



我也有过失败的经历。那是去年的暑假,太阳火辣辣地照射着大地,知了不停地叫着。外面有许多小孩子在外面买冰棍吃,而我,却在家里做着暑假作业中的数学题。闷热的天气让我汗流浃背,又遇到了“拦路虎”。我左思右想,都不对,思路对不上。再打电话问同学,他们都做好了,就是不肯告诉我。我已经热得不行了,头上直冒汗,连风扇也吹不凉。我双手一摊,不写了。可我那不服输的拽脾气又上来了:为什么别人可以我就不可以?我一定也可以!想着,立即拿出草稿纸,“刷刷”地算起来。“对了!”终于把那道题解开了。突然感到不那么热了。 失败是土壤,成功是种子;失败是阶梯,成功是顶峰.没有失败激励你的意志,就没有成功光临你理想的世界;没有失败奋发你的斗志,就没有成功为你的未来添彩。 这就是我最喜欢的一句名言:失败乃成功之母。我把它作为自己的座右铭,时刻提醒着我,要奋发向前



弯弯曲曲的山路崎岖不平,比我们平时走的路难走多了。好不容易我们才走到了半山腰,雨也停了,可是我已经累得气喘吁吁了。好累呀!望着高高的山,真想放弃往回走啊!于是我放慢了脚步,就在这时候,妈妈似乎看出了我心思,走到我跟前说:“莹莹,你想放弃吗?有一名言是这样说的:世上无难事,只怕有心人。只要你有恒心,坚持不懈,才能够战胜困难,取得成功。知道了吗?”我听了惭愧地点了点头,再次鼓起勇气一步一步向山顶走去。 经过我们的努力,终于走上了山顶,虽然很累,但是我的心里还是美滋滋的。我情不自禁地对着天空大声喊“我成功了”此时山谷回荡着我的声音,让我感到了成功的快乐。 通过这件事,我明白了一个道理:只要你努力付出了,就会得到回报。从此,“世上无难事,只怕有心人”。这句名言成为了我的座右铭。







记得小时候,常听长辈们说这句话,那时我还不明白。后来,到了常熟来上学之后,我又一次听到了这句名言。那是刚来常熟不久,我就读在陈桥小学,由于基础不好,我没跟上大家的学习,成绩急剧下降,为此,班主任多次找我谈话。其中有一次谈话中,老师就对我说:“如今的环境变了,对你来说,可能多了许多困难,但是你要更加努力,在逆境中成才。”回家后,我把老师对我说的话告诉了爸爸,爸爸耐心地告诉我:“你现在不适应新的环境,与同学没什么交流,你现在就身处在逆境中,但是你必须要去面对,并要适应它。”我想:人穷志不短,环境不适应那是暂时的,我一定可以战胜它。 小 荷 作文网 爸爸的话让我想起了很多,古今中外,身处逆境而能克服困难,成为人才的例子比比皆是。高尔基小时候给人家做工,在老板的看管和毒打下还坚持看书,最终凭借自己的不懈努力成为了举世闻名的文学巨匠。张海迪在高位截瘫的情况下仍然克服困难,用功学习,取得了惊人的成绩。许许多多的事例都说明:逆境可以成才,关键要能够以顽强的意志奋发进取,才能取得成功。放眼社会,很多考上大学的学生,他们中有不少就来自条件较差的农村家庭。在贫苦中他们知道了努力的重要,也知道了自己的目标。如此,最终才成了才。








最惊险、最刺激的莫过于《福尔摩斯侦探集》。在书中,我感到自己也好似一个侦探,正与福尔摩斯一起侦破案件,或许是一个小小的细节,也有可能成为我们破案的关键?? 这就是读书,不!应该是读一本好书的佳妙效果。它可以让我看到人间的美与丑,善与恶,是与非,领略到民族的精神,英雄的气概,体会科技的进步与发展,游览大自然的无限风光?? 朋友们,记住这句话吧:读一本好书,就像和许多高尚的人谈话。

每个人都有自己喜欢的名言,我也不例外。我最喜欢的名言就是“不经一番彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香?” 我的脑海里常常浮现出这样一个画面:寒冬来临,百花早已凋谢,万物都失去了生机,只有腊梅花,在严寒中傲放,散发出阵阵清香。它顶着风雪,以顽强的意志,绽出最美丽的花朵,成为寒冬里一道亮丽的风景。每当我看到腊梅花,总会不由得对它产生敬佩,总会想到那句名言:不经一番彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香? 是啊,梅花经历了风雪的考验,才有绰约的风姿和醉人的清香。“遥知不是雪,为有暗香来。”那阵阵清香来之不易,是腊梅灵魂的体现。我们在生活学习上不也是一样吗?只有像梅花那样不畏困难,勇往直前,才能有所作为,不会一事无成。

