

2014. 4.6英语 李德敏



我所教授的8.3 8.4班平均分在97分,两个班的及格率率达到96%,优生率也达到了82% ,但是比起一二班还是有很大差距的。从答题情况看,选择题总会有5-6个丢分点,简单的常见句型答得较好,其中maybe 和may be 的考点丢分较多,大部分同学答题时不认真,马马虎虎,对于基本句型知识点的记忆不牢,课后巩固做得不好。有的同学知识点背得很好,但做题时看不出来考点,主要还是练得较少,不能举一反三。这也和我前一阶段对学生的要求不够严格有直接关系,针对性的练习也跟得不及时。完形填空题看似简单,但实际上非常考察大家的分析能力,每次考试只要难度稍深一点,学生们都会丢分严重。最主要的原因就是平时这样的题型练得太少。阅读也是本次考试中丢分较多的题型之一,一直以来这对于大多数学生都是一个难点,我们的学生的阅读量根本不够,只局限于课本,学生的词汇量有限,这也是导致阅读文章时,不能更好地去理解,甚至读不懂,所以





面对严峻的现实,总要有改进的措施,有解决问题的办法。 首先,学生的学习状态的调整是我接下来要做的,一定要寻找各种好的方法来激发他们学习英语的积极性,兴趣是最重要的。要表扬考得好的,鼓励后进生,做好差生的辅导,一定要给他们信心。还要严格要求


练习是必不可少的,练习的设计一定要有针对性,难易要适度 必须有个别的拓展题。现在的训练案就很好。让学生整理好错题,建








( )1.Tom and Mike come from___ European country. They are in ___same school now.

A. a; the B. an; the C. the; the D. an; an

( )2.There are four books here. One is for Li Lei, ____are for Li Ling.

A. other B. others C. the other D. the others

( )3.She doesn’t feel___ these days. She has to see the doctor.

A. good B. well C. nice D. bad

( )4.The man has____ friends in this city, so he often stays at home.

A. a few B. few C. little D. a little

( )5.Too many exercises make the students____ very tired.

A. feel B. to feel C. feeling D. felt

( )6. The girl has a sore throat, and the doctor is looking her___ very carefully.

A. after B. at C. over D. out

( )7.If it_____ hard tomorrow, we’ll stay at home.

A. doesn’t rain B. won’t rain C. don’t rain D. isn’t rain

( )8. —_____ does the Expo in Shanghai last ?

— About six months.

A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How old ( 9.—____ do you go home to see your parents ?

— Twice a month.

A. How often B. How long C. How far D. How old

( )10.Linda often stays at school, so she___ goes home .

A. hardly B. ever C. hard D. most

( )11.You’d better___ out on a rainy day.

A. not go B. not to go C. not going D. not goes

( )12.The man was angry at the ____of the match because he lost it.

A. name B. result C. place D. time

( )13.—Why is she sleeping now ?

—Oh, she didn’t go to bed ____she finished her work yesterday.

A. when B. as C. until D. if

( )14.Chocolate is my sister’s favorite.____ me, I like apple pies best.

A. To B. As for C. At D. On

( )15.She often eats____ junk food, so she is very fat now.

A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too ( 16.— What’s the matter with you, young man ?


A. I have a headache B. I’m watching TV

C. I have a new phone D.I am a doctor

( )17.— What’s your plan, Lily ?

—I plan______ hiking in the countryside.

A. go B. to go C. going D. goes

( )18.The woman is angry____ her daughter ___her bad result.

A. with; at B. at; with C.with; with D .at; at

( )19.—Could you give me ____ on how to learn English ?


A. some advice B. any advice C. some advices D. any advices

( )20.Would you please___ late for school again ?

A. not be B. not to be C. don’t be D. doesn’t be



It is interesting to visit another country. But sometimes there are problems when we don’t know the__46__very well. It may be __47__to talk with the people there We may not know how to use the telephone in the country we are___48__. We may not know how to buy the things we__49___. In a strange country we might even not know where to eat or what to order in a __50___. It’s not easy to decide__51__money you should give to the waiters and the taxi drivers as a tip(小费). When we need ___52__, we might not know who to ask for help. It is not pleasant(令人高兴的)to have an__53__like that. Maybe we can __54___what to do and what to say in a short time. But when we start to enjoy the life in another country, we have to___55___. And when we get back home, we will be sorry for the visit.

( )21.A.people B. weather C. language D. words

( )22.A.exciting B. difficult C. easy D. tired

( )23.A.working B. living C. visiting D. studying

( )24A.need B. lose C. get D. take

( )25.A.school B. shop C. restaurant D. park

( )26A.how many B. how much C. how long D. how soon

( )27.A.help B .money C. water D. food

( )28.A.idea B. experience C. excitement D. interest

( )29.A. look B. listen C. have D. learn

( )30.A.leave B. play C. stay D. work

三、阅读理解 (本大题有15小题,每小题2分,共30分)

阅读下列短文,从A, B篇每小题所给的四个选项中,选出能回答所提问题的最佳答案,将答题卡上对应题目所选的选项涂黑。


Actors and actresses 385-399 Maps 517-528

Education 284-321 Sports 884-978

Animals 493-496 Holidays 841-873

Art 480-481 Plants and rivers 108-109,114-115

Flags of the world 513-516 National parks 747-749

Postal information 1033-1039 Countries 529-615

Discoveries and inventions 336-336 Passports 142-144

Environment 80-101 Population 616?-619

( )31. Where can you find the information about elephants ?

