航总局、商务部、客户、工业和商业和税务部门在内的众多 16

部门, 而且为了避免他们在政策上产生分歧,以确保各政府部门达成一致,中国应该建立协调制度,用来协调这些部门之间的矛盾。一条建议是了解全国范围的邮政和电信,工商, 税务部门之间是如何进行垂直管理的,也就是说,国家建立全国的物流管理体系来掌控物流行业和为全国范围内的物流制订标准。该做法是由政府综合治理委员来负责协调各部门制定的政策。第三个选择是组成一个跨部门的协会或政策委员会,涉及其成员的相关的政府部门,需促进物流行业的发展。协会或委员会将负责研究,制订相关协调政策,对于发展中成员的具体操作机构 可以采取由政府综合管理部门来管理。形成包括行政规章和政策性调整的规范政策。为了创造一个良好宽松的政策环境,中国有关部门应把影响现代物流业发展秩序的法规、制度和体系进一步规范化,特别是要明确公平竞争或限制的市场准入的政策。其次,政府应研究和制订物流管理体系和相关政策,以适应我国的社会主义市场经济体制和确保中国的物流业能够在一个标准的管理体系中健康的发展。

3.2 通过多途径发展物流教育

它不大可能利用全日制国民教育的方式来解决缺乏物流专业人才的问题,因为它不仅需要高学历教职员工提供物流专业,而且也需要相应的教学设施和设备,这并不是每所学校在较短时间内都能达到要求的。必须走中外结合的方法,我们可以借鉴国外的可行性经验,以推广体系执业资格证书。通过这样的方式,大量的人去学习和研究物流知识,从而达到直接的效果。除此之外,物流训练课程将定期或不定期在有条件的地方开展以培养人才。为保证人才质量, 在国家教育部的有关行政管理部门应组织专家为物流专业制订统一的评估标准,规范核心课程以达到监督和促进各级各类学校改进教学质量。国家学术或专业组织、团体和协会能够经常组织一些研讨会,就实践教学,以帮助学校更加有效地开办物流专业。





现代物流系统整合了机械,电工,水工,光,电脑和资讯。其内容主要涉及到自动储存系统、自动输送系统、自动导航系统、自动工作系统、逻辑控制系统、计算机集成管理系统等。现代物流系统技术是一门综合性的学科,包括人工智能的图像识别技术、计算机仿真、网络、无线通信、红外通信、激光制导定位和机器人技术。为了在现代物流系统技术方面实现重点突破,不同领域的专家应该共同对付关键问题。对国家政府来说, 也可在自然科学方面设定国家资助的项目的关键问题和事先研究方向。现代物流项目可作为单独项目来攻关,国内专家在他们的合法权益能得到有效保障的基础上组织施加一切,特别是为现代物流设置奖项和重赏那些受人们热烈欢迎的人才的合法权益。

3.5 为实现双赢组建大型集团

有些发达国家的物流公司,已经实现通过各种形式,重组、资本扩张、吞并和重建跨国综合物流企业以提供坚实的资金、先进技术和高等级的管理。但是大部分 17

的中国物流企业,其缺点是规模小,实力弱,能力低,在与国际大型物流公司的市场竞争中处于不利地位。因此,国内中小型物流企业可建立战略合作伙伴关系, 利用其国内的网络设施,成本低廉的人力资本,或相互收购或合并,组建大型集团迈向综合物流业,与国外大型物流企业展开竞争。

[1] 崔介何.物流学概论[M].北京:北京大学出版社,20xx年:1-2.

[2] 叶怀珍.现代物流学[M].北京:高等教育出版社,2003:49-56.

[3] 许建平.对培育广州物流市场的再思考[EB/OL].

