




我们学校是一所典型的农村小学,我们学校是从三年级才开始开设英语课的,今个学年,学校安排我任教四年级英语的学科因为我是接手另外一位英语老师的班。所以第一节课我做足了充分的准备,学生们知道换了新的英语老师,也早早的坐在课桌前端端正正的等着老师来上课。当我大步的跨上讲台开始我第一句开场白:Good moring,boys and girls,I’m MissWu ,Nice to meet you!台下的全体学生异口同声的说:Good moring, MissWu ,Nice to meet you ,too!我很高兴,以为他们在三年级学习效果很好。于是我就开始上课前的Warm-up:

1.Free talk;:

T:How are you?

S:I’m fine,thank you.and you?

T: I’m fine ,too.What’s your name?

S:I’M .

T:What’s the date today? S:┈┈

T:What day is ittoday? S: ┈┈

T:What’s the weather like today? S: ┈┈

T:Who’s the dute today?







1. 课堂学习中渗透英语

⑴ 称呼

为了营造一种真实的英语交际氛围,给每位学生取英语名字,建立每天进班用英语向同学打招呼的机制,并鼓励他们在日常的生活交往、课堂交际中尽可能多地用英语名字相互称呼,也包括学生与老师之间。通过两周的熟悉过程,有80%的学生能自然、顺口地称呼别人的英语名字,如: Hello, Susan !/How are you ,Mike?一个月后学生们,见到课任老师会不自觉地说Good afternoon, Miss Jin !令人惊喜的:学生由此还进行了对老师称呼的迁移——由Miss Jin迁移到Miss Song/Miss Chen/Miss Wu .这就达成了营造英语交际氛围的真正目的——让英语走进学生的生活。

⑵ 小值日

每天的日期、天气、星期以及课程安排是小学生每天要接触到的,建立每日的小值日机制,即每天一位同学轮到值日,在黑板上写出当天日期、天气、星期及课程安排后,再用英文向全班报告。通过这项长期的值日机制,让学生了解日期(年、月、日)天气、星期以及各项学习科目用英语应怎么说。刚开始时,教师有意识地出示相应的英语单词,并介绍:Today is Monday. It’s sunny. we have Chinese lesson/English /music/ P.E. etc.学生会积极的模仿,这对于他们是新鲜的语音。根据实际,学生就能知道相应词汇的英语说法,通过每天高频率反复的听说,不经意之间就能学到并记住这些相关单词,当学生基本有感受后则有更高要求,请他们根据不同的问句,从今天扩展回答说昨天、明天、甚至



凡是学生生活中能接触到的物品,教师都在物品上贴上相对应的英语单词,生活中在与学生进行交流时,都以英文替代中文进行指代。学习用品是学生在学习过程中不可缺的伙伴。在课堂教学中,教师通过语言和肢体语言让学生了解学习用品的英语说法。如:教师请学生打开书,一边做手势一边用英语说“Open your books”,这句英文的意思就用不着再去解释;在学生做连线练习时,老师一边拿出尺子一边说:“Take out your ruler”,学生能自然地理解这句话的意思。

⑷ 课堂用语

课堂用语贯穿着整个课堂教学过程,是课堂学习生活的重要组成部分。通过课堂用语,实现了老师和学生之间思想的沟通、心灵的交汇,实现语言的互动化。 因此,抓住这一契点,让学生多机率、高频度地接触英语、感知英语,同时又将英语自然地融入在课堂中,是非常有利的。如做游戏时,老师说:Who can?学生会非常踊跃、甚至站起来大声说:Me! 又如,当学生回答问题正确或大声发言时,老师为了表扬学生会说:啊!You are so good!同时,竖起大拇指,其他学生也会学着表扬这位同学:Good ,good, very good!/Wonderful!/Excellent

2. 课外生活中渗透英语


⑴ 结合日常生活中进行渗透

清晨进校园,教师见到学生就用英语非常热情地打招呼,“Hello” “Hi” “Good morning”,并进行交流,如:“You are in red dress. How nice.” “Who is the first one in the class?” “Did you speak English at home?”配合手势让学生理解,引导他们给予简单的回应,如“Thank you” “Yes”,使他们一进校门就感知到一种英语的氛围。平时一些简单的交流,教师也可以用英语来说,如: “Would you do me a favor?”