在我学习的道路上,也有过失败,流过泪水,但只要一想起这句名言,我的心便豁然开朗,多了斗志,少了失望。记得有一次考试,我一失手,留下了遗憾。从那次失败我看见了自己身上许多的不足,我做的,我所付出的远远不够,一些问题总是令我困扰,成为我学习上的绊脚石。那一段时间,有时候,我真的觉得这十年的光阴都白白流逝了,我的成绩依然如故,许多方面都有明显的不足,感到从未有过的压抑。曾有多少天,我一直在迷茫中度过。直到有一天,我想起了那句名言——不经一番彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香?我陷入了沉思。啊,梅花经历了考验,才有醉人的清香,而我们,也只有经历了挫折,才能有所成就。我虽然这次失败了,但是这并不表示永远失败!这次失败给了我经验和教训,从另一种角度来想,不也是一件好事情吗?它让我明白我该在哪里下功夫,吃一堑,长一智,焉知非福? 让苦难芬芳吧!正如那句名言所说的那样,不经一番彻骨寒,怎得梅花扑鼻香?我们只有经历了风雨,吸取了教训,才不会一事无成。这句名言会一直刻在我的心里,我把它写在一块牌子上,让它时刻提醒我,鞭策我上进,勇往直前,它激励着我,给了我启发、力量,我喜欢它。










Unit 11. A person from a poor family is more likely to succeed .2. A mother's thought follows her children whenever they go.3. How many hopes and fears,how many ardent wishes and anxious apprehensions are twisted together in the threads that connect the parent with the child. ---Samuel G.Goodrich(有多少希望和恐惧,又有多少炽热的祝愿和挂怀的忧虑交织在父母和子女千丝万缕的联系之中。)4. Love from parents is always selfless,but ways of expressing it may vary.5. Nervousness hummed in the air as students waited to play.6. Used panio.suitable for beginner.$100.7. A dozen keys were defective,but enough of the main keys worked.8. The courage i wished on my children lifted my shoulders,placed my fingers on the keys and commanded them to move.9. Lessons in music or lenssons in courage,I'm not sure which I'm learning more.10.所有的钢琴看起来都一样。(look alike)All the panios look alike.11.我的年龄正好适合上这些计算机课程。(the right age for)I am the right age for these computer courses.12.把注意力集中在乐谱上,反复练习这段乐曲。(focus on)Focus on the music bookand practice thr piece over and over. 13.听到敲门声时,我正在看球赛。(when)I was watching a football match when I heard the knock.14.我的任务就是在星期五之前完成论文。(my task is to)My task is to finish the documents(paper) by friday.gleam v.发微光,闪烁hum v.活跃timid adj.羞涩的,胆怯的,缺乏勇气van n[c].客货车defective adj.有缺陷的dwindle v.使变小claw n[c].爪,脚爪poise v.抓紧,使稳定的torture n.折磨,痛苦,折磨人的事物inspire v.激励,鼓舞pulse n.脉搏,脉率command v.控制thrill v.使非常兴奋,使非常激动off and on/on and off 而不时,经常remind sb about/of/to do sthnot much of a...不是很好,不是怎样hang (on)in there坚持下去on earth 究竟 prodigy n.奇才,天才instrument n.乐器concertmaster n.首席小提琴手orchestra n.管弦乐队keyboard n.键盘,琴键afford v.买得起,做,能做string n[c].弦fortune n[u].机会,运气 funny adj.滑稽的,好笑的 accent n[c,u]口腔,腔调miserable adj.痛苦的,可怜的,非常难受的devastate v.彻底破坏,摧毁,毁灭push v.说服,劝解,鼓励 stay behind 留在原地work at/on 干活,体力(脑力)工作start over 重新开始look after 照顾turn around 好转,扭转,有起色band 乐队,带,绳choirs 合唱团,群,组队record 记