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Studies on Logistics and Logistics Technology of China

Luo Yixin

(Department of Industry and Commerce Management, Human College of Finance and Economics, Human Chansha 410205)

Received 15 July 2004


For further pushing ahead with the development of China’s logistics industry,the author,based on the status quo of China's logistics industry,alfirms the achievements made in the development course of the industry of China.By studying various respects of the industry including the understanding of logistics,standards of technical terms,logistics technologies and management,the author analyzes the major problems existence in China’s current logistics industry and puts forward the rationalization proposal. Key words:logistics;development;problem;measure


1 Preface

Modem logistics industry is currently one of the most popular trades. Since China introduced the concept of logistics from abroad in early 1980s,logistics industry has been developed rapidly.At present,our country already has quite a lot of logistics parks and centers,develops a series of modem logistics technologies and obtains a large number of innovation accomplishments bearing self-determination intelectual property rights. Among those are typical ones such as the development of integration logistics management system with self-determination intelectual property rights (LOG + +/SMCS) in 2003.The real—time connection with famous ERP system (SAPR/3)has been realized,the system radically changes the unicity and low integrity level of China’s traditional logistics and thus symbolizes that domestic logistics software has been in line with international noFIns for modern logistics management system.Another example is the new structural—type quick stacker that has the operation speed of0—150 m/rain.1ifting speed of 0—40 m/min and forking speed of 0 — 20/40 m/rain, bearing self-determination intellectual property rights developed in the same year.Laser ranging technology is applied to the system in horizontal direction.resulting that the distance—measuring error is ± 1 mm within 500 meters and positioning accuracy is ±3 mm.For the vertical direction.due to the application of rotary encoder plus tooth—be technique, positioning accuracy reaches ± 3 mm. In this way. the system successfully integrates a variety of new—type detecting technologies involving laser location, rotary encoder and toth—belt eranging. integration has been utilized for positioning and then radically altered traditional positioning method .Besides, the adoption of redundancy and trouble shooting technique dramatically increases the system's efficiency and reliability.The adoption of over ten new techs consisting of new—type forking structure and loading platform with dimension detector and bar code sensor has promoted the technical advancement of key equipments used in logistics industry as well as greatly narrowed the gap between China and international advanced countries in terms okey equipments. In 2003。a patent product at world—leading place, the push—pull laser guiding AGV cart,ca/Be into market.Ever has never been a similar product both at home and abroad. is AGV cart.having conquered numbers of difficulties as path planning, reflecting board layout and pinpointing position,can travel an d locate its position safely and flexibly in rolling machine units. In other words, it realizes complete automation delivery . In 2003, domestic enterprises designed and applied automatic supplementary—materials allocation system equipped with vision—identification movable robot.system was ran king at international leading stage.In year 2003,thanks to the successful developments of Hong He Cigarette Factory ’s automatic logistics system and Legend’s integration logistics system,numbers of blanks in domestic logistics industry are叫ed。quantities of leading logistics systems and equipments ale produced and the gap between China and other countries advanced in key equipments and primary indexes are reduced.Through years of research and exploration.Tai Yuan Gang Yu Storage Company, by cope ration with scientific research institutes,success finally developed automatization tired warehouse facility assisted by computer planning and designing technology,which is at the leading place in the world.With the support an d regard from all levels of governmental departments,China’s modern logistics industry is now taking unprecedented momentum and developing rapidly.

However,it’s worth being pointed out that,as far as the whole is concerned.China’s logistics industry is still in an initial stage.China’s GDP in 2000 was 8.94×1000 billion RMB.of which the added value of circulation area accounts for merely 8.1% .11}lis number is much lower than that of developed countries like the United States.Japan and UK.In 2000, the sale of WalMart, one of the world retailing giants,was US193.3 billion,corresponding to 46% of China ’s total a nual sales in retailing.On top of that.the annual sale of WAIMART is on the increase by US$20—30 billion dollars a year.Domestically,the annual sale of our leading retailer,Shanghai Unilever,is simply 11 billion RMB.accounting 19

for about 7% of Mart.From the above statistics,it’s by no means difficult for one to find out that distant gap of logistics industries exists between China and developed countries.Of course, on the contrary, the statistics also tell us that there are great development potential and space regarding logistics industry in China.Many problems,some of which even ale the bottlenecks of China’s modern logistics,are available in the course of development.Great importance to these problems should be attached, which are worthy of the concern and study of logistics staff.