(帮我个忙好吗?) “Open the door, please.”(请打开窗) “ Come in,please.”(请进) 进行这样的交流时,鼓励他们积极回应,听不懂时能主动追问,只要学生对教师的英语问题能用行动或使用中文回答,这样做可消除学生对英语由于一开始的陌生,而造成的疏离感,畏惧感。


cookie, pure milk, chocolate milk, draw berry milk”,并引导学生用英语来询问。在学生熟悉了几种点心的名称后,请学生轮换去拿点心,吃之前其他同学问“what do we eat today?” 拿的学生就告诉大家“Cookies.”


“I’m hungry.”虽然第一次出现时,学生从没学过,但根据当时的情景,他们完全能猜测出这句话的含义,对教师的这一表现,几个学生就会模仿,教师立刻做出反应: “Oh, you are hungry. Come on.”招手让应答的几个学生先来盛饭,别的学生在此情况下,纷纷争先恐后地模仿起来。盛饭时,往往学生对饭菜的分量想要多些或少些,教师故意顺着他的话用英语反问他“More? Less?”, 在这过程中,并不要求他们一定用英语,只是教师根据学生的话,再用最简单的英语重复一边,让学生逐渐熟悉“多少”,“喜欢某菜”等该如何用英语表达,同时就餐时介绍菜的一些名称如“chicken, cabbage, bean curn”等等 。通过不断地潜移默化,几个星期后,当教师问“More or less?”学生自然地就会顺势回答“More, more, I like


放学时也是练习口语的好时机。告别语如 “Good-bye” “see you./see you

tomorrow”教师坚持天天主动地与学生说,几天后,学生便也会用英语来回应 老师。渐渐地,学生与其他人告别时,更乐意使用英语。







本 科 毕 业 论 文(设计)

题目(中文): 小学教育中教师肢体语言的研究

姓 名: 专 业: 学 院: 学 号: 指导教师:

职 称:

20xx年 12 月 20日


A Study of Teacher's Body Language

in Primary Education

Xinya Ouyang

A dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for


degree of Bachelor of Arts


School of Foreign Languages, Adult Education College

Shenzhen University

December 2010



Acknowledgements .................................................................................................... ⅲ Abstract and Keyword .............................................................................................. ⅳ

1 Introduction ............................................................................................................. 1

1.1 Background ............................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Research Purpose ................................................................................................... 3

2 Literature review ...................................................................................................... 4

2.1 Relative Opinion ...................................................................................................... 4

2.2 Different Types of Body Language ..................................................................... 5

2.2.1 Eye Language ......................................................................................................... 5

2.2.2 Body Language .................................................................................................... 6

2.2.3 Facial Language ................................................................................................... 6

2.2.4 Sign Language ........................................................................................................ 7

2.2.5 Dress Language .................................................................................................... 8

3 Methodology ............................................................................................................ 10

3.1 Setting ....................................................................................................................... 10

3.2 Participants ............................................................................................................. 10

3.1 Data Collection ...................................................................................................... 10

4 Results ...................................................................................................................... 13

4.1 Comparison of Attention Span .................................................................................. 14

4.2 Comparison of English Class Fondness Degree ................................................... 14

4.3 Comparison of Classroom Activity Participation ................................................. 15

4.4 Comparison of Classroom Speech Enthusiasm on Comparison ......................... 15

4.5 Comparison of Learning Effect ............................................................................... 15

5 Conclusion ............................................................................................................... 17 Bibliography ............................................................................................................................... 18


Acknowledgements My deepest gratitude goes first and foremost to my supervisor, Lu Li, for her

instructive advice and useful suggestions on my thesis. Without her consistent and illuminating instruction, this thesis could not have reached its present form. I am deeply grateful of her help in the completion of this thesis.

