

练习(Live)-刘德华 如果留下多一秒钟 可以减少明天想你的痛 我会愿意放下所有

交换任何一丝丝可能的占有 幸福只剩一杯沙漏 眼睁睁看着一幕幕甜蜜

不会再有原来平凡无奇的拥有 到现在竟像是无助的奢求 我已开始练习


着急这世界没有你 已经和眼泪说好不哭泣 但倒数计时的爱该怎么继续 我天天练习







不会再有原来平凡无奇的拥有 到现在竟像是无助的奢求 我已开始练习




但倒数计时的爱该怎么继续 我天天练习




那些曾经共同拥有的一切美好和回忆 爱是一万公顷的森林



怎能剩我一人回去 回去





但倒数计时的爱该怎么继续 我天天练习




那些曾经共同拥有的一切美好和回忆 那些曾经共同拥有的一切美好和回忆

冰雨 - 刘德华





无法肯定的爱 左右摇摆






好好的一份爱 啊怎么会慢慢变坏 冷冷的冰雨在脸上胡乱的拍 暖暖的眼泪跟寒雨混成一块



你就像一个刽子手把我出卖 我的心彷佛被剌刀狠狠地宰

悬崖上的爱 谁会愿意接受最痛的意外 我是在等待你的回来




好好的一份爱 啊怎么会慢慢变坏 冷冷的冰雨在脸上胡乱的拍 暖暖的眼泪跟寒雨混成一块 眼前的色彩忽然被掩盖


你就像一个刽子手把我出卖 我的心彷佛被剌刀狠狠地宰

悬崖上的爱 谁会愿意接受最痛的意外 冷冷的冰雨在脸上胡乱的拍 暖暖的眼泪跟寒雨混成一块 眼前的色彩忽然被掩盖



我的心彷佛被剌刀狠狠地宰 悬崖上的爱 谁会敢去采

还是愿意接受最痛的意外 最爱的女孩

悬崖上的爱 谁会敢去采

还是愿意接受最痛的意外 最爱的女孩

忘情水 - 刘德华

曾经年少爱追梦 一心只想往前飞 行遍千山和万水 一路走来不能回 蓦然回首情已远 身不由已在天边 才明白爱恨情仇 最伤最痛是后悔 如果你不曾心碎 你不会懂得我伤悲 当我眼中有泪 别问我是为谁 就让我忘了这一切

啊 给我一杯忘情水 换我一夜不流泪 所有真心真意 任它雨打风吹 付出的爱收不回

给我一杯忘情水 换我一生不伤悲 就算我会喝醉 就算我会心碎


曾经年少爱追梦 一心只想往前飞 行遍千山和万水 一路走来不能回 蓦然回首情已远 身不由已在天边 才明白爱恨情仇 最伤最痛是后悔 如果你不曾心碎 你不会懂得我伤悲 当我眼中有泪 别问我是为谁 就让我忘了这一切

啊 给我一杯忘情水 换我一夜不流泪 所有真心真意 任它雨打风吹 付出的爱收不回

给我一杯忘情水 换我一生不伤悲 就算我会喝醉 就算我会心碎 不会看见我流泪

啊 给我一杯忘情水 换我一夜不流泪 所有真心真意 任它雨打风吹 付出的爱收不回

给我一杯忘情水 换我一生不伤悲 就算我会喝醉 就算我会心碎 不会看见我流泪

就算我会喝醉 就算我会心碎 不会看见我流泪

谢谢你的爱(国语版) - 刘德华 不要问我一生曾经爱过多少人 你不懂我伤有多深 要剥开伤口总是很残忍 劝你别做痴心人

多情暂且保留几分 不喜欢孤独

却又害怕两个人相处 这分明是一种痛苦 在人多时候最沉默 笑容也寂寞

在万丈红尘中找个人爱我 当我避开你的柔情后 泪开始坠落

是不敢不想不应该 再谢谢你的爱

我不得不存在 像一颗尘埃 还是会带给你伤害 是不敢不想不应该 再谢谢你的爱

我不得不存在 在你的未来

最怕这样就是带给你永远的伤害 不喜欢孤独

却又害怕两个人相处 这分明是一种痛苦



在万丈红尘中找个人爱我 当我避开你的柔情后 泪开始坠落



我不得不存在 像一颗尘埃 还是会带给你伤害



我不得不存在 在你的未来


男人哭吧不是罪 - 刘德华 在我年少的时候



对镜子说我不可以后悔 在一个范围不停的徘徊 心在生命线上不断的轮回 人在日日夜夜撑著面具睡 我心力交瘁


却忘了眼睛怎样去流泪 明明后悔的时候

却忘了心里怎样去后悔 无形的压力压得我好累 开始觉得呼吸有一点难为 开始慢慢卸下防卫 慢慢后悔


男人哭吧哭吧哭吧 不是罪

再强的人也有权利去疲惫 微笑背后若只剩心碎 做人何必撑得那么狼狈 男人哭吧哭吧哭吧 不是罪

尝尝阔别已久眼泪的滋味 就算下雨也是一种美 不如好好把握这个机会 痛哭一回


却忘了眼睛怎样去流泪 明明后悔的时候

却忘了心里怎样去后悔 无形的压力压得我好累 开始觉得呼吸有一点难为 开始慢慢卸下防卫 慢慢后悔


男人哭吧哭吧哭吧 不是罪

再强的人也有权利去疲惫 微笑背后若只剩心碎 做人何必撑得那么狼狈 男人哭吧哭吧哭吧 不是罪

尝尝阔别已久眼泪的滋味 就算下雨也是一种美

不如好好把握这个机会 痛哭一回


男人哭吧哭吧哭吧 不是罪

再强的人也有权利去疲惫 微笑背后若只剩心碎 做人何必撑得那么狼狈 男人哭吧哭吧哭吧 不是罪

尝尝阔别已久眼泪的滋味 就算下雨也是一种美 不如好好把握这个机会 痛哭一回

上海滩 - 刘德华 浪奔浪流

万里涛涛江水永不休 淘尽了世间事 混作滔滔一片潮流 是喜是愁

浪里分不清欢笑悲忧 成功失败

浪里看不出有未有 爱你恨你问君知否 似大江一发不收 转千弯转千滩 亦未平复此中争斗 又有喜又有愁

就算分不清欢笑悲忧 仍愿翻百千浪 在我心中起伏够 爱你恨你问君知否 似大江一发不收 转千弯转千滩 亦未平复此中争斗 又有喜又有愁

就算分不清欢笑悲忧 仍愿翻百千浪 在我心中起伏够 仍愿翻百千浪 在我心中起伏够

来生缘 - 刘德华 寻寻觅觅

在无声无息中消逝 总是找不到回忆

找不到曾被遗忘的真实 一生一世的过去 你一点一滴的遗弃

痛苦痛悲痛心痛恨痛失去你 也许分开不容易 也许相亲相爱不可以

痛苦痛悲痛心痛恨痛失自己 情深缘浅不得意 你我也知道去珍惜 只好等在来生里

再踏上彼此故事的开始 生生世世

在无穷无尽的梦里 偶而翻起了日记

翻起了你我之间的故事 一段一段的回忆 回忆已经没有意义

痛苦痛悲痛心痛恨痛失去你 也许分开不容易


痛苦痛悲痛心痛恨痛失自己 oh 情深缘浅不得意



再踏上彼此故事的开始 生生世世



翻起了你我之间的故事 一段一段的回忆


痛苦痛悲痛心痛恨痛失去你 也许分开不容易


痛苦痛悲痛心痛恨痛失自己 oh 情深缘浅不得意






今天 - 刘德华 走过岁月我才发现 世界多不完美 成功或失败 都有一些错觉 沧海有多广 江湖有多深 局中人才了解 生命开始情不情愿 总要过完一生 交出一片

心不怕被你误解 谁没受过伤 谁没流过泪

何必要躲在黑暗里 自苦又自怜 我不断失望 不断希望


与你分享 如今站在台上 也难免心慌 如果要飞得高 就该把地平线忘掉 等了好久 终於等到今天 梦了好久 终於把梦实现 前途漫漫任我闯 幸亏还有你在身旁 盼了好久 终於盼到今天 忍了好久 终於把梦实现 那些不变的风霜 早就无所谓 累也不说累 我不断失望 不断希望 苦自己尝笑 与你分享

如今站在台上 也难免心慌 如果要飞得高 就该把地平线忘掉 等了好久 终於等到今天 梦了好久 终於把梦实现 前途漫漫任我闯 幸亏还有你在身旁 盼了好久 终於盼到今天 忍了好久 终於把梦实现 那些不变的风霜 早就无所谓 累也不说累 等了好久 终於等到今天 梦了好久 终於把梦实现 前途漫漫任我闯