2 Available primary problems

2.1 Unbalanced development between western and developed regions including the east,the south and costal areas

China’s logistics industry is at the initial stage.In most occasions,what we mean by the so-called logistics actually refers to the narrow sense of logistics:elementary functions such as transportation or storage.Real modern logistics has been focused and developed only in a few comparatively developed regions in the east and the south while logistics development is still far from commencing in vast regions of mid-,western and remote regions.Even in the developed regions of eastern China,southern China and costal and costal areas,the level of socialization an d the adoption of market principles are fairly low. According to the data, the physical distributions owned by domestic enterprises account for 60% to 70% of the total market scale.Shortage in logistics demand hampers the development of logistics industry in China and thus limits its development.

2.2 Disordered and rough planning for logistics

Logistics park is a special center of one or more than one logistics enterprises(or distribution centers).By operating logistics park,scale can be formed and operation cost reduced.The construction of logistics park is expected to play a positive role in urban freight traffic, urban ecology environment and urban land planning.However, the planning of China’s logistics parks are mostly conducted by local authorities.Recently,numbers of local authorities haven’t been clear about the interior meaning of logistics industry.Instead,they mistakenly take it for granted that logistics could anyhow revive economy.As a result, nuinerous regions rush into the planning an d construction of various logistics circles,parks or centers.Nowadays many logistics parks are at the stages of planning and primary construction,neither link to the planning of next higher level, nor connect to the surrounding areas, nor conduct sufficient research and survey of the local economic situation, microeconomic orientation and freight traffic flow.These logistics parks take on disadvantages, strong bureaucracy, unimpressive market response and inadequate flow of population and logistics, which prevents the from going into virtuous cycles as well as leads them to be the heavy burdens of governments.Obviously,the operation of logistics parks hasn’t followed principles of science and has breached our original intention of developing logistics industry.In fact,logistics industry falls under the category of tertiary industry,the functions of which should be providing service for certain trades in primary an d secondary industries.The profits of logistics industry mainly derive from service targets.Secondly,logistics industry is the one with nalTOW margin of profit that considerable profits could be gamed tlugh nothing else but scale operation.Therefore,logistics acts merely as the pillars for industries.Only on the basis of favorable primary and secondary industries, or with the intentions to reinforce the development of primary and secondary industries,logistics industry can be developed.Any planning and construction of regional logistics circles,parks or centers in any places must be argued and studied rigidly in accordance with scientific principles. The construction proportions of logistics places should be distributed according to economic regions whereas by no means according to administrative ones.Otherwise great deal of redundant project construction will be very likely and therefore result in wasti 20

ng of resources.

Apart from that,quite a few of domestic regions carried through pretty abstract and rough logistics planning.For instance, some regions seldom take the construction of regional logistic information platform into account when they

plan logistics parks.Some other regions take the construction of platform into account, but they merely consider its planning and designing,rarely thinking over its construction and application.In other words,the construction on logistics information platform is in short of operability.

2.3 Outdated logistics technology

Although China,in a short term,has made great achievements that attract the attention of the world in terms of logistics industry and techniques,one has to admit that China is still left far behind world leading countries and as a whole,our logistics technology is outdated. To sum up, the disadvantage is mainly embodied as the following respects:

2.3.1 Distribution and delivery facilities A significant orientation of logistics development is third-party logistics,of which freight distribution and delivery are essential components.Presently advanced foreign facilities of logistics distribution and delivery have reached the level of full automatization.A good example is a Japanese logistics center known as “White Bird” of Sanli Zhiguo Company.The center has an occupation of land of 4208 m ,a total area of 2774 square meters an d delivers 20000 boxes of goods to 200 wholesalers.111e center adopts automatic tiered warehouse facility for storage.For cold air release from the center of the warehouse and by taking advantage of the principle as “hot air ascends while cold air descends”,layers from the first to the fourth of the shelf are designed to be constant-temperature for storing chocolate candies while layers from the fifth to the eighth are room-temperature area for normal foods.The use of air conditioning reduced operation cost on building architectural compartments.Full automatization logistics system is adopted for operation.Goods are put into storage from the second floor.Sorting devices is in operation first; then stacking robots automatically pile the goods on stocks,which are delivered to automatic tiered warehouse by high.speed rail shuttles.The first floor is where the gods is shipped. High—speed rail shuttles are responsible for delivering the goods to sorting work station.When shipment preparations done,the goods are stored in preparation areas ready for delivery. Due to the adoption of automatic controlling devices,the error rate of shipment at the logistics center has been dramatically reduced.Moreover,the causes could be found rapidly once an y mistake appears an d service quality will not be affected.