My sincere thanks go to our university, which provides me with the opportunity of 3-year high institute education, my gratitude also goes to my friends, who have helped me to collect materials and encouraged me during the writing process.

In addition, I would like to thank all the writers whose works are referred in this thesis. All mistakes and shortages in this paper, of course, are solely my responsibility.


Abstract: This paper discusses the importance and the application of body language in primary education. Several aspects, these aspects include:eye language, body language, facial language, sign language and dress language, can help students understand words meaning clearly and inspire their interests in learning. Through the data collection, the study summarizes: 1) Most students think teachers’ encouragement is very important to them.2) They like study English by act and dislike teacher keep the same position in whole class.3) Most students can remember new words meaning in class by teachers’ body language.4) Smile and express in one’s eyes and gesture language with thumb are the most popular body language.5) Most teachers indicate they get more feedback of teaching through observe students’ body language in class.


Keywords: body language, teacher’s role, primary education,teaching



Chapter 1 Introduction

This section will introduce the history and definition for body language, the relationship between body language and the education, and the necessity of researching body language in English class in primary school.


Language is most important communication tool for human (Lie 1958:396), is the media to convey our ideas to other people (Chen 1980:1).Accordingly to this, and it did be the most important communication tool for human. Body language is a kind of languages; it is the symbol of non-physical parts. As early as 60 years in the twenty it had actually started, it comes into being earlier than language and words.

How prevalent is non-verbal communication in humans? Some researchers put the level of nonverbal communication as high as 80 percent of all communication when it could be at around 50-65 percent. Different studies have found differing amounts, with some studies showing that facial communication is believed 4.3 times more often than verbal meaning, and another finding that verbal communication in a flat tone is 4 times more likely to be understood than a pure facial expression. Albert Mehrabian is noted for finding a 7%-38%-55% rule, supposedly denoting how much communication was conferred by words, tone, and body language. However he was only referring to cases of expressing feelings or attitudes, such as when a person says "I do not have a problem with you!" when people commonly focus on the tone of voice, and body language of the person, rather than the actual words said. It is a common misconception that these percentages apply to all communication.

Interpersonal space refers to the psychological "bubble" that we can imagine exists when someone is standing way too close to us. Research has revealed that in North America there are four different zones of interpersonal space. The first zone is called intimate distance and ranges from touching to about eighteen inches apart. Intimate distance is the space around us that we reserve for lovers, children, as well as


close family members and friends. The second zone is called personal distance and begins about an arm's length away; starting around eighteen inches from our person and ending about four feet away. We use personal distance in conversations with friends, to chat with associates, and in group discussions. The third zone of interpersonal space is called social distance and is the area that ranges from four to eight feet away from you. Social distance is reserved for strangers, newly formed groups, and new acquaintances. The fourth identified zone of space is public distance and includes anything more than eight feet away from you. This zone is used for speeches, lectures, and theater; essentially, public distance is that range reserved for larger audiences.

Body language is a form of non-verbal communication, consisting of body pose, gestures, and eye movements. We mean the body language as the ways of communication through our eyes, facial expressions, gestures, body action and so on. (Liu 1995:2)Humans send and interpret such signals unconsciously. It is often said that human communication consists of 93% body language and paralinguistic cues, while only 7% of communication consists of words themselves - however, Albert Mehrabian, the researcher whose 1960s work is the source of these statistics, has stated that this is a misunderstanding of the findings. Others assert that "Research has suggested that between 60 and 70 percent of all meaning is derived from nonverbal behavior." Body language may provide cues as to the attitude or state of mind of a person. For example, it may indicate aggression, attentiveness, boredom, relaxed state, pleasure, amusement, besides many other cues.

