




一. 完成2006-20##年基金项目申请



7月10~14日中国科学院上海有机所“均相催化研究”国际合作伙伴计划团队在成都召开了团队20##年的工作研讨会,会议邀请到了中国科学院高技术与发展局化工处白路娜同志和综合处崔丽娟同志参加。团队海外成员:美国The Pennsylvania State University的张绪穆教授、美国University of Virginia的蒲林教授、美国The Ohio State University的王鹏教授、美国Texas Tech University的李桂根教授、香港中文大学的谢作伟教授、香港科技大学的贾国成教授和团队有机所成员:麻生明、侯雪龙、唐勇、丁奎岭、施敏、刘元红全体共12位成员在会上分别作了20分钟学术报告,主要交流团队近一年来的工作进展及将来的工作打算。大家一致认为我们团队现在的合作形式非常好,交叉效果明显,无论是在基础研究方面还是面向国家需求方面都取得了一定的进展,所以一定要争取更多的支持,保证团队长久地开展合作研究,以期取得更好地结果。

. 组织召开China-Germany Bilaterial Symposium on Organocatalysis and Certain Aspects of Green ChemistryThe 2nd International Forum on Homogeneous Catalysis and The First China-Switzerland Bilateral Symposium on Catalysis

由国家自然科学基金委中德科学研究中心主办,德国Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung的Benjamin List教授和中科院上海有机化学研究所麻生明教授共同组织的China-Germany Bilaterial Symposium on Organocatalysis and Certain Aspects of Green Chemistry于20##年4月2日~6日在杭州金溪山庄召开。中德科学研究中心德方常务副主任赵妙根和中方常务副主任陈乐生,上海市科委国际合作处处长傅国庆和基础处副处长胡睦,中国科学院高技术局化工处白路娜老师以及上海有机所科研处处长傅克洪应邀参加了会议。会议邀请了25名中德科学家参加(德方13名,中方12名),会上24名报告人各作了30分钟的学术报告,并安排了5分钟的讨论。在会议期间与会代表就有机催化及绿色化学的一些关键领域如:有机小分子催化、金属催化,不对称催化、超临界液体、离子液体、绿色化学过程等方面进行了充分地交流,并将向中德科学中心提交双方在这一领域的合作项目的课题申请。

在中瑞双方国家自然科学基金委员会和上海有机所资助下,由瑞士ETH的Antonio Togni教授和我所麻生明研究员共同组织的The 2nd International Forum on Homogeneous Catalysis and The First China-Switzerland Bilateral Symposium on Catalysis于20##年9月25日~29日在苏州市苏州饭店召开,会议邀请到了20名科学家分别作30分钟的学术报告,每个报告安排了5分钟的讨论。其中中方代表分别是中国科学院上海有机化学研究所的陆熙炎、林国强、唐勇和侯雪龙研究员,中国科学院化学所的范青华研究员,香港中文大学的谢作伟教授,苏州大学的沈琪教授,北京大学的席振峰教授,安徽煤炭师范大学的王磊教授,以及四川大学的冯小明教授;瑞士方面代表分别是University of Geneva的Alexandre Alexakis和Peter Kündig教授,University of BaselHans-Ulrich Blaser博士和Andreas Pfaltz教授,University of NeuchâtelThomas R. Ward教授,ETH的Roel Prins教授和EPFLAlbert Renken教授;还有日本Kyoto University的Tamejiro Hiyama教授,西班牙Universidad de Oviedo的José Barluenga教授和荷兰Universiteit Utrecht的Gerard van Koten教授;瑞士ETH的Antonio Togni教授由于身体原因临时取消了报告。在会议期间与会代表讨论了均相催化中的若干重要问题,包括配体的设计、筛选,催化剂的负载以及工业化的过程及应用前景,代表们还就反应试剂的设计、反应过程的控制,利用新技术对反应机理及过程的研究,以及人工修饰的金属酶的不对称催化反应等议题展开了深入的讨论。中国科学院上海有机化学研究所、浙江大学和苏州大学的40余名老师和研究生也参加了本次会议。

四. 实验室承担的科研项目运行正常

由吉林大学裘式纶教授和我室麻生明研究员作为首席科学家的973项目“创造新物质的分子工程学研究” 去年通过了结题验收,今年在此基础上我们和吉林大学等单位又共同申请新的973项目“物质创造与化学转化过程中的若干前沿科学问题研究”, 已经获得批准,我们实验室主持了两个子课题“手性分子的构筑及相关规律研究”和“手性分子的构筑及相关规律研究”。丁奎岭主持申请的基金委重点项目“手性催化剂负载化中若干新方法研究”和国际合作交流重大项目“不对称催化反应研究”以及中科院方向性项目“手性诱导、传递与放大中的科学问题研究”今年已经获得批准,明年开始执行。

以我室学术带头人为主的国家基金委创新研究群体项目“导向有机合成的金属有机化学” 和国家基金委优秀实验室重点项目“金属催化的有机合成方法学研究”进展良好,后者还通过了基金委组织的项目中期检查;麻生明、唐勇和侯雪龙研究员分别主持的基金委重点项目“过渡金属催化的含碳化学键的活化和反应性控制”、“导向有机合成的杂原子化学”和“有机化学反应中的选择性控制”以及麻生明研究员主持的基金委国际合作交流重大项目“金属催化的化学键形成和断裂的调节和控制”今年均进展顺利。



    在基金委的国家重点实验室国际合作项目资助下,实验室今年按计划邀请了美国University of Texas at Austin的Michael J. Krische教授来室作短期工作访问,不仅作了相关的学术报告,还分别与我室科研人员进行了广泛的学术交流。实验室还分别接待了美国、日本、法国和瑞士等国的15位科学家来室访问,并作了13个学术报告。




麻生明研究员等              国家自然科学二等奖


陈家碧研究员等              上海市科技进步二等奖


丁奎岭研究员           上海市第三届青年科技英才

唐勇研究员               获第九届中国青年科技奖

钱长涛研究员           获中国化学会“黄耀曾金属有机化学奖”

姜标研究员               获Eli Lilly Research Excellence Award in China (ELSEA)

丁奎岭研究员           获中科院优秀研究生指导教师称号


王兴旺博士               获中科院优秀博士学位论文奖

陆梁华博士               获中国科学院院长奖学金优秀奖


陆梁华博士               获中科院研究生院三好学生标兵称号

实验室6名学生       获中科院研究生院三好学生称号





金属有机化学国家重点实验室第二届学术委员会第二次会议于今年10月17-19日在苏州召开,十八位学术委员中有十五位出席会议,中科院基础局黄勇局长和高技术局化工处白路娜老师与会指导。会议由实验室学术委员会副主任丁奎岭研究员主持。这次会议的议程是1) 室主任作实验室年度工作报告,2) 专家学术报告和交流,3) 部分课题组工作进展情况汇报,4) 国际学术会议介绍,5)实验室今后工作讨论。





三. 课题组工作进展汇报和讨论




1、南开大学的王佰全教授介绍了今年7月在西班牙召开的XXII International

Conference on Organometallic Chemistry会议的情况, 重点介绍了大会报告的相关内容,我室的麻生明研究员在会上做了邀请报告。

2、 上海有机所的麻生明研究员介绍今年6月在墨西哥召开的16th IUPAC International Conference on Organic Synthesis会议的情况, 重点介绍了和金属有机化学相关的一些大会报告,我室麻生明研究员在会上做了邀请报告。

3、上海有机所的丁奎岭研究员介绍今年7月在日本召开的12th International Conference on Polymers and Organic Chemistry会议的情况。