录,(体育)记录event 事件,赛事brush 刷子,画笔work 任务,工作*****************************************************************************************************Unit 21.No one can arrive from being talented alone.God gives talent;work transforms talent into genius. ---ANNA pavlova 2.It's a wonderful feeling.To be among the top three players in the world is a dream that has come true.(感觉棒极了,跻身世界前三甲足球队员之列的梦想成真。)3.What is your opinion of your fellow finalists?(你如何评价与你一起进入决赛的人?)4.I'm confident we'll sort it out soon and he will be back fighting hard as usual.(我相信我们很快找出原因,米兰重整旗鼓像往常一样拼搏。)5.Every time I achieve something I fell I'm taking on more and more responsibility for my club and my country.(每个成就取得都是我意识到,我为我所效力的俱乐部和我的国家所承担的责任越来越多。) 6.每个人都想在其事业上达到一个高度。(reach the top)Everyone wants to reach the top in his/her career.7.赢得其他球员的赞誉是很重要的。(win acclaim)It's important to win acclaim from other players. 8.他在足球方面天赋惊人,前程不可限量。(incredible talent and worderful futures)he is a player with incredible talent and worderful future in front of him.9.As a college student yourself,what can you learn from the successes of other college sudent?10.It's the most important club championship there is.finalist n.参加决赛者award n.[c]奖品,奖aspire v.渴望(成功),有志(成为)vote v.投票,表决accolade n.赞扬,奖励acclaim n.[u]称誉,高度评价critic n. 批评家,评论家incredible adj.难以置信的,不能相信的highlight n.最好(精彩)部分milestone n.里程碑trophy n.奖品,奖杯tournament adv.在那附近,大约,左右 come true 实现,使成为现实 come through with sth 履行诺言,实现承诺go for sth 选择某物sort out 整治,惩罚cope with 对付,(成功)处理take sth on 决定做,同意负责,承担consists of/be made up ofbreak the ruleswhen it comes to 当论及到 potentially adv.可能的,潜在的barrier n.关卡,阻力,障碍distract v.转移,分散,使分心substitute v.代替者,代替物maxim n.格言,座右铭routinely adv.常规的,行列的deter v.制止,阻止grindstone n.磨石,砂轮ethic n.道德标准,伦理标准compete with/against 竞争,对抗come down to sth 可归纳为,可归结为take pride in 对。。。感到自豪look back on 回顾put one's nose to the grindstone 连续辛勤的工作

My friend who I got to now a few days ago borrowed my car which I bought last year. ****************************************************************************************Unit TreeArt is not a handicraft ,it is the transmission of feeling a theorist has experienced.---Leo Tolstoy.(艺术不是手艺,它是艺术家体验到的感情的传递。---托尔斯泰)In Text B,another form of Chinese folk art, New Year's Paintings expressing wishes and blessing, is too fascinating to miss.deft adj.熟练的,灵巧的representative adj.典型的,有代表性的depict v.描绘,描画bulge v.鼓起,凸起belly n.[c]肚子decorative adj.装饰的,做装饰用的forsake v.抛弃,放弃promote v.促进,增进,鼓励,支持imperial adj.皇帝的,帝国的tribute n[c,u]贡品,贡金coarse adj.粗超的,粗的,大颗粒的stature n.[u]身高envoy n.[c]使者,代表,外交官make a living 谋生a walk of life 行业,职业,阶层at any time 随时stand out 突出,显眼be adept at 熟练的,对某事内行apply sth (to sth)运用,应用某事物paste v.粘贴approach v.接近,靠近atmosphere n.[sing]气氛,情绪ancient adj.古代的,远古的supervisor n[c].监督人,管理人,指导者supervise v.监督,查看并指导emperor n.皇帝repel v.赶走,驱除engrave v.在(硬物)上雕刻originate v.起因,发端adopt v.采纳,采取,采用attire n[u].衣服,服装incorporate v.吸收,吸取(文化,技术)inherite v.继承engraving n[c].雕刻品initiate v.开端,开辟vivid and expressive 生动形象,栩栩如生a forbiding face 令人生畏的表情veins n.脉经from that time at that timetie sb up 捆绑某人ward sb/sth off 避开,挡开某人、某物on a large scale 大规模的,大样的in the process of sth/doing sth 在从事某任务的过程中 Zhang's clay figurines show his intention of forsaking evil and promoting virture(弃恶扬善). Unit Tree*Art is not a handicraft ,it is the transmission of feeling a theorist has experienced.---Leo Tolstoy.(艺术不是手艺,它是艺术家体验到的感情的传递。---托尔斯泰)*In Text B,another form of Chinese folk art, New Year's Paintings expressing wishes and blessing, is too fascinating to miss.*It's one of the flok arts and traditional decorative arts which China has popularized the most.*Last week ,I went to beijing,the capital of China, which is a beautiful city.*Everyone ,in the company,whether men or women,must observe the rules.*A satellite is an object,either nature or man-made,which travels in an orbit round another object in space.*He rang up all his friends in the pop world,including the most famous pop stairs.*In addition, I enjoy learning new things from politices to sports and music.*He carefully observed people fr

