M5 U2 Project 阅读材料中英文对照版

M5 U2 Project 阅读材料中英文对照版

Protecting the Yangtze River

As the third longest river in the world,the health of the Yangtze River has raised concern both in China and abroad.Rapid development and an increase in

population have meant that the amount of water taken from the river is rising, and that the waste being put back into the river has been increasing.This is not good news for the people who rely on the Yangtze River for water.Nor is it good news for the wide range of fish and wildlife that live in or along the river. Many people have recognized the importance of protecting the Yangtze River, and organizations and projects have been set up to deal with the problem.The Green River Organization,for example,educates people on the importance of protecting this great river.It also watches the river and stops the illegal hunting of animals,which has put the wild animal population in danger.

Two special government projects are also under way.The first project,a water and soil conservation project,was set up in 1989.This project resulted in farmers replacing their crops with trees or grass.It has already been a success because it has helped improve the local environment and the land around the river.

The second project includes nature reserves for white—flag dolphins,one of the rarest animals in the world.The number of white-flag dolphins in China has dropped because of pollution in the Yangtze River.The white-flag dolphin was last seen several years ago,though scientists are still hopeful that the animal has survived.

We still have a long way to go to solve all the problems in regard to the Yangtze River.However,people have finally realized that it is their responsibility to protect this great river.Because of this,the situation on the Yangtze River is improving.The efforts of the Chinese government and people to protect this much—loved river will be appreciated for years to come.

Climate change and a low-carbon life

There is no doubt that the world climate has been changing in recent years. Many people blame this change on gases such as carbon dioxide. Animals and humans produce carbon dioxide when they breathe. However, many other human activities also let off carbon gases. Anytime something is burnt, carbon is put into the atmosphere. Cars and other vehicles burn petrol in their engines, and electrical power plants most often burn fuels such as coal and oil in order to produce electricity. Therefore, the more petrol and electricity we consume, the more carbon we are letting off.

One thing we can all do to help solve this problem is to walk or use a bicycle when possible. Although we produce carbon when we breathe, the carbon we produce is much less than that produced by a car. Of course, there are times when we need to travel long distances. In this case, public transport such as buses and the underground is always a much better choice than a private car

or a taxi. If you must drive a car, it is never good to travel alone--you should

try to find other people to travel with you.

At home, you should use as little energy as possible. Turn off the lights and

anything else electrical when not in use. Since factories use a lot of energy and

also let off carbon gases, it is important to recycle as much as possible. In

particular, metal products and paper products require a lot of energy to

produce, so you should find ways to use these again without throwing them


Last but not least, you can plant a tree, because trees absorb the carbon

dioxide in the air to produce oxygen. Planting a small tree is cheap and easy,

and two decades from now, when you look at what will have become a large

tree, you will find a sense of satisfaction knowing that you did your part to

help solve the problem of climate change.





















和油之类的燃料来发电。因此,我们消耗的汽油和电能越多,我们释放出的碳就越多。 我们能做的有助于解决这一问题的方法之一一就是尽量步行或使用自行车。尽管我们呼吸时产生











第二篇:M1 U1 Project 阅读材料中英文对照版

M1 U1 Project 阅读材料中英文对照

Starting a new school club

We have a radio club in our school.


It is great because it is run by the students for the school. I am lucky as I am one of the hosts.


It was started two years ago.


One day, I just began thinking about music for everyone, so I asked the headmaster if music could be played during break times. He approved the idea, and two years later I am in charge of the radio club as the oldest student member.


Our club is much more than just music. Every morning we tell our schoolmates about the weather, recent news, and some special messages that the teachers want us to broadcast.


During exam time we have a special programme that tells students the things they should do for preparation.


At the end of the school year, many students who are graduating use our club to give messages to their close friends and teachers.


When parents come to visit the school and talk to the teachers, we often play songs sung by students, and we also give messages to inform the parents of events such as outings and school plays.


I shall miss the radio club after graduation, but I know that it will continue without me. (Kate Jones)

毕业后,我会想念广播俱乐部的,但我知道,没有我,它还会继续办下去的。(凯特 琼斯)

Our school club ‘Poets of the Next Generation’ is a literary club that was

started by our English teacher Mr Owen.


We meet on the last Friday of every month to talk about poems and poets that we like.

每个月的最后一个星期五我们会聚在一起讨论喜爱的诗歌和诗人。 In the club meetings, we first select poems that we love, and then read them aloud.

聚会的时候,我们首先挑选出我们喜爱的诗歌,然后朗诵这些诗歌。 We also discuss poems in our meetings.


When I attended the first meeting, I was required to write a poem and I had to read it to the club.


I was a little nervous at first, but everyone was so nice and friendly that I soon stopped worrying.


I once read a poem about nature in the school courtyard.

有一次,我在学校花园里朗诵了一首表现大自然的诗歌。 I chose an old tree and gathered everyone under it before I read. 朗诵前,我选择了一棵老树,把大家都聚集在树下。

The club members said it was one of the best compositions they had heard. (Bob Shaw)

俱乐部成员们都说那是他们听过的最好的诗歌之一。(鲍勃 肖)