序 号          姓  名        单  位               题        目                   

20##-01    陆熙炎     上海有机所    二价钯催化的芳基对碳-杂原子重键的


20##-02    麻生明     上海有机所    金属参与的偶联反应研究  

20##-03    侯雪龙     上海有机所    钯催化烯丙基取代的选择性研究

20##-04    陈家碧     上海有机所    从双金属端羰基化合物合成金属桥卡宾和


20##-06    姜  标     上海有机所    基于环芳烷骨架的配体合成及其在不对称


20##-07    施  敏     上海有机所    有机功能小分子在Baylis-Hillman反应中的


20##-08    丁奎岭     上海有机所    手性催化剂负载化的新方法研究:手性催化


20##-09    唐 勇      上海有机所   一些新型的叶立德成环反应研究

20##-10    刘元红     上海有机所    基于共轭双炔与多炔的金属有机化合物的


20##-11    陈耀峰     上海有机所   硼杂苯稀土烷基和胺基化合物的合成及


20##-12    李玉学     上海有机所    Au和Pd非对称催化加氢机理的对比理论研究  

20##-13    黄  宪     浙江大学      过渡金属参与下亚烃基环丙烷和亚烃基苯并


20##-14    沈  琪     苏州大学      氮杂环卡宾稀土衍生物的合成、结构及反应性能

20##-15    席振峰     北京大学      双铜有机合成试剂的合成与应用

20##-16    周锡庚     复旦大学      稀土引发的硅自由基催化反应研究 

20##-17    王佰全     南开大学      侧链官能取代的环戊二烯或茚与金属羰基


20##-18    王绍武        安徽师范大学  稀土金属化合物引发的芳香醛新型歧化


20##-19    秦金贵        武汉大学      金属络合物强双光子吸收材料的设计、合成


20##-20    甘良兵     北京大学      由富勒烯过氧化物制备富勒醇的研究  

20##-21    朱成建     南京大学      手性金属配合物诱导的不对称多组分


20##-22    陈忠宁     福建物构所   金属有机炔分子光电功能材料 

20##-23    王  磊     淮北煤炭      过渡金属纳米粒子的制备及在有机合成

                     师范学院      中的应用

20##-24    周永贵     大化所        钯和镍催化的不对称氢化研究

20##-25    苏成勇     中山大学      线性和三角架氮杂环金属配位光分子


20##-26    郎建平     苏州大学      具有胺基稀土含硫醇化合物的合成、结构和


20##-27       施章杰     北京大学      过渡金属催化的氧气作为氧化剂的氧化研究

20##-28       吴劼       复旦大学      铑催化的芳基磺酸酯偶联反应研究

20##-29    张兆国     交通大学      富电子、大位阻膦配体的合成及其在催化


20##-3O    余正坤     大化所        利用1-炔基Fischer卡宾化合物的含氮


20##-31       游书力     上海有机所    金属杂环卡宾配合物的合成、表征及其反应






冯小明教授                          四川大学                                   2006,2,28

Prof. Gregory R. Cook         美国North Kakota State Univ. 2006,3,20

Prof. A. Berkessel                      德国Chemie der Univ. Zu Koeln     2006,3,29

Prof. Thorsten Bach             德国Technische Univ. München     2006,4,7

Prof. Michael J. Krische       美国Univ. of Texas at Austin         2006,5,18

周绍满     博士                          日本理化研究所                        2006,5,24

Dr. Boping Liu                     日本Japan Advanced Institute of

Science and Technology            2006,6,13

张绪穆教授                          美国宾州大学                                 2006,6,26

Prof. Lutz H. Gade               德国Univ. of Heidelberg           2006,7,3

Prof. H. G. Alt                            德国Univ. of Bayreuth              2006,10,12

Prof. Shannon S. Stahl              美国Uni. of Wisconsin–Madison    2006,10,31

Prof. Hans-Joachim Hnölker     德国Technische Univ. Dresden 2006,10,31

Prof. Tsuneo Imamoto               日本Univ. of Chiba                   2006,11,2

Prof. Remi Chauvin             法国图卢兹大学                        2006,11,6

Prof. Claude Lapinte            法国 Univ. of Rennes 1             2006,11,7

Prof. Hubert Le Bozec               法国 Univ. of Rennes 1             2006,11,7

Prof. Jean-François Halet          法国 Univ. of Rennes 1             2006,11,7

Prof. Véronique Guerchais   法国 Univ. of Rennes 1             2006,11,7

刘国生博士                          美国Uni. of Wisconsin              2006,11,23



课题负责人:陆熙炎    课题编号: 20##-01

1. Phosphine-Catalyzed One-Pot Synthesis of Cyclopentenes from Electron-Deficient Allene, Malononitrile and Aromatic Aldehydes

Lu, X.*; Lu, Z.; Zhang, X.

Tetrahedron20##, 62, 457-460.

2. Highly Efficient Construction of Benzene Ring in Carbazoles by Palladium-Catalyzed Endo-Mode Oxidative Cyclization of 3-(3’-Alkenyl)indoles

Kong, A.; Han, X..; Lu, X.*

Org. Lett. 20##, 8, 1339-1342.

3. Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Asymmetric Synthesis of (Z)-a-Alkylidene-g-Butyrolactams from (Z)-N-Allylic 2-Alkynamides. Total Synthesis of (-)-Isocynometrine

Xu, W.; Kong, A.; Lu, X.*

J. Org. Chem. 20##, 71,  3854-3858.

4. Highly enantioselective hydrogenation of exocyclic double bond of N-tosyloxazolidinones catalyzed by a neutral rhodium complex and its synthetic applications

Shen, Z.; Lu, X.*; Lei, A.

Tetrahedron20##, 62, 9237-9246.

5. Palladium(II)-catalyzed addition of arylboronic acid to nitriles

Zhao, B.; Lu, X.*

Tetrahedron Lett. 20##, 47, 6765-6768.

6. Palladium-bipyridine catalyzed conjugate addition of arylboronic acids to a,b-unsaturated carbonyl compounds in aqueous media

Lin, S.; Lu, X.*

Tetrahedron Lett. 2006, 47, 7167-7170.

7. Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Tandem Intramolecular Aminopalladation of 2-Alkynylanilines and Conjugate Addition for Synthesis of 2,3-Disubstituted Indoles Derivatives

Shen, Z.; Lu, X.*

Tetrahedron20##, 62, 10896-10899.

8. Cationic Palladium(II)-Catalyzed Addition of Arylboronic Acids to Nitriles. One-Step Synthesis of Benzofurans from Phenoxyacetonitriles

Zhao, B; Lu, X.*

Org. Lett. 20##, 8, 5987-5990.

9. Cationic Palladium Complex Catalyzed Highly Enantioselective Intramolecular Addition of Arylboronic Acids to Ketones. A Convenient Synthesis of Optically Active Cycloalkanols

Liu, G.; Lu, X.*

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 20##, 128, 16504-16505.

课题负责人:麻生明    课题编号: 20##-02

1. From allene to allene: a palladium-catalyzed approach to ?-allenyl butenolides and their application to the synthesis of polysubstituted benzene derivatives

Shengming Ma*, Zhenhua Gu and Youqian Deng

Chem.Commun. 20##, 94-96.

2. Gold-Catalyzed Cyclization of Enynes

Shengming Ma, Shichao Yu, Zhenhua Gu

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.20##, 45, 200-203.

3. Water-Compatible Highly Active and Reusable PEG-Coated Mesoporous Silica Supported Palladium Complex and Its Application in Suzuki Coupling Reaction

Qing Yang, Shengming Ma,* Jixue Li, Fengshou Xiao,* and Hai Xiong

Chem. Commun.20##, 2495-2497.

4. Sequential Rearrangement of 1,2,4Z,7-Tetraenes Involving [1,5]-Hydrogen Migration and Electrocyclization: An Efficient Synthesis of Eight-membered Cyclic Compounds

Shengming Ma* and Zhenhua Gu

J. Am. Chem. Soc.20##, 128, 4942-4943.

5. Pd(OAc)2-Catalyzed Coupling-Cyclization of 2,3-Allenoic Acids and Methyl Propiolate: An Unexpected p-Bond Migration Proceeds Through Double 1,7-Hydrogen Shifts**

Zhenhua Gu and Shengming Ma*

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.20##, 45, 6002-6005.