幸亏还有你在身旁 盼了好久 终於盼到今天 忍了好久 终於把梦实现 那些不变的风霜 早就无所谓 累也不说累


第二篇:michael jackson 经典歌曲歌词集合


1.You rock my world

2Off The Wall


4.Heal the world

5.Men in the mirror

6.The lost children

7Wanna be startin' somethin'

8.Got to be there


10Beat it

11.The way you make me feel

12. Smooth criminal

13. We are the world

14. Say Say Say

15. Dear michael

16.Tabloit junke

17. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

18. She's Out Of My Life

19. The Lady In My Life

20.Dirty Diana

21. Do you remember

22. Don't stop 'til you get enough

23. Earth Song

24.Give in to me

25.Human nature

26Stranger In moscow

27.We are the world 天下一家

28. Billie Jean

29. IS it scary

30. I just can't stop loving you 31. D.S.

3Tor all time

33. Ghosts

34. Thriller

35. They don't really care about us

36. The Girl Is Mine

37Tomeone in the dark

38.Rock with You

39. Liberian Girl

40. Leave me alone

41. I'll Be There

42. Ben

1.You rock my world

Ho...oh...My life will never be the same

'Cause girl, you came and changed

The way I walk

The way I talkI cannot explain

the things I feel for you

But girl, you know it's true

Stay with me, fulfill my dreams

And I'll be all you'll need(Oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh)

it feels so right (Girl)

I've searched for the perfect love all my life (All my life)

Oh, oh, oh, oh, ooh

it feels like I (Like I)

Have finally found her

perfect love is mine (See, I finally found, come on, girl)You rocked my world, you

know you did

And everything I own I give (You rocked my world)

The rarest love who'd think I'd find

Someone like you to call mine (You rocked my world)You rocked my world, you

know you did (Girl)

And everything I own I give (I want you, girl)

The rarest love who'd think I'd find

Someone like you to call mineIn time I knew that love would bring

This happiness to me

I tried to keep my sanity

I waited patientlyGirl, you know it seems

My life is so complete

A love that's true because of you

Keep doing what you do(Oh, oh, oh, oh who'd)

think that I (Oh)

Have finally found the perfect lover

I searched for all my life (Searched for all my life)

Oh, oh, oh, oh, who'd

think I'd find


Such a perfect love that's so right (Whoa, girl)You rocked my world, you know you

did (Come on, come on, come on, come on)

And everything I own I give

The rarest love who'd think I'd find (Girl)

Someone like you to call mine (You rocked my world)You rocked my world (You

rocked my world), you know you did

And everything I own I give (Girl, girl, girl)

The rarest love who'd think I'd find

Someone like you to call mine (Girl)You rocked my world, you know you did (Oh)

And everything I own I give (You rocked my world)

The rarest love who'd think I'd find

Someone like you to call mineYou rocked my world (Oh...), you know you did

And everything I own I give (To rock my world)

The rarest love who'd think I'd find

Someone like you to call mineGirl, I know that this is lover

I felt the magic all in the air

And girl, I'll never get enough

That's why I always have to have you here, hooYou rocked my world (You rocked

my world), you know you did

And everything I own I give (Look what you did to me, baby, yeah)

The rarest love who'd think I'd find

Someone like you to call mine (You rocked my world)You rocked my world, you

know you did (Know you did, baby)

And everything I own I give ('Cause you rocked my world)

The rarest love who'd think I'd find (Hoo, hoo)

Someone like you to call mine(You rocked my world)

You rocked my world, you know you did

(The way you talk to me)

(the way you're lovin' me)

(The way you give it to me)You rocked my world, you know you did

(Give it to me)

(Yeah, yeah, yeah...yeah...ooh)

You rocked my world (You rocked my world), you know you did

(You rocked my world, you rocked my world)(Come on, girl)

You rocked my world (Come on, girl), you know you did

And everything I own I give(Baby, baby, baby)

The rarest love who'd think I'd find

Someone like you to call mineYou rocked my world, you know you did

And everything I own I give

The rarest love who'd think I'd find

Someone like you to call mine

2.Off The Wall

When The World Is On Your Shoulder

Gotta Straighten Up Your Act And Boogie Down

If You Can't Hang With The Feeling

Then There Ain't No Room For You This Part Of Town

'Cause We're The Party People Night And Day

Livin' Crazy That's The Only Way


So Tonight Gotta Leave That Nine To Five Upon The Shelf

And Just Enjoy Yourself

Groove, Let The Madness In The Music Get To You

Life Ain't So Bad At All

If You Live It Off The Wall

Life Ain't So Bad At All (Live Life Off The Wall)

Live Your Life Off The Wall (Live It Off The Wall)

2nd Verse

You Can Shout Out All You Want To

'Cause There Ain't No Sin In Folks All Getting Loud

If You Take The Chance And Do It

Then There Ain't No One Who's Gonna Put You Down

'Cause We're The Party People Night And Day

Livin' Crazy That's The Only Way


So Tonight Gotta Leave That Nine To Five Upon The Shelf

And Just Enjoy Yourself

C'mon And Groove, And Let The Madness In The Music Get To You

Life Ain't So Bad At All

If You Live It Off The Wall

Life Ain't So Bad At All (Live Life Off The Wall)

Live Your Life Off The Wall (Live It Off The Wall)


Do What You Want To Do

There Ain't No Rules It's Up To You (Ain't No Rules It's All Up To You)

It's Time To Come Alive

And Party On Right Through The Night (All Right)

3rd Verse

Gotta Hide Your Inhibitions

Gotta Let That Fool Loose Deep Inside Your Soul

Want To See An Exhibition

Better Do It Now Before You Get To Old

'Cause We're The Party People Night And Day

Livin' Crazy That's The Only Way


So Tonight Gotta Leave That Nine To Five Upon The Shelf And Just EnjoyYourself

C'mon And Groove (Yeah) Let The Madness In The Music Get To You

Life Ain't So Bad At All If You Live It Off The Wall

Life Ain't So Bad At All (Live Life Off The Wall)

Live Your Life Off The Wall (Live It Off The Wall)


So Tonight Gotta Leave That Nine To Five Upon The Shelf And Just EnjoyYourself

C'mon And Groove (Yeah) Let The Madness In The Music Get To You

Life Ain't So Bad At All If You Live It Off The Wall

Life Ain't So Bad At All (Live Life Off The Wall)

Live Your Life Off The Wall (Live It Off The Wall)


Pretty baby

Kisses for your loving

I really get it when you're

Next to me yeah yeah

I'm so excited how you

Give me all your loving

I got it coming and it's ecstacy

Streetwalking baby

Cause everyday I watch you

Paint the town so pretty

I see you coming in and off

On my thought yeah yeah

You don't believe me then

You can ask my brother

Cause everyday at six

Home alone


Baby I love you

Baby I love you

Baby I want you

Baby come love me

Baby I need you

You're so satisfying

I hear you walking

Cause your body's talking to me

I chase you every step of the way yeah yeah

An invitation to some

Faraway hot island

If I can show you baby

Home with me

You see I never met a girl

Just like you

Come so easy

Don't you break my heart

Cause I love you

You see I never met a girl

Just like you

Come so easy

Don't you break my heart

Cause I love you

Streetwalking baby

(Why don't you give me some time) (Won't you give me some time) (Why don't you give me some time) (Won't you give me some time)

I have to tell you

That you give me strong hot fever

My every thought is you

And that's a fact yeah yeah I'd like to take you places

How about New York City

Or Paris, France

What do you think of that


Baby I love you

Baby I love you

Baby I want you

Baby come love me

Baby I need you

You see I never met a girl

Just like you

Come so easy

Don't you break my heart

Cause I love you

You see I never met a girl

Just like you

Come so easy

Don't you break my heart

Cause I love you

Streetwalking baby

I got it coming baby

Baby I love you

Baby I love you

Baby I want you

Baby come love me

Love me baby

Got to have some loving Got to make you mine Got to give some loving Gonna give you loving

Make you mine

Got to get your love Got to give some love Got to make somebody

I told you

I told you

You see I never met a girl

Just like you

Come so easy

Don't you break my heart

Cause I love you

You see I never met a girl

Just like you

Come so easy

Don't you break my heart

Cause I love you

You see I never met a girl

Just like you

Come so easy

Don't you break my heart

Cause I love you

You see I never met a girl

Just like you

Come so easy

Don't you break my heart

Cause I love you

You see I never met a girl

Just like you

Come so easy

Don't you break my heart

Cause I love you

Streetwalking baby

4.Heal the world Think about

the generations

and ,say,we wanna make it a better place for our children

and children’s children.

So that they know it’s a better world for them,and

think they can make it a better place.