om all walks of life at the market fairs and in the acting roles he saw in local operas.*Door-god Jiang is one of Zhang's most representative clay figurines.*Zhang's clay figurines show his intention of forsaking evil and promoting virtue.*When Empress Dowager Cixi celebrated her 60th birthday, the local officer of Huishan presented a clay figurine set,Immorlity Peach Gathering.*It has been introduced abroad as a cultural envoy between China and freign countries ,and has been widely accepted and appreciated by China's foreign friends.*There car are being produced on a large scale.*The bomb could be set off/explored at any time.*Both parts should observe the terms of contract.*The government has recently initiated a massure new house building program.*Is a questionaire truly answered by 500 people representative of nationed opinion.*In the past ,as the Spring Festival approached, every family would clean its rooms and courtyards on the windows, doors, walls and stoves to add to the atmosphere, and to seek good luck in the coming year.marvelous adj.极好的,绝妙cranes n.鹤figurine n.[c]塑像dynasty n.朝,代deft adj.熟练的,灵巧的representative adj.典型的,有代表性的depict v.描绘,描画bulge v.鼓起,凸起belly n.[c]肚子decorative adj.装饰的,做装饰用的forsake v.抛弃,放弃promote v.促进,增进,鼓励,支持imperial adj.皇帝的,帝国的tribute n[c,u]贡品,贡金coarse adj.粗超的,粗的,大颗粒的stature n.[u]身高envoy n.[c]使者,代表,外交官make a living 谋生a walk of life 行业,职业,阶层at any time 随时stand out 突出,显眼be adept at 熟练的,对某事内行apply sth (to sth)运用,应用某事物paste v.粘贴approach v.接近,靠近atmosphere n.[sing]气氛,情绪ancient adj.古代的,远古的supervisor n[c].监督人,管理人,指导者supervise v.监督,查看并指导emperor n.皇帝repel v.赶走,驱除engrave v.在(硬物)上雕刻originate v.起因,发端adopt v.采纳,采取,采用attire n[u].衣服,服装incorporate v.吸收,吸取(文化,技术)inherite v.继承engraving n[c].雕刻品initiate v.开端,开辟vivid and expressive 生动形象,栩栩如生a forbiding face 令人生畏的表情veins n.脉经from that time 从那时起at that time 在那时tie sb up 捆绑某人ward sb/sth off 避开,挡开某人、某物on a large scale 大规模的,大样的in the process of sth/doing sth 在从事某任务的过程中One way of summarizing the American position is to state that we value originality and independence more than the Chinese do.The contrast between our two cultures can also be seen in terms of the fears we both harbor.Chinese teachers are fearful that if skills are not acquired early,they may never be acquired ;there is ,on the other

hand,no comparable hurry to promote creativity.American educators fear that unless creativity has been acquried early,it may never emerge;on the other hand,skills can be pick up later.However ,I do not want to overstate my case.There is enormous creativity to be found in Chinese scientific ,technological and artistic innovation past and prsent .And there is a danger of exaggerating creative breakthroughs in the West.When any innovation is examined closely,its reliance on previous achievements is all too apparent (the "standing on the shoulders of giants"phenomenon).But assuming that the contrast I have developed is valid, and that the fostering of skills and creativity are both worthwhile goals, the important question becomes this:Can we gather ,from the Chinese and American extremes, a superior way to/approach education, perhaps striking a better balance between the polse of creativity and basic skills?summarize vt.总结,概述originality n.新颖,独创性independence n.自主,独立contrast n.差异,对比harbor vt.怀有fearful a.担心的,害怕的comparable a.类似的,可比的promote vt.促进,推进emerge vi.出现pick up 获得,学会overstate vt.夸大,将...讲得过分enormous a.巨大的,极大地innovation n.革新,新事物exaggerate v.夸大,夸张valid a.有根据的foster vt.培养worthwhile a.值得的superior a.优良的;较好的plea n.请求fellowship n.奖学金rocket n.火箭ample a.充足的impose...on 将...加强于jet n.喷气式飞机tricycle n.三轮脚踏车ham radio 业余无线电台style n.(manner of doing things)bustle vi.(doing things in a hurried and busy way)on occasion 有时,间或not in the least(not at all)find one's way 到达;进入,流入bang v.猛敲,猛击neglect vt.忽视frown v.n.皱眉somewhat ad.有点,稍微initial a.开始的,最初的relevant a.有关的,切题的investigate v.调查;探究throw light on 帮助理解anecdote n.趣事,轶事colleague n.同事tender a.年幼的;温柔的vigorous a.精力充沛的,温柔的in due course 到时候,在适当的时候make up for 弥补,补偿principal a.主要的,首要的rear vt.养育,抚养critical a.危机的,至关重要的in retrospect 回顾come to sb's rescue 帮助某人clumsy a.笨拙的facility n.熟练,灵巧;设备,设施continual a.不断的,一再重复的work on/at 从事craft n.手艺,工艺reversal n.颠倒priority n.重点,优先考虑的事bold a.勇敢的,胆大的departure n.背离,出发,离开evolve v.逐步发展******************************************************************************************************Unit Fourthere is no doubt that ...是毫无疑问的more than just 不仅仅只是Hip-hop is huge,more than just rap music,it's a culture,a life style.appeared with 以

