













巴克原来是一头有着圣伯纳德犬和苏格兰牧羊犬混血血种 ,养尊处优的贵族犬 ,受着米勒法官的宠爱。可是不幸降临了,人们在北方发现了一种贵重的黄色金属——黄金,一拨又一拨的人涌向寒冷的北方淘金,他们需要大量的狗来拉雪橇。园丁的助手曼纽尔为了得到钱来养活家人,偷偷地把巴克卖了出去。一开始,一个红衣人在巴克挣扎时用大棒来“教育”它,而与弗朗索瓦在冰天雪地里的野外生存体验让它明白了“大棒和獠牙的法则”:为活而活,无论是偷盗还是强抢;与对手互相斗争绝不留情,否则死的就是自己。它有一个死对头名叫斯皮茨,它总是找它的麻烦。对于斯匹茨巴克总是处处忍让,尽量避免发生正面冲突。终于,怒火爆发了,巴克在战斗中杀死了斯皮茨,完成了野性回归的第二步。经过一段时间,巴克已经彻地完成了蜕变,已经没有任何仁义道德可言。它适应了北方残酷的生存法则,融入了充满兽性的弱肉强食的世界。它开始挑衅,为当上领头犬,并把狗群压制性管理得井井有条。主人不断的变化,但最终还是找到了一个真正关心巴克的约翰·桑顿。这是一段都么美好的日子!人与狗朋友般和谐相处。可同时,巴克也和林子里的狼交上了朋友,几次想奔到丛林里的巴克都被与约翰的情感所束缚。一次回家,巴克惊讶的发现约翰与他的朋友全部被耶哈兹人杀害了。愤怒的它再次激发了被压制的野性,撕裂了所有凶手的脖颈。再无牵挂的巴克奔入了令他魂牵梦萦的丛林,找到了狼朋友,凭借强横的实力当上了自由自在的狼王。不过它每年都回去约翰丧生的地方默哀。




野性,究竟是什么? 有人说,野性有狡猾,也有忠诚;它带来野蛮,也带了了友情。让世界充满生机的是它,同时把世界推入地狱的亦然是。有人说,野性,可能是一种残忍的东西,但也是一种很单纯的东西。它可以让一条文明狗享受杀戮的快乐;也可以让一条血腥的狗,对一个人无比忠诚,无比深爱,与一个人架构起深厚的友谊。但说到底,它最终带来的,是一种灵魂的归属。




My Call of the Wild

------ Enlightenment of The Call of the Wild

" He sings a song of the younger world, which is the song of the pack." (Chapter VII The Sounding of the Wild) When the last sentence vanished from my eyes, I can still perceive an echo of a song - a wild song, which

knocks up my dizzy mind that always cheerfully sink into the so-called civilized world without questioning. Wild, is no longer a symbol of the law of jungle but a headspring where streams out love, passion, bravery, loyalty,

friendship, venture, competition and tolerance all these virtues can easily be found in the Call of the Wild.

Jack London (1876-1916) is a worldwide renowned novelist. His stories successfully reflect the contradictory views of man’s nature and destiny in and against the wild, and his "fight to survive" notion has gained him and his works timeless popularity, particularly, the Call of the Wild.

It tells a story of a gigantic dog, named Buck, who is stolen from a rich and comfortable home and forced to learn to survive as an Alaskan sled dog. Buck, at first, is too savage for the company of man until he coincidently encounters his beloved master-kindhearted John Thornton. Finally, John’s incidental death breaks Buck’s last tie to the man and drives him into his long-desired wild with his pack. In the story, Buck and John simply adopt themselves to answer the call of the wild. When it comes to Buck’s mind that one day he will eventually leave John- his master, all he wants to do is just to help him finish the gold-rush-trip. He " from then on, night and day, never put a halt, in desperation, he burst into long stretch of flight, did not to stay him (John)…" (Chapter VII The Sounding of The Wild) Buck wished to remember John’s image forever, he "for two days and nights never left camp, never let Thornton out of his sight. He followed him about at his work, watched him while saw him into blankets at night and out of them in the morning…" (Chapter VII) When I read these words I just could not hold my tears bursting. Can a real man devote himself to loyalty and friendship in such a way? On the other hand, John Thornton is not only a dog-lover but also a brave and venturous man. He is so straightforward and simple that makes him an accommodating man. Once he firmly roots a goal into his heart, it seems that nothing could prevent him from accomplishing it except death. I do not know whether the persistence is the most vital element to make a man successful, but what I know is that you are not far away from success once you occupy it.

It is Jack London who plunges me into the animated wild from the hustle-and-bustle and from desperate city. There, I merely cannot deny the attraction of Buck’s bark, which enlightens me to pursue another lost half of the nature in mankind, and to dig out a true meaning of life. Dare we imagine that

London intentionally employs Buck to set us a model with perfect

characters (count barbarity out)? The answer is affirmed. We, as animals, are from the wild but shedding off more and more wild signs, which demonstrate us as the "uncivilized". However, who can fully guarantee that we have not overlooked some essential wild-endowed virtues? Especially, nowadays, it seems more crucial for us to stop looking at the post-industrialized world and to ponder for a while. When cheats, betrayals, lies, lusts and crimes stuff a materialized society, whether London uses this novel to help himself escape the reality or warn the earthy people, to us, modern man, is all the same. It

appears horrible that in modern society many people are enthusiastically talking about how to build up "special relations" to the authority, deceiving and lying to each other. To them life is a mask-wearing process rather than a hard work. Every time, you browse WebPages, scandals in politics, business, the entertainment circle and even on campus crowd into your eyes. Oh, what is the essence of human beings? What is the civilization to us? Do we need to look back at where we came from? Is it good or bad for us to speak out what we think and to do what the consciences demand us to? Are we wasting talents given by the mighty nature? Be an honest, straightforward, warmhearted, emotional and responsible man or be a shrewd, cold hearted and astute hypocrite? While embracing the "civilized" rubbish, we are losing those good virtues, which are the calls of the wild. Once we lose them, we are to lose ourselves, and we will get nowhere. I wish this dreadful thought is totally a fallacy, but, now, it is chilling me hard. One day when I happen to stand on the top of a grand mountain to observe a boundless prairie enveloped by the sapphire firmament and combed by gusts of the rhythmical west wind, a morning sun sprinkles me her warmth and brilliance in a graceful way, however, at that moment, I am afraid that I cannot appreciate these beauties, I am a lost " civilized man" then.

Please, please do not let come true while we are still able to answer the call of the wild.