Body language is a language which to express human’s mind by action and expression. (Guangming Daily 1987), the body language applied to education is referred to as "non-verbal teaching," "non-word education". There are lots of methods for a teachers teaching their students, the most basic is action of teaching. Teachers’ action and expression will affect their students, which are why it is important to know well body language for a teacher. Teaching is a science, it is also art. Body language is an important part of teaching, Learning body language is a special requirement, it


can be more intuitively to express our mind, easier to attract the attention of students, more helpful to enhance student’s impression of knowledge. American doctor Robert Bruce point out that”body language is helpful for students keep long-playing attention and then finish the task”. Certainly, body language is an intuitionist window for understand teachers, we can see it clearly in the English teaching.

1.2research purpose

I found some questions for the students during my English teaching in the classroom in Jiangmen primary school, the questions as below: 1. Children can not concentrate on what teacher teaching 2. Children look confused 3. We can not find happy from the students’ expression 4.Most of the teachers is rich in language teaching, but they are poor for body language, 5. No expression hardly 6. Teaching has always been standing on the platform or around it.7. Teachers use spoken language to explain the meaning of the word most of the time. 8. Children are not enthusiastic about answering questions 9. Class time is not enough 10. The last question is classroom teaching performance feedbacks are far away than our expected.

The purpose of teaching English from primary school, the most important is for harboring children’s interesting of learning English and maintain their positive attitude towards learning English. This can help them have self-confidence to learning well English in future. As we know, Interest and self-confidence and basic are three important factors to learn well English.

Speaking of a primary school English teaching, teachers will immediately think of two teaching methods: situational approach and systemic reaction. Marx also said, to learn a foreign language, first of all to forget their mother tongue. That means body language is especially important in English teaching in primary school, and it is necessary to research body language teaching in primary schools.


Chapter 2 Literature review

This section mainly elaborates the important of body language on English teaching in primary schools and the classification of body language.

2.1Relative opinion

According to The Visual Psychology’s research, people learn from the outside world, more than 90% through the visual channel (Liu 1995:162). Different age stages of learners' have different learning mode always, children often have better effect of study on hands-on mode and visual mode study in commonly(Joy M. Reid 2002:F27).Teachers will be able to speak very impressive in the classroom if they proper use of body language teaching and will effectively infected students, inspire them to learn well, to get better teaching results. In the other hand, it will improve teaching management in the classroom if we can give full play to the role of body language. (Yuan 2010)

As the language teaching methods and English teaching was reform and innovation in primary school, English teaching requirements, and strive to create a learning environment for students. However, the vocabulary is limited for students; all the facts require teachers to use their facial expressions and body language to make our language simply. (Hong 2010)

Teaching methods should be designed for learning, body language teaching can be active classroom atmosphere .It can enthusiasm student’s interesting in learning English and improve teaching efficiency if we allow the students to imitate our body language, (Sun 2010)

Body language to create a harmonious classroom climate, encourage the enthusiasm of the students to stop bad behavior. Teacher’s action, speech of tone voice, expression etc., will directly affect the classroom atmosphere. The atmosphere of the classroom is an important factor to improve effectiveness of classroom. To create a harmonious classroom climate ninety percent rely on body language. (Yang 2008)


2.2 Different Types of Body Language

A teacher’s action looks look, behavior can directly affect the classroom atmosphere; the following five main factors will affect the classroom atmosphere.

2.2.1 Eye language

First is Eye language. In human history, the eye has been a great influence on human behavior. The eyes are the windows of his mind. Good at using eyes language in order to grasp the atmosphere of the classroom. We also can use eye contact to control the communication. Teachers use eye contact in the classroom can help distracted and bad behavior students back to the attention, but also enable students to feel a kind of being taken seriously, to express approval or opposition on student’s behavior, and encourage students’ passion for learning

From a person's eyes, we can see that his inner world whether likes or not and approve of the attitude or not. Therefore, the eye language is the most expressive a posture language. As an English teacher, we should to know the eyes can not only express the relevant emotion of teaching content, But also having emotion exchange with students with diversification of eye language, the language in the eyes of the effect on the students, enhance teaching appeal. The teacher good use it in the classroom, be helpful for teaching and improve the teaching effect. First, teachers should to know their own teaching effect from student's expressions and change, differentiate the student who does not attend to the class form the whole class, and then make proper adjustment. In class, students looking toward to a corner of the room occasionally aimlessly, that shows that they change their minds to other place. Glance all round, whisper with classmates, and indicates that they discovers the mistake of what the teacher said. Eyes flash meaning understood what the teacher said instantly. In addition the eyes contact between teachers and students, students have a sense of security through the teacher’s kind eyes, expectation , eliminate a sense of fear, The emotional distant between students and teachers will reducing.