...形式出现Actually,this controversial form of expression has aroused ever more interest,especiallyafter CNN's appeared with the title "Art of Poison?" file in ... with 用...填充get more information about ...得到更多有关...的信息attitudes towards ...面对...的态度become popular with... 变的受欢迎it quickly became popular with young people around the world.to begin with 以...开始dumbing down 简单的,单一的be disappointed at 对...感到失望there is no denying(the fact) that 无可否认/不可否认的是......sign of... 迹象,征兆,预兆along with 与...同样的,除...之外,连同...一起be short on sth 不足,紧缺....regard sb/sth as sth 将...认为,看待attribute sth to sth 把...归因于...;认为...是由于a flash in the pan 昙花一现a period of time 一段时间 ghetto n.贫困区destructive adj.破坏的,毁灭的guys n.朋友,伙计,伙伴lyric n.歌词 Breakdancing is becoming more and more popular among young people. Talk with the classmates sitting next to you about hip-hop.It makes me feel more energetic in the live show.Hip-hop brings with its own unique vocabulary.whatever your opinion of hip-hop music may be,there is no denying it has impacted pop culture around the world and shows no signs of slowing down.Hip-hop has its roots in the African traditions of percussion and storytelling.East Coast styles were generally hard-core,with rappers supporting political and social ideals,often from an Afo-centric perspective.Once considered a flash in the pan,hip-hop is set to continue its path of creation and celebration ,bring more and more converts along for the ride. The plan was spinning out of control.The special/particular custome has its origins in Africa.Hip-hop nowadays is more and more popular among young people.it is not only a type of musical expression, but also a culture phenomenon,including MCing,Breaking,etc.Its modernroot originate from 1970s in the US, then came its high development in the 1980s.Though you may hold different opinions toward this ,it continues its path.It has four main aspects,including.........As a teenager,you're going through a lot, but if hip-hop is your main source of information ,and it's dumbing down and you don't have adequate education to begin with it's destructive. have no idea 不知道religious beliefs 宗教信仰element n.要素;基本部分;典型部分spin v.(使)快速旋转acrobatic adj.杂技的;杂技般的;杂技演员的percussion n[u].碰撞,敲击(乐器)origin n.起源;源头;起因ingenuity n[u].独创力,聪明才智,心灵手巧immigrate v.(从别的国家来)移民,移居migrate v.移居,迁徙(地方间的)infectious adj.有传染性的,有感染力的hard-core adj.核心的;骨的;中间的verbal a

dj.文字的,言语的,口头上的gymnastics n[u].体操,体操训练band n.乐队,乐团fad n.短暂的狂热,一时的风尚rhythm n.节奏financially adv.在经济上maxi-single n.密文唱片,慢转唱片rhyme n&v.韵,押韵instrumental n.管乐曲stardom n.明星地位,电影明星decent adj.得体的,合宜的,适当的demo n.录音样带,试样唱片mainstream n.[sing]主流思想;主流群体commercialize v.利用...牟利;商业化microcosm n.小天地,小宇宙individual adj.单独的,个别的represent v.作为...的代言人;维护...的利益worship n[u].崇拜,崇敬,爱慕comprise v.包含,包括,由...组成,构成,是(某事物的)组成部分,组成evolve v.(使)逐渐形成,逐步发展,逐渐演变authentic adj.可靠的,可信的,真实的comprehend v.理解,领悟,懂on occasion(s) 偶尔,偶然,有时be conscious of 意识到,注意到save up 存储be opposed to 强烈反对be willing to do sth 愿意做某事for the sake of 为了...的缘故set trends 确定(流行)趋势make progress 取得进展,做出成功persevere with 对...坚持,不屈不挠she has an amazing talent for music.A overwhelming(压倒多数的)majority voted against the proposal.Most people invited to the party were old friends.The bridge ,completed in 1994, is the longest in the city.Please inform us of any change of address as soon as possible.若地址变更,请尽快通知我们。Students should pursue(从事,追赶,继续进行,纠缠)their own interests,as well as do their school work.在学习之余,学生还应该有自己的兴趣爱好。It mattered(物质,事件,原因) a great deal to her what other people thought of her.她非常在意别人对她的看法。His interest in photography is only a passing fad.他对摄影艺术只是一时的狂热。Both sides in the dispute seemed determined not to compromise.争论的对方似乎都下决心不打算妥协。My father is a little vain like most actors and actresses,he aspires to fame and success.(功成名就)The press had criticized her so often that(新闻界经常批评她) in the end she had become immune to what was said.Lack of confidence is the biggest barrier to investment in the region.They take great pride in their daughter ,who is now a famous scientist.His pockets were bulging with gifts.*****************************************************************************************************Unit Five Never Give Upspotlight n.聚光灯(的光)(如舞台上的)gymnast n.体育家,体操运动员qualify v.使(某人)具有资格,给(某人)某种资格,使合格final n.决赛understatement n.重事轻说,轻描淡写underdog n.处于劣势的人或国家coach n.教练,长途客车retire v.退休,退职,退役leap v.跳,跳

