

童年是一个普通人一生中最美好的时节,而溥仪作为中国古代帝王,他有着另类的童年,成为了中国古代正统制度下的牺牲品。三岁登基;民国建立,被迫离开紫禁城;投靠伪满洲国,傀儡皇帝的惨痛经历;战犯管理所改造十年后,被特赦释放。 本片以史诗的形式介绍了末代帝王的一生。影片逐一展现了一幅幅富有哲理的画面。我们没有什么办法去完整的诠释时间的概念,但是我们可以知道一点,从已经逝去的,并且有一定影响力的人身上能找到很多启发。好的电影既是娱乐的,更是艺术的。你可以找到自己的哲学,因为你看完一定会有些许的感触。

Feedback of the Last Emperor

Childhood is the best season for an ordinary people. But as the emperor in ancient China, Pu Yi has a different type of childhood , he becomes the ancient Chinese victims of the formal system. He became emperor at the age of three. When the Republic of China was established, he was forced to leave the Forbidden City. As a puppet emperor, he experienced a painful experience. After ten years of management reform, he was released. Such experience, unique in the world. The epic film describes the life of the last emperor. The film shows philosophical pictures one by one. We know that we can find a lot of inspiration from people who was the already gone and had an influence. A good film is not only entertaining, but also art. You can find your own philosophy, because you may have a little feeling after watching.


第二篇:莫生于帝王家 《末代皇帝》观后感 中英文







Don't born in imperial family

-- "the last emperor" impression of view

Bend over to watch the film "the last emperor," exquisite and grand Oscar best foreign language film, the film the last emperor pu yi's life sketch to get incisively and vividly, really restored a rickety bike like The qing dynasty , the history of the fall.

Don't born in imperial family, everyone knows. Qing is man

nationality, but rule is under han nationality, ethnic conflict is caused by here can never be eliminated. Pu yi have the same confusion, he can't choose our birth, who call he must to be born in the monarch, the selected when he was three years old he began to reign, and for more than ten thousand people in this hot potato. In the history of vortex, pu yi want to reform, but for such a crumbling qing dynasty, reform can not conform to the trend of historical development. The only can do is to overthrow. And the historical mission and the heads of sun yat-sen and others, so the pu yi he abandoned by history.

The most impressive is the end of play. That guo guo, a symbol of a child's initial childlike innocence. Hidden in the dragon, also hides all he wants to. Quoted zhang ailing: "she is not the bird in the cage, the bird in the cage, the cage, will fly out in the screen she is embroidering bird - depression purple satin on the screen of zhijin a white bird in the clouds,

the year late month is long, dark feathers, mildew, to eat by moth, dead also died on the screen".

Whether as a child when he grew up , just the same really. The size of the Forbidden City. His home is only his world is only so big. He sat like a frog, well want to view.

Next life, Don't born in imperial family. Is the last, however, have not to go back. Qing shadow, from the moment he disappeared, also disappear. Everything is too late to regrets, too sentimental. Busy fall do, like a dream.

Don't born in imperial family

—— "the last emperor" impression of view

Wu Qiong


School of education,Shaanxi Normal University