Another example is Shayiku logistics center of Sagawa Express Company in Japan.The center contains 44308 m2 with the total area of 798m.This five-?floor building of armored-?structure has the largest architecture scale in Asia.The first an d second floors of the center are platform working areas,third to fifth are logistics processing areas (offering logistics service for the third party) and on the roof are park and helipad.This logistics center locates at the middle region of Japan, covering 320 distribution and delivery network points of the whole nation.Sorting work is done overnight of the same day when gods brought here at the evening.At the morning of next day,the sorted goods will be delivered to nation-wide network points.At the same time when recipients of the center receiving goods,they use wireless data terminals to transmit the data of sorting, distribution and delivery to distribution center instandy.Goods could be directly put onto conveying belt for sorting without any other operation.The handling capacity per hour is 79000 pieces.

As the product of social economy development and socialization division of labor,distribution and delivery center will undoubtedly vary according to the change of demands in social economy development. The majority of domestic enterprises have low logistics level,weak logistics awareness and weak distributio 21

n capability.Besides,faced with little business competition pressures an d relaxing demands for third-party logistics,the enterprises still remain on the basis of the traditional understanding of logistics: large and complete or small an d complete .

2.3.2 Insufficient focus on modern inform action technology Currendy certain regions and local authorities attach great importance to the development planning of logistics.But they ignore that modern logistics must depend upon modern information technology .One ma y easily draw the conclusion from the development history of logistics industry that there won’t be model logistics without modem information technology .An optimized system will never take its shape unless logistics,capital flow,information flow and clients are brought into an organic corporation by making use of modern inform action technology . The construction of modern information technology base and facilities are the primary factors that should be considered in the construction and planning of logistics centers and parks.

2.3.3Abuse of “logistic center” and its like Nowadays many small-size freight stations and even certain private minishopstiled themselves as “logistics centers”or other similar names that have been fashionable and popular .However,this sort of phenomenon will harm the development of logistics severely for the possibility of causing people's misunderstanding of logistics.Therefore the essence of such a case is distorting logistic centers.As a matter of fact,according to China Logistics Norms on Technical Terms,the definition of logistics center is:the site or organization that engages in logistics activities.A logistic center should fit into the following requirements:1)primarily offering service for the society;2) having complete and sound logistics functions;3)having complete information network;4)with large radiation and influential areas;5)with limited varieties but large quantities;6)with strong storage or handling capacity; and

7) having unified management and administration over l stics business.The definition shows us that the basic requirements and qualifications for logistic center are fairly high.Whereas almost none of the so-called logistic centers that are now existent meet the standard and requirements listed above.

2.4 Low-quality service provided by logistics enterprise

At present,most of domestic logistics enterprises,for their weakness in service capability,only bear basic business such as transportation,loading,un loading or storage while they have limited ability in handling value-added service as custom declaration, stock management,allotting,distribution and processing in circulation despite their intentions of doing those business.Moreover,for the reasons of staff qualification,capital an d equipment,service quality is unsatisfactory.According to the relative data,over 30% clients of those employ third-party logistics enterprises are not satisfied with the service.85% of logistics service provided by third-party logistics companies is basic service as transportation an d storage while only 1 5% goes to valued services like information,

processing and financing.On top of that,affecting by important factors involving regional shortcomings,limited operation scope,out-of-date operation approaches and low-efficiency storage(or delivery) service,logistics talents,particularly the comprehensive management talents mastering specialized knowledge are difficult to find their positions in the market in today’s China in spite of high salaries.The main reasons of low.quality service provided by domestic logistics enterprises lie in that the three elements of logistics,management,technique and talent are far from balanced development.Presently China’s highway,railway,civil aviation and port are run separately and diversified from each other in many respects as the way of organizing service specification,norms for technique and equipments.In most case,enterprises offer logistics service by merely making use of unitary transport mode that trans regional vans commonly travel without any goods when they return.Furthermore,barriers come into being one after another that logistics system could not run smoothly although the system should be .An important element that directly affects service quality is the shortage of professional talents in logistics

area.In China,logistics talents,in particular comprehensive management talents mastering expertise,are hard to hunt although they are demanded with high salaries.