There's a place in your heart

And I know that it is love

And this place could be much brighter than tomorrow

And if you really try

You'll find there's no need to cry

In this place you'll feel there's no hurt or sorrow

There are ways to get there

If you care enough for the living

Make a little space

Make a better place

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

If you want to know why

There's a love that cannot lie

Love is strong

It only cares of joyful giving

If we try

We shall see

In this bliss

We cannot feel fear or dread

We stop existing and start living

Then it feels that always

Love's enough for us growing

so make a better world

Make a better world

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

And the dream we were conceived in

Will reveal a joyful face

And the world we once believed in

Will shine again in grace

Then why do we keep strangling life

Wound this earth

Crucify its soul

Though it's plain to see

This world is heavenly be God's glow

We could fly so high

Let our spirits never die

In my heart I feel you are all my brothers

Create a world with no fear

Together we cry happy tears

See the nations turn their swords into plowshares

We could really get there

If you cared enough for the living

Make a little space

To make a better place

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

Heal the world

Make it a better place

For you and for me and the entire human race

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

There are people dying

If you care enough for the living

Make a better place for you and for me

You and for me

You and for me

You and for me

You and for me

You and for me

You and for me

You and for me

You and for me

You and for me

You and for me

5.Men in the mirror

i'm gonna make a change,

for once im my life

it's gonna feel real good,

gonna make a diference

gonna make it right...

as i, turn up the collar on

my favorite winter coat

this wind is blowing my mind

i see the kids in the streets,

with not enought to eat

who am i to be blind?

pretending not to see their needs

a summer disregard,a broken bottle top

and a one man soul

they follow each other on the wind ya' know

'cause they got nowhere to go

that's why i want you to know

i'm starting with the man in the mirror

i'm asking him to change his ways

and no message could have been any clearer if you wanna make the world a better place (if you wanna make the world a better place) take a look at yourself, and then make a change (take a look at yourself, and then make a change)

(na na na, na na na, na na, na nah)

i've been a victim of a selfish kind of love

it's time that i realize

that there are some with no home,

not a nickel to loan

could it be really me,

pretending that they're not alone?

a willow deeply scarred,

somebody's broken heart

and a washed-out dream

(washed-out dream)

they follow the pattern of the wind ya' see

'cause they got no place to be

that's why i'm starting with me

(starting with me!)

i'm starting with the man in the mirror


i'm asking him to change his ways


and no message could have been any clearer if you wanna make the world a better place (if you wanna make the world a better place) take a look at yourself, and then make a change (take a look at yourself, and then make a change)

i'm starting with the man in the mirror


i'm asking him to change his ways

(change his ways - ooh!)

and no message could have been any clearer if you wanna make the world a better place take a look at yourself and then make that.. (take a look at yourself and then make that..)


i'm starting with the man in the mirror

(man in the mirror - oh yeah!)

i'm asking him to change his ways

(better change!)

no message could have been any clearer

(if you wanna make the world a better place) (take a look at yourself and then make the change)

(you gotta get it right, while you got the time)

('cause when you close your heart)

you can't close your... your mind!

(then you close your... mind!)

that man, that man, that man, that man

with the man in the mirror

(man in the mirror, oh yeah!)

that man, that man, that man,

i'm asking him to change his ways

(better change!)

you know... that man

no message could have been any clearer

if you wanna make the world a better place (if you wanna make the world a better place) take a look at yourself and then make the change (take a look at yourself and then make the change)

hoo! hoo! hoo! hoo! hoo!

na na na, na na na, na na, na nah


oh no, no no...

i'm gonna make a change

it's gonna feel real good!

come on!


just lift yourself

you know

you've got to stop it,


(yeah! - make that change!)

i've got to make that change, today!


(man in the mirror)

you got to

you got to not let yourself...



(yeah! - make that change!)

you know - i've got to get

that man, that man...

(man in the mirror)

you've got to

you've got to move! come on!

come on!

you got to...

stand up! stand up! stand up!

(yeah! - make that change)

stand up and lift yourself, now!

(man in the mirror)

hoo! hoo! hoo!


(yeah! - make that change!)

gonna make that change...

come on!

you know it!

you know it!

you know it!

you know it...


make that change

6.The lost children

We pray for our fathers

pray for our mothers

Wishing our families well

We sing songs for the wishing

of those who are kissing

But not for the missing

So this one's for all the lost children

This one's for all the lost children

This one's for all the lost children

wishing them well

And wishing them home

When you sit there addressing

counting your blessings

Biding your time

When you lay me down sleeping and my heart is weeping

Because I'm keeping a place

For all the lost children

This is for all the lost children

This one's for all the lost children

wishing them well

And wishing them home

Home with their fathers

Snug close and warm

loving their mothers

I see the door simply wide open

But no one can find thee

So pray for all the lost children

Let's pray for all the lost children

Just think of all the lost children

wishing them well

This is for all the lost children

This one's for all the lost children

Just think of all the lost children

Wishing them well

and wishing them home

7.wanna be startin' somethin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

It's too high to get over (yeah yeah)

Too low to get under (yeah yeah)

You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah)

It's too high to get over (yeah yeah)

Too low to get under (yeah yeah)

You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah)

I took my baby to the doctor

With a fever but nothing he found

By the time this hit the street

They said she had a breakdown

Someone's always tryin' to start my baby cryin'

Talkin' squealin' lyin'

Sayin' you just wanna be startin' somethin' I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

It's too high to get over (yeah yeah)

Too low to get under (yeah yeah)

You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah)

It's too high to get over (yeah yeah)

Too low to get under (yeah yeah)

You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah)

You love to pretend that you're good

When you're always up to no good

You really can't make him hate her

So your tongue became a razor

Someone's always tryin' to keep my baby cryin'

Treacherous cunnin' declinin'

You got my baby cryin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

Too low to get under (yeah yeah)

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah)

You got to be startin' somethin'

It's too high to get over (yeah yeah)

It's too high to get over (yeah yeah)

Too low to get under (yeah yeah)

You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah)

You're a vegetable you're a vegetable

Still they hate you you're a vegetable

You're just a buffet you're a vegetable

They eat off of you you're a vegetable

Billie Jean is always talkin'

When nobody else is talkin'

Tellin' lies and rubbin' shoulders

So they called her mouth a motor

Someone's always tryin' to start my baby cryin'

Talkin' squealin' spyin'

Sayin' you just wanna be startin' somethin' I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin'

It's too high to get over (yeah yeah)

Too low to get under (yeah yeah)

You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah)

It's too high to get over (yeah yeah)

Too low to get under (yeah yeah)

You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah)

You're a vegetable you're a vegetable

Still they hate you you're a vegetable

You're just a buffet you're a vegetable

They eat off of you you're a vegetable

If you can't feed your baby (yeah yeah) Then don't have a baby (yeah yeah)

And don't think maybe (yeah yeah)

If you can't feed your baby (yeah yeah)

You'll be always tryin'

To stop that child from cryin'

Hustlin' stealin' lyin'

Now baby's slowly dyin'

I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin' I said you wanna be startin' somethin'

You got to be startin' somethin' It's too high to get over (yeah yeah) Too low to get under (yeah yeah) You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah) It's too high to get over (yeah yeah) Too low to get under (yeah yeah) You're stuck in the middle (yeah yeah) And the pain is thunder (yeah yeah)

Lift your head up high

And scream out to the world

I know I am someone

And let the truth unfurl

No one can hurt you now

Because you know what's true

Yes I believe in me

So you believe in you

Help me sing it ma ma se

Ma ma sa ma ma coo sa

Ma ma se ma ma sa

Ma ma coo sa

(repeat to fade)

8.Got to be there

Got to be there, got to be there

In the morning

When she says hello to the world Got to be there, got to be there

Bring her good times

And show her that she's my girl Oh what a feeling there'll be

The moment I know she loves me 'Cause when I look in her eyes I realize I need her sharing her world beside me

So I've got to be there

Got to be there in the morning

And welcome her into my world

And show her that she is my girl When she says, "Hello world!"

I need her sharing the world beside me

That's why I've got to be there

Got to be there where love begins And that's everywhere she goes

I've got to be there so she knows That when she's with me, she's home

Got to be there

Got to be there

9. dangerous

Rap The way she came into the palce

I knew right then and there

There was something different

About this girl

The way she moved

Her hair her face her lines

Divinity in motion

As she stalked the room

I could feel the aura

Of her presence

Every head turned

Feeling passion and lust

The girl was persuasive

The girl I could not trust

The girl was bad

The girl was dangerous

sing I never knew but I was

Walking the line

Come go with me

I said I have no time

She said don't you pretend we didn't

Talk on the phone

My baby cried

And left me standing alone

She's so dangerous

The girl is dangerous

Take away my money

Throw away my time

You can call me honey

But you're no damn good for me Rap She came at me in sections

With the eyes of desire

I fell trapped into her

Web of sin

A touch a kiss

A whisper of lvoe

I was at the point

Of no return

Deep in the darkness of

Passion's insanity

I felt taken by lust's

Strange inhumanity

This girl was persuasive

This girl I could not trust

The girl was bad

The girl was dangerous

sing I never knew

But I was living in vain

She called my house

And said you know my name

And don't you pretend

You never did me before With tears in her eyes

My baby walked out the door

She's so dangerous

The girl is so dangerous

Take away my money

Throw away my time

You can call me honey

But you're no damn good for me


The girl is so dangerous

I have to pray to God

'Cause I know how

Lust can blind

It's a passion in my soul But you're no damn lover

Friend of mine

I cannot sleep alone tonight

My baby left me here tonight

I cannot cope 'til it's all right You and your manipulation

You hurt my baby

Rap And then it happed she tould me

for the lips of a stranger

woman drop as a honey-comb and her mouth was smoth than oil but her inner spirit and words

as sharp as a two-edged

but I love in

'cause it's dangerous

sing Dangerous!!!

