


实战心得 1:因为忘记了这句话,无数的投机者离开了这个市场,它们尸骨未寒,你想成为其中一员吗?很简单,忘了这句话,你很快就可以做到。


实战心得 2:不需要系统、公式、指标等等,只盯价格的波动,经验和直觉告诉你怎么走就怎么做。哦,提醒一下:此法新手禁用。此经验系指连续盯盘5年以上的经验,和在这基础上形成的直觉。


实战心得 3:下单前必须明白自己可能处于趋势的某个阶段或某种状态中,这直接决定了你后续操作,比如止损、加码、平仓、清盘,推到重来等交易决策。所谓的市场高手,一般就高在这里。


实战心得 4:多年前我就明白各种投机道理,现在仍然觉得每年都有进



实战感悟 5:止损最强调都不过分,这里说说顺势,如果在流畅的趋势行情中赚不到钱,那你就很难赚到钱,长时间地持牢赢利单,意味着可能是顺势单,相反,则可能是逆势单,最完美的分析,都不如孩子般眼睛看到的趋势方向。很多时候,我们是放弃了简单判断,却使用了复杂的分析,结果离真实越来越远。


实战心得 6:行情是变化的,交易者唯一的要做的是对变化做出及时的反应,不用问为什么,不需要理由,趋势操作者眼中只有图表的走势变化,及时跟上这种变化,对于市场,你可以没有观点,但不能麻木不仁没有反应。


实战心得 7:那如何判别上升和下降趋势呢?一般来说,趋势是这样的,你第一眼看到的是真实的趋势,你再一思考得的的往往是反趋势,顺势是最简单的事,却又是很难做到的,因为你有了太多的思考,你的思考中有太多的理论,投机除了那几句鸟话,有什么理论吗?


实战心得 8:下每一单时我总觉得这一单会输掉,于是赶紧设止损。因为止损总是很少,慢慢地胆就大起来了,我明白我是因为止损小而胆大,不是认为自己判断有多正确。多年来其实我最大的问题在于,当一系列连续赢利接踵而来时,内心变得自大起来,于是不设止损(论坛提示:跟单有风险),重仓,结果是暴仓。






61.If a market doesn’t do what you think it should and you’re tired of waiting , you’d better be out of it.


62.Stay calm and maintain clear thinking when trading big positions.


63.Reevaluate your position in the market if charts have deteriorated and fundamentals have not developed as you expected.


64.Above all be mentally prepared for the rigors of each trading day from the time you get up each morning until you go to bed at night.


65.Do whatever is necessary to stay on top of the markets you are trading.


66.Believe that the market is stronger than you are. Do not try to fight the market.


67.Beware of large positions that can control your emotions and feelings. In other words don’t be overly aggressive with the market. Treat it gently by allowing your equity to grow steadily rather than in bursts.


68.Capital preservation is just as important as capital appreciation.


69.When a market’s gotten away and you’ve missed the first leg you should still consider jumping in even if it is dangerous and difficult.


70.Work hard at understanding the key factor(s) motivating the market(s) you are trading. In other words, the harder you work the luckier you’ll be.


71.Remember that it’s better to trade a few big moves a year (and close them out profitably) than to trade constantly.


72.Set an objective for each trade you enter and get out when you meet it. Don’t be greedy! 为你的每一手交易设立一个目标,达到目标就出手。不要贪心!

73.Remember that for many commodities ,politics are more important than economics. 记住,对许多商品来说,政治比经济更重要。

74.Never add to a losing position.


75.Beware of trying to pick tops or bottoms.


76. Worry about how much you can lose. Figure risk reward ratio ahead of trade. Strive for at least 3x potential profit vs. loss.


77. If it appears that lots of bulls are long , be nervous!


78. If you have a good lead in the market and all the news seems too good to be true you’d better take profits.


79. The news always follows the market.


80. There is only one side to the market; and it is not the bull side or the bear side, but the right side.


81. A man must believe in himself and his judgment if he expects to make a living at this game. 如果有人想在这场游戏里生存,他必须相信自己和自己的判断力。

82. It is the big swing that makes the big money for you. “It was never my wishing that made the big money for me. It was always my sitting tight.” Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon. The market does not beat them. They beat themselves. You must have the courage of your convictions and the intelligent patience to sit tight.


83. To buy on a rising market is a most comfortable way of buying. Buy on a scale up. Sell on a scale down.


84. Commodities are never too high to begin buying or too low to begin selling. But after the initial transaction, don’t make a second unless the first shows a profit.


85. Realize that the big money comes in the big swing. Whatever might seem to give a big swing, its initial impulse, the fact is that no matter who opposes it, the swing must inevitably run as far and as fast and as long as the impelling forces determine.


86. In the long run, commodity prices are governed but by one law , the economic law of demand and supply.


87. A loss never bothers me after I take it. I forget it overnight. But being wrong and not taking the loss , that is what does the damage to the pocket book and to the soul.