2.2.2 Body language

Second is body language. The students’ whose action out of control, most are the group are located far from teacher. Teacher can change the distance between the students consciously or unconsciously to communicate with students. This also can change the situation of student’s participation; student participation will change the situation. Many teachers and students due to physical distance, to establish close relationships with students would be more difficult, there will to be a drag. Therefore, teachers should join of students in the teaching activities; students will get more warm and friendly feeling. Closer to the student's teachers, students considered to be like them, understanding of good teachers. Between teachers and students are good at close to the body to reveal the affinity and sincere heart, will certainly enhance the production of teaching

A study showed that when the teacher stands in 2-3.5metre away from students of place, can produce a kind of control effect, if a student does not pay attention to class ,As long as tend towards to this student when treat this behavior, it will change this behavior rapidly. Teachers can control the classroom and discover and correct the mistake which students' pronunciation, intonation, make the atmosphere of class become activity by leave the platform and tend towards student's space when reading. If any student absent-minded, when the teacher walked up to him, he will consciously to catch up with him. Do dictation exercise, Teachers should properly around the class while reading that can attract student's attention and arouse their positive emotions. If the distant between teachers and students is more than 4 meters, even further, it will be difficult to produce this effect. It visible, pay attention to the distance in classroom can get good teaching effect. The teacher can also use the meaning of body distance teaching corresponding words such as: far and near, etc.

2.2.3 Facial language

Third is facial language: Facial language is the most directly body languages that students receive from teachers, as long as expressions of teachers are not good,


students know they are noticed. In the classroom, teachers had better to have a smile, focus on the teaching, and talk with the students friendly all the time. Then students feel affinity rather than pressure, facial expressions to convey the passion and enjoy the time. The classroom effect is obvious if Students learning in a pleasant, harmonious and happy atmosphere. Teachers should avoid frowning, with a straight face in the classroom, also please do not often feel discouraged or disappointed with the students, it will greatly reduce the learning desire of students then leading them to lose confidence and give up the hope.

Expression is a magic, teacher's expressions in the student mind will produce great force. Expression language is to convey teacher’s thoughts and feelings that can exert psychological impact on students. Expression mainly refers to the facial expression. Facial expressions is a kind of “world language” in human society, A person's laughter, anger, sorrow, fear, surprise all available reflected in facial expressions. Famous writer Roman Roland said: "the facial expression is successful language in past century, is the much complex than spoken language." Therefore, the teacher in the classroom as according to the different situations, take good use of facial expression language, we may adjust classroom atmosphere effectively, improving the teaching effect. Some educators have proposed that "Teachers should conquer students with love smile. So as to the students feel learning English is fun rather than burden. For example when the bell rang, the teacher came into the classroom with smiling cordially with "How are you? Nice to meet you " to students, they also have a smile for encourage whenever students answer correctly, and said: "Good!!" "You are right." with thumbs-up. The smile for understand and expectation also presence even if students made a mistake, also applies to students understand and looking forward to. Anyhow, teacher should take a big smile in each class and make its maximum effect.

2.2.4 Sign language

The fourth one is sign language: a variety of gestures is important magic


weapon for experienced teachers. Teachers do gestures, not only emphasized the role model, but also more clear to express our encouragement or stop the behavior of students than words. Generally speaking, hand gestures should be natural, generous, not exaggerated, not artificial. Gestures should be diversified, but not too frequent, or students dazzled and can not achieve the desired effect as we wanted. Second, the theory of knowledge needs body language which more easy to understand and lively to make it specific and clearly, it can enhance the students’ understanding and improve classroom results.