The girl is so dangerous

Take away my money

Throw away my time

You can call me honey

but you're no damn good for me


The girl is so dangerous

Take away my money

Throw away my time

You can call me honey

But you're no damn good for me


The girl is so dangerous

Take away my money

Throw away my time

You can call me honey

But you're no damn good for me Dangerous!!!The girl is so dangerous

I have to pray to God

Cause I know how

Lust can blind

It's a passion in my soul

But you're no damn lover

Friend of mine

my baby

my baby

_the end_

10.beat it

They Told Him Don't You Ever Come Around Here

Don't Wanna See Your Face You Better Disappear

The Fire's In Their Eyes And Their Words Are Really Clear

So Beat It Just Beat It

You Better Run You Better Do What You Can

Don't Wanna See No Blood Don't Be A Macho Man You Wanna Be Tough Better Do What You Can

So Beat It But You Wanna Be Bad

Just Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter

It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It Beat It

Just Beat It Beat It

Just Beat It Beat It

Just Beat It Beat It

They're Out To Get You Better Leave While You Can

Don't Wanna Be A Boy You Wanna Be A Man

You Wanna Stay Alive Better Do What You Can

So Beat It Just Beat It

You Have To Show Them That You're Really Not Scared You're Playin' With Your Life This Ain't No Truth Or Dare

They'll Kick You Then They Beat You

Then They'll Tell You It's Fair

So Beat It But You Wanna Be Bad

Just Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter

It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter

It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It

Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter

It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter

It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Who's Right

Just Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It Beat It Beat It Beat It

No One Wants To Be Defeated

Showin' How Funky Strong Is Your Fighter It Doesn't Matter Who's Wrong Or Right

Just Beat It Beat It

11. the way you make me feel

hee hee! ooh! go on girl! aaow!

hey prety baby with the high heels on!

you give me fever like i'm never ever known!

you're just a product of lonely lives!

i like the groove of your walk your talk your dress !

i feel your fever from miles around

i'll pick you up in my car we'll paint the twon red

just kiss me baby

and tell me twice that you're the one for me

the way you make me feel !

you really turn me on !

you knock me off of my feet !

my lonely days are gone !

i like the feeling you're giving me

just hold me baby and i'm in ecstasy

i'll be workin' from nine to five

to buy you things to keep you by my side

i never felt so in love before !

just promise baby you'll love me forever more !

i swear i'm keepin' you satisfied!

'cause you're the one for me

the way you make me feel !

you really turn me on !

you knock me off of my feet now!

my lonely days are gone !

avha ooh! go on girl!

hee! hee! aaow! go on girl!

i never felt so in love before !

promise me baby you'll love me forever more !

i swear i'm keepin' you satisfied!

'cause you're the one for me

the way you make me feel !

you really turn me on !

you knock me off of my feet now baby hee!

my lonely days are gone

the way you make me feel !

you really turn me on !

you knock me off of my feet now baby hee!

my lonely days are gone

ain't nobody's business !

ain't nobody's business!

ain't nobody's business !

ain't nobody's business!

but mine and my baby

hee hee!

hee hee!ooh!

give it to me-give some time

come on be my girl

i wanna be with you mine

ain't nobody's business!

ain't nobody's business!

ain't nobody's business!

but mine and my baby's

come on girl aaow!

hee! hee! aaow!

chika chika chika chika

go on girl!

hee! hee!

hee! hee!

give it to me-give some time

come on be my girl

i wanna be with you mine

ain't nobody's business!

ain't nobody's business!

but mine and my baby's

come on girl aaow!

12. smooth criminal

As he came into the window

It was the sound of a crescendo

He came into her apartement

He left the bloodstains on the carpet

She ran underneath the table

He could see she was unable

So she ran into the bedroom

She was struck down it was her doom

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

Will you tell us that you're ok

There's a sign in the window

That he struck you - a crescendo Annie

He came into your apartement He left the bloodstains on the carpet

The you ran into the bedroom

You were struck down

It was your doom

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

You've been hit by

You've been hit by -

a smooth criminal

So they came into the outway

It was Sunday - what a black day Mouth to mouth resuscitation

Sounding heartbeats - intimidations

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok are you ok Annie

Annie are you ok

Will you tell us that you're ok

There's a sign in the window

That he struck you - a crescendo Annie

He came into your apartement

Left the bloodstains on the carpet

The you ran into the bedroom

You were struck down

It was your doom

Annie are you ok

So Annie are you ok

Are you ok Annie

You've been hit by

You've been struck by -

a smooth criminal)

Okay I want everybody to clear

the area right now!

Annie are you ok

Will you tell us that you're ok

There's a sign in the window

That he struck you - a crescendo Annie

He came into your apartement

Left the bloodstains on the carpet

The you ran into the bedroom

You were struck down

It was your doom - Annie!

Annie are you ok

Will you tell us that you're ok

There's a sign in the window

That he struck you - a crescendo Annie

He came into your apartement

Left the bloodstains on the carpet

The you ran into the bedroom

You were struck down

It was your doom - Annie!

13. We are the world

There is a time when we should heed a certain call

Cause the world it seems it s right in this line

Cause there s a chance for taking in needing our own lives

It seems we need nothing at all

I used to feel that I should give away my heart

And it shows that fear of needing them

Then I read the headlines and it said they re dying there

And it shows that we must heed instead

We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So let s start giving

But there s a chance we re taking

We re taking our own lives

It s true we ll make a brighter day just you and me Give in your heart and you will see that someone cares

Cause you know that they can feed them all

Than I read the paper and it said that you ve been denied

And it shows the second we will call

We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So let s start giving

But there s a chance we re taking

We re taking our own lives

It s true we ll make a brighter day just you and me

No there s a time when we must love them all

And it seems that life it don t make love at all

But if you d be there and I ll love you more and more

It seems in life i didn t do that

We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So let s start giving

But there s a chance we re taking

We re taking our own lives

It s true we ll make a brighter day just you and me

We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So let s start giving

But there s a chance we re taking

We re taking our own lives

It s true we ll make a brighter day just you and me

We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So let s start giving

But there s a chance we re taking

We re taking our own lives

It s true we ll make a brighter day just you and me

We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So let s start giving

But there s a chance we re taking

We re taking our own lives

It s true we ll make a brighter day just you and me

We are the world

We are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day

So let s start giving

But there s a chance we re taking

We re taking our own lives

It s true we ll make a brighter day just you and me

14. Say Say Say

Say Say Say

What you want

But don''t play games

With my affection

Take take take

What you need

But don''t leave me

With no direction


All alone

I sit home by the phone

Waiting for you, baby (baby)

Through the years

How can you stand to hear

My pleading for you

You know I''m cryin

Oo oo oo oo oo


(Now) Go go go

Where you want

But don''t leave me

Here forever

You you you stay away

So long girl, I see you never


What can I do, girl

To get through to you

Cause I love you baby

Standing here

Baptized in all my tears

Baby through the years

You know I''m cryin

Oo oo oo oo oo


You never ever worry

And you never shed a tear


You''re sayin that my love aint real

Just look at my face these tears aint dryin''


You you you

Can never say

That Im not the one

Who really loves you

I pray pray pray, everyday

That you''ll see things

Girl like I do


What can I do, girl

To get through to you

Cause I love you (love you) baby (baby)

Standing here

Baptized in all my tears

Baby through the years

You know Im crying

Oo oo oo oo oo

Say say say...

15. dear michael

She wrote "dear michael

You probably never get this letter

Michael, I wrote you a hundred times before

Knowing how I feel

l write a hundred more"

"dear michael, every time your record on

(michael michael)

Michael, I close my eyes and sing along

Dreaming you singing to me."

And then she wrote:

"michael, I love you

I held the tears back long as I can

I sealing my feelings in this envelope

ause I wanna be more than just your number one fan"

I gonna answer your letter

(michael michael)

I start beginning with the abc of loving you

(michael michael)

Your letter really touched my heart

I been dreaming of meeting the picture

That you send along

signed with all your love

(michael michael)

(I wrote ya)

(she wrote)

I gonna write you back, ouuh, I promess you that

Girl, I think I love you

(michael michael)

Hurry, hurry mister postman

take my letter

tell her I love her

(michael michael)

Hurry, hurry mister postman

take my letter tell her I love her

(michael michael)


(I wrote you)

(she wrote)

I gonna write you back

I promess you that...