6. Pd(Ar-BIAN)(Alkene)-Catalyzed Highly Chemo-, Positional- and Stereo-selective Semi-Hydrogenation of 1,2-Allenylphosphonates and Related Compounds

Hao Guo, Zilong Zheng, Fei Yu, Shengming Ma,* Alexandre Holuigue, Dorette S. Tromp, and Cornelis J. Elsevier,* Yihua Yu

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.20##, 45, 4997-5000.

7. Palladium(0)-Catalyzed Highly Regio- and Stereo-selective Addition of Organoboronic Acids with 1,2-Allenylphosphonates Forming Tri- or Tetrasubstituted 1(E)-Alkenylphosphonates

Shengming Ma,* Hao Guo, and Fei Yu

J. Org. Chem.20##, 71, 6634-6636.

8. Palladium-Catalyzed Functionalization of Indoles with 2-Acetoxymethyl-Substituted Electron-Deficient Alkenes

Shengming Ma*, Shichao Yu, Zhihua Peng, and H. Guo

J. Org. Chem.20##, 71, 9865-9868.

9. Ring-Opening Cyclization of Alkylidenecyclopropyl Ketones with Amines. An Efficient Synthesis of 2,3,4-Trisubstituted Pyrroles

Lianghua Lu, Guofei Chen, Shengming Ma*

Org. Lett.20##, 8, 835-838.

10. The cyclopropyl effect on the regioselectivity of coupling reactions involving the lithiation of 1-cyclopropyl-2-arylacetylenes

Shengming Ma* and Qiwen He

Tetrahedron20##, 62, 2769-2778.

11. Highly Efficient Suzuki Coupling Reaction of a-Chloroalkylidene-b-lactones and b-lactams with Organoboronic Acids

Shengming Ma*, Xuefeng Jiang, Xin Cheng, Hairong Hou

Adv. Synth. & Cat. 20##, 348, 2114-2124.

12. Controllable [2+2]-Cycloadditions of 1,5-Bisallenyl-Substituted Compounds

Shengming Ma*, Xuefeng Jiang, and Xin Cheng

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.20##, 45, 8009-8013.

13. Copper(I) Chloride Mediated Cyclization of Optically Active 2,3-Allenoic Acid or 1:1 Salts of Optically Active 2,3-Allenoic Acids with Chiral Amines

Shengming Ma*, Zhanqian Yu

Synthesis20##, 3711-3714.

14. Transition-metal-catalyzed reactions of allenes

Shengming Ma

Pure Appl. Chem.20##, 78, 197-208.

15.Studies on the Cu(I)-Catalyzed Regioselective anti-Carbometallation of Secondary Terminal Propargylic Alcohols

Zhan Lu and Shengming Ma*

J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71, 2655-2660.

16. Electrophilic Interaction of 2,3-Allenoates with PhSeCl. An Unexpected Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of 3-Phenylseleno-4-oxo-2(E)-alkenoates

Guofei Chen, Chunling Fu,* and Shengming Ma *

J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71, 9877-9879.

17. Studies on Electrophilic Addition Reaction of 2, 3-Allenoates with PhSeCl

Guofei Chen, Chunling Fu,* and Shengming Ma*

Tetrahedron2006,62, 4444-4452.

18. Copper(I)-Mediated Highly Stereoselective Syn-carbometalation of Secondary or Tertiary Propargylic Alcohols with Primary Grignard Reagents in Toluene with a High Linear Regioselectivity

Shengming Ma* and Zhan Lu

Adv. Synth. & Cat. 20##, 348, 1894-1898.

19. Na2S2O4-Promoted Radical Addition Reaction of Perfluoroalkyl Iodides with Allenes and the Pd(0)-Catalyzed Stereoselective Sonogashira Coupling Reaction of Addition Products with Propargyl Alcohol

Shengming Ma* and Zhichao Ma

Synlett 20##, 1263-1265.

20. 2,3-联烯醇及其衍生物的反应

邓友前,顾振华, 麻生明

有机化学, 20##, 26, 1468-1484.

课题负责人:侯雪龙    课题编号: 20##-03

1. Towards the selectivity in the transformations of imines and aziridines (accounts)

Xue Long Hou,* Jie Wu,Ren Hua Fan, Chang Hua Ding, Zhi Bing Luo and Li Xin Dai*

Synlett 20##, 181-193.

2. A Highly Enantio- and Diastereoselective Cu-Catalytic 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition of Azomethine Ylides with Nitroalkenes

Xiao-Xia Yan, Qian Peng, Yan Zhang, Kai Zhang, Wei Hong, Xue-Long Hou* and Yun-Dong Wu

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2006, 45, 1979-1983.

3. Highly Diastereoselective Synthesis of Propargylamines through Direct Addition of Alkynes to N-tert-Butylsulfinimines

Ding, C. H.; Dai, L. X.; Hou, X. L.*

Synlett20##, 1272-1274.

4. Addition of Benzyltrimethylsilane to Imines Triggered by Tetrabutylammonium fluoride

Zhang, W. X.; Ding, C. H.; Luo, Z. B.; Hou, X. L.*; Dai, L. X.

Tetrahedron Lett. 20##, 47, 8391-8398.

课题负责人:陈家碧    课题编号: 20##-04

1.Nucleophilic Attack on Carbonyl Ligands in Cyclooctatetraene (COT)- Coordinated Pentacarbonyl Diiron Complex. Isolation and Transformation of Diiron Bridging Alkoxycarbyne Complexes [Fe2{m-COC2H5}(COAr)(CO)3-(h8-C8H8)]

Shu Zhang, Lei Zhang, Qiang Xu, Jie Sun,and Jiabi Chen*                  Organometallics, 2006, 25, 191-196.

2. Unusual Reactions of [{μ-(Phthalazine-N2:N3)}Fe2(μ-CO)(CO)6] with Organolithium Reagents. A Novel Coordination Mode of 1,2-Diazene Carbonyl Compounds                                          

Nu Xiao,Qiang Xu,Jie Sun,and Jiabi Chen*

J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 20##, 603-608.

3. Novel Dimetal Bridging Carbene Complexes Derived from Terminal Carbonyl Dimetal Compound. Syntheses, Structures, and Reactivities of 7H-Indene- Coordinated Diiron Bridging Carbene Complexes      

Lei Zhang, Jie Sun, Huping Zhu, Qiang Xu, Nobuko Tsumori, and Jiabi Chen*

J. Chem. Soc. Dalton Trans., 20##, 4348-4358.

4. Syntheses, structures and reactivities of diindenyl-coordinated diiron bridging carbene complexes

Lei Zhang, Jie Sun, Huping Zhu, Qiang Xu, Nobuko Tsumori, and Jiabi Chen*                                                   J. Organomet. Chem., 20##, 691, 4641-4651.

课题负责人:姜  标    课题编号: 20##-06

1. Preparation of N-phenyl-(S)-prolinol-derived P,N-ligands and their application in Pd-catalyzed asymmetric allylic alkylation

Biao Jiang*,Zuo-Gang Huang and Ke-Jun Cheng

Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 20##, 17, 942-951.

课题负责人:施  敏    课题编号: 20##-07

1. Organocatalysts of tertiary-phosphines and amines catalyzed reactions of a-keto esters with cyclopent-2-enone

Min Shi* and Wen Zhang

Tetrahedron20##, 61, 3161-3169.

2. Nitration of Phenolic Compounds by Metal-modified Montmorillonite KSF

Wan-Po Yin and Min Shi*

Tetrahedron20##, 61, 10861-10867.

3. Reaction of salicyl N-tosylimines with 2-cyclohexen-1-one and 2-cyclopenten-1-one: A facile access to tetrahydroxanthenones

Yong-Ling Shi and Min Shi*

Synlett20##, 2623-2626.

4. DABCO-Catalyzed Reactions of Hydrazones with Activated Olefins

Gui-Ling Zhao and Min Shi*

Tetrahedron20##, 61, 7277-7288.