2.5 Insufficient attention paid to enterprise logistics

According to present situations, domestically large-size logistics(i.e.the logistics facing circulation field) is obviously stronger than enterprise logistics(i.e.the logistics facing production field)whether it is regarding how qualified the professional practitioner team is,or how many enterprises participate,or how much the society attached importance to.Because of that,there is a saying goes as “China’s logistics is still wan dering at the gate of enterprises”.It is for certain that the saying is overstated .A few of our enterprises as Haier Group have excellent performance in enterprise logistics.While what is undeniable that the enterprise logistics in China are lagging behind.Statistics show that 26% of the 450 large or medium size enterprises surveyed in 1999 take care of their own logistics independently, leave the business handled by third party,68.8% adopt the cooperation

measure.among which 42.3% business of 30% enterprises went to the third party.36.5% of 30% to 60% enterprises go to third party.26%of 26% enterprises went to third party.

2.5.1Norms for technical terms

Although China had enacted “Norms for logistics Technical Terms” in 2001.currently great numbers of newly emerged technical terms that are frequently read in related articles or materials haven’t been brought into national norins,which has brought inconvenience to the further popularization and application of logistics. For instance.1ots of provinces and cities have planned or are planning various logistics circles,which are called commercial logistics circles or ecology logistics circles.Another question is that what’s the difference between logistics park and logistics base? Everyone thinks in his way and will not be convinced .

2.5.2 logistics facilities and equipments

Presently there exists no com only accepted Horn3 for the facilities and equipments of domestic logistics.Imported from abroad,some equipments introduce nOIITIS of foreign countries,some equipments are self-ma de that what they adopt norms in enterprises,and some other equipments even haven't any Horn3. Nonexistence of com only recognized norms brings about enterprises and clients a series of problems such as the difficulty of purchasing fittings for maintenance as well as different operation procedures.A good example is the tray that used most com only in logistics.Large quantities of trays in foreign countries could be used for general purposes because they adopt salne norms. While in China, for different norms,trays sometimes have to be demounted and returned to the manufacturers after goods delivered,which may waste influence manpower and material resources.

2.6 Severely insufficient logistics talents

2.6.1 Small number of logistics specialists In order to develop China’s logistics industry,a skeleton team that dedicated in logistics and reasonable numbers of proficient specialists are in need except the support from

governmental departments.The theoretical system of logistics hasn’t been established until now.Though more and more scholars and specialists are joining the ranks of logistics study and popularization,those who qualified for“logistics specialists”are limited.1ogistics specialists are the tower of strength for popularizing and applying logistics.

2.6.2Severely insufficient resources for cultivating logistics professional talents

China already listed modem logistics industry as one of the four newly.emerging industries and logistics

professional talents as one of top ten high demand talents.Lacking of logistics professional talents has become the bottleneck of developing modem logistics industry in China.According to elementary statistics,there are more than 40OOOO state owned stock.holding companies and“three

capital enterprises”(which are foreign funded,joint venture and cooperative). Suppose that universities and colleges recruit 60 students every year,and every enterprise employs a student major in logistics every 5 years,and the supply of logistics talents is still far from meeting the demand.It can be anticipated that in a fairly long period demand for logistics talents will rema in exceeding the supply.Presently, China offers education at

different levels,namely,graduates courses,undergraduates' courses,specialty courses and secondary technical 23

schools.However,scientific educational objective system for logistics hasn't taken shape in China.Schools,colleges and universities now design courses and inter ships according to respective understanding of logistics,lacking general guiding.Some schools,which offer logistics specialty and recruit large number of students since logistics professional talents are popular, by no means have any teaching staff or infrastructures that needed for logistics.Specialists work for concerned departments an d organizations complied certain teaching materials.but for various reasons these materials are far from satisfying the requirements in logistics professional

education.These teaching materials are either unsystematic or the contents are incomplete.