16.Tabloit junke

Speculate to break the one you hate

Circulate the lie you confiscate

Assassinate and mutilate

The hounding media in hysteria

Whos the next for you to resurrect

JFK exposed the CIA

Truth be told the grassy knoll

The blackmail story in all your glory

Its Slander

You say its not a sword

But with your pen you torture men

Youd crucify the Lord

And you dont have to read it

And you dont have to eat it

To buy it is to feed it

So why do we keep foolin ourselves

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual

Though everybody wants to read all about it

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual, actual

They say hes homosexual

In the hood

Frame him if you could

Shoot to kill

To blame him if you will

If he dies sympathize

Such false witnesses

Damn self righteousness

In the black

Stab me in the back

In the face

To lie and shame the race

Heroine and Marilyn

The headline stories of

All your glory

It’s slander

With the words you use

Youre a parasite in black and white

Do anything for news

If you dont go and buy it

Then they won’t glorify it

To read it sanctifies it

Then why do we keep foolin ourselves

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual

Everybody wants to read all about it

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual

See, but everybody wants to believe all about it

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual

See, but everybody wants to believe all about it

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual, actual

Shes blonde and shes bisexual


With the words you use

Youre a parasite in black and white

Do anything for news

And you dont go and buy it

Then they won’t glorify it

To read it sanctifies it

Why do we keep foolin ourselves


You say its not a sin

But with your pen you torture men

Then why do we keep foolin ourselves

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual

Though everybody wants to read all about it

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual

See, but everybody wants to believe all about it

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual

Just because you read it in a magazine

Or see it on the TV screen

Dont make it factual, actual

Youre so damn disrespectable

17. P.Y.T. (Pretty Young Thing)

Written and Composed by James Ingram and Quincy Jones.

Where did you come from lady

And ooh won't you take me there

Right away won't you baby

Tendoroni you've got to be

Spark my nature

Sugar fly with me

Don't you know now

Is the perfect time

We can make it right

Hit the city lights

Then tonight ease the lovin' pain Let me take you to the max

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty Young Thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

Tender lovin' care

And I'll take you there

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty Young Thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

Tender lovin' care

I'll take you there


Anywhere you wanna go

Nothin' can stop this burnin'

Desire to be with you

Gotta get to you baby

Won't you come, it's emergency

Cool my fire yearnin'

Honey, come set me free

Don't you know now is the perfect time

We can dim the lights

Just to make it right

In the night

Hit the lovin' spot

I'll give you all I've got

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty Young Thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

Tender lovin' care

And I'll take you there

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty Young Thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

Tender lovin' care

I'll take you there

Pretty young things, repeat after me

(Michael) I said na na na

(P.Y.T.'s) na na na

(Michael) na na na na

(P.Y.T.'s) na na na na

(Michael) I said na na na

(P.Y.T.'s) na na na

(Michael) na na na na na

(P.Y.T.'s) na na na na na

(Michael) I wanna take you there,take you there

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty Young Thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

Tender lovin' care

And I'll take you there,take you there,take you there

I wanna love you (P.Y.T.)

Pretty Young Thing

You need some lovin' (T.L.C.)

Tender lovin' care

I'll take you there,take you there

(Repeat Chorus - Adlib/Fade-Out)

18. She's Out Of My Life

She's Out Of My Life

Michael Jackson

She's out of my life

She's out of my life

And I don't know whether to laugh or cry

I don't know whether to live or die

And it cuts like a knife

She's out of my life

It's out of my hands

It's out of my hands

To think for two years she was here

And I took her for granted I was so cavalier

Now the way that it stands

She's out of my hands

So I've learned that loves not possession

And I've learned that love won't wait

Now I've learned that love needs expression

But I've learned too late

She's out of my life

She's out of my life

Damned in decision and cursed pride

Kept my love for her locked deep inside

And it cuts like a knife

She's out of my life

19. The Lady In My Life

There'll be no darkness tonight

Lady our love will shine

Just put your trust in my heart

And meet me in paradise

You're every wonder in this world to me

A treasure time won't steal away

So listen to my heart

Lay your body close to mine

let me fill you with my dreams

I can make you feel so right

And baby through the years

Gonna love you more each day

So I promise you tonight

That you'll always be the lady in my life

Lay back in my tenderness

Let's make this a night we won't forget

Girl, I need your sweet caress

Reach out to a fantasy

Two hearts in the beat of ecstasy

Come to me

And I will keep you warm

Through the shadows of the night Let me touch you with my love

I can make you feel so right

And baby through the years

Even when we're old and grey

I will love you more each day

'Cause you'll always be the lady in my life

20.Dirty Diana

You'll never make me stay

So take your weight off of me

I know your every move

So won't you just let me be

I've been here times before

But I was to blind to see

That you seduce every man

This time you won't seduce me

She's saying that's ok

Hey baby do what you please

I have the stuff the you want I am the thing that you need She looked me deep in the eyes She's touchin' me so to start She says there's no turnin' back She trapped me in her heart

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, no

Dirty Diana

Let me be!

Oh no...

Oh no...

Oh no...

She likes the boys in the band She knows when they come to town

Every musician's fan after the

curtain comes down

She waits at backstage doors For those who have prestige Who promise fortune and fame

A life that's so carefree

She's says that's ok

Hey baby do what you want I'll be your night lovin' thing I'll be the freak you can taunt And I don't care what you say

I want to go too far

I'll be your everything


you make me a star

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, no

Dirty Diana...

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, no

Dirty Diana...



Dirty Diana!

It's Dia...aa...aa...ana!

She said I have to go home 'Cause I'me real tired you see

But I hate sleppin' alone Why don't you come with me I said my baby's at home She's problably worried tonight I didn't call on the phone to

Say that I'm alright

Diana walked up to me, She said I'm all yours


At that I ran to the phone Sayin' baby I'm alright I said but unlock the door. Because I forgot the key. She said he's not coming back Because he's slepping with me

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, no

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana, nah

Dirty Diana...

Cause I run UPT!

Cause I run UPT!

Cause I run UPT!

Cause I run UPT!

21. Do you remember

Do you remember

When we fell in love

We were young

And innocent then

Do you remember

How it all began

It just seemed like heaven

So why did it end?

Do you remember

Back in the fall

Wed be together

All day long

Do you remember

Us holding hands

In each others eyes

Wed stare

(tell me)

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

When we first met

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

Do you remember

How we used to talk

(ya know)

Wed stay on the phone

At night till dawn

Do you remember

All the things we said like

I love you so

Ill never let you go

Do you remember

Back in the spring

Every morning birds would sing

Do you remember

Those special times

Theyll just go on and on In the back of my mind

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time When we first met girl

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time Those sweet memories

Will always be dear to me

And girl no matter what was said I will never forget what we had

Now baby

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

When we first met

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

When we first met

Do you remember the time

When we fell in love

Do you remember the time

Remember the times


Remember the times

Do you remember girl

Remember the times

On the phone you and me

Remember the times

Till dawn, two or three

What about us girl

Remember the times

Do you. do you, do you,

Do you, do you

Remember the times

In the park, on the beach

Remember the times

You and me in spain

Remember the times

What about, what about...

Remember the times

Ooh... in the park

Remember the times

After dark..., do you, do you, do you

Remember the times

Do you, do you, do you, do you

Remember the times

Yeah yeah

Remember the times

22. Don't stop 'til you get enough

Lovely is the feelin' now

Fever, temperatures risin' now

Power (ah power) is the force the vow

That makes it happen

It asks no questions why (ooh)

So get closer (closer now) to my body now

Just love me 'til you don't know how (ooh)

Keep on with the force don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Touch me and i feel on fire

Ain't nothin' like a love desire (ooh)

I'm melting (i'm melting) like hot candle wax

Sensation (ah sensation) lovely where we're at(ooh)

So let love take us through the hours

I won't be complanin'

Cause this is love power (ooh)

Keep on with the force don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough


Heartbreak enemy despise

Eternal (ah eternal) love shines in my eyes (ooh) So let love (ah let love)take us through the hours

I won't be complanin' (no no)

Cause your love is alright, alright

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Lovely is the feeling now

I won't be complanin'

(ooh ooh)