跃apparatus n.器械(体操的)vault n.撑杆跳score n.分数champion n.冠军,获胜者title n.冠军perform v.做,表演capture v.俘获,赢得,用武力或技巧夺取或赢得proclaim v.宣告,声明,表明,显示hockey n.曲棍球podium n.指挥台,讲台anthem n.圣歌deserved adj.应得的over and over 一再,多次,反复qualify (sb)for (使)具有资格,给(某人)某种资格hide (sb/sth)from 隐瞒,掩盖look for 盼望或期待某事物,查找,寻找,查字典refer to sb as 称某人为all-around champion 全能冠军regardless of 忽略,不顾,不管He captured her heart.The government proclaimed both of them national heroes.His accent proclaimed that he was a southerner.Besides a physically healthier body,what have sports offered us?It inspires us to take the bull by the horns and take our courage in both hands to reach our goals.That's awesome!棒极了a few gold medals 很多金牌She has been taking gymnastics classes seriously since she was a little girl, like since she was only 5 or 6 years old.People often say that morning is the best time of day for physical exercise.I have been in the habit of getting up early and taking exercise in the morning.sign up 报名参加endurance 持久力The Spring Track and Field Meet 田径运动会 100-meter dash and 800-meter race,the 5000-meter long-distance run as I have good endurance.I am a slow walker ,but I never walk backwards. ---Abraham LincolnOne year later, not many months before the Atlanta games, she returned to training under him and set her sights on the 1996 Olympics.Going into the Olympics, the media focus was on the sure-thing names.Kerri knew that this was her moment to prove to herself, her teammates and anyone else who doubted her will power that she was a champion.she was about to earn that title.She always responded with a half smile and a small nod, but she never seemed to really believe it.She refers to these years between Olympics as the "worst years of my life".The gold medal for the team came down to her vault.The bushes hide Tom's bike completely from the passers-by.I don't think you are aware how much this means to me.Experts referred to the discovery as a major breakthrough in medical science. There is a limit to the number of games one can sign up for ,so I have had to give that up.benefit from 从.....获益epileptic n.癫痫症患者jogger n.慢跑的人seizure n.发作sophomore n.二年级的学生junior n.三年级的学生senior n.毕业班学生ambitious adj.野心勃勃的enthusiastic adj.热情的,热心的inconvenience n.不方便,麻烦,打扰motto n.箴言,格言,座右铭marathon n.马拉松赛跑en route 在路上fracture v.折断,破碎wrap v.包或裹某物adhesive n[c,u]胶粘剂incredible adj.不可相信blister v.起泡break a record 打破

记录in view of sth 鉴于,由于,考虑到look at ... as... 把......看待为......instead of sth/doing sth 作为(某人/某物)的替换shake hands with sb 握手open sth up 开业,开张*****************************************************************************************************Unit Six City SymbolA thing of beauty is a joy for ever. ---john Keatsall over the word/throughout the worldA sculpture is often viewed as the symbol of a city or a nation.the Statue of Liberty in New York City, the United States of America ,is a universal symbol of freedom ,democracy and diplomacy.tourist attractions 旅游胜地Can you name some famous landmarks in China and other countries?sb develop the idea of (doing)sth 想起做......raise money for 为......筹款The statue was then shipped across the the Atlantic Ocean in 214 crates broken into 350 individual separate pieces.recognition n[u].认出,承认cultivate v.建立或发展(某种关系)negotiation n[u,c].商议,谈判commitment n[c].承诺,允诺,致力,献身sculptor n.雕刻家,雕刻师crate n.大木箱dedicate v.献身于,致力于dedicated adj.献身的,专心致志的deteriorate v.变坏,变质designate v.给名称或职位等(designate sb as...)centennial n.100周年纪念日huddle v.聚集在一起yearn v.渴望,怜悯,思念,留恋,盼望wretched adj.极不愉快的teeming adj.暴风雨的as a result of 因为,由于be dedicated to(介词) 献身于,致力于on behalf of sb 代表某人compromise v.以折衷的方法解决争论、争端flood v.淹没,灌满水trace v.找出某事的根源wither v.枯萎,凋谢plunder v.掠夺,抢劫pee v.撒尿wardrobe n.衣柜costume n[c,u]服装,服装,式样guild n.协会;行会gear n[u].设备,衣物等folklorist n.民俗学研究者attach v.将某物系在outfit n[c].一套衣服witch n.女巫spot v.找出,辨出,认出token n.表征;标志;证据on top of sth/sb 在某物/某人的上方或上边trace sth(back)(to sth)/find the origin of sth 找出某事的根源 on the occasion of sth 在......的时候according to 按照,依照turn (sb/sth) (from A)to/into B 由......转为......We're looking for someone with a real sense of commitment to the job.On behalf of my colleagues and myself I thank you.On January 3 the company will present its plans to the bank.She gave no sign of recognition of the old friend.Its significance has broadened and for many people throughout the world it has become the recognized symbol of liberty.Wordwide,the Statue of Liberty is one of the most recognizable icons(核标准情报中心) of the United States,and,more generally ,represents liberty and escapes from oppression.It was ofen one of the first glimpse of the United States for millions of immigrants after ocean voyage from Europe.An inspirati

