
列宁名言1、 友谊建立在同志中,巩固在真挚上,发展在批评里,断送在奉承中。 2、 欺骗的友谊是痛苦的创伤,虚伪的同情是锐利的毒箭。 3、 患难识朋友。 4、 不用相当的独立功夫,不论在哪个严重的问题上都不能找出真理;谁怕 用功夫,谁就无法找到真理。 5、 只要再多走一小步,仿佛是向同一方向迈的一小步,真理会变成错误。 6、 贻误时机或张惶失措,就等于丧失一切。 7、 赢得了时间就是赢得了一切。 8、 在历史急剧转变的关头,往往连先进的政党也会在相当的一段时间内不 能理解新的局势而复旧的口号,这些口号在昨天是正确的,但在今天已经失去任 何意义。 9、 浪费别人的时间等于是谋财害命,浪费自己的时间等于是慢性自杀。 10、贫农特别吃没有文化的亏,特别需要受教育。 11、只要千百万劳动者团结得像一个人一样,跟随本阶级的优秀人物前进, 胜利也就有了保证。 12、书籍是巨大的力量。 13、科学的宗旨就是提供宇宙的真正写真。 14、我们不需要死读硬记,我们需要用基本的知识来发展和增进每个学习者 的思考力。 15、学习,学习,再学习!学,然后知不足。 16、我们一定要给自己提出这样的任务:第一,学习,第二是学习,第三还 是学习。 17、只要愿意学习,就一定能够学会。 18、一般青年的任务,尤其是共产主义青年团及其他一切组织的任务,可以 用一句话来表示,就是要学习。 19、在任何学校里,最重要的是课程的思想政治方向,这完全由教学人员来 决定。 20、应该在肩膀上长着自己的脑袋。 21、谁不会休息,谁就不会工作。 22、党的任务是对所有国家机关的工作进行总的领导,而不是像目前那样进 行过分频繁的……往往是对细节的干涉。 23、只有当全体居民都参加管理工作时,才能彻底进行反官僚主义的斗争, 才能完全战胜官僚主义。 24、道德能帮助人类社会升到更高的水平,使人类社会摆脱劳动剥削制。 25、真正建立共产主义社会的任务正是要由青年担负。 26、少说些漂亮话,多做些日常平凡的事情...... 27、判断一个人,不是根据他自己的表白或对自己的看法,而是根据他的行 动。 28、宁要好梨一个,不要烂梨一筐。积极肯干和忠心耿耿的人即使只有两三 个,也比十个死气沉沉的人强。 29、要成就一件大事业,必须从小事做起。 30、劳动者的组织性、纪律性、坚毅精神以及同全世界劳动者的团结一致, 是取得最后胜利的保证。 31、当前的任务是,即使在最困难的条件下,也要挖掘矿石,提炼生铁,铸 造马克思主义世界观以及与这一世界观相适应的上层建筑的纯钢。 32、马克思认为

理论的符合于现实是理论的唯一标准。 33、必须有勇气正视无情的真理。 34、爱国主义就是千百年来固定下来的对自己的祖国的一种最深厚的感情。 35、一切非阶级的社会主义和非阶级的政治学说,都是胡说八道。 ——谁不和我们一起就是反对我们,中立的人们最危险。 36、任何时候都不要玩弄起义,在开始起义时就要切实懂得,必须干到底。 37、必须在决定的地点,在决定的关头,集中很大的优势力量,否则,更有 准备、更有组织的敌人就会把起义者消灭。 38、起义一旦开始,就必须以最大的决心行动起来并坚决采取进攻。防御是 武装起义的死路。 39、必须在敌军还分散的时候,出其不意地袭击他们。 40、每天(如果以一个城市来说,可以说每小时)都必须取得胜利,即使是 不大的胜利,无论如何要保持“精神上的优势”。




40 Expressions of Advice


1.-Walk for 10-30 minutes every day, while smiling.(1)每天带着好心情步行10~30分鐘。


2. Sit quietly for at least 10 minutes every day, in isolation if necessary.

3.Upon arising in the morning, one must immediately say “My goal today is..”

4.Listen to quality music every day. This is real nourishment for the soul.

5. Live with the 3 Es:Energy,Enthusiasm and Empathy.

6.Play more games than last year.

7.Read more books than last year.

8.Look at the sky at least once a day,

appreciating the majesty of the world that surrounds us.

9.Dream more while awake.

10.Eat more foods that come from trees and plants. Eat less manufactured foods.

11. Eat berries and nuts. Drink green tea, plenty of water, and a glass of wine each day; toast something beautiful in life and, if possible, in the company of a loved one.

12.Try to make at least 3 people laugh every day.

13.Eliminate clutter in the home, the car, and the office. Let a new energy enter your life.

14.Don’t spend your precious time immersed in rumors, things from the past, negative

thoughts or things beyond your control. It is better to invest your energy in the positive present.

15. Life is a school, and we are here to learn. Problems are lessons that come and go;

what we learn from them will serve us for the rest of our lives.

16.Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like aprince, and dinner like a beggar.

17.Smile and laugh more often.

18.Do not let an opportunity pass to hug a friend.

19.Life is too short to waste time hating someone.

20.Don’t take yourself so seriously. Nobody else does.

21.It is not necessary to win every argument. One must accept that the other person is not

in agreement, and learn from his position.

22.Make peace with your past, so as not to ruin your present.

23.Don’t compare your life with others. You have no idea of the highways

they have traveled during their lives.


24.Nobody is responsible for your happiness, except yourself.

25.Remember well that we have no control over what happens to us, but only what we do.




26.Learn something new every day.

27.What others think of us is not completely under our control.

28.Appreciate your body, and its marvels.

29.Whether the situation is good or bad, it will change.

30.Work will not take care of us when we are sick. Our friends will. Stay in contact with them.

31.Reject everything that is not useful, amusing, or beautiful.

32.Don’t lose time. We already have all the things we need.

33.The best is yet to come.

34.Nothing is as important as sitting, standing, getting dressed, and helping others.

35.Have fantastic sex, always in harmony with the other person.

36.Phone your family regularly, and tell them “Hi, I was thinking of you”.

37.Each day, before going to sleep, say: I am thankful for _______________. Today, I succeeded in _____________________.

38.Remember that we have too much that is good to be stressed.

39.Enjoy thevoyage. There is only one chance to be successful.

40.Life is beautiful. You must appreciate it as much as possible.

Have a wonderful journey, my dear friend.

Please send this message to all friends that you appreciate.

