


There is one thing even more vital to science than intelligent methods; and that is, the sincere desire to find out the truth, whatever it may be.

--Charles Sanders Pierce

对于科学,有比才智更加重要的,那就是真诚希望发现真理而不管它是何种真理。 --查尔斯·桑德斯·皮尔斯

Not being able to govern events, I govern myself, and apply myself to them, if they will not apply themselves to me.


不能驾驭外界,我就驾驭自己,如果外界不适应我,那么我就去适应它们。 --蒙田

He is man whom it is impossible to please, because he is never pleased with himself. --Goethe



Some minds seem almost to create themselves, springing up under every disadvantage and working their solitary but irresistible way through a thousand obstacles. --Washington Irving



If you want a thing done well, do it yourself.

--Napoleon I



"Let me light my lamp,"/says the star,/"And never debate/if it helps to remove the darkness."


星星说:/“让我点燃我的明灯吧,/永远不要去想它/是否能帮助驱走黑暗。” --泰戈尔

But I know life is simple, however complex the organism may be; and everything goes to pieces when the living truth of the central simplicity is lost.


我知道,尽管机体非常复杂,生命依然简单质朴,当失去了最基本的简朴时,一切都将破碎。 --泰戈尔

Beauty of style and harmony and grace and good rhythm depend on simplicity. --Plato



Calumnies are answered best with silence.

--Ben Jonson



It is not by meticulous care in avoiding all contaminations that we can keep our spirit clean and give it grace, but by urging it to give vigorous expression to its inner life in the very midst of all the dust and heat.




I think, therefore I am.




The thoughts that come often unsought, and, as it were, drop into the mind, are commonly the most valuable of any we have.

--John Locke

那些不期而至,仿佛从天而降的思想,通常是我们所有思想中最具有价值的部分。 --约翰·洛克


What matters is not the idea a man holds, but the depth at which he holds it.

--Ezra Pound



The thinker dies; but his thoughts are beyond the reach of destruction. Men are mortal, but ideas are immortal.

--Walter Lippmann



It is only in marriage with the world that our ideals can bear fruit; divorced from it, they remain barren.

--Bertrand Russell



The larger the field of activity the personality has, the greater will be its insights into reality. --William F. Lynch



True intelligence very readily conceives of an intelligence superior to its own; and this is why truly intelligent men are modest.

--Andre Gide



Reason is man's faculty for grasping the world by thought, in contradiction intelligence, which is man's ability to manipulate the world with the help of thought.

--Erich Fromm

理智是人类凭借思想领悟世界的能力,才智则相反,是人类借助思想把持世界的能力。 --埃里希·弗罗姆

Life finds its wealth by the claims of the world, and its worth by claims of love. --Tagore



Everyone complains of his memory, but no one complains of his judgement.

--La Rochefoucauld



True kindness presupposes the faculty of imagining as one's own the suffering and joys of others.

--Andre Gide



If we would have new knowledge, we must get a whole world of new questions. --Susan K. Langer



The more I read, the more I meditate; and the more I acquire, the more I am enabled to affirm that I know nothing.




There is a saying that no man has tasted the full flavour of life until he has known poverty, love and war.

--O. Henry



Life is given to us, we earn it by giving it.





The friend who understands you, creates you.

--Roman Rolland



Wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit.




The most effective way to ensure the value of the future is to confront the present courageously and constructively.

--Rollo May



With talent, you do what you like. With genius, you do what you can.

--Jean Ingres



True good are peacefully desired, sought without eagerness, possessed without elation, and postponed without regret.

--Coventry Patmore

真正的善行,是心平气和地去希冀,从容不迫地去寻找,平静地去拥有,无悔地延迟。 --考文垂·帕特摩尔

Some people are moulded by their admirations, others by their hostilities.

--Elizabeth Bowen




Happiness is not a matter of events; it depends upon the tides of the mind.

--Alice Meynell



Happiness always looks small while you hold it in your hands, but let it go, and you learn at once how big and precious it is.


你把幸福捧在手里,看似微不足道,一旦放手,你便立刻感觉到它的重要与珍贵。 --高尔基

Wisely, and slow. They stumble that run fast.





All thoughts, all passions, all delights,/Whatever stirs this mortal frame,/All are ministers of love,/And feed his sacred flame.

--Samuel Taylor Coleridge



Immature love says: "I love you because I need you." Mature love says: "I need you because I love you."

--Erich Fromm



The supreme happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved.

--Victor Hugo



Man becomes man only by the intelligence, but he is man only by the heart.

--Henri Frederic Amiel



What is most beautiful in virile men is something feminine; what is most beautiful in feminine women is something masculine.

--Susan Sontag



No creature is fully itself till it is, like the dandelion, opened in bloom of pure relationship to the sun, the entire living cosmos.

--D. H. Lawrence



The man who is swimming against the stream knows the strength of it.

--Woodrow Wilson



Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. --Gibran



Only passions, great passions, can elevate the soul to great things.




Look not mournfully into the past./It comes not back again./Wisely improve the Present. It is thine./Go forth to meet the shadowy/Future, without fear, and with many a heart. --Longfellow



Wherever you are sincerely pleased, you are nourished.




One swallow does not make a summer; neither does one fine day.




He who possesses most must be most afraid of loss.

--Da Vinci



Give me where to stand and I will move the earth.




The sercet of success is constancy to purpose.

--Benjamin Disraeli



Resolve to perform what you ought. Perform without fail what you resolve.

--Benjamin Franklin



As he brews, so shall he drink.

--Ben Jonson



Thought is the labour of the intellect, reverie is its pleasure.