2.7 Incomplete enterprise managerial system

At present, problems involving incomplete enterprise managerial system, imperfect and unsystematic business materials commonly exist in China’s logistics enterprises.Many logistics enterprises such as post office originally have strict regulations over all—round working procedures,but some accidents that could have been avoided are caused because the implementation of those regulations are watered down more or less. For instance, the regulation says that for tracking down where it is in case of accident registered post parcels must be kept record at every large post station on its way to destination.At present, problems involving incomplete enterprise managerial system, imperfect and unsystematic business materials commonly exist in China’s logistics enterprises.Many logistics enterprises such as post office originally have strict regulations over all—round

working procedures,but some accidents that could have been avoided are caused because the implementation of those regulations are watered down more or less. For instance, the regulation says that for tracking down where it is in case of accident registered post parcels must be kept record at every large post station on its way to

destination.Some logistics enterprises are serious and prudent when they constitute relevant operating manuals and web pages.But after a certain period of time,they can not maintain the materials as at the beginning and thus cause the com on problems presently exist in part of logistics enterprises:new regulations and contents not listed,manuals and web pages not up dated in time, some new regulations and rules not conveyed to operators,clients and users not receive the latest business information.

2.8 Inadequate measure for environment protection

With the development of logistics industry,led by traffic and transport problems as urban atmospheric pollution,leftover materials from the processing an d production of consumer products,wrapping wastes from logistics

process,environment protection seems increasingly important.Elaborately protecting the global environment and resources shared by human being, ensuring sustained economy and production development as well as

considering our offspring have become the com on goal of the universe. Presently some of domestic logistics enterprises haven’t been fully aware of the significance of environment protection that they haven’t adopted an y effective measures.For instance.some logistics enterprises locating themselves at downtown city caused that urban environment have been polluted seriously by coal, oil,special or, wastes and equipment noise.Besides,some other logistics flammables and explosives,severely.enterprises keep great deal of which threat urban security severely.

2.9 Shortage of modem system technology bearing intellectual property rights

Be faced with increasingly intense market competition.enterprises ask for stringent demands of modem logistics system.Products of overseas top—ranking logistics companies discovered that China has a vast market prospect of logistics,are pouring into China.However,importing modem logistics system is not only cosdy but also

dependent.In long—run operation,another disadvantage is the shortage of effective,timely service and technical support.Therefore ,developing modem logistics system and technology with self-determined intellectual property rights domestically has significant meaning.The innovation fruits bearing self-determined property rights have been achieved but large gap between ours and foreign leading counterparts still exist.

3 Major countermeasures


3.1 Strengthening inter-governmental coordination and constituting normative policies for the development of logistics industry

After China’s access to WTO,its logistics market will be open wider to the outside world, which will bring great pressure on most logistics enterprises.Under the impact of foreign forces,immense changes will take place in available state—own ed enterprises or departments in terms of compatibility. which will kad towasting of

resources and increase in the cost of logistics activities.Logistics is such a complicated industry that it requires the cooperation of every respect.If departments at different levels only take its own benefit into account or even set up local or departmental economy barriers, logistics industry will never develop towards healthiness. Therefore , related departments of China’s government should play a role as the guider to macro—administrate logistics market, combine overseas theories and experiences with China’s practical situation,study our development mode,constitute general planning for logistics development and propose concrete measures adapting to the condition of the country.To met the challenges from overseas enterprises and to further standardize China’s logistics market,governmental departments must constitute authentic logistics regulations and policies,perfect logistics nornls,promote certification hales for logistics enterprises,train managers and administration staff and strictly implement the system of “carrying out one’s job with certificate or qualification” .the purpose to make

logistics know and support by head of governmental departments at different levels,logistics specialists ma y also be invited to give a lecture if condition permits.Because logistics activities as transport,packing,storage,

distribution,delivery,freight,etc.,involve in dozen of departments including the Ministry of Communications ,the Ministry of Railway,the General Bureau of Civil Aviation,the Ministry of Commerce,custom,industrial,commercial an d taxation department, an d in order to avoid meeting various different policies as well as to ensure the coordination and cooperation among governmental departments, China should establish coordinating systems to deal with these departments.A proposal is to conduct nation wide vertical management as how

departments of post and telecommunication, industry and commerce, taxation operate,which is to say that the state build up a national logistics administration to handle logistics business and constitute for logistics across the nation. The alternative is that governmental comprehensive administration will be in charge of coordinating policies enacted by every department.The third choice is to compose an interdepartmental association or policy committee,involving related governmental departments as its members,to promote the development of