5. Chiral Phosphine Lewis Bases in Catalytic Asymmetric Aza-Baylis-Hillman Reaction

Min Shi* and Lian-Hui Chen

Pure Applied Chem.20##, 77, 2105-2110.

6. A Novel cis-Chelated Pd(II)-NHC Complex for Catalyzing Suzuki and Heck-type Cross-Coupling Reactions

Qin Xu,a Wei-Liang Duan,b Zhi-Yu Lei,a Zhi-Bin Zhu,a and Min Shi*

Tetrahedron20##, 61, 11225-11229.

7. Aza-Baylis-Hillman reaction of N-tosylated imines with b-substituted a,b-unsaturated esters

Yong-Ling Shi and Min Shi*

Tetrahedron20##, 62, 461-475.

8. Synthesis of Indene, THF and Pyrrolidine Skeleton via Lewis Acid-Mediated Cycloaddition of Methylenecyclopropanes with Aldehydes, N-Tosyl Aldimines and Acetals

Li-Xiong Shao, Bo Xu, Jin-Wen Huang, and Min Shi*

Chem. Eur. J. 20##, 12, 510.

9. Synthesis of Substituted Chromenes through DABCO-Catalyzed Reaction of But-3-yn-2-one and Methyl Propiolate with Salicyl N-Tosylimines

Yong-Ling Shi and Min Shi*

Chem. Eur. J.20##, 12, 3374-3378.

10. N-Bromosuccinimide (NBS) and Lithium Bromide (LiBr): An Efficient Combination for the Dibromination of Carbon-Carbon Unsaturated Bonds

Li-Xiong Shao, Min Shi*

Synlett20##, 1269-1271.

11. Reactions of Vinylidenecyclopropanes with Diphenyl Diselenide in the Presence of AIBN and Further Transformation to Produce New Naphthalene Derivatives

Min Shia,b* and Jian-Mei Lua

J. Org. Chem. 20##, 71, 1920-1923.

12. FeCl3-Catalyzed Aminohalogenation of Arylmethylenecyclopropanes and Arylvinylidenecyclopropanes and Corresponding Mechanistic Studies

Qingjiang Li,a Min Shi,a* and Guigen Lib*

Org. Lett.20##, 8, 625-628.

13. Reduction of Activated Carbonyl Groups by Alkyl Phosphines

Wen Zhang and Min Shi*

Chem. Commun. 20##, 1218-1220.

14. Palladium-catalyzed Ring Enlargement of Aryl Substituted Methylenecyclopropanes to Cyclobutenes

Min Shi,a* Le-Ping Liub and Jie Tangb

J. Am. Chem. Soc.20##, 128, 7430-7431.

15. Potassium Carbonate-Catalyzed Reactions of Salicylic Aldehydes with Allenic Ketones and Esters: an Effective Way to Synthesize Functionalized 2H-Chromenes

Min Shi,a* Lun-Zhi Dai,a Yong-Ling Shi,a and Gui-Ling Zhaob

Adv. Synth. & Catal.20##, 348, 967-972.

16. Asymmetric Aza-Morita–Baylis-Hillman Reaction of N-Sulfonated Imines with Activated Olefins Catalyzed by Chiral Phosphine Lewis Bases Bearing Multiple Phenol Groups

Ying-Hao Liu, Lian-Hui Chen and Min Shi*

Adv. Synth. & Catal.20##, 348, 973-979.

17. A Stereoselective Synthetic Route to 1,6-Dioxa-spiro[4.4]non-3-en-2-ones from Cyclopropyl Alkyl Ketones and a-Ketoesters

Yong-Hua Yang and Min Shi*

Org. Lett.20##, 8, 1709-1712.

18. Lewis Acid-Catalyzed Reaction of Arylvinylidenecyclopropanes with Acetals : A Facile Synthetic Protocol for the Preparation of Indene Derivatives

Jian-Mei Lu and Min Shi*

Org. Lett.20##, 8, 5317-5320.

19. Gold(I)-Catalyzed Domino Ring-opening Ring-closing Hydroamination of Methylenecyclopropanes (MCPs) with Sulfonamides: Facile Preparation of Pyrrolidine Derivatives

Min Shi,a* Le-Ping Liu,b and Jie Tangb

Org. Lett.20##, 8, 4043-4046.

20. Selective Syntheses of Benzoxazoles and N-(2-Hydroxyaryl)pyrrolidin-2-ones from the Corresponding Cyclopropyl Amides with PPh3/CX4

Yong-Hua Yang and Min Shi*

Tetrahedron20##, 62, 2420-2427.

21. Indium triflate as recyclable catalyst for the nitration of aromatic compounds without halogenated solvent

Wan-Po Yin and Min Shi*

J. Chem. Res.20##, 549-551.

22. A novel tridentate NHC-Pd(II) complex and its application in the Suzuki and Heck-type cross-coupling reactions

Tao Chen,a Jun Gao,b and Min Shia*

Tetrahedron20##, 62, 6289-6294.

23. Reactions of Arylvinylidenecyclopropanes with Bromine and Iodine

Min Shi,a* Ming Ma,a Zhi-Bin Zhu,a Li Weib

Synlett20##, 1943-1947.

24. Reactions of Salicyl N-Tosylimines or Salicylaldehydes with Diethyl Acetylenedicarboxylate for the Synthesis of Highly Functionalized Chromenes

Ying-Wen Guo,a Yong-Ling Shi,bHong-Bin Li,a Min Shib*

Tetrahedron20##, 62, 5875-5882.

课题负责人:丁奎岭    课题编号: 20##-08

1. Hydrogen-Bonding makes a difference in the rhodium-catalyzed enantioselective hydrogenation using monodentate phosphoramidites

Yan Liu, Christan A. Sandoval, Yoshiki Yamaguchi, Xue Zhang, Zheng Wang, Koichi Kato, Kuiling Ding*

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 20##, 128, 14212 - 14213.

2. Generation of Self-Supported Noyori-Type Catalysts Using Achiral Bridged-BIPHEP for Heterogeneous Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Ketones

Yuxue Liang, Zheng Wang, Kuiling Ding*

Adv. Synth. Cat. 20##, 348, 1533-1538.

3. Complete Chiral Induction from Enantiopure 1,2-Diamines to Benzophenone-based Achiral Bisphosphine Ligands in Noyori-Type Ru(II) Catalysts

Qing Jing, Christian A. Sandoval, Zheng Wang, Kuiling Ding*

Eur. J. Org. Chemt. 20##, 3606-3616.

4. Practical by Ligand Design: A New Class of Monodentate Phosphoramidite Ligands for Rhodium-Catalyzed Enantioselective Hydrogenations

Baoguo Zhao, Zheng Wang and Kuiling Ding*

Adv. Synth. Cat. 20##, 348, 1049-1057.

5. Direct On-line Method to Monitor the Dynamic Structure of Noncavalent Titanium Complexes in Solution by Using Cold-Spray Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry

Jiuming He, Zeper Abliz*, Ruiping Zhang, Yuxue Liang, and Kuiling Ding

Anal. Chem. 20##, 78, 4737-4740.

6. Self-Supported Chiral Catalysts for Heterogeneous Enantioselective Reactions

Kuiling Ding*, Zheng Wang, Xingwang Wang, Liang Yuxue, Xisheng Wang

Chem. Eur. J. 2006, 12, 5188-5197.

7. Engineering a Polymeric Chiral Catalyst by Using Hydrogen Bonding and Coordination Interactions

Lei Shi, Xingwang Wang, Christian A. Sandoval, Mingxing Li, Qiaoyun Qi, Zhanting Li, and Kuiling Ding*

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 20##, 45, 4108-4112.

