


"To win others, first of all to overcome their own "This is summed up in the" Kung Fu Panda 2 ".


The film is said panda when the "Dragon Warrior", and his master and the Furious Five -- Tiger, crane, mantis, snakes and monkeys -- to defend the peaceful life in the valley. However, good times don't last long, facing a new, more formidable challenge, a wicked Peacock "Shen

Wangye" created a secret, powerful weapons, his attempt to destroy Kung Fu, conquer Chinese! When it learned that his plot, and the Furious Five through Chinese, trying to

stop his behavior, but, how to fight a PO will "destroy Kung Fu" weapons? The battle, Po to recall their past, remember his story, and it is his heart impetuous calm down, thus defeated "Shen Wangye", another hero.


After seeing the movie, my heart was filled with many feelings, Panda Po though bulky, clumsy, and a little lazy, but, he at least has the ideal, the pursuit, but some people? Although has a beautiful appearance, a large background, but only to eat, drink, play, music, no at. But in the

perception of these at the same time, I have learned a lot

of truth: everything in life, all by myself, I want to become what appearance, can be what, as long as the static under heart to come, to understand the past, believe in yourself, in life, completely controlled by yourself.


To see the use of its own wisdom, save to friends,

when the tiger asked him: "what, your plan?" A answered without thinking: "first, save you. The second step, do not know." "Po" we speak with said, when see friends firm

eyes, it seems to understand what "the third step, prevent Shen left port" see here, I see in the future on the road, not just now, to the far, go far, can not do a "frog in a well".



In my opinion, "Shen" is an intelligent man, but his superior intelligence in the wrong place, if he is a nice guy, with his wisdom, will become a generation hero.


The film, in my opinion the most touching to me than the end of the film, Po and his duck went to cook story.

Because the part that makes me appreciate the Panda Po: although aware of their own life, also know he is not a

duck's own son, just to pick up, but he did not find his own father, but choose to stay in the duck father side, to repay the old daddy duck of his upbringing.


The film's words let me come into mind: no what tips, the key lies in their own. Indeed, the panda is not tips, but he worked hard work. In life, what things are like including learning, as long as we persist, effort could .No success at all times and in all countries is rely on tips for success, they are hard, adhere to the results of. For example: in order to make known to every family of the Jin Dynasty Wang ,he learned to write a good hand writing every day in the pool, wash with water, wash Yan after a few years, all the water has been dyed black. There America Helen Keller, she

was deaf, dumb and blind, but he learned three languages have become a poet. She relies on her secret? No, she is on to persist diligently. Others listen to her ten times,

others ten times Helen learn thousands of times. In this way, she realized his dream -- admitted to Harvard

University. Not that the word is said to be successful to get tips.


After seeing this movie, I remember a word in the

movie: self-confidence is the most people need, no

self-confidence, life is like a desolate city wall, there is no life, such as a pool of stagnant water, is static. Self

confidence is the cornerstone of success in life!




Kung Fu Panda script

功 夫 熊 猫

---------------1------------Paul的梦境--------------- Tales of a legendary warrior

- 有一位传奇中的传奇战士

Who's kungfu skills with the stuff of legend - 他的功夫出神入化

He traveled the land in search of worthy foes - 翻山越岭 寻凶觅敌

I see you like to chew

- 你丫挺喜欢吃啊

Maybe you should chew on my face! - 有种丫就上我脸上来吃啊

The warrior said nothing for his mouth was full - 战士一言不发 因为正忙着吃

then he swallowed

- 然后一口吞下

then he spoke


enough talk! Lets fight!

- "别废话 动手吧!"

He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind

- 他的一招一式如此彪悍 他的敌人目不暇接

exposure to pure awesomness

- 只有瞠目结舌的份儿

my eyes ..

- 我的眼睛..

he's too awesome

- 他太彪悍了!

and attractive ...

- 太迷人了!

How can we repay you?