on to millions of immigrants,this statue is a universal symbol of freedom, democracy, and diplomacy.(对成千上万的移民来说,自由女神像表达美国人民向往自由,争取民主,渴望外交的理想)By living in Paris as the American ambassador, Benjamin cultivated a relationship with the French government and the French people.(在巴黎居住的那段时间,作为美国大使,他就和法国政府和人民培养了感情)As a result, French soldiers fought alongside the American colonists.(于是法国士兵也加入了驱赶美国殖民者的战争队伍之中)The Statue of Liberty was dedicated on October 28,1886, and President Grover Cleveland accepted the statue on behalf of the American people.(1886年10月28日,格罗.克利夫兰总统代表美国人民接受了这个美妙绝伦的雕像)Nearly a century after her dedication ,Lady Liberty began to deteriorate.(到达美洲之后过了一个世纪,自由女神像就开始腐蚀了)她被命名为本年度的体坛明星(she was designated as sportswoman of the year.)他献身于他所喜爱的教师工作(he was dedicated to his favorite teaching job.)价格是可以商议的(the price is a matter of/for negotiation.)这些汽车是上周用船从法国运来的(these cars were shipped from French last week.)我代表全体职工以及我自己对你们的帮助表示感谢(On behalf of all the stuffs and myself I thank you for your help.)*******************************************************************************************Unit Sevencrane n.起重机,吊车band n[c].带,箍yonder pron.那里,那边plunge v.使突然前冲或下落vine n.藤,藤蔓cord n[c.u].(结实的)粗线illegal adj.非法的,不合法的gorge n.峡谷dip v.蘸,浸bounce v.(使)弹起,跳起slam v.使劲一推,猛劲一摔spring v.跳,蹦 n.泉水,春天,弹簧relieved adj.感到宽慰的,显得开心的tie sth to sth 连接,联合fix sth up 修理,准备好add to sth 使(数量)增加,使(规模)扩大slam into (使)重重地撞上comment n.议论,评论grovel v.爬行,匍匐gruesome adj.令人厌恶的,恐怖的,可怕的scare v.惊吓,使害怕,使恐惧wit n.[u]风趣,才思,措辞巧妙的能力route n.路线,路途scenery n.[u]风景,景色,风光breathtaking adj.非常激动人心的,壮观的ultimate adj.极端的adventure n.冒险,冒险经历,奇遇bond n.纽带,联系,关系slope n.斜坡instruction n.[c]指令,指示be addicted to 对...入迷depend on 取决于adapt to 适应count on 依赖,指望take part in 参加make a deal with 与......达成协议He slammed the door shut.Tom sprung out of bed and ran downstairs.She looked relieved when she heard the news.A copy of my resume is attached to this letter.

She give us food and clothing and asked for nothing in return.The company had made a deal with Microsoft to make its products. Winning the championship is a great triumph.获得冠军是伟大的胜利。Have a try and you might get the answer.试一试,你也许你能找到答案。he is always helping people without expecting anything in return.他总是帮助别人而不求回报。Tom sprung out of bed and ran downstairs.The girl tied a scarf around her neck.这个女孩在脖子上系了条丝巾。As your brain becomes starved for oxygen, you may find yourself getting dizzy and confused.There is lots of easier ways to work on those instead of groveling through gruesome climbs.The higher you go,the thinner the air gets and there is barely enough oxygen in the air to keep you alive.Your might feel sick to your stomach.你会感觉到胃痛。Unit EightWhat are we going to see this evening?/What would you like to see this evening?comprehensive adj.全部的,所有的,(几乎)无所不包的,详尽的pantomime n[c.u].哑剧,默剧prevail v.普遍存在,盛行,流行symbolize v.象征,是......的象征,代表symbolic adj.使用象征的,作为象征的tune n[c].曲调,曲子accompaniment n[c.u].伴奏fiddle n.小提琴warrior n.武士,勇士,斗士demon n.恶魔,魔鬼civilian adj.平民的,老百姓的clown n.丑角,小丑comic adj.喜剧的patch n.色斑,斑点embroidery n.刺绣品,绣花resemblance n.相似,想象nobility n.贵族upright adj.正直的,诚实的gown n.长外衣,长袍armour n[u].盔甲,甲胄robe n.袍服girdle n.腰带eliminate v.排除,消除,清除feudal (feudalism) adj.封建制度in a word 简言之,一句话,总之refer to sb/sth 描述,涉及,与......相关subdivide(sth)(into sth) (被)在分割,再分at first sight 一见就......,初次看见时impress sb (with sb/sth) 使钦佩,给.......留下深刻的好印象on the basis of 在......基础上,以......为基础ritual adj.仪式上,庆典上ceremony n.典礼、仪式frighten v.使惊吓、使惊恐relieve v.解除、减轻theatrical adj.戏剧的,演剧的,剧场的terrorize v.恐吓,威胁,恫吓overwhelm v.压倒,击败,征服undoubtedly adv.无疑地,确实地,千真万确地bearing n.关系,影响dye v.给......染色,染portrayal n.描绘,描写,描述,展现方式classified adj.分类的,归类的standardize v.使标准化,使符合标准perfect v.使完善,使完美,使完备finalize v.最后定下来,定案disposition n.性格、性情exaggeration n.夸张,夸大,言过其实dispraise n.谴责,指责variety n.不同种类,多种式样quarter v.切