8. Experimental and Theoretical Studies on the Hydrogen Bond Promoted Enantioselective Hetero-Diels-Alder Reaction of Danishefsky’s Diene with Benzaldehyde

Xue Zhang, Haifeng Du, Zheng Wang, Yun-Dong Wu* and Kuiling Ding*

J. Org. Chem.20##, 71, 2862-2869.

9. One-Pot Enantioselective Aziridination of Olefins Catalyzed by Copper(I) Complex of A Novel Diimine Ligand Using PhI(OAc)2 and Sulfonamide as Nitrene Precursor

Xisheng Wang and Kuiling Ding*

Chem. Eur. J.20##, 12, 4568-4575.

10. Intramolecularly Dinuclear Magnesium Complex Catalyzed Copolymerization of Cyclohexene Oxide with CO2 under Ambient CO2 Pressure: Kinetics and Mechanism CO2/epoxide

Xiao Youli, Zheng Wang, Kuiling Ding*

Macromolecules, 20##, 39, 128-137.

11. Development of homogeneous and heterogeneous asymmetric catalyst for practical enantioselective reactions

Kuiling Ding

Pure Appl. Chem. 20##, 78, 293-301.

12. 手性催化剂负载的一种新方法:自负载策略



课题负责人:唐  勇    课题编号: 20##-09

1. An Unexpected Tandem Ylide Annulation Reaction for Controllable Synthesis of 2H-Chromenes and 4H-Chromenes

Long-Wu Ye, Xiu-Li Sun, Chun-Yin Zhu, and Yong Tang*

Org. Lett., 20##, 8, 3853.

2. Pyrrolidine-Thiourea as a Bifunctional Organocatalyst: Highly Enantioselective Michael Addition of Cyclohexanone to Nitroolefins

Chun-Li Cao, Meng-Chun Ye, Xiu-Li Sun, and Yong Tang*

Org. Lett., 20##, 8, 2901.

3. Synthesis and Characterization of Titanium(IV) Complexes Bearing Monoanionic [O-NX] (X ) O, S, Se) Tridentate Ligands and Their Behaviors in Ethylene Homo- and Copolymerizaton with 1-Hexene

Cong Wang, Zhi Ma, Xiu-Li Sun,* Yuan Gao, Yang-Hui Guo, Yong Tang*, and Li-Ping Shi

Organometallics, 20##, 25, 3259.

4. Diastereoselective Tandem Michael Additions of Indoles to 3-Nitrocoumarin Derivatives and Methyl Vinyl Ketone

Meng-Chun Ye, Yao-Yu Yang, Yong Tang*, Xiu-Li Sun, Zhi Ma, Wei-Min Qin

Synlett.20##, 1240.

5. Synthesis,Structure, and Olefin Polymerization Behavior of Constrained-Geometry Group 4 Metallacarboranes Incorporating Imido-Dicarbollyl Ligands

Mingli Gao, Yong Tang,*, Meihua Xie, Changtao Qian, and Zuowei Xie*

Organometallics, 20##, 25, 2578.

6. Trisoxazoline/Cu(II)-Promoted Kinugasa Reaction Enantioselective Synthesis of â-Lactams

Meng-Chun Ye, Jian Zhou, and Yong Tang*

J. Org. Chem., 20##, 71, 3576.

7. Scandium triflate catalyzed cycloaddition of imines with 1,1-cyclopropanediesters: efficient and diastereoselective synthesis of multisubstituted pyrrolidines

Yan-Biao Kang, Yong Tang*, Xiu-Li Sun

Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry,20##, 4, 299

8. Enantioselective synthesis of allenic esters via an ylide route

Chuan-Ying Li, Xiu-Li Sun, Qing Jing and Yong Tang*

Chem. Commun., 20##, 2980.

9. Enantioselective Synthesis of Vinylcyclopropanes and Vinylepoxides Mediated by Camphor-Derived Sulfur Ylides: Rationale of Enantioselectivity, Scope, and Limitation

Xian-Ming Deng, Ping Cai, Song Ye, Xiu-Li Sun, Wei-Wei Liao, Kai Li, Yong Tang, Yun-Dong Wu, and Li-Xin Dai

J. Am. Chem. Soc.20##, 128, 9730.

课题负责人:刘元红  课题编号: 20##-10

1. Regio- and Stereoselective Coupling of Heteroaryl-Substituted Alkynes: New Insights into the Mechanism of Zirconium-Mediated Cyclodimerization of Alkynes and a Facile Route to 3-Methyl enecyclobutenes

Zhiquan Song, Yuxue Li, Meina Liu, Liqing Cong, and Yuanhong Liu*

Organometallics, 20##, 25, 5035.

2. Cleavage of a Carbon-Carbon Triple Bond via Gold-Catalyzed Cascade Cyclization/Oxidative Cleavage Reactions of (Z)-Enynols with Molecular Oxygen

Yuanhong Liu,* Feijie Song, and Shenghai Guo

J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2006, 128, 11332-11333.

3. Highly Stereoselective Synthesis of TMS-, Alkyl-, or Aryl Substituted cis-[3]cumulenols via a-alkynylated zirconacyclopentenes

Liu*, Y.; Gao, H.; Zhou, S

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 20##, 45, 4163.

4. Gold-Catalyzed Highly Efficient Access to 3(2H)-Furanones from 2-Oxo-3-butynoates and Related Compounds

Yuanhong Liu,*, Meina Liu, Shenghai Guo, Huamin Tu, Yebing Zhou, and Hongjun Gao

Org. Lett.20##, 8, 3445.

5. A New Domino Process Initiated by Acetylide Addition on trans-1,2-Dibenzoyl-3,5-cyclohexadienes: Observation of Sequential C-C, C-O Bond Formation/Cleavage Reactions

Liu*, Y.; Zhou, S.; Lu, H.

Synlett, 20##, 8, 1230.

6. New zirconium-mediated approach toward regio- and stereocontrolled synthesis of trans-enediynes

Liu*, Y.; Gao, H.

Org. Lett.20##, 8, 309.

7. Direct reaction of aroyl cyanides with azazirconacyclopentadienes: Synthesis and structural characterization of stabilized azazirconacyclopentenes

Liu*, Y.; Yan, B.

Organometallics20##, 25, 544.

课题负责人:陈耀峰  课题编号: 20##-11

1. Asymmetric aza-henry reaction of N-tosyl imine

Gao, F.; Zhu, J.; Tang, Y.; Deng, M.; Qian, C.*

Chirality, 20##, 18, 741-745.

2. Multi-center nature of ethylene polymerization catalysts based on 2,6-bis(imino)pyridyl complexes of iron and cobalt

Kissin, Y. V.*; Qian, C.*; Xie, G.; Chen, Y.

Journal of Polymer Science, Part A: Polymer Chemistry, 20##, 44, 6159-6170.

课题负责人:李玉学  课题编号: 20##-12

1. Regio- and Stereoselective Coupling of Heteroaryl-Substituted Alkynes: New Insights into the Mechanism of Zirconium-Mediated Cyclodimerization of Alkynes and a Facile Route to 3-Methylenecyclobutenes

Zhiquan Song, Yuxue Li, Meina Liu, Liqing Cong, and Yuanhong Liu*

Organometallics20##, 25, 5035-5044.

课题负责人:黄  宪    课题编号: 20##-13

1. Intermoleclar Tantem Addition-Cyclization of Bromoallenes: A Fcile Synthesis of Methylenecyclopropyl Carboxylates and Polysubstituted Furanes

Xu L-B; Huang X; Zhong F-R

Org. Lett., 20##, 8, 5061-5064.

2. Silycupration of 1-Alkynylphosphine Oxides: Stereo- and Regioselective Synthesis of b-Silyl Substituted Vinylphosphine Oxides

Huang X; Xu L-B

Synthesis, 20##, 231-236.

3. An Efficient Access to 4-Alkylidene- 5,6- dihydro- 4H-pyrrolo[1,2-c][1,2,3]triazoles

Chen W-L; Su C-L; Huang X

Synlett, 20##, 1446-1448.

4. Ceric(IV)-mediated Reaction of Methylenecyclopropanes in Organic Synthesis: A Facile Access to Dihydrofurans and Cyclobutanones

Chen W-L; Huang X; Zhou H-W;,Ren L-J

Synthesis, 20##, 609-614.