logistics.The association or committee will be responsible for study, constitute an d coordinate relevant policies that ale essential to the development of members while its concrete operation institutions could be acted by governmental comprehensive administrations.Constituting standardized policies including the administration regulations and policy adjustment.In order to create a pretty relaxing policy environment,China’s relevant departments should put available regulations ,rules and systems that influence the development of logistics industry in order,especially to make clear the policies that may ham per fair competition or limit market

access.Secondly,governments should study and constitute logistics administration system and relevan t policies that fit into the socialist market economy system and logistics development to ensure the healthy development of China’s logistics industry in an environment of standardized administration system.

3.2 Developing logistics education through multi channels

It’s unlikely to make use of full time national education to solve the problem of lacking logistics professional

talents in short term. Since it requires not only high qualification teaching staff to offer logistics specialty, but also corresponding teaching facilities and equipments,not every school is able to reach the requirements in short period of time.The combination ways have to be adopted, among which feasibility is to learn from overseas experiences to popularizing the system of practitioner qualification and certificates .Through this way .massive talents would learn or study logistics knowledge,which will get instant effect.Apart from that,logistics training courses might be offered regularly or irregularly in condition.allowed place to cultivate talents.For ensuring 25

talents quality, relevant administration departments of State Ministry of Education should organize specialists to constitute unitary evaluation for logistics specialty, standardize core courses with the purpose of supervise an d urge schools at different levels to improve teaching quality.National academic or professional groups,organizations and associations could often organize certain symposiums regarding practical teaching to help schools run logistics specialty more effectively.

3.3 Popularizing all-around green logistics administration

The precondition of popularizing green logistics administration is the popularization of ISO14000 serial standards, which is a set of international non'ns regarding environment administration an d its system certification.Only by getting through environmental system certification,logistics enterprises are able to genuinely realize green

logistics administration.Many contents ale involved in green logistics administration, the following ale major ones:adopting preventative measures for environmental problems emerged from logistics activities,making the most of green materials when process consumer products, using green packaging in transportation,setting up a complete set of disposal procedures and measures aiming at wastes.

Another essential measure is carefully an d scientifically selecting the location of logistics center based on serious argumentation.Governmental administrations should strictly check on the application materials.

3.4 Adopting Effective Measures to Encourage Technical Innovation

Modem logistics system integrates machinery,electrics,hydraulic,light, computer and information.The content mainly involves automatic storage system, automatic transportation system,automatic guiding system,automacted job system,logical control system,computer integrated management system, etc. Modem logistics systematic technology is a comprehensive subject including artificial intelligence, image recognition,computer simulation,network,wireless communication,infrared communication,laser guidance & positioning and robot technology.To achieve breakthroughs in the respect of modem logistic systematic technology,specialists from various fields should work jointly to tackle key problems.State administrations concerned ma y also set key problems as the prior research orientation of nation funded projects on natural science. A hematively,modem logistics projects could be regarded separately as the project to tackling key problems ,domestic specialists organized to exert all their effort in developing innovation fruits bearing intellectual property rights,prizes set up especially for modem logistics and handsome reward awarded to in ovation achievements with intelectual property rights.

3.5 Practicing win-win cooperation to form large scale group

Some logistics companies in developed countries,through various forms.recombination,capital expansion,annex and reconstruction transnational comprehensive logistics enterprises with solid capitals,advanced technologies and top-ranking administration already came into being.While most of China’s logistics enterprises,with the shortcomings of small scale, weak strength, low capability,ale at disadvantage in market competition with international large—sized logistics companies. Therefl0re.domestic medium or small sized logistics enterprises may establish strategic cooperation partnership with overseas large—scale enterprises by taking the advantage of domestic network,facility,low—cost human capital,or reciprocally purchase or merger to form large—scale groups developing towards comprehensive logistics industry. 4 conclusions

Although China’s logistics industry has developed only in a short period of time and there exist many difficulties or problems,the general tendency of logistics development is promising.With the powerful support from government.Only if logistics practitioners work hand in hand,China’s logistics industry would have a bright tomorrow.and our logistics level will undoubtedly keep up with and exceed world—leading counterparts in the near future.



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