A. On pages 517-528 B. On pages 529-615

C. On pages 616?-619 D. On pages493-496

( 32. If you want to know more about the Chinese film star-Jack Chan, you should search(搜索)______.

A. Postal information B. Actors and actresses C. Environment D. National parks

( )33. Mike likes surfing. He can find information about how to surf on pages_____.

A. 142-144 B. 841-873 C. 884-978 D. 517-528

( )34. There are_____ pages about population.

A. four B. three C. two D. five

( )35. You can find something about“Thanksgiving Day” on pages______.

A. 841-873 B. 108-109 C. 284-321 D. 513-516


This summer , I went to visit my uncle and aunt in New York. They moved (搬家)there 15 years ago, and their daughter was born(出生)in the same year. My uncle has a shop in the China-town and my aunt helps him in the shop.

Their daughter’s name is Lisa. She and I are both high school students. High schools in the USA are different from the ones in Beijing. Lisa told me that her class begins at nine in the morning and finishes at three in the afternoon. Lisa does not have much homework to do and she

spends most of her free time in my uncle’s shop or talking with her friends on the phone. But I have to begin my day at seven in the morning and go to crammer(补习学校)after school twice a week.

( )36. Where does the writer’s uncle live now ?

A. In China B. In the USA C. In England D. In France

( )37. How old is Lisa ?

A. She is nine years old B. She is eleven years old

C. She is thirteen years old D. She is fifteen years old

( )638.When does the class begin in American high school ?

A. At 7:00am B. At 8:00 am C. At 8:30 am D. At 9:00am

( )39.What do the underlined words“the ones” refer to(指的是)?

A. Lisa’s classmates B. Students C. High school D. English books

( )40. Which of the following is NOT true ?

A. The writer spends most of her time in her uncle’s shop

B. The writer usually has to go to crammer after school.

C. Lisa is a high school student.

D. Lisa lives in New York with her parents


( )41. Volleyball Match

Teachers’ Team VS Girl Students’ Team

Time:2:30 pm, October 20, 1998

Place: The Playground

All the teachers and students are welcome!

( )42. This Week’s Film

Name: Spring

Time: 7:30 pm, Saturday, May 8

Place: The meeting- room

( )43. The Headmaster’s Office Notice

All teachers are requested(要求)to gather in the meeting hall on Friday(August 24)at 2:30pm.

( )44. Announcement(通知)

Attention, please. There will be a speech about

Job hunting next Saturday.

Place: The main hall .

Welcome to come!

( )45. Notice

Tomorrow is National Planting Day. We decided to plant trees behind the school. Time:2:00pm to 5:00pm

Welcome to join us !

A. Ken wants to take his girlfriend to see a film.

B. Fay is free this weekend and she wants to

attend(参加) a dancing party.

C. Martin is a member of the school volleyball team.

D. Wayne is a senior student(高中生)and he

wants to know how to find a good job.

E. Emma wants to watch a ballet performance

in her free time.

F. Jane is concerned about(关心) protecting

the environment.

G. Mr. Simpson is a professor(教授) in the

English Department(英语系).

H. Maggie is a member of the school debate(辩论)team.



On a fine Sunday morning, Robert decides to go __46__in a small river nearby. So he gets a fishing net(鱼网)and a big glass47__and he goes out. There aren’t many fish in the

48 _, but Robert finally catches one. He ___49___the fish into the bottle and adds(加入)

some___50__into it.

Suddenly he sees several fish swimming in the river. He __51__off his shoes quickly. walks

into the river and tries to catch them. But they swim away. ___52__he gets back to the bank(河岸),he finds his bottle turned over(被打翻)and the__53___is gone.

He goes on(继续)fishing, but gets___54__. So he has to return home with an__55__bottle

五.读写综合(本大题分为A. B 两部分,共30分)


Many people believe that the only time we should care about our health is when we are old.

That is not right. Many young people are not healthy. Here’s some advice on how to keep fit.

We should drink at least eight glasses of water daily. Water helps to keep our skin healthy and helps with blood(血液)flow(流动).Daily exercise also keeps healthy and helps with blood flow. Eating healthily is one of the most important ways for us to keep healthy. We should try to eat a balanced diet every day. And never miss breakfast.

Don’t be too stressed out. Stress causes a lot of damage(损害) to body. Sleep is important for our health. Getting a good night’s sleep can reduce(减少) the chances to be sick.

The text tells us some advice on(56)_______________.

Right or wrong It is (57)_______to care about our health only when we are old. How much water We had better drink(58)__________every day.

What (59)_______is one of the most important ways for us to keep fit.

Why We need to sleep well because(60)______________________.

B) 书面表达(20分)





1—5CCABA 6—10ACBBC 11—15BAABC 16—20BCAAB

21. Hangzhou 22. Four 23.By car 24.On Thursday 25. go boating

26—30ADBBA 31—35CABAA 36—40ABCBA 41—45ABAAA

46—50 CBCAC 51—55BABDA

56—60DBCAA 61—65BDDCA 66—70 CAGDF

71. fishing 72. bottle 73. river 74. puts 75.water 76. takes 77. When 78.fish 79. nothing


81. how to keep fit 82. wrong 83. at least eight glasses of water

84. Eating healthily 85. it can reduces the chances to be sick

Dear Li Ming,

I’m sorry to hear that you often catch a cold these days. I think you have some bad habits. You hardly do exercise, always stay up late and miss breakfast. They are bad for your health. You should do some exercise every day. have a good sleep every night and eat a balanced diet every day. And you should also drink at least eight glasses of water every day.

I hope you will become healthy soon.


