


10 Quotes Every Woman Should Remember

1.Muhhamad Ali Jinah:

Muhhamad Ali Jinah:

“There are two powers in the world; one is the sword and the other is the pen. There is a great competition and rivalry between the two. There is a third power stronger than both, that of the women.”


2.Margaret Sanger:


“Woman must have her freedom, the fundamental freedom of choosing whether or not she will be a mother and how many children she will have. Regardless of

what man’s attitude may be, that problem is hers — and before it can be his, it is hers alone.”


3.Marilyn Monroe:


“A wise woman likes but doesn’t love, listens but doesn’t believe and leaves before she is left.”


4.Dick Van Dyke:


“Women will never be as successful as men because they have no wives to advise them.”


5.Whitney Houston:


“I like being a woman, even in a man’s world. After all, men can’t wear dresses, but we can wear the pants.”


6.Cameron Diaz:


“What we women need to do, instead of worrying about what we don’t have, is just love what we do have.”


7.Farrah Fawcett:


“God gave women intuition and femininity. Used properly, the combination easily jumbles the brain of any man I’ve ever met.”


8.Yul Brynner:


“Girls have an unfair advantage over men: if they can’t get what they want by being smart, they can get it by being dumb.”


9.Joseph Conrad:


“Being a woman is a terribly difficult task, since it consists principally in dealing with men.”


10.Oscar Wilde:


“Women are made to be loved, not understood.”



第二篇:名言 十句


One can never be aware of the height of the sky or the depth of the earth, if he does not climb up a high mountain or look down into a deep abyss.

2.丹青不知老将近,富贵于我如浮云。《丹青引赠曹霸将军》, 杜甫Absorbed in painting, you know not old age is coming; Indeed, to me wealth and rank are like clouds scudding.

3.曲则全,枉则直,洼则盈,敝则新,少则得,多则惑。 《曲则全》, 老子

To be part is to be whole; to be bent is to be straight; to be hollow is to be filled; to be worn out is to be renewed; to have little is to have more; to have much is to be confused

4.富贵不能淫,贫贱不能移,威武不能曲,此之谓大丈夫。(孟子) It is a true great man whom no money and rank can confuse, no poverty and hardship can shake, and no power and force can suffocate.


A huge tree that fills one’s arms grows from a tiny seedling; a nine-storied tower rises from a heap of earth; a thousand journey starts with the first step.


On seeing a man of virtue, try to become his equal; on seeing a man without virtue, examine yourself not to have the same defects.


The gentleman helps others to achieve their moral perfection but not their evil conduct.


The friendship between men of virtue is light like water, yet affectionate; the friendship between men without virtue is sweet like wine, yet easily broken.


Expend the respect of the aged in one family to that of other families; Expend the love of the young ones in one’s family to that of other families.

10.礼尚往来。往而不来,非礼也;来而不往,亦非礼也。《礼记·曲礼上》, 戴圣

Propriety suggests reciprocity. It is not propriety not to give out but to receive, or vice versa.
