
abstract summary executive summary

? abstract: a statement summarizing the important points of a text.(摘要)

指面向专业读者的摘要,如学位文(dissertation)、学术刊物论文(journal paper)的摘要、学术会议论文(conference paper)的摘要及展示论文(poster)的摘要。

? summary(概要, 综述)

一般指面向专业水平低一些的普通读者的摘要,读后能理解其大意、主要论点及新发现和见解等。但有时abstract、summary也可互换。如果正文前无abstract或executive summary,正文开始的第一段通常就是summary;如果前面有abstract,在短的论文中summary经常位于文章最后,功能相当于conclusion。

? executive summary(概要)

通常指面向专业水平可能更低的公司、基金会决策人员的摘要,篇幅比abstract、summary长得多。在正式项目报告中可以既有abstract,又有executive summary。executive 在此指“执行官”“管理人员”“经理”等。

Summary Writing

1. Accurate, clearly organized and clearly written

2. A brief restatement, in your own words, of the content of the passage

3. Indicate all the main points

4. State their order and their emphasis

5. For longer passages, important illustrations and examples should be included.

6. Should not contain any of your own ideas, opinions, or conclusions.

Length: no longer than one-quarter the

length of the original passage

Qualities of a summary:

? Objectivity: No idea and judgment that are not the author’s should be included in the


? Completeness: The summary should include every main idea in the article.

? Balance: Giving equal attention to each main idea that the author stresses.

Questions to judge a valid summary:

a) Did I include all the important ideas?

b) Did I omit all unnecessary words and phrases?

c) Does the summary read smoothly?

d) Would a reader of my summary who had not read the article get a clear idea of the


How to write a summary?

Here is a five-step process for writing summaries:

1) Read the article carefully, try to understand it accurately and look for main ideas.

2) Write a list of points in note form while reading the passage or the article.

3) Connect your points to write a rough draft of the summary in your own words.

Refer to the passage or the article only when you want to make sure of some points. Do not count the number of words until you have finished your rough draft.

4) Revise the rough draft, inserting transitional words and phrases where necessary to

ensure coherence.

5) Write a fair copy of the summary within the word limit after checking for

grammatical corrections, punctuation and spelling.

Suggestions on writing summaries:

1) Omitting the details

2) Reducing the examples

3) Simplifying the descriptions

4) Eliminating all repetitions

5) Using phrases instead of sentences or clauses while writing a list of the points

6) Using the shortest possible transitions

but, then, yet, for, thus

7) Avoiding figurative language

8) Putting the main points of a dialogue in indirect speech

Summarize the following article:

As the plane circled over the airport, everyone sensed that something was wrong. The plane was moving unsteadily through the air, and although the passengers had fastened their seat belts, they were suddenly thrown forward. At that moment, the air-hostess appeared. She looked very pale, but was quite calm. Speaking quickly but almost in a whisper, she informed everyone that the pilot had fainted and asked if any of the passengers knew anything about the machines—or at least how to drive a car. After a moment’s hesitation, a man got up and followed the hostess into the pilot’s cabin.

Moving the pilot aside, the man took his seat and listened carefully to the urgent instructions that were being sent by radio from the airport below. The plane was now dangerously close to the ground, but to everyone’s relief, it soon began to climb. The man had to circle the airport several times in order to become familiar with the controls. But the danger had not yet passed. The terrible moment came when he had to land. Following instructions the man guided the plane towards the airfield. It shook violently as it touched the ground and then moved rapidly across the field, but after a long run it stopped safely. Outside, a crowd of

people who had been watching anxiously, rushed forward to congratulate the “pilot” on a perfect landing. (230 words)

Making a list of main points:

1. pilot fainted

2. Air-hostess found a person

3. Moved the pilot aside and listened to instructions.

4. Plane flew low, climbed and circled the airport

5. The man guided the plane--airport

6. Touching ground, moved rapidly, stopped safely

7. People rushed to congratulate

Writing a rough draft:

As there was something wrong with the plane, the passengers were thrown forward. At that moment, the air-hostess appeared and she looked for someone who could drive a car. Then, a passenger was led into the pilot’s cabin. When he moved the pilot aside, he sat down and listened to the urgent instructions which were being sent by radio from the airport below. Though the plane flew dangerously low, it soon climbed, and rounded the airport several times. Then, acting on instructions, the man guided the plane towards the airfield. On touching the ground, the plane moved rapidly until it stopped safely. After this, anxious people rushed forward to congratulate the “pilot” on a perfect landing. (116words)

Making a fair copy:

As the pilot fainted, the air-hostess managed to find a passenger to fly the plane. He followed instructions sent by radio from the airport below. The plane was flying dangerously low, but soon it began to climb and circle the airport. Acting on instructions, the man guided the plane toward the airfield. After touching the ground, the plane moved rapidly and stopped safely. People rushed to congratulate the “pilot” on the landing. (72 words)















具体到医学博士生英语入学考试的摘要写作,要做到“写你会写的,不要写你想写的”, 有两个技巧。一是规避,二是变通。下面举例说明规避。










雌激素(estrogen)可以用female hormone来表示,冲动(impulse)可以用sudden excitement来表示,悲剧(tragedy)可以用sad result来代替,诱发(induce)可以lead to或result in来代替,慢跑(jog)可以用slow running 来表示。“打技术、管理牌”肯定不能说成“play technological and management cards”,可以根据不同上下文,变通成“改善技术、管理”(improve technology and management)或者“利用技术、管理”(make use of technology and management)。

要表达“乡村一级卫生院医疗质量无法保证。”,如果有考生觉得“质量无法保证”不好说,一下子又想不起来“保证”如何拼写,最好变通一下,说一个大概类似的意念就行了:“乡村一级卫生院医疗质量通常不好。”或者“你无法有好的医疗质量在乡村一级卫生院。”变通成我们熟悉的形式之后,表达起来成功的把握就大多了:You can not have good medical services in village clinics.,或者The quality of medical services in village clinics is usually poor.

另外,同一种意念有多种表达方式时,我们的选择要注意使得文章中的句式有变化,或者是我们最有把握的那一种。如果原句为“洋医院的优势在于,病人能得到医务人员的尊重和周到的服务。”,可以表达的句式有“The advantage of foreign-invested hospitals is that a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(表语从句),“It is to the advantage of foreign-invested hospitals that a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(主语从句),“It is a great advantage of foreign-invested hospitals that a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(主语从句),以及“Foreign-invested hospitals have an advantage that a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(同位语从句), “Foreign-invested hospitals have an advantage, because a patient can enjoy respect and considerate medical services from medical workers.”(原因状语从句)。考生可以根据自己的具体情况来选择。再例如,“忽视人的心理社会背景,影响了医疗服务的质

量。”可以有以下表达:“If a doctor overlooks the social and mental background of his patient, his medical service can be weakened.”(条件关系、忽视),“Ignorance of the social and mental background of a patient can have a negative effect on the outcome of the medical service.”(忽视、影响),“Neglect of the social and mental background of a patient can harm the medical service.”(忽视、有害),“When a doctor does not pay attention to the social and mental background of a patient, he can not provide good medical services.”(注意、提供),以及“Ignorance of the social and mental background of a patient can result in poorer outcome of the medical service.”(忽视、因果关系)。考生可以根据自己所掌握的句型的熟练程度或上下文,在心中作出选择。