The force is love power

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

Keep on with the force

Don't stop

Don't stop 'til you get enough

23. Earth Song

Written and Composed by Michael Jackson

What about sunrise

What about rain

What about all the things

That you said we were to gain

What about killing fields

Is there a time

What about all the things

That you said was yours and mine

Did you ever stop to notice

All the blood we've shed before

Did you ever stop to notice

The crying Earth the weeping shores Aaaaaaaaaah oooo Aaaaaaaaaah oooo

What have we done to the world

Look what we've done

What about all the peace

That you pledge your only son

What about flowering fields

Is there a time

What about all the dreams

That you said was yours and mine

Did you ever stop to notice

All the children dead from war

Did you ever stop to notice

The crying Earth the weeping shores Aaaaaaaaaaah oooo Aaaaaaaaaaah oooo

I used to dream

I used to glance beyond the stars

Now I don't know where we are

Although I know we've drifted far

Aaaaaaaaaaah oooo Aaaaaaaaaaaah oooo Aaaaaaaaaaah oooo Aaaaaaaaaaaah oooo

Hey what about yesterday

(What about us)

What about the seas

(What about us)

The heavens are falling down

(What about us)

I can't even breathe

(What about us)

What about the bleeding Earth

(What about us)

Can't we feel its wounds

(What about us)

What about nature's worth

(ooo ooo)

It's our planet's womb

(What about us)

What about animals

(What about it)

We've turned kingdoms to dust

(What about us)

What about elephants

(What about us)

Have we lost their trust

(What about us)

What about crying whales

(What about us)

We're ravaging the seas

(What about us)

What about forest trails

(ooo ooo)

Burnt despite our pleas

(What about us)

What about the holy land

(What about it)

Torn apart by creed

(What about us)

What about the common man

(What about us)

Can't we set him free

(What about us)

What about children dying

(What about us)

Can't you hear them cry

(What about us)

Where did we go wrong

(ooo ooo)

Someone tell me why

(What about us)

What about babies

(What about it)

What about the days

(What about us)

What about all their joy

(What about us)

What about the man

(What about us)

What about the crying man

(What about us)

What about Abraham

(What was us)

What about death again

(ooo ooo)

Do we give a damn

Aaaaaaaaaaaaah oooo Aaaaaaaaaaaaah oooo

24. give in to me

She always takes it with a heart of stone

Cos all she does is throw it back to me

Ive spent my lifetime looking for someone

Dont try to understand me, just simply do the things I say

Love is a feeling, give it when I want it

Said Im on fire, quench my desire

Give it when I want it, talk to me woman

Give into me, give in to me

You always knew just how to make me cry

And never did I ask you questions why

It seems you get your kicks from hurting me

Dont try to understand me, because your words just arent enough

Love is a feeling, quench my desire

Give it when I want it, takin me higher

Love is a woman, I dont wanna hear it

Give in to me, give in to me

You and your friends were laughing me down, but it’s ok, but its ok

Youre always thinking that you know its a lie

But its ok and Id, I’d never find better peace of mind no

Dont try to tell me, because your words just arent enough

Love is a feeling, quench my desire

Give it when I want it, takin me higher

Talk to me woman, love is a feeling

Give into me, give in to me, give in to me

Oh, love is a feeling, I dont wanna hear it

Quench my desire, takin me higher

Tell it to the preacher, satisfy the feeling, give into me

Give into the fire, give in to me, give in to me, give in to me

Love in the fire, give in to me, give in to me, give in to me

Love in the fire, give in to me, give in to me, give in to me, give in to me

Cos Im on fire, talk to me woman

Quench my desire, give in to the feeling

25. human nature

looking out

across the nighttime

the city winks a sleepless eye

hear her voice

shake my window

sweet seducing sighs

get me out

into the nighttime

four walls wont hold me tonight

if this town

is just an apple

then let me take a bite

if they say --

why, why, tell em that its human nature why, why, does he do me that way

if they say --

why, why, tell em that its human nature

why, why does he do me that way

reaching out

to touch a stranger

electric eyes are evrywhere

see that girl

she knows im watching

she likes the way i stare

if they say --

why, why, tell em that its human nature why, why, does he do me that way

if they say --

why, why, tell em that its human nature

why, why does he do me that way

i like lovin this way

i like lovin this way

looking out

across the morning

where the citys heart begins to beat

reaching out

i touch her shoulder

im dreaming of the street

if they say --

why, why, tell em that its human nature why, why, does he do me that way

if they say --

why, why, tell em that its human nature

why, why does he do me that way

26.stranger In moscow

I was wandering in the rain

Mask of life, feelin' insane

Swift and sudden fall from grace

Sunny days seem far away

Kremlin's shadow belittlin' me

Stalin's tomb won't let me be

On and on and on it came

Wish the rain would just let me How does it feel (How does it feel)

How does it feel

How does it feel

When you're alone

And you're cold inside

Here abandoned in my fame

Armageddon of the brain

KGB was doggin' me

Take my name and just let me be Then a begger boy called my name Happy days will drown the pain On and on and on it came

And again, and again, and again... Take my name and just let me be How does it feel (How does it feel)

How does it feel

How does it feel

How does it feel

How does it feel (How does it feel now)

How does it feel

How does it feel

When you're alone

And you're cold inside

How does it feel (How does it feel)

How does it feel

How does it feel

How does it feel

How does it feel (How does it feel now)

How does it feel

How does it feel

When you're alone

And you're cold inside

Like stranger in Moscow

Like stranger in Moscow

We're talkin' danger

We're talkin' danger, baby

Like stranger in Moscow

We're talkin' danger

We're talkin' danger, baby

Like stranger in Moscow

I'm live in lonely

I'm live in lonely, baby

Stranger in Moscow

(KGB interrogator -

Russian to English Translation)

"Why have you come from the West?

Confess! To steal the great achievments of

the people, the accomplishments of the workers..."

27.We are the world 天下一家

There comes a time when we heed a certain call

When the world must come together as one

There are people dying

And It's time to lend a hand to life

The greatest gift of all

We can't go on pretending day by day

That someone somehow will soon make a change

We are all a part of God's great big family

And the truth you know love is all we need

We are the world we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

we'll send them your heart so they know that someone cares

And their lives will be stronger and free

As God has shown us by turning stones to bread

So we all must lend a helping hand

We are the world we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

When you're down and out there seems no hope at all

But if you just believe there's no way we can fall

we'll we'll we'll Let's realize that a change can only come

When we stand together as one

We are the world we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

We are the world we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving

There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

We are the world we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving

There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

We are the world we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving (let's start


There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

We are the world we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving (so let's start


There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

We are the world (we are the world) we are the children (we are the


We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving

There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

We are the world we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving

There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

We are the world (we are the world) we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving

There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

It's true we'll make a better day just you and me

We are the world we are the children

We are the ones who make a brighter day so let's start giving

There's a choice we're making we're saving our own lives

From Baby Tim!

28. Ben

Ben, the two of us need look no more

We both found what we were looking for

With a friend to call my own

I'll never be alone

And you, my friend will see

You've got a friend in me

(You've got a friend in me)

Ben, you're always running here and there

(Here and there)

You feel you're not wanted anywhere


If you ever look behind

And don't like what you find

There's something you should know

You've got a place to go

(You've got a place to go)

I used to say "I" and "me"

Now it's "us", now it's "we"

(I used to say "I" and "me"

Now it's "us", now it's "we")

Ben, most people would turn you away

(Turn you away)

I don't listen to a word they say

(A word they say)

They don't see you as I do

I wish they would try to

I'm sure they'd think again

If they had a friend like Ben

(A friend)

Like Ben

(Like Ben)

Like Ben

29. IS it scary

There's a ghost down in the hall

There's a ghoul beneath the bed

Now it's coming through the walls Now it's coming up the stairs

There's a spirit in the dark

Hear the beating of his heart

Can you feel it in the air

Ghosts be hiding everywhere

I'm gonna be

Exactly what you wanna see

It's you who's taunting me

Because you're wanting me

To be the stranger

In the night

Am I amusing you

But just confusing me

Am I the beast

You visualized

And if you wanna see

Eccentric oddities

I'll be grotesque

Before your eye

Let them all materialize Is that scary for you baby Am I scary for you oh boy Is it scary for you baby

Is it scary for you

You know the stranger is you

Is it scary for you baby There's a creaking in the floor There's a creak behind the door There's a rocking in the chair But nobody's sitting there There's a ghastly smell around

But nobody to be found And a coffin inlay open

Where restless soul's spoke

I'm gonna be

Exactly what you gonna see So did you come to me To see your fantasies

Performed before

Your very eyes

A haunting ghostly treat The ghoulish trickery

And spirits dancing

In the night

But if you came to see

The truth the purity

It's here inside

A lonely heart

So let the performance start Is that scary for you baby Am I scary for you oh boy Am I scary for you baby Am I scary for you oh boy

So tell me

Is it scary for you baby

Tell me

So tell me

Is that realism for you big baby

Am I scary for you

You know the stranger is you

Am I scary for you

Masquerade the heart

Is the height of hurting souls Just not what you see of me Can hardly reveal the proof Like a mirror reveals the truth

See the evil one is you

Is that scary for you big baby Am I scary for you oh boy Am I scary for you baby

Am I scary for you oh boy

So tell me

Am I scary for you baby

Am I scary for you baby

Is it scary for you baby

Am I scary for you oh boy

Wanna talk about

I wanna talk about

I don't wanna talk about

Wanna talk about

Am I scary for you baby

Is it scary for you baby

I'm tired of being abused You know you're scaring me too

I see the evil is you

Is it scary for you baby boy

30. I just can't stop loving you

Each Time the wind blows

I hear your voice so

I call your name...