- 我们何以回报

There is no charge to awesomness or attractiveness

- 彪悍不求回报 迷人更无所需


- 破瓦冲天!

It mattered not how many foes he faced they were no match for his for density - 他征战无数 无人堪与之匹敌

never before had a panda been so feared

- 从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧

and so loved

- 又让人如此爱戴

Even the most herotic heroes in all of the china - the furious five

- 即使是神州大地之上 最英勇的勇士们 最令人望而生畏的战士

bowed in respect of this great master

- 也心怀敬意地拜倒在这位大师脚下

We shall hang out

- 我们该金盆洗手了


- 没错

But hanging out would have to wait

- 但金盆洗手谈何易

Coz when you are facing a ten thousand demons of demon mountain - 因为尚有万千暴徒待铲除

There's only one thing that it matters

- 前途只有一条

and that's ..

- 那就是..


- 宝!

Get up

- 快起床

You 'll be late for work

- 要误了生意了


- 什么?..


Paul get up

- 宝 快起床!

hey paul what are you doing up there? - 嗨肥波 你磨蹭啥呢?

Ah .. nothing ..

- 啊 .. 没啥

monkey mantis crane viper tigeress roar... -猴哥 螳郞 鹤儿 小蛇 虎妞 吼... Paul let's go you 're late for work - 肥波 快点! 都误了生意了.


- 来啦...


Sorry dad

- 对不起 老爸

Sorry doesn't make the noodles - 对不起可变不出面条来

What are you doing up there all that noise - 你在楼上搞什么名堂 稀里哗啦的 Oh nothing just had a crazy dream - 噢 没什么 就是个乱七八糟的梦 About what ?

- 什么梦?

Uh ?

- 啊?

What were you dreaming about?

- 梦到什么了?

What was I ah I was dreaming about... uh...

- 梦到了 啊...我梦见了...啊...


- 面条

Noodles ? You were really dreaming about noodles?


Uh yeh What else would I be dreaming about ?

- 啊 没错. 不然还能梦见啥?

...Oh ...Careful that soup is ... Sharp

- 哦 小心 那个镖很 锋利

Oh ... happy day..

- 哦 太让人高兴了..

My son finally having the noodle dream

- 我儿子终于做了个面条梦了

You don't know how long I 've been waiting for this moment

- 哦 你不知道 我等这一刻都等了多久

This is a sign paul

- 这是个好兆头 肥波

Ahh ..a sign of what?

- 啊.. 什么好兆头?

You are almost ready to be entrust with the secret ingredient of my secret ingredient soup - 我终于可以把我的秘之又秘

and then you’ll fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant 私酿密汤的配方传给你了

Just as I took it over from my father who took it over from his father - 就像我子承父业 父承爷业一样

who won it from a friend in a game of Majiang (麻将)

- 这店可是爷爷玩麻将从朋友手里赢来的

Dad Dad Dad it was just a dream

- 老爸 老爸 老爸 这不过是场梦

No it was THE dream

- 不 这是注定的梦

We are noodle folk broth runs though our veins

- 我们是面条世家 流淌着面条的血脉

But dad didn't you eve...

- 可是老爸 你有没有...

I don't know wanna do something else ? something besides noodles - 我不清楚 有没有想过做点别的 除了面条之外的

Actually when I was young and crazy

- 其实 我还是个愤青的时候

I thought about running away and learning how to make Doufu (豆腐) - 曾想过 离家出走 学做豆腐

So why didn't you

- 那你干吗不做?

Oh because it was a stupid dream

- 噢 因为这是个黄梁蠢梦

Can you imagine me making Doufu ..

- 你能想象我做豆腐的样子吗?

Hahahaha... Doufu ...

- 哈哈哈哈...豆腐...


- 别提了!

We all have our place in this world mine is here and yours is ... - 我们各有其命 我就是面条命 而你…

I know is here

- 我知道了 也是面条命

No it’s at table 257and12 service with a smile

- 错! 是建成连锁面馆7+12 别忘了微笑服务


- 唉...

