
Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak.

Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.

10241015 Lily

Good afternoon everyone. I am grateful for the chance to be here and give the presentation.

I guess most of you know that there is a lyrics saying “love really needs the courage to face the rumors and slanders”. But I am not going to talk about love and courage, that’s the poet stuff. What I shall be speaking today about is the courage to speak and listen.

Ok, first I want to conduct a simple survey here. Now, let’s suppose that we are having the English public speaking class, and I am Banjo, I want a person to give a speech here, to tell us your thought about our class and me, right now. who want to be the one?

Well , it seems like you prefer to sit down and listen to me instead of standing up to speak. And, now if I give you 2 choices , the first one is to stand up and say something, jokes, stories, news, whatever you like, for 5 minutes. The second one is you have to sit in the teachers’ office and listen to your most serious teacher criticize you, for one hour. If you choose the first one, hands up. And who would like to choose the second one?

Here we see, we do not only need the courage to love, and we also need the courage to speak and listen. Specifically, we need the courage to express our thoughts and ideas, and the courage to listen to criticism and different opinions.

Then, I want to share some experience of myself with you. This is the fourth time I stand here. Actually I don’t like to do this but I have to. I used to serve as a host of the art festival in my middle school for many times. Before having this class I thought it would be very easy to give a speech in the class. But I just forgot the speech should be given in English. It turned to be really difficult for me. People who have public speaking experience know that, few people can do it in calm mood confidently on the stage. But I have to make it. I just told myself, stand up, and everything will naturally go on. The only courage I need is to make me stand up. That’s enough.

And here, all of you, as listeners and my audience, sitting down and listen to me is not difficult. But as I just said, you may need some courage to listen to others’ criticism.

We all know that good medicine always tastes bitter. Good advice and criticism is the same. Maybe it sounds unpleasant, but accepting it will make you a better person. It is the same as standing up and speaking. You just need to tell yourself, sit down, calm down and listen. Well, every beginning is difficult. All the courage you need is to sit down instead of blocking your ears or even turning round and


I hope I have made myself understood. By the way of conclusion, I’d like to share a quote of Churchill, ” Courage is what it takes to stand up and speak. Courage is also what it takes to sit down and listen.”

That’s all, thank you.








邱吉尔名言: 战争时:坚决刚毅。失败时:顽强不屈。胜利时:宽容敦厚。和平时:友好亲善。






















★现在并不是结束,结束甚至还沒有开始。但是现在可能是序幕的结束。 ★妥协的人是在喂一条鳄鱼,希望它最后吃掉自己。













★要保持健康的身体,除了节食、安静这两位医生外,还有一位,就是快乐。 ★如果纠缠于过去与现在,我们将失去未来。