Whispers at morning

Our love is dawning

Heaven's glad you came

You know how I feel

This thing can't go wrong I'm so proud to say I love you

Your love's got me high

I long to get by

This time is forever

Love is the answer

I hear your voice now

You are my choice now

The love you bring

Heaven's in my heart

At your call

I hear harps

And angels sing

You know how I feel

This thing can't go wrong

I can't live my life without you

I just can't hold on

I feel we belong

My life ain't worth living

If I can't be with you

I just can't stop loving you

I just can't stop loving you

And if I stop

Then tell me jsut what will I do

Cause I just can't stop loving you

At night when the stars shine

I pray in you I'll find A love so true

When morning awakes me

Will you come and take me

I'll wait for you

You know how I feel I won't stop until

I hear your voice saying "I do" "I do"

This thing can't go wrong

This feeling's so strong

Well, my life an't worth living

If I can't be with you

I just can't stop loving you

I just can't stop loving you

And if I stop...

Then tell me, just what will I do

I just can't stop loving you

We can change all the world tomorrow

We can sing songs of yesterday

I can say, hey... farewell to sorrow

This is my life and I, want to see you for always

I just can't stop loving you

I just can't stop loving you

If I can't stop

And if I stop

I jsut can't stop loving you

You know I do

And if I stop

Then tell me, just what will I do

31. D.S.

They wanna get my ass

Dead or alive

You know he really tried to take me

Down by surprise

I bet he missioned with the CIA

He don't do half what he say

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

He out shock in every single way

He'll stop at nothing just to get his political say

He think he bad cause he's BSTA

I bet he never had a social life anyway You think he brother with the KKK? I know his mother never taught him

right anyway

He want your vote just to remain TA.

He don't do half what he say

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom S. Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man


Does he send letters to the FBI?

Did he say to either do it or die?

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom S. Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Thomas Sneldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Dom Sheldon is a cold man

Cold man

Cold man

32. for all time

sun comes up on this new morning

shifting shadows, a songbird sings

and if these words could have kept you happy

i'd do anything

and if you feel alone, i'll be your shoulder

with a tender touch, you know me so well

somebody once said, it's the soul that matters

baby, who can really tell, when two hearts belong so well

maybe the walls will tumble

and sun may refuse to shine

when i say, i love you

baby, you've gotta know

that's for all time

baby you gotta know

that's for all time

moon shines down on this good evening

one warm kiss in the cold night air

for this good love undeceiving

i'll go anywhere

just as long as you were there

and maybe the walls will tumble

sun may refuse to shine

when i say, i love you

baby, you've gotta know

that's for all time

(i don't know)

baby, you gotta know

(i don't know),

that's for all time


oh... oh, oh, oh...

oh... oh, oh, oh...

the sun in me

oh... oh, oh, oh...

all these words that young lovers say...

and maybe the walls will crumble

and sun may refuse to shine

when i say, i need you

baby, you've gotta know

that's for all time

(i don't know)

baby you gotta know

(i don't know)

that's for all time

baby, you can never go

(i don't know)

that's for all time

baby, you gotta know

(i don't know)

that's for all time

baby you gotta know

(i don't know)

that's for all time

baby, you gotta know

(i don't know)

that's for all time

baby, you gotta know

(i don't know)

that's for all time

see that you never go

that's for all time

baby, you never know

(i don't know)

that's for all time...

33. Ghosts

In the first days

Of the springtime

Made you a prince with a thousand enemies

Made a trail of

A thousand tears

Made you a prisoner inside your own secrecy.

There's a ghost in me

Who wants to say I'm sorry

Doesn't mean I'm sorry

At the first hour

Of the springtime

Made you a prince with a thousand enemies

Now I see you

From the corner

Clock strikes and I know you will be drinking alone

There's a ghost in me

Who wants to say I'm sorry

Doesn't mean I'm sorry

There's a ghost in me

Who wants to say I'm sorry

Doesn't mean I'm sorry


There's a ghost in me

Who wants to say I'm sorry

Doesn't mean I'm sorry

There's a ghost in me

Who wants to say I'm sorry

Doesn't mean I'm sorry

There's a ghost in me

Who wants to say I'm sorry

Doesn't mean I'm sorry

There's a ghost in me

Who wants to say I'm sorry

Doesn't mean I'm sorry

There's a ghost in me

Who wants to say I'm sorry

Doesn't mean I'm sorry

There's a ghost in me

Who wants to say I'm sorry

Doesn't mean I'm sorry

34. Thriller

It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark Under the moonlight you see a sight that almost stops your heart

You try to scream but terror takes the sound before you make it You start to freeze as horror looks you right between the eyes,

You're paralyzed

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night

And no one's gonna save you from the beast about to strike

You know it's thriller, thriller night

You're fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonight

You hear the door slam and realize there's nowhere left to run You feel the cold hand and wonder if you'll ever see the sun You close your eyes and hope that this is just imagination But all the while you hear the creature creepin' up behind

You're out of time

'Cause this is thriller, thriller night

There ain't no second chance against the thing with forty eyes

You know it's thriller, thriller night

You're fighting for your life inside a killer,thriller tonight

Night creatures call

And the dead start to walk in their masquerade

There's no escapin' the jaws of the alien this time

(they're open wide)

This is the end of your life

They're out to get you, there's demons closing in on every side They will possess you unless you change the number on your dial

Now is the time for you and I to cuddle close together

All thru the night I'll save you from the terrors on the screen,

I'll make you see

That it's a thriller, thriller night

'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try

Girl, this is thriller, thriller night

So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller,

Thriller here tonight

That it's a thriller, thriller night

'Cause I can thrill you more than any ghost would dare to try

Girl, this is thriller, thriller night

So let me hold you tight and share a killer, diller, chiller,

(Rap performed by Vincent Price)

Darkness falls across the land

The midnite hour is close at hand

Creatures crawl in search of blood

To terrorize y'awl's neighborhood

And whosoever shall be found

Without the soul for getting down

Must stand and face the hounds of hell

And rot inside a corpse's shell

The foulest stench is in the air

The funk of forty thousand years

And grizzly ghouls from every tomb

Are closing in to seal your doom

And though you fight to stay alive

Your body starts to shiver

For no mere mortal can resist

The evil of the thriller

(Into maniacal laugh, in deep echo)

35. they don't really care about us

Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad

Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation In the suite, On the news Everybody Bang bang

Shock dead, Everybody's Gone mad

All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us

Beat me, Hate me, You can never Break me

Will me, thrill me, you can never kill me

Jew me, sue me, everybody do me, kick me

Don't you Black or white me

All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us

Tell me what has become of my life

I have a wife and two children who love me

I am the victim of police brutality, now

I'm tired of bein' the victim of hate,

Your rapin' me of my pride

Oh for God's sake

I look to heaven to fulfill its prophecy...

Set me free

Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad

Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation In the suite, On the news Everybody, Dog food Black man, black mail, throw the brother in jail All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us

Tell me what has become of my rights

Am I invisible 'cause you ignore me?

Your proclamation promised me free liberty, now

I'm tired of bein' the victim of shame

They're throwin' me in a class with a bad name I can't believe this is the land from witch I came

You know I really do hate to say it

The government don't wanna see

But if roosevelt was livin', he wouldn't let this be, no no

Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad

Situation, speculation, Everybody, litigation

Beat me, bash me, you can never trash me

hit me, kick me , you can never get me

All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us

Some things in life they just don't wanna see

But if Martin Luther was livin'

He wouldn't let this be

Skinhead, Deadhead, Everybody, Gone bad

Situation, Aggravation, Everybody, Allegation

In the suite, On the news Everybody, Dog food Kick me, kike me, don't you wrong or right me All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us All I wanna say is that they don't really care about us

36. The Girl Is Mine

Every night she walks right in my dreams

Since I met her from the start

I'm so proud I am the only one

Who is special in her heart

The girl is mine

The doggone girl is mine

I know she's mine

Because the doggone girl is mine


I don't understand the way you think

Saying that she's yours not mine

Sending roses and your sill dreams

Really just a waste of time

Because she's mine

The doggone girl is mine

Don't waste your time

Because the doggone girl is mine

I love you more than he

(Take you anywhere)

But I love you endlessly

(Loving we will share)