--------------- 3 ------------ JADE PALACE ---------------

Well done students

- 干得漂亮 徒弟们

If you were trying to disappoint me


Tigeress you need more ferocity

- 阿虎 力道要更强

monkey quicker speed

皮猴 速度要更快

crane hike viper subtlety

鹤儿 更高 小蛇 细腻



Master Shifu!

- 师傅...


- 插什么嘴?

Ahhh! it..it..it’s master oogway he wants to see you

- 啊! 乌..乌..乌龟大师来了 他想见您

-------------- 4 -----------SACRED HALL OF WARRIOR--------------- Master oogway you summoned me is something wrong?

- 乌龟大师 您召见我 是出什么事了吗?

Why must something be wrong for me to want to see my old friend? - 为何非要出事 才能与老友相聚呢?

So nothing is wrong?

- 这么说 没出啥事?

Well I didn’t say that.

- 我倒也没这么说

(oogway 's breathing and puffing to blow out the candles one by one )


You’re saying...

- 您是说...

I've had a vision

- 我看见了些幻相

Tailung will return

- 太郞会重现江湖

That is impossible he's in prison

- 这不可能 他还在牢里呢

Nothing is impossible

- 万事皆有可能

Zeng fly to chor ghom prison

- 小曾 马上飞到桃岗天牢去

and tell them to double the guards double the weapons

- 告诉他们 看守加倍 兵器加倍

double everything

- 什么都加倍

Tailung does not leave that prison

- 确保太郎不会越狱

Yes ... master shifu

- 遵命! 师傅大师

One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it - 有言 子欲避之 反促遇之

We have to do something

- 我们不能无动于衷

We can't just let him marching on the valley and take his revenge .. - 他说不定会来谷中泄愤 以报私恨


- 他..他...

Your mind is like this water my friend when it is agitated it becomes difficult to see - 心如此水 老朋友 乱则不明

but if you allow it to settle the answer becomes clear

但若心如止水 答案便尽现眼前

The dragon scroll

- 龙之卷轴

It is time

- 是时候了...

But who who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power

- 可传给谁? 谁值得信任 能把这无限的力量交付与他

to become the dragon warrior


I don't know

- 我亦不知


Excuse me excuse me sorry ....

- 让让让一让 抱歉

Hey...watch it paul...

- 嘿.. 看着点走 肥波

Sorry ...Sorry .. A dozen pardon ...

- 对不起 对不起 请您原谅


- 什么?

HA Master oogway's choosing the dragon warrior?!Today!!

- 乌龟大师选龙战士?! 今天!!

Everyone everyone go get to the jade palace!

- 大伙们 大家们快去 去极宫

One of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll

- 五杰之一要得到龙卷轴了

We’ve been waitin' a thousand years for this just in *****- 千年等一回啊 吃完就快去啊! This is the greatest thing in kungfu history!

- 这可是武林之中 史无前例的盛世!

Don't worry about it just go

- 别操心付账了 快去吧!

Paul where are you going?

- 肥波 你要去哪儿?

To the jade palace

- 去..极宫

But you're forgeting your noodle car!

- 可你忘了你的面条车了

The whole valley will be there

- 整个山谷的居民都会去

and you'll sell noodles to all of them

- 你就可以大卖特卖了

Selling noodles ?

- 卖面?

Butdad..you know I was kinda thinking maybe I ..

- 可是 老爸 我在想我可不可以...


- 嗯?

I was kinda thinking maybe I ..

我想我可不可以...Uh huh?

- 啊哈?

Could also sell the bean buns they’re...they’re about to go bad… - 可不可以也顺道卖点冰棒 估计销量不错

That's my boy

- 真是个好孩子

I told you that dream was a sign

- 我说过那个梦是个好兆头

Yeah hehe ..glad I had it ...

