


与布线测试不同,信号强度、噪声强度、信噪比是信道测试中最重要的指标,无线传输的模式是微波传输,信号强度的测试是验证信号衰减的状态,微波衰减的强弱与距离、障碍物屏蔽、AP的发射功率等因素相关,信号的强度在WLAN中站点能否上网连通起决定性作用。由于WLAN 802.11使用的是公共频道,在这些频道中还有其他通信或工业设备,例如微波炉、手提电话、2.4G/5.8G微波传输设施都会给WLAN造成噪声,对 WLAN的传输造成很大干扰。






这是在网络运行维护中必不可少的一项应用,WLAN的故障诊断是通过对信道测试、网络性能分析、捕包解码等多项测试的结果进行综合分析来进行的。WLAN的自身特点造成WLAN的故障诊断被分为两部分:一是网络性能的故障诊断(网络性能评估),包括连通性故障,低速传输,AP信号弱等;二是网络安全的故障诊断(网络安全评估),这是WLAN网络特有的问题。由于微波传输的特性,在某一空间内,微波信号可以被这个空间内的所有信号接收设备所接收,因此IEEE 不断推出针对WLAN的安全协议,从最初的WEP、LEAP、MIC、TKIP、802.1X安全协议到最新的WPA,可以说WLAN 的安全系数已经是越来越高了。但目前的安全问题大都出于用户的初始设置问题,大多数企业用户连最基本的安全模式WEP都没有打开,就像你的门没有锁一样,任何人都可以随意进入你的网络,这时的网络是非常不安全的。发现现有的安全漏洞是WLAN安全测试的最基本要求。对于企业网来说,仅仅打开WEP功能是远远不够的,WEP是静态密钥,对于一个训练有素的黑客来说攻击





第二篇:爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland 英文影评 review by Brian Koller

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      爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland 英文影评 review by Brian Koller

      20##-07-21 16:03:25  来源:Internet  浏览次数:601  文字大小:【大】【中】【小】

      简介:"Alice in Wonderland" is a Disney animated feature that is better than

      its reputation. It is not as great as some of the Disney features that

      preceded it, such as "Snow White", "Dumbo", or "Pin ...

      关键字:爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland

      "Alice in Wonderland" is a Disney animated feature that is better than its

      reputation. It is not as great as some of the Disney features that

      preceded it, such as "Snow White", "Dumbo", or "Pinocchio", but there is

      still considerable charm in the animation, story, and voice


      "Alice in Wonderland" is based on the 19th century Lewis Carroll book of

      the same name. The book was written as a satire. Disney has tried to put

      some of the satire into the film, but mostly emphasizes the silliness.

      There is strong appeal for both children and adults.

      Alice is an English girl, perhaps thirteen years old. She fantasizes about

      a world where animals talk and things aren't so logical, and finds herself

      in that world. She is determined to learn more about a frazzled white

      rabbit, a search that leads to encounters with various extremely silly

      characters. One of them is quite dangerous: the Queen of Hearts, who is

      fond of beheading those who question her authority.

      The animation is very good. In particular, the studio has a knack for

      splashing liquids, and there is great 'choreography' of dancing playing

      card soldiers.

      The story does have an edge to it. The walrus eats the oysters, the

      crocodile eats the fishes, and the Queen beheads several playing cards.

      This is in keeping with the spirit of Carroll's writings, which have the

      useful moral that gullibility is punished.

      There are some slow parts to the story. Alice gets lost and cries. The

      audience is supposed to feel sorry for her, but this cold-hearted reviewer

      merely lost interest. There is also a song that the flowers sing to Alice

      that gets a bit tedious.

      Whatever Alice eats in Wonderland has her either grow or shrink

      considerably. It is fortunate for her that her clothes change size with

      her as well! Also, her hair and clothes never get wet or dirty or have red

      paint sloshed on them despite all her adventures. I guess liberties need

      to be taken with cartoons.

      责任编辑:veryabc第一次来ME吗?  先测试下你的英语水平再开始通过电影学英语吧!  点击这里开始测试! (包括听力、语法、阅读)

      本文引用地址: http://www.veryabc.cn/movie/new/article/2007/0721/article_253.html

      上一篇:爱情故事 Love Story 英文影评 review by ROGER EBERT

      下一篇:爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland 英文影评 review by Christopher Null


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            review by Ram Samudrala

            爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland 英文影评 review by Fantasy Film Review

            爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland 英文影评 review by Christopher Null

            爱丽丝梦游仙境 Alice in Wonderland 英文剧本

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