--Victor Hugo




Not the power to remember, but its very opposite, the power to forget, is a necessary condition for our existence.

--Sholem Asch



Memories are like stones, time and distance erode them like acid.

--Ugo Betti



The prodigal robs his heir, the miser himself.

--Thomas Fuller



Moderation is the languor and indolence of the soul, as ambition is its ardour and activity. --La Rochefoucauld



Nobody is bored when he is trying to make something that is beautiful, or to discover something that is true.

--William Ralph Inge



To be conscious of that you are ignorant is the great step to knowledge.

--Benjamin Disraeli



No wind serves him who addresses his voyage to no certain port.




Man like every other animal is by nature indolent. If nothing spurs him on, then he will hardly think, and will behave from habit like an automation.




The turning point in the process of growing up is when you discover the core of strength within you that survives all hurt.

--Max Lerner

当你在内心找到一种可以忍受一切痛苦的坚强力量时,成长历程就出现了飞跃。 --马克斯·雷勒

To be adult is to be alone.

--Jean Rostand



Bees sip honey from flowers and hum their thanks when they leave./The gaudy butterfly is sure that the flowers owe thanks to him.


蜜蜂从花中啜蜜,离开时营营地道谢。/浮夸的蝴蝶却相信花是应该向他道谢的。 --泰戈尔

Love is not dumb. The heart speaks many ways.




Love consists in this, that two solitudes protect and border and salute each other. --Rainer Maria Rilke



Love should be a tree whose roots are deep in the earth, but who branches extend into heaven.

--Bertrand Russell



Most of us have no real loves and no real hatreds. Blessed is love, less blessed is hatred,

but thrice accursed is that indifference which is neither one nor the other.

--Mark Rutherford



To try may be to die, but not to care is never to be born.

--William Redfield



If we imagine any one to love, desire, or hate anything which we ourselves love, hate, or desire, by that very fact we shall love, hate, or desire it the more.




To be happy in this world, especially when youth is past, it is necessary to feel oneself not merely an isolated individual whose day will soon be over, but part of the steam of life flowing on from the first germ to the remote and unknown future.

--Bertrand Russell



Search not a wound too deep lest thou make a new one.

--Thomas Fuller



A theorist without practice is a tree without fruit, and a devotee without learning is a house without an entrance.


没有实践的理论家是一颗不结果实的树,没有学识的爱好者是座没有入口的房子。 --萨迪

There is only one success──to be able to spend your life in your own way.

--Christopher Morley



Pain and death are a part of life. To reject them is to reject life itself.

--Havelock Ellis



Thinking always ahead, thinking always of trying to do more, brings a state of mind in which nothing seems impossible.

--Henry Ford



It is a bad plan that admits of no modification.

--Publilius Syrus



The nurse of full-grown souls is solitude.

--James Russell Lowell



Isolation breeds conceit.

--Charles Dudley Warner



He punishes himself who repents of his deeds.

--Publilius Syrus



Only those who have, receive.

--Joseph Roux



I would rather ride on an ass that carries me than a horse that throws me.

--George Herbert



The greatest happiness is to know the source of unhappiness.




The Unexamined life is not worth living.




When we are restless we raise dust all about us and we forget the supreme truth that "We are."




Every situation──nay, every moment──is of infinite worth; for it is the representative of a whole eternity.





When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called for by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.

--Maurice Maeterlinck

当失去心爱的人时,我们抛洒悲苦的眼泪,那是因为我们想起了过去没有好好地深爱他们。 --莫里斯·梅特林克

The thought of the eternal efflorescence of music is comforting one, and comes like a messenger of peace in the midst of universal disturbance.

--Roman Rolland

在这普遍混乱中,音乐永远繁荣发展的想法令人欣慰,它仿佛是来自祥和安宁之境的使者。 --罗曼·罗兰

The most exciting rhythms seem unexpected and complex, the most beautiful melodies simple and inevitable.

--W. H. Auden



The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.

--William James



Youth is the time to study wisdom; old age is the time to practice it.




The wind-footed steed is broken down in his speed, whilst the camel-driver jogs on with his beast to the end of his journey.




Do not pray for easy lives. Pray to be stronger men.

--John F. Kennedy



Expedients are for the hour, but principles are for the ages.

--Henry Ward Beecher



There is no more certain sign of a narrow mind, of stupidity, and of arrogance, than to stand aloof from those who think differently from us.

--Walter Savage Landor

思想狭隘,愚昧无知和趾高气扬的最肯定标志莫过于远离和自己意见不一致的人们。 --瓦尔特·塞维杰·兰德

Without civic morality communities perish; without personal morality their survival has no value.

--Bertrand Russell



To speak less of one's self than what one really is, is folly, not modesty; and to take that for current pay which is under a man's value, is pusillanimity and cowardice.




Structure without life is dead. But life without structure is unseen.

--John Cage




Time heals what reason cannot.




Never do I hesitate to look squarely at the unexpected face that every passing hour unveils to us, and to sacrifice the false images of it formed in advance, however dear they may be. --Roman Rolland



Nothing is intrinsically valuable; the value of everything is attributed to it, assigned to it from outside the thing itself, by people.

--John Bath



How much of human life is lost in waiting!




Often we are firm from weakness, and audacious from timidity.

--La Rochefoucauld



Be not penny-wise: riches have wings, and sometimes they fly away of themselves; sometimes they must be set flying to bring in more.


不要斤斤计较:财富长有翅膀,有时会自己飞走,有时必须让它飞走以挣得更多的财富。 多少生命在等待中浪费!