5. Synthesis of 3-Phenylsulfanyl-1,2-dihydronaphthalenes from Methylene Cyclopropanes and Benzenethiol

Yu L; Huang X; Xie M

Synlett, 20##, 423-426.

6. Reaction of Methylenecyclopropanes and Diphenyl Diselenide under Visible-Light Irradiation: First Example of MCPs: Free Radical Mediated Ring Expansion Reaction

Yu L; Huang X

Synlett,20##, 2136-2138.

7. Stereoselective Aminobromination of Alkylidenecyclopropanes with TsNH2 and NBS as Nitrogen and Bromine Sources: A Simple Access to γ-Bromohomoallylic Sulfonamides

Huang X; Fu W-J

Synthesis,20##, 1016-1020.

8. Polysubstituted 5-Functionalized 2-Pyrone Derivatives: Facile Synthesis via Tandem Nucleophilic Addition/Annulation Reaction of 1, 2-Allenyl Esters

Huang X; Shen R-W

Synthesis, 20##, 2731-2737.

课题负责人:沈  琪    课题编号: 20##-14

1. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of b-diketiminate-Lanthanide Amides and Their Catalytic Activity for the Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate and e-Caprolactone

Yingming Yao,* Zhenqin Zhang, Hongmei Peng, Yong Zhang, Qi Shen,* Jun Lin

Inorg. Chem., 20##, 45, 2175.

2. Mono- and Tris-Phenoxo-Tethered N-Heterocyclic Carbene Yttrium Complexes: Syntheses and Molecular Structures

Wang, Z. G.; Sun, H. M.; Yao, H. S.; Shen, Q.; Zhang. Y.  

Organometallics, 20##, 25, 4436.

3. Bis-aryloxo-functionalized NHC complexes of ytterbium(III): Syntheses and structures of Yb[O-4,6-tBu2-C6H2-2-CH2{C(RNCHCHN)}]2N(iPr)2 (R = iPr, Me)

Wang, Z. G.; Sun, H. M.; Li, W. F.; Shen, Q.; Zhang, Y.

J. Organomet. Chem., 20##, 691, 3383.

4. Monoaryloxo Ytterbium(III) Chlorides Supported by b-Diketiminato Ligands as Novel Initiators for the Living Ring-Opening Polymerization of e-Caprolactone

Xue, M. Q.; Sun, H. M.; Zhou, H.; Yao, Y. M.; Shen, Q.; Zhang, Y.

J. Polym. Sci., A: Polym Chem., 20##, 44, 1147.

5. Metallomacrocycle complexes of lanthanides with bridged amide ligands: Syntheses and molecular structures of [{m2-p¬-(Me3SiN)2C6H4}YbCl(THF)2]2 and [{m2-p¬-(Me3SiN)2C6H4}Nd(m2-Cl)(THF)]4 2PhMe

Bei Zhao, Honghai Li, Qi Shen, Yong Zhang, Yingming Yao, Chengrong Lu

Organometallics, 20##, 25, 1824.

6. Synthesis and Characterization of a Series of New Lanthanide Derivatives Supported by Silylene-Bridged Diamide Ligands and Their Catalytic Activities for the Polymerization of Methyl Methacrylate

Liying Zhou, Yingming Yao, Cheng Li, Yong Zhang, and Qi Shen

Organometallics, 20##, 25, 2880.

课题负责人:席振峰    课题编号: 20##-15

1. Cycloaddition Reactions of 1-Lithio-1,3-dienes with Organonitriles Affording Multiply Substituted Pyridines, Pyrroles and Linear Butadienylimines

Congyang Wang, Zhihui Wang, Lantao Liu, Chao Wang, Guangzhen Liu, and Zhenfeng Xi*

J. Org. Chem. 20##, 70, 8565-8571.

2. Reactions of 4-methyl, 4-phenyl and 4-hydrogen substituted 1-lithio-1,3-butadienes with aldehydes: Preparation of multiply substituted cyclopentadienes

Zhihui Wang, Hongyun Fang and Zhenfeng Xi*

Tetrahedron  20##, 62, 6967-6972.

3. Dearomatizing Anionic Cyclization of 1-Lithio-4-naphthyl-1,3-butadienes Leading to the Formation of Spiro Cyclopentadiene Derivatives

Zhihui Wang, Zhenfeng Xi*

Synlett20##, 1275-1277.

4. Partially fluorinated naphthalene derivatives from 1,4-dilithio-1,3-dienes and C6F6

Zhihui Wang, Chao Wang and Zhenfeng Xi*

Tetrahedron Lett.20##, 47, 4157-4160.

课题负责人:周锡庚    课题编号: 20##-16

1. Synthesis, Structural Characterization and Reactivity of Lanthanide Complexes Containing a New Methylene-bridged Indenyl-Pyrrolyl dianionic Ligand

Chengfu Pi, Zhengxin Zhang, Ruiting Liu, Linhong Weng, Zhenxia Chen, and Xigeng Zhou

Organometallics, 20##, 25, 5165.

2. Reactivity of lanthanocene amide complexes toward ketenes: Unprecedented organolanthanide-induced Conjugate Electrophilic Addition of Ketenes to Arenes

Ruiting Liu, Chunmei Zhang, Zhenyu Zhu, Jun Luo, Xigeng Zhou,* Linhong Weng

Chem. Eur. J. 20##, 12, 6940.


3. DyI2 Initiated Mild and Highly Selective Silyl Radical-catalyzed Cyclotrimerization of Terminal Alkynes and Polymerization of MMA

Zhenyu Zhu, Chuanfeng Wang, Xu Xiang, Chengfu Pi, Xigeng Zhou*

Chem. Commun. 20##, 2066.

4. Reactivity of Lanthanocene Hydroxides toward Ketenes, Isocyanate, Lanthanocene Alkyl and Triscyclopentadienyllanthanide Complexes

Chunmei Zhang, Ruiting Liu, Jie Zhang, Zhenxia Chen, Xigeng Zhou*

Inorg. Chem. 20##, 45, 5867.

5. Unusual modification methods for the ureido ligand of lanthanocene derivatives

Jie Zhang, Ruifang Cai, Linhong Weng, Xigeng Zhou*

Dalton Trans. 20##,1168.

课题负责人:王佰全    课题编号: 20##-17

1. Reactions of pyridyl side-chain-functionalized cyclopentadienes with metal carbonyl: intramolecular C-H Activation of pyridine

Chen, D.; Li, Y.; Wang, B.; Xu, S.; Song, H.

Organometallics20##, 25, 307-310.

2. Synthesis and structures of aryl-substituted tetramethylcyclopentadienyl dinuclear metal carbonyl complexes

Lin, J.; Gao, P.; Li, B.; Xu, S.; Song, H.; Wang, B.

Inorg. Chim. Acta20##, 359, 4503-4510.

课题负责人:王绍武    课题编号: 20##-18

1. Experimental and Theoretical Evidence for the First Example of an Organolanthanide(II) Compound Having an Indenyl Ligand Bonded to the Metal through the Benzo Ring in h4 Hapticity

Shaowu Wang*, Xinliang Tang, Vega, A.; Saillard, J.-Y.; Enhong Sheng, Gaosheng Yang, Shuangliu Zhou, and Zixiang Huang

Organometallics 2006, 25, 2399-2401.

2. Cannizzaro-Type Disproportionation of Aromatic Aldehydes to Amides and Alcohols by Using Either a Stoichiometric Amount or a Catalytic Amount of Lanthanide Compounds

Lijun Zhang, Shaowu Wang*, Shuangliu Zhou, Gaosheng Yang, Enhong Sheng

J. Org. Chem. 2006, 71, 3149-3153.

3. Highly Regio- and Stereoselective Synthesis of Tetrasubstituted Olefins by Three-Component Tandem Reaction of Allylzinc Bromide, Acetylenic Sulfone and Halohydrocarbon

Meihua Xie*, Jialiang Wang, Xiaoxia Gu, Ying Sun, Shaowu Wang*

Org. Lett. 2006, 8, 431-434.

