


在「LoveLive! School Idol Project」新企划「Love Live!

sunshine!!」宣布动画化之后,目前官网上又开设了「Love Live!sunshine!!Aqours特别朗读视频」的页面,并公开高海千歌篇的一段朗读剧。

这段朗读剧是由为高海千歌配音的伊波杏树录制的,内容是「电击G's magazine」20xx年7月号上登载的文字。主要内容为高海千歌想成为学园偶像的契机,她通过网络听到了μ’s的歌曲之后十分激动,看到μ’s跳的舞蹈感觉自己也呆不住了。虽然觉得不太可能能成为μ’s那样的偶像,不过还是觉得应该做些什么,希望能更接近自己所憧憬的μ’s。最初的客人是橘子们,但这已经足够了。从今开始要成为学园偶像!


第二篇:中英文辩论cosmetic surgery have a positive influence on society .最完整,最全资料。开篇陈词也有


英文辩论: Do you think cosmetic surgery have a positive or negative influence on the society ?



on the society .


:整容手术对社会好还是不好? : Cosmetic surgery has a positive influence

一, 目录 开篇陈词英文版

观点。) (语言诙谐幽默,一定能够引起评委和观众的捧腹大笑;观点阐述掷地有声,结尾采用排比式的手法,有力地证明了自己的

二, 开篇陈词中文版(

定能引起大家的雷鸣掌声) 引用了名言,俗语等,有力地证明观点;且语言很有趣味,

三, 辩论队队名,口号,

成员自我介绍。中英对照版(这些队名,口号,自我介绍绝对是全宇宙最有趣,最有气势,最符合主题,最能引起人们关注的。根据我方观点打造的一套队名,口号,自我介绍,非常有震撼力,非常有趣味!不看你会后悔的!) 四, 总结陈词英文版(不同于





五, 总结陈词中文版

强大!!!) (排比,反问,设问,让总结陈词不再是平淡无奇的简单陈述,而是对对方辩友一定会提到的观点的有力回击,,气势超级


Good morning, honorable chairman, distinguished fellow debaters, gentleman and gentlewoman. our topic is “cosmetic surgery play a positive or negative influence on the society ” We believe that cosmetic surgery play a positive influence on the society .not only is cosmetic surgery Beneficial to individuals both physically and mentally ,but also to the society by enhancing the employment rate and booming the country’s economy. The definition of cosmetic surgery means Surgery that modifies or improves the appearance of a physical feature, irregularity, defect and injured.

Everyone has his heart in beautiful things. Having a positive self image can largely increase your confidence that you need to get a better job, try new things and it will give you a general overall feeling of well being.

Nowadays , many accidents happen such as

traffic accident and explosion accident, which cause people deformity . Most of them get down due to their

appearance. It is cosmetic surgery that help them recover their outlook and confidence . Some people are born with physical defects that have plagued them since birth and surgery can finally give them a shot at a normal life.

In addition ,cosmetic surgery creates many job opportunities .last but not least ,cosmetic surgery can boom the national and local economy largely / Above all ,cosmetic surgery is beneficial to appearance ,confidence ,life span ,employment and national finance .

Consequently ,we firmly ,strongly, constantly believe that cosmetic surgery have a positive influence on the society .


早上好,尊敬的主席,尊敬的同胞辩手,绅士和淑女。我们的话题是“整容手术起到对社会产生积极或消极的影响”我们认为整容手术起到对社会产生积极的影响。整容手术不仅有益于个人身体和精神,也给社会增加就业率和大力促进国家的经济。整容手术的定义是指手术的修改或改进的物理特征,不当之处,缺陷和受伤的外观。 爱美之心人皆有之。拥有一个积极的自我形象可以大大增加你的信心,你有机会找到更好的工作,有更多的勇气去尝试新鲜的事物,总之,它会让你整个人焕然一新。如今,许多事故发生,如交通事故,爆炸事故,可能会让人们身体受损。大多数人由此而沮丧,坠入绝望的深渊。正是整容手术,帮助他们重燃他们对生命的信心。一些人天生就有缺陷,这自出生以来一直困扰着他们,正是整容手术可以帮助他们去掉缺陷。



因此,我们坚决,坚定,坚信,整容手术对社会产生积极的影响。 三,队名,自我介绍,口号

辩论队的队名整容时代:。 (这一队名契合辩论主题,且有趣味,很容易引起观众的注意,也很容易给评委留下深刻的印象。)


代。 :A同学说:我是小整,B同学说:我是小容,C同学说:我是小时


xiaoshidai . :A:I am xiaozheng;B:I am xiaorong C:I am





To sum up ,we still claim that cosmetic surgery absolutely has a positive influence on our society .

There are no people who are perfect .it is same that there are no things which is perfect .

So it is with the cosmetic surgery .its advantages far outweigh its disadvantages .

can you say vehicle have a negative influence on the society due to an accident ?can you say network have a negative influence on our society due to a small part of persons w ho are addicted to it ?

My fellow debaters repeatedly claim that cosmetic surgery is not safe. In fact ,my dear fellow debaters .i really want to ask :are you 穿越 from ancient times ?

All modern people know that modern surgeries are actually safe and new technologies make them safer every day. In fact, the CHINESE cosmetic surgery organization recently released a report stating that modern cosmetic techniques are safe and effective .

Some people may say that cosmetic surgery is a

waste of money and time .but what is waste? it means you pay money or time on something ,but you get no

result .as for cosmetic surgery ,people pay money for it and improve their appearance and confidence ,how can you say it is a waste of money ?

Some people say that cosmetic surgery will lead to unhealth. After surgery ,if you eat foods ,drink waters strictly in accordance with what doctors have told you ,you will absolutely be very

healthy .just like ,after the surgery ,you don’t eat ,drink regularly ,then you get unhealthy ,it is your personal problem .how can you blame it on cosmetic surgery ?

If sth can make you more beautiful and gorgeous , gain your confidence ,help you find a good job ,…live a happier and more wonderful life,and it can create more job opportunity ,boom the national finance , …how can you say it have negative influence on society .if you still insist on that it has positive influence on society , I just want to say 呵呵 .

Consequently , we still claim that cosmetic surgery play a positive influence on society .

五,总结陈词中文版: 综上所述,我们仍然认为整容手术绝对对我们的社会产生积极的影响。



我亲爱的同胞辩手一再声称,整容手术是不是安全。 我真的好想问你们,我亲爱的同胞辩手,你们是从古代穿越来的?