88. It is profitable to study your mistakes.


89. Of all speculative blunders, there are few greater than selling what shows a profit and keeping what shows a loss.


90. Nothing is new in commodities! The game does not change and neither does human nature. 期货交易里没有什么新东西!游戏没有变;人性也没有变。

91. In a bear market, it is always wise to cover if complete demoralization suddenly develops. 在熊市里,一旦突然全场士气低落,你最好赶快平仓。

92. The principles of successful commodity speculation is based on the supposition that people will continue in the future to make the mistakes that they have made in the past.


93. In a bull market and particularly in booms, the public at first makes money, which it later looses simply by overstaying the bull market.


94. A bull market needs to be fed every day , a bear market only once a week.


95. Never underestimate how much time is necessary to wash out a market that is long. 不要过低估量需要多少时间清洗一个看多的市场。

96. Never buy the first rally and never sell the first break.


97. Be advised that it is better to be more interested in the market’s reaction to new information than in the piece of news itself.


98. Don’t diversify , concentrate on a few commodities. More diversity reduces amount you can speculate with. Also too much to watch.


99. Don’t pioneer highs or lows. Let the market tell you a high or low has been made.


100. Keep some perspective. Trees don’t grow to the sky. values don’t go to zero. What are histories and recent highs and lows, Loan levels, Loans are not necessarily price floors. CCC selling prices aren’t necessarily price ceilings.


101. “If you get in on Jones’ tip; get out on Jones’ tip”. If you are riding another person’s idea, ride it all the way.


102. Run early or not at all. Don’t be an eleven o’clock bull or a five o’clock bear.


103. Woodrow Wilson said, “a governments first priority is to organize the common interest against special interests”. Successful traders seek out market opportunities capitalizing on the reality that government’s first priority is rarely achieved.



104. People who buy headlines eventually end up selling newspapers.


105. If you do not know who you are, the market is an expensive place to find out.


106. Never give advice—the smart don’t need it and the stupid don’t heed it.


107. Disregard all prognostications. In the world of money, which is a world shaped by human behavior, nobody has the foggiest notion of what will happen in the future. Mark that word—nobody! Thus the successful trader bases no moves on what supposedly will happen but reacts instead to what does happen.


108. Worry is not a sickness but a sign of health. If you are not worried, you are not risking enough.


109. Except in unusual circumstances, get in the habit of taking your profit too soon. Don’t torment yourself if a trade continues winning without you. Chances are it won’t continue long. If it does console yourself by thinking of all the times when liquidating early preserved gains you would otherwise have lost.


110. When the ship starts to sink, don’t pray—jump!


111. Life never happens in a straight line. Any adult knows this. But we can too easily be hypnotized into forgetting it when contemplating a chart. Beware of the chartist’s illusion.


112. Optimism means expecting the best, but confidence means knowing how you will handle the worst. Never make a move if you are merely optimistic.


113. Whatever you do, whether you bet with the herd or against, think it through independently first.

不管你做什么,不管你是随流而下还是逆流而上,首先对你要做的事作一独立的思考。 114. Repeatedly reevaluate your open positions. Keep asking yourself: would I put my money into this if it were presented to me for the first time today? Is this trade progressing toward the ending position I envisioned?


115. It is a safe bet that the money lost by (short term) speculation is small compared with the

gigantic sums lost by those who let their investments “ride”. Long term investors are the biggest gamblers as after they make a trade they often times stay with it and end up losing it all. The intelligent trader will . By acting promptly—hold losses to a minimum.


116. As a rule of thumb good trend lines should touch at least three previous highs or lows. The more points the line catches, the better the line.


117. Volume and open interest are as important to the technician as price.


118. The clearest and easiest way to determine a trend is from previous highs and lows. Higher highs and higher lows mark an uptrend, lower highs and lower lows mark a downtrend.


119. Don’t sell a quiet market after a fall because a low volume sell-off is actually a very bullish situation.


120. Prices are made in the minds of men, not in the soybean field: fear and greed can temporarily drive prices far beyond their so called real value.


121. When the market breaks through a weekly or monthly high, it is a buy signal. When it breaks through the previous weekly or monthly low, it is a sell signal.


122. Every sunken ship has a chart.


123. Take a trading break. A break will give you a detached view of the market and a fresh look at yourself and the way you want to trade for the next several weeks.


124. Assimilate into your very bones a set of trading rules that works for you.


125. The final phase in a bull move is an accelerated runaway near the top. In this phase, the market always makes you believe that you have underestimated the potential bull market. The temptation to continue pyramiding your position is strong as profits have now swelled to the point that you believe your account can stand any setback. It is imperative at this juncture to take profits on your pyramids and reduce the position back to base levels. The base position is then liquidated when it becomes apparent that the move has ended.