4. Shaoyin Wang, Yun Wei, Zixiang Huang, “Homolysis of t he Ln-N bond: Synthesis, Characterization and Catalytic Activity of Organolanthanide(II) Complexes with 2-Pyridylmethyl and 3-Pyridylmethyl- Functionalized Indenyl Ligands

Shaowu Wang*, Yan Feng, Lili Mao, Enhong Sheng, Gaosheng Yang, Meihua Xie

J. Organomet. Chem. 2006, 691, 1265-1274.

课题负责人:秦金贵    课题编号: 20##-19

1. Synthesis, structure, electrochemistry, photophysics and electroluminescence of 1,3,4-oxadiazole-based ortho-metalated iridium(III) complexes.   

L. Chen, C. Yang, J. Qin, J. Gao, H. You, D. Ma

J. Organomet. Chem.,20##, 691, 3519-3530.

2. Tuning of emission: Synthesis, structure and photophysical properties of imidazole,

oxazole and thiazole-based iridium (III) complexes

L. Chen, C. Yang, J. Qin, J. Gao, D. Ma

Inorg. Chim. Acta, 20##, 359, 4207-4214.

课题负责人:甘良兵    课题编号: 20##-20

1. Lewis acid promoted preparation of isomerically pure fullerenols from fullerene peroxides C-60(OOt-Bu)(6) and C-60(O)(OOt-Bu)(6)

Fudong Wang, Zuo Xiao, Zhipeng Yao, Zhenshan Jia, Shaohua Huang, Liangbing Gan*, Jiang Zhou, Gu Yuan, Shiwei Zhang*

J. Org. Chem.20##, 71, 4374-4382.

2. Fullerene peroxides

Liangbing Gan*

Comptes Rendus Chim20##, 9, 1001-1004.

3. Preparation of covalent-bound iodofullerene through selective opening of fullerene epoxide to form halohydrin fullerene derivatives

Shaohua Huang, Xiaobing Yang, Xiang Zhang, Xiangqing Hu, Liangbing Gan*, Shiwei Zhang*

Synlett20##, 1266-1268.

4. Fullerene peroxides in cage-opening reactions

Liangbing Gan*

Pure and Applied Chem.20##, 78, 841-845.

5. Preparation of fullerendione through oxidation of vicinal fullerendiol and intramolecular coupling of the dione to form hemiketal/ketal moieties

Shaohua Huang, Fudong Wang, Liangbing Gan*, Gu Yuan, Jiang Zhou, Shiwei Zhang*

Org. Lett.20##, 8, 277-279.

课题负责人:朱成建    课题编号: 20##-21

1.      Asymmetric Synthesis of Chiral Organoselenium Compounds

Chengjian Zhu, Yijiun Huang

Curr. Org. Chem.20##, 10, 1905-1920.

2. Synthesis of chiral calixarene-like salen ligand and application in catalytic asymmetric friedel-crafts reaction of aromatic amines with glyoxylate

Chengjian Zhu, Chaoying Yuan, Yang Lv

Synlett, 20##, 1221-1224.

课题负责人:陈忠宁    课题编号: 20##-22

1. Luminescent Hepta- and Tetradecanuclear Complexes of 5,5’-Diethynyl-2,2’-bopyridine Capped with Triangular Trinuclear Cu3/Ag3 Cluster Units

Qiao-Hua Wei, Gang-Qiang Yin, Li-Yi Zhang, Zhong-Ning Chen*

Inorg. Chem. 20##, 45, 10371-10377.

2. Rhombic Dodecahedral Ag8M6 (M = Cu, Ag, Au) Cluster Complexes of Ferrocenylethynyl Prepared by Reaction of (AgC≡CFc)n with [M2(Ph2PNHPh2)2(MeCN)2]2+ (M = Cu, Ag, Au)

Qiao-Hua Wei, Gang-Qiang Yin,Li-Yi Zhang, and Zhong-Ning Chen*

Organometallics20##, 25, 4941-4944.

3. Luminescent PtII-MI (M = Cu, Ag, Au) Heteronuclear Alkynyl Complexes Prepared by Reaction of [Pt(C≡CR)4]2with [M2(dppm)2]2+ (dppm = Bis(diphenylphosphino)methane)

Gang-Qiang Yin, Qiao-Hua Wei, Li-Yi Zhang, and Zhong-Ning Chen*

Organometallics20##, 25, 580-587.

课题负责人:王  磊    课题编号: 20##-23

1. An amine-, copper- and phosphine-free Sonogashira coupling reaction catalyzed by immobilization of palladium in organic-inorganic hybrid materials

Pinhua Li and Lei Wang*

Adv. Synth. Catal. 2006, 348, 681- 685.

2. A Novel Silver Iodide Catalyzed Sonogashira Coupling Reaction

Pinhua Li and Lei Wang*

Synlett 20##, (14), 2261-2265.

3. Triethanolamine as an Efficient and Reusable Base, Ligand and Reaction Medium for Phosphine-free Palladium Catalyzed Heck Reaction

Hongji Li and Lei Wang*

Eur. J. Org. Chem. 20##, (22), 5099-5102.

4. Functionalized Ionic Liquid as an Efficient and Recyclable Reaction Medium for Phosphine-free Palladium Catalyzed Heck Reaction

Li Zhou and Lei Wang*

Synthesis 20##, (16), 2653-2658.

5. Nickel(0)/Tetra-n-butylammonium Bromide (TBAB) Catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura Reaction

Erli You, Pinhua Li and Lei Wang*

Synthesis 20##, (9), 1465-1469.

6. A Silica-Supported Copper(I) Catalyzed Sonogashira Coupling Reaction

Liyuan Zhang, Pinhua Li and Lei Wang*

Lett. Org. Chem. 20##, 3(4), 282-285.

7. A Novel Cu(II) Catalyzed Sonogashira Reaction

Erli You and Lei Wang*

J. Chem. Res. 20##, (9), 555-557.

8. Silica-supported Copper(II) Catalyzed Coupling of Arylboronic Acids with Imidazoles

Liyuan Zhang and Lei Wang*

Chin. J. Chem. 20##, 24(11), 1605-1608.

9. Recoverable Palladium(0) on Poly(vinylpyrrolidone) Catalyzed Ligand-free Suzuki Reaction in Water

Lei Wang* and Pinhua Li

Chin. J. Chem. 20##, 24(6), 770-774.

课题负责人:周永贵    课题编号: 20##-24

课题负责人:苏成勇    课题编号: 20##-25

课题负责人:郎建平    课题编号: 20##-26

1. Unique Formation of a Pentanuclear Lanthanum(Ⅲ) Thiolate Oxide Cluster via Control of Hydrolysis

Hong-Xi Li, Mei-Ling Chen, Zhi-Gang Ren, Wen-Hua Zhang, Jian-Ping Lang and Qi Shen

Inorg. Chem. 2006, (45), 1885-1887

2. Mo(W)/Cu/S Cluster-Based Supramolecular Arrays Assembled from Preformed Cluster [Et4N]4[WS4Cu4I6] and [(n-Bu)4N] 2[MoOS3Cu3X3] (X= I, SCN) with Flexble Ditopic Ligands

Jian-Ping Lang, Qing-Feng Xu, Wen-Hua Zhang, Hong-Xi Li, Zhi-Gang Ren, Jin-Xiang Chen and Yong Zhang

Inorg. Chem. 2006, (45), 10487-10496

3. Synthesis of Two Heterobimetallic Cluster Isomers [(η5-C5Me5)2Mo23-S)3S(CuI)2] and [(η5-C5Me5)2Mo23-S)4(CuI)2] from trans-[(η5-C5Me5)2Mo23-S)3S2] and Their trans-to-cis Isomerization, Structures, and Thrid-Order NLO Properties

Zhi-Gang Ren, Hong-Xi Li, Guang-Fei Liu, Wen-Hua Zhang, Jian-Ping Lang, Yong Zhang and Ying-Lin Song

Organometallics20##, 25, 4351-4357.