成或分成四部分ornamental adj.装饰性的,点缀的spring up 迅速出现,突然兴起by means of 借助......手段,依靠......方法limit sth to sth 限制、限定be characterized by 使......具有特点(或最引人注目的特征)as well( as sb/sth) 除......之外、也、还facial makeup 脸谱have a resemblance to 和......长得非常想象frighten sb/sth off/away (from sth) 把......吓走、吓跑transform sb/sth (from sth)(into sth) 使改变外观(或性质),使改观excel in/at sth/at doing sth 擅长、善于、突出bring onto the stage 上演、举办、举行Jake is hard-working and intelligent ,in a word ,I can't speak too highly of him.杰克既刻苦又聪明,总之,我对他再高的评价都不过分。(can't ... too)Test twoPart III1.By the time you get to New York,I____for London.A.would be leaving B.am leaving C.have already left D.shall have left3.The mother didn't know who ___ for the broken glass.A.blamed B.be blamed C.to blamed D.would blame6.It is high time that such practices ____.A.are ended B.be ended C.were ended D.must be ended10._____ the sight of the police officers, the men ran off.A.In B.At C.On D.With12.It is too early to say whether IBM's competitors will be able to ___ their products to the new hardware at an affordable loss.A.adapt B.stick C.yield D.adopt13.Who would you rather ____ with you,George or me?(vatrual grammer)A.going B.to go C.have gone D.went16.The test results are beyond ____ :they have been repeated in labs all over the world.A.negotiation(谈判) B.conflict C.bargain D.dispute(谈论,争议,讨论) 17.This is not an economical way to get more water;_____it is very expensive.A.on the other hand B.on the contrary C.in short D.or else18.A good many proposals were raised by the delegates,_______ was to be expected.A.that B.what C.so D.as21.It's very ____ of you not to talk aloud while the baby is asleep.A.concerned B.careful C.considerable D.considerate22.Arriving home, the boy told his parents about all the __ which occurred in his dormitory. A.occasions B.matters C.incidents D.issues23.Computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime _____ . A.stage B.scene C.location D.occasion24.I know you've got a smooth tongue ,so don't talk me ____ buying it. A.away B.down C.out D.into--------D--C--C--B--A--D--D--B--D--D--C--B--D----------Part V.1.The high price have frightened off many customers.(高价使很多顾客望而却步。)2.The teaching of history should not be limited to dates and figures.(教

授历史不局限于讲年代和人物)3.This training course will qualify you for a better job.(本培训课程将使你能更胜任更好的工作)4.Play areas for children are springing up all over the place.(儿童游乐场所如雨后春笋般地在这四处出现)5.The Grand Canyon never fails to impress. (大峡谷永远让人叹为观止)1.In view of the weather ,the event will now be held indoors.(in view of 由于,因为)2.The nation's population continues to rise at a rate of 12 million per year.(at a rate of 以......速度)3.Specialists says that it is not easy to adapt oneself to life in different cultures.4.In order to afford my education,mother often takes on more work than is good for her.Unit Nine make a few mistakes 犯很多错误have some water 喝水You played a perfect game today.I think this calls for a big celebration.expert n.[c]专家,能手,行家estimate v.估价,估计cricket n.[u]板球prominent adj.重要的,出名的athlete n.[c]运动员quit v.离开professionalize v.使专业化,使职业化professionalization n.[c]entity n.[c]实体,独立存在物physique n.[u]体格,体型associate sb/sth with sb/sth 把...与...联系在一起 prior to 先前的,较早的 carry out 完成任务 come into being 形成,存在 emergence of 出现 participate in 参加,参与 bid for sth/to do sth 努力争取 so as to do sth 为了做某事inflate v.使充气,膨胀attest v.证实,是......的证据pitch n.[u]场地,球场referee n.[c]裁判,裁判员deputy n.[c]副手military adj.军队的,军事的,武装的nurture v.扶持,帮助valour n.[u]英勇,勇气bladder n.[c]膀胱reverse adj.相反的,反向的diameter n.[c][u]直径appropriate adj.合适的,恰当的flog v.鞭笞,棒打smother v.厚厚的覆盖institutionalized adj.约定俗成的,惯例的festive adj.节日的,喜庆的 decline v.减少,下降,衰弱acquaint...with... 使熟悉,使了解take turns (in sth/to do sth) 依次,轮流 incorporate sth (in/into/within sth)将......包括在内