Gestures means hands posture refers to a people express meaning. Use gestures in the teaching classroom reasonably and accurately not only can pass thoughts but also express the feelings and can increase the persuasion of sound language. The lecture is "second language" also; due to the function of gestures is image, instructions and other functions. Some excellent English teachers are paying more attention to master and apply the sign language. It helps to communication of teacher's teaching language and makes the teaching language image, lively and vivid. For example: teaching Numbers from 1 to 10, can put out our hand to teaching, so it is easy for students on instant imitation and remember pronunciation with memory. Teachers can practice in various forms after they got it. The students will stretch out their hands while teacher say the number. If the teacher said a number then students repeat the number or standing in sequence and play the train game etc. Students will interest in the study of English number if that and the teaching effect will improve also. Gestures is most widely used and be most changeful in all of the body language. Therefore, the teacher should be Proficient at gestures.

2.2.5 Dress language

The last one is Dress refers to the classroom teaching of clothes wear when teachers. Neat and easy, dignified dress well can increase the affinity of teachers. Teachers can arise when dress for teaching features. For example: the teaching shirt, coat, loose fitting blouse, such as shirt - words and color, appropriate dress, can


achieve understandable effect, make the class lively and vivid rise. If a teacher normally teaches in casual clothes, he should turn up one day wearing a suit. Each time teachers break their own rules, in other words, they send a ripple through the class. That ripple is a mixture of surprise and curiosity and it is a perfect starting point for student involvement. (Jeremy Harmer 2000:5)


Chapter 3 Methodology

The third chapter via to the date collection in the private school, talk to children to get what they need and what is the most popular body language of the English teacher among them.

3.1 Setting

The private school I chosen is the Xinlian private school that I was worked. Most of my children are come form country and town, at the same time they live in poor or not very rich family. So as to they have not enough chance to get more English except in school.

3.2 Participants

The students that I choose from grade four in private school, they are from 2 classes. The number of the two classes is 42 and 48.I chosen Amy Apple and Tiger Rise and Cindy Kitty. They are from 2 classes and what they said can including the thinking of most of the private school students. Amy and Apple are done well in English study. Tiger and Rise can keep their middle position in their class. But Cindy and Kitty seems don’t know how to study English, they are poor in English.

The object I chosen is representative students. They represent the students' ideas that are in three different levels of English scores in two different grades. They are average age is 10 years old, two boys four girls, family status not superior nor poverty, family atmosphere is good, have good healthy, have cheerful and optimistic personality, have good relationship with classmates. They are all polite students.

3.3 Data collection

In the research, the author asked them some questions face to face in private and one by one.

1. “Do you like have English classed? Why?”

2. “Do you like English teacher? Why?”


3. “Do you think you are a positive Person in Class when answer some questions” 4. “If your English teacher make full use of their body language, that is make full use of their action to express the meaning of a word or a sentence, do you pay more attention on the class?

5 “Do you like an English teacher have a big smile on he or she face always?” 6. “If teacher have smiles eye while he or she give you a question, then do you think that means you gain the courage to answer the question?

7. “Do you think teacher is walking back and forth among the students when have English classes is a good teaching way?

8. “Do you think keep pay attention is very easy thing? Why? 9. “Do you like via act to study English in class?

10 “Can you remember the word’s meaning in the class instantly?” “Y” means yes,“N” means no, “M” means middle.

Table1 Get to know what the students’ are needed and what are they thinking.


We can get some information after the research, most of the students like the kindly teacher, teacher’s encourage is very important to them. They all like study English by act and dislike teacher keep the same position in whole class. The same with we thought, they have not the ability to remember some new words in class. The


reasons that they like English class and English teacher is they study English when the young time, so they have a good basic. The reasons that they dislike is that they hardly didn’t know the English before they go to school, or they lose the confidence already and be afraid of teacher’s criticism.

I asked some children what is the most popular body language of the English teacher in their mind in different grades. Smile and expression in one’s eyes and gesture language with thumb are the top three.