4. Reactions of the pentamethylcyclopentadienyl trisulfido tungsten with M’Cl2 (M’ = Zn, Cd, Hg): Isolation and structural characterization of [PPh4][ (η5-C5Me5)WS3(ZnCl2)] and [{ (η5-C5Me5)WS3}2Hg]

Hong Yu, Mei-Ling Chen, Wen-Hua Zhang, Zhi-Gang Ren and Jian-Ping Lang

Inorg. Chim. Acta20##, 359, 3507-3514.

5. Bis[bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)-methane]bis(isothiocyanato)-cadium(Ⅱ) and catena-poly[[di-μ-dicyanamidato-bis{[bis(3,5-dimethylpyrazol-1-yl)methane] cadium(Ⅱ)}]-di-μ-dicyanamidato]

Qiao-Yun Li, Hong-Xi Li, Xiao-Yan Tang, Yong Zhang and Jian-Ping Lang

Acta Cryst.C 2006, 62, m527-m530.

6. 三维多孔配体聚合物{[Zn2(mal)2(4,4’-bipy)(H2O)2] ?2(H2O)0.25}(mal = 丙二酸根)的合成、结构及其性质研究

曹向前,陈金香, 陈阳, 李红喜, 任志刚, 张勇,郎建平

化学学报20##64 2496-2500.

课题负责人:施章杰    课题编号: 20##-27

1. Highly Selective C-H Functionalization/Halogenation of Acetanilide

Xiaobing Wan, Zhongxun Ma, Bijie Li,Keya Zhang,Shaokui Cao,Shiwei Zhangand Zhangjie Shi

J. Am. Chem. Soc.20##, 128, 7416-7417.

2. Multiple deprotonations and deaminations of phenethylamines. An Unprecedented Apporach to Synthesize Pyrroles

Xiaobing Wan, Dong Xing, Zhao Fang, Bijie Li, Fei Zhao, Keyan Zhang, Liping Yang, and Zhangjie Shi

J. Am. Chem. Soc.20##, 128, 120##-12047.

3. Gold(I)-Catalyzed Oxidative Cleavage of a C-C Double Bond in Water

Dong, Xing; Bingtao, Guan; Guixin, Cai; Zhang, Fang; Lingping, Yang; Zhangjie, Shi

Org. Lett., 20##, 8, 693-696.

课题负责人:吴  劼    课题编号: 20##-28

1. Rh(I)-Catalyzed cross-coupling reactions of alkenyl tosylates with potassium aryltrifluoroborates

Jie Wu,* Liang Zhang, and Yong Luo

Tetrahedron Lett. 20##, 47, 6747-6750.

2. N-Heterocyclic carbene: A highly efficient catalyst in the reactions of aziridines with silylated nucleophiles

Jie Wu,* Xiaoyu Sun, Shengqing Ye, and Wei Sun

Tetrahedron Lett. 20##, 47, 4813-4816.

3.Sc(OTf)3-Catalyzed [3+2] cycloaddition of aziridines with nitriles under solvent-free conditions

Jie Wu,* Xiaoyu Sun, and Hong-Guang Xia

Tetrahedron Lett.20##, 47, 1509-1512.

4. Palladium-catalyzed Suzuki-Miyaura couplings of potassium aryl trifluoroborates with 4-tosyloxycoumarins or 4-tosyloxyquinolin- 2(1H)-one

Jie Wu,* Liang Zhang, and Hong-Guang Xia

Tetrahedron Lett.20##, 47, 1525-1528.

5. Unexpected highly efficient ring-opening of aziridines or epoxides with iodine promoted by thiophenol

Jie Wu,* Xiaoyu Sun, Wei Sun, and Shengqing Ye

Synlett20##, 2489-2491.

6. RhCl(PPh3)3/DPPF: A useful and efficient catalyst for cross-coupling reactions of activated alkenyl tosylates with arylboronic acids

Jie Wu,* Liang Zhang, and Ke Gao

Eur. J. Org. Chem.20##, 5260-5263.

7. A highly efficient and general method for the ring opening of aziridines with various nucleophiles in DMSO

Jie Wu,* Xiaoyu Sun, and Wei Sun

Org. Biomol. Chem.20##, 4, 4231-4235.

8. A facile and highly efficient route to a-amino phosphonates viathree-component reactions catalyzed by Mg(ClO4)2 or molecular iodine

Jie Wu,* Wei Sun, Hong-Guang Xia, and Xiaoyu Sun

Org. Biomol. Chem.20##, 4, 1663-1666.

9. A highly efficient catalyst in the synthesis of a-amino phosphonates viathree-component reactions

Jie Wu,* Wei Sun, Weizi Wang, and Hong-Guang Xia

Chin. J. Chem. 20##, 24, 1054-1057.

10. N-Heterocyclic carbenes: A versatile organocatalyst

Xiaoyu Sun and Jie Wu*

Chin. J. Org. Chem.20##, 26, 745-756.

课题负责人:张兆国    课题编号: 20##-29

1. Synthesis of Bulky and Electron-Rich MOP-type Ligands and Their Applications in Palladium-Catalyzed C-N Bond Formation

Xie, X.; Zhang, X.; Zhang, T. Y.

J. Org. Chem. 20##, 71, 6522-6529.

2. Transition Meatal-Catalyzed Intramolecular Enyne Cyclization Reaction

Zhang, Z.; Zhu, G.; Tong, X.; Wang, F.; Xie, X.; Wang, J.; Jiang, L.

Curr. Org. Chem. 20##, 10, 1457-1478.

3. Rhodium-catalyzed Cycloisomerization of 1,6-Enynes with an Intramolecular Halogen Shift

Tong, X.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, X.

J. Grad. School Chin. Acad. Sci. 20##, 23, 416-426.

4. 有机小分子催化的不对称羟醛缩合反应

姜丽娟, 张兆国

有机化学, 20##, 26,618-626.

课题负责人:余正坤    课题编号: 20##-30

1. Tautomerism-Dependent Ring Construction of N-Heterocyclic Compounds from the Reactions of 1-Alkynyl Fischer Carbene Complexes and Substituted Pyrazolinone

Zhaoyan Zheng, Zhengkun Yu, Ning Luo and Xiuwen Han

J. Org. Chem.20##, 71, 9695-9700.

2. Efficient Demetalation of Fischer Alkoxy and Amino-biscarbene Complexes of Chromium via CO-promoted Sulfuration and Selenylation

Zhaoyan Zheng, Jinzhu Chen, Ning Luo, Zhengkun Yu and Xiuwen Han

Organometallics20##, 25, 5301-5310.

课题负责人:游书力    课题编号: 20##-31

1. Enantioselective Palladium-Catalyzed Decarboxylative Allylic Alkylations

You, Shu-Li*; Dai, Li-Xin

Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. Engl.20##, 45, 5246-5248.


1. A Novel Synthesis of 5-Aryl-3-Phenylprazole from 2-Aryl-3-benzyol-1,1-

cyclopropanedicarbonnitrile and Hydrazine

Zhongjiao Ren, Weiguo Cao, Jie Chen, Yu Wang, Weiyu Ding

J. Heterocycl. Chem., 20##, 43, 495-497.

2. Unexpected Formation of Bicyclic Cyclopane Lactam and Pyridone from the Reaction of cis-2-Aryl-1-carbomethoxy-3,3-dicynocyclopropane with Primary Aliphatic Amine via Isomerization and Rearrangement

Zhongjiao Ren, Weiguo Cao, Sishi Wang, Yun Wang and Yeying Lu

Synth. Commun., 20##,36, 2441-2452.

3. 贫电子环丙烷衍生物与甲醇的反应

周小红, 曹卫国, 任仲皎, 陈杰, 张慧

合成化学, 20##, 2, 139-142.