So come and go with me

Two on the town

But we both cannot have her

So it's one or the other

And one day you'll discover

That she's my girl forever and ever

Don't build your hopes to be let down

'Cause I really feel it's time

I know she'll tell you I'm the one for her

'Cause she said I blow her mind

The girl is mine

The doggone girl is mine

Don't waste your time

Because the doggone girl is mine

She's mine, she's mine

No, no, no, she's mine

The girl is mine, the girl is mine

The girl is mine, the girl is mine

The girl is mine, (yep) she's mine

The girl is mine, (yes) she's mine

Don't waste your time

Because the doggone girl is mine

The girl is mine, the girl is mine

Michael, we're not going to fight about this, okay

Paul, I think I told you, I'm a lover not a fighter

I've heard it all before, Michael, she told me that I'm her forever lover,

You know, don't you remember

Well, after loving me, she said she couldn't love another

Is that what she said

Yes, she said it, you keep dreaming

I don't believe it

The girl is mine, (mine, mine, mine)

37. someone in the dark

All alone wishing on stars

Waiting for you to find me

One sweet night I knew I would see

A stranger who'd be my friend

When someone in the dark reaches out

And touches off a spark that comes

It tells you never be afraid

Then somewhere in your heart you can feel

A light to keep you warm when the night

Like it was written in the stars I knew

My friend, my someone in the dark was you

Promise me we'll always be

Walking the world together

Hand in hand where dreams never end

My star secret friend and me

When someone in the dark reaches out And touches off a spark that comes

It tells you never be afraid

Then somewhere in your heart you can

A light to keep you warm when the night

Look for the rainbow in the sky

I believe you and I

Could never really say goodbye

Wherever you may be

I'll look up and see

Someone in the dark for me

Wherever you may be

I'll look up and see

Someone in the dark for me

38.Rock with You

Girl, close your eyes

Let that rhythm get into you

Don't try to fight it

There ain't nothing that you can

Relax your mind

Lay back and groove with mine

You gotta feel that heat

And we can ride the boogie

Share that beat of love

I wanna rock with you (all night)

Dance you into day (sunlight)

I wanna rock with you (all night)

Rock the night away

Out on the floor

There ain't nobody there but us

Girl when you dance

There's a magic that must be love

Just take it slow

Cause we got so far to go

You gotta feel that heat

And we can ride the boogie

Share that beat of love

I wanna rock with you (all night)

Dance you into day (sunlight)

I wanna rock with you (all night)

Rock the night away

And when the groove is dead and gone (yeah)

You know that love survives

So we can rock forever, on

I wanna rock with you

I wanna groove with you

I wanna rock with you

I wanna groove with you

I wanna rock (all night) with you girl (sunlight) Rock with you, rock with you girl (yeah) (all night)

Dance the night away

I wanna rock with you (yeah) (all night)

Rock you into day (sunlight)

I wanna rock with you (all night)

Rock the night away

Feel the heat feel the heat

Rock you into day (sunlight)

I wanna rock-rock the night away..

39. Liberian Girl

Liberian girl..

You came and you changed my world

A love so brand-new

Liberian girl...

You came and you changed me girl

A feeling so true

Liberian girl

You know that you came

And you changed my world

Just like in the movie

With two loves in a scene

And she says..."Do you love me"

And he says so endlessly...

"I love you, Liberian girl"

(Naku penda piya-naku taka piya-mpenziwe)

Liberian girl...

More precious than any pearl

Your love so complete

Liberian girl...

You kiss me then, Ooh, the world

You do this to me

Liberian girl

You know that you came

And you changed my world

Just like in the movies

With two lovers in a scene

And she says..."Do you love me"

And he says so endlessly...

"I love you, Liberian girl"

(Naku penda piya-naku taka piya-mpenziwe)

Liberian girl...

You know that you came

And you changed my world

I wait for the day

When you have to say "I do"

And I'll smile and say it too

And forever we'll be true

I love you, Liberian girl, all the time

I love you Liberian girl, all the time

I love you Liberian girl, all the time

I love you, I love you baby

I want you, I love baby

Ooh! I love you baby, I want you baby, ooh!

40. Leave me alone

I Don't Care What You Talkin' 'Bout Baby

I Don't Care What You Say

Don't You Come Walkin'

Beggin' Back Mama

I Don't Care Anyway

Time After Time I Gave You All

Of My Money

No Excuses To Make

Ain't No Mountain That I

Can't Climb Baby

All Is Going My Way

('Cause There's A Time When You're Right)

(And You Know You Must Fight)

Who's Laughing Baby, Don't

You Know

(And There's The Choice That We Make)

(And This Choice You Will Take)

Who's Laughin' Baby

So Just Leave Me Alone

Leave Me Alone

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

Leave Me Alone

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

Leave Me Alone-Stop It!

Just Stop Doggin' Me Around

(Just Stop Doggin' Me)

There Was A Time I Used To

Say Girl I Need You

But Who Is Sorry Now

You Really Hurt, You Used To

Take And Deceive Me

Now Who Is Sorry Now

You Got A Way Of Making Me

Feel So Sorry

I Found Out Right Away

Don't You Come Walkin'-

Beggin' I Ain't Lovin' You

Don't You Get In My Way


(There's A Time When You're Right) (And You Know You Must Fight)

Who's Laughing Baby-Don't

You Know?

(And There's The Choice That We Make)

(And This Choice You Must Take)

Who's Laughin' Baby?

So Just Leave Me Alone

Leave Me Alone

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

Leave Me Alone

Leave Me Alone

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

Stop It!

Just Stop Doggin' Me Around

(Just Stop Doggin' Me)

('Cause There's A Time When You're Right)

(And You Know You Must Fight)

Who's Laughing Baby, Don't

You Know, Girl

(It's The Choice That We Make) (And This Choice You Will Take)

Who's Laughin' Baby

So Just Leave Me Alone

Leave Me Alone

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

Leave Me Alone Leave

Me Alone

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

Stop It!

Just Stop Doggin' Me Around

Leave Me Alone Leave

Me Alone

(Leave Me Alone)

(Leave Me Alone)

Leave Me Alone

(Leave Me Alone)

Leave Me Alone-Stop It! Just Stop Doggin' Me Around

(Just Stop Doggin' Me)

Don't Come Beggin' Me Don't Come Beggin'

Don't Come Lovin' Me

Don't Come Beggin'

I Love You

I Don't Want It

I Don't . . .

I Don't . . .

I Don't . . .

I . . .I . . ., Aaow!

Hee Hee!

Don't Come Beggin' Me Don't Come Beggin'

Don't Come Lovin' Me

Don't Come Beggin'

I Love You

I Don't Want It

I Don't Need It

41. I'll Be There

You and I must make a pact,

we must bring salvation back

Where there is love,

I'll be there

I'll reach out my hand to you,

I'll have faith in all you do

Just call my name

and I'll be there

And oh

I'll be there to comfort you,

Build my world of dreams around you,

I'm so glad that I found you

I'll be there with a love that's strong

I'll be your strength,

I'll keep holding on

yes I will,

yes I will

Let me fill your heart with joy and laughter

Togetherness, well that's all I'm after

Whenever you need me,

I'll be there

I'll be there to protect you,

with an unselfish love I respect you

Just call my name

and I'll be there

And oh

I'll be there to comfort you,

Build my world of dreams around you,

I'm so glad that I found you

I'll be there with a love that's strong

I'll be your strength,

I'll keep holding on

yes I will,

yes I will

If you should ever find someone new, I know he'd better be good to you

'Cos if he doesn't,

I'll be there

Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah

I'll be there,

I'll be there,

just call my name,

I'll be there

Just look over your shoulders, honey, ooh

I'll be there,

I'll be there,

whenever you need me,

I'll be there

Don't you know, baby, yeah yeah

I'll be there,

I'll be there,

just call my name,

I'll be there...

42. Billie Jean

She was more like a beauty queen from a movie scene

I said don't mind

but what do you mean I am the one

Who will dance on the floor in the round

She said I am the one

who will dance on the floor in the round

She told me her name was Billie Jean

as she caused a scene

Then every head turned with eyes that dreamed of being the one

Who will dance on the floor in the round

People always told me be careful of what you do

And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts

And mother always told me be careful of who you love

And be careful of what you do 'cause the lie becomes the truth

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one

but the kid is not my son

For forty days and for forty nights

The law was on her side

But who can stand when she's in demand

Her schemes and plans

'Cause we danced on the floor in the round

So take my strong advice, just remember to always think twice

(Do think twice Do think twice)

She told my baby we'd danced till three

then she looked at me

Then showed a photo my baby cried his eyes were like mine (oh, no!)

'Cause we danced on the floor in the round, baby

People always told me be careful of what you do

And don't go around breaking young girls' hearts

She came and stood right by me

Then the smell of sweet perfume

This happened much too soon

She called me to her room

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one

but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one

but the kid is not my son

Billie Jean is not my lover

She's just a girl who claims that I am the one

But the kid is not my son

She says I am the one

but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one

but the kid is not my son

She says I am the one

Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is not my lover

Billie Jean is not my lover