The eyes are bright and just like stars while we have a smile. Teacher will infect the whole class with their beautiful smile even though it is a tiny expression.

Our eyes are very important apparatus in our body, we know the whole world and observe the whole word by them. And they are the only surface path to our brain. So we can say eyes are window of our mind. (Liu2008: 41),Now no doubt expression in one’s eyes can be popular among the class.

The advantage of gesture language with thumb is an obvious advantage. It can make full use of the class time, beside this, they will as proud as a peacock while get the admiration with gesture from their teacher. If the gesture mixes with expression in one’s eyes, the effect will double.


Chapter 4 Results

The content of this chapter is by the knowledge as above turn into practice, then

explain the importance of body language to show the great influence on primary school students and practice ways on the English classes.

The author will present the result for the body language. The period of the test

is from 13th Oct to 13th Nov. Teachers making full use of the body language on the five aspects as below.

1) Organize the teaching by body language. For example, if a student talking

with another or cant pay attention on the class, then teacher will engage his or her attention by the expression in one’s eyes or walking beside the student. The body language means: “Please pay more attention on the class, I noted what you do.” The way can save the time and will not influence other students.

2) Teaching by body language. Use circumstances teaching method. For

example, we can use this way to teach this word “shopping”. Teacher could use body language to express what this word mean. At the same time, using the plastic bag and supermarket, then students can remember the word’s meaning deeply, even though forget it hardly.

3) Stimulate students' interest in learning by body language. An excellent

English teacher should have high quantity and a pleasure character. (Lai et al 2002:

8).The teacher should have a naturally face and good nature, have a big smile on your smile. Not only our children like talking with you and are close to you but also for the communication with feeling. Teacher should take with the kindly smile and kindly eyes when the students answer the question in class. If the answer is correct then gesture language with thumb, if wrong then shake your head with a smile. It is much better than say: “you are not correct, please think it over.” We should pay more attention on each action and each body language to set up the confidence for students. As an English teacher, the chief thing is that we should know the powerful force of a positive suggestion with heart. Then they will to be the student who we hope to be in


the end. (Zhao 2009:206)

4) Highlight the keystone with body language. Tone increased and in the classroom pacing back and forth with a proper body language. The result that is student will remember the keystone instantly.

5) Get more feedback of teaching through observe students’ body language in class. Teaching is a mutual activity between teachers and students. So we need the feedback on student’s side also. How we can get the information? To observe their body language is a one of the best ways, then can know what they think at that moment. Then adjust the method and content of teaching accordingly.

4.1 Comparison of attention span

Table2 the comparison between before and after the test.



4.2 Comparison of English class fondness degree

Table3 the comparison between before and after the test. 14

4.3 Comparison of classroom activity participation

Table4 the comparison between before and after the test.


4.4 Comparison of classroom speech enthusiasm

Table5 the comparison between before and after the test.



4.5 Comparison of learning effect

Table6 the comparison between before and after the test. (testing in class, full marks are 20) 15




Chapter 5 Conclusion

There are many information through teacher’s behavior and body language, It is suits English learner best that students explain the content that teachers said by the body language always. The consistency of convey information between gestures and words can be positive impact study and communication. (Linda Campbell et al 2004:119).The learning of English by younger children is by no means as common as at later stages and the nature of the younger learner probably affects teaching and methods more than with other groups. (Geoffrey Broughton et al 1978:166)

American Doctor Leonard June told us body language what they used when they meet each other at the first 4 minutes will effect their decision while they make new friends. I am not sure it is completely correct. But absolutely it can explain why teacher’s body language is very important at the beginning of the classes. Not only at the beginning of the classes but also should study all the time to improve on and adjust our body language. Teachers in order to confirm whether to convey the appropriate nonverbal information can record lecture process by video. So that can reveal what are students’ daily observations, teachers can aim at the problems that show on the video, as thus strengthen the teaching effect. Anyway, the primary English teacher those who in the 21 century need to get as much as more methods to teaching. The teachers need to good at choose the body language at different time to improve the teaching effect.



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