- 没错 呵呵..去了再说吧

---------------6------------去JADE PALACE的路上--------------- I could not find where

- 我都找不到北了


- 我也是

Shan Dulian ascended the sky [听不太清楚]

- 山都连上天了

let is go

- 我们走

uh yeah almost there

- 啊耶 就要到了

what ? no! ... no! ...no!

- 什么?! 不会吧! 不!... 不!

sorry paul we 'll bring you back a souvenir ..

- 不好意思了 肥波 我们会给你带纪念品的

no I 'll bring me back a souvenir

- 不 我要自己带纪念品下来

---------------7------------JADE PALACE的广场上--------------- it is a historic day

- 这是历史性的一天

isn’t it master oogway ?

- 是吧 乌龟大师?

yes and one I feared I would not live to see

- 是啊 只要我一息尚存 我就不会错过的

are your students ready ?


yes master ooguay

- 好了 乌龟大师

now know this old friend

- 好了 乌龟大师

whomever I choose will not only bring peace to the valley - 不管我选了谁 不仅是给山谷带来平和

but also to you


let the tournament begin - 现在宣布 比赛开始

ohh...yeh hahah

- 噢..耶! 哈哈

oh no no no no wait

- 怎么回事? 不! 等等!

I 'm comecoming from this... - 我来了! 等等!

oh god

- 噢上帝..

hey open the door ..let me in .... - 嗨 把门打开! 让我进去! citizens of the valley of peace - 平和谷的居民们

it is my great honor to present you - 我深感荣幸 为你们介绍

tigeress viper cranemonkeymantis 虎妞 小蛇 鹤儿 皮猴 螳郞 the furious five


and the furious five

- 这就是盛怒五杰

warriors prepare

- 战士们 准备

Nono pick it a hole


The thousands tons of fire~


Wow~kook at there! Hey~get away!

哇噢 看看那个

嗨 别档着我!

And finally!master tigeress~

最后出场的是 虎妞大师

Believe me!citizens! you’ve not seen anything yet~ 相信我 居民们 你们将大开眼界

I know!


Tigeress play on! And her plays of gests~

虎妞上场 为您表演 空手入白刃

I sense the dragon warrior is among us.


Citizens of the valley of the peace!


Master wugui will now choose the dragon warrior! 乌龟大师现在要甄选"龙战士"了


什么? 不不 等等


Po!what are you doing!

肥波 你在干什么?

What’s it like we are doing?


Stopstop! I’ll go to see the dragon warrior!

别动 我要去看"龙战士"

Podon’t you understand? You finally had the noodle dream! 我怎么没听明白


I lied…I don’t dream about noodlesdad


我压根没梦见过面条 老爸

I love kungfu!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~


Oh come on son~let’s get back to work!

算了吧 儿子




Oh…what was going on…


Where are…


What are you pointing..oh…ok…sorry…I just want to see who the dragon warrior was 你指什么啊?

哦 对啊 对不起


How interesting it is…


Masterare you pointing at me?

大师 您是指我吗?


- 是他


- 谁?


- 你


- 我?

The universe has brought us the dragon warror~


What? What? ……


Stop!wait!who called you to…

停下来 等等 谁让你们...

Master wugui wait…

乌龟大师 等等

That clumsy panda cannot possibly be the answer to our problem..


You’re about to point out tegeress…that thing thrown in front of her..




That was just an accident..


There are no accidents.


Forgive us…master we have failed you…

请您原谅 师傅 我们让您失望了

No…if the panda has not quit by morning then I will failed you…

不 要是明天那熊猫还没打退堂鼓



Wait wait…there have been a message from master shifu.

等等 等等我是信使

我是信使 从师傅大师那儿来

What?double the guard and set precautions?


守卫加倍?! 特别小心?!

Your prison may not be adequate?


You doubt my prison security?


Absolutely not


Shifu does… I’m just the messager

师傅这么说 我就是个传话的

Oh..give a message for your master shifu…escape from the prison is impossible 那么请你代我传个话给师傅


Impressiveisn’t it?


It’s very impressive..very impressive

是 是 叹为观止


One way in.one way out

进道出路 只有一条

One thousand guards and one prisoner

千名守卫 只为一囚

Yes..except that prisoner is tailing…

没错 只是那个囚徒是...


Take us down..


My god…


Be held .tailang

看看 这就是太郎

I’ll…en…I’ll still wait here…


It doesn’t to worry about… it’s perfectly safe…

哈哈 没什么好担心的 万无一失

Have the array.

- 弓箭准备

Tough guy did you hear…wugui did finally find someone to give the scroll - 这是要干吗?

嗨 牛人 你听说了吗?


And it’s not won’be you.


What are you doning? You’ll get him mad!

- 你在干什么?别把他惹恼了

What’s he gonna to do about it? I’ve got him completetly immobilized - 他又能怎么着 我已经把他捆结实了

Oh…did I stamp your witty tail?

哦 一不小心踩到你那小巧玲珑的尾巴了

I’ve seen enough

我服了 我看的够多了

I’ll tell shifu it doesn’t worry aboutNo he doesn’t…


- 那是当然

Ok I’ll tell him..can I please go now?

- 对 我就这么说



Wait a second…

啊哦 慢点好吗?

think this has been a slight mistake…


Everyone thinks I’m …


The sacred hall of warriors…

"龙战士"的神秘大厅 不会吧

Look at this place…


Master fly’s armor… With sinks of battle damage…

飞翔大师的铠甲! 一点损伤都没有啊!

Wow..The sword of hero’s

It’s said to be so sharp that you can cut yourself just by looking… 英雄之刀!

据说吹毛断发 看看都会受伤

The invisible dragon..of destiny


I’ve only seen painting of that painting…



The legendary vase of warrior’s


It’s said…it contains the entire potential army




Have you finished sightseeing…

- 你们好

- 你观光完毕了吗?

Sorry…I should come to see you first…

My patience …

- 对不起 我该第一个来看你

- 我的耐心有限

Oh well… mean it’s none like you going anywhere

- 不过 看起来你也没法去哪儿

Would you turn around?

- 你能转过身来吗?

Sure…hey how’s… how …get you find…master chifu


嗨 这样怎么样


Someone broke that…but I’m going to fix it up…

Do you …have some glue…


但我会给补好的 你有没有...



So you’re the legendary dragon warrior~


I guess so~

嗯 我想是吧

Wrong! You are not the dragon warrior!you’ll never be the dragon warrior! 错! 你不是那个"龙战士"

Until you have learnt the secret of the dragon scroll.



So..how is this you?


Do you have a ladder trampoline…


You think is that easy…


I’m going to just hand you the secret to this limitless power?!


No…I …

- 不 我...

One must first master the highest level of kunfu and that is clearly impossible if that one is someone like you.

- 一个人必须先达到功夫的化境


Someone like me?

- 像我这样的?

Yes! Look at you! This fat prat

What Sensitive in the fatty parts…

And this ridiculous valley! And outer! Disregard for personal hygine…

- 是的

看看你 这肥屁股 粗胳臂

啊 这些赘肉可都娇贵的很呢


还有 一点儿也不讲卫生

Wait a minute…that’s a long count for…

嘿 积点口德 这么说可有点不耐听

Don’t stand that close I can smell your breath…

别站这么近 口臭都出来了

Wugui said that I was…the…

听着 乌龟大师说我是....

The Wushi finger hold? Finger hold?

啊 巫师指


Oh…you know this hold…

哦 你知道这个指法

Developed by master wushi in the third dynasty yes!

第三王朝时 巫师大师发明的 当然

Oh~then You must know what happens when I flex my pinky

那你一定知道 一旦放下小指会发生什么了


不 不要

You know the hardest part of this?


The hardest part is cleaning the passed bloods..

最难办之处 就是善后 呵呵

Ok…ok take it easy…

好吧 好吧 表激动

Nono …listen Panda wugui may have picked you…

那仔细听着 熊猫


But when I threw with you I promise you are going to wish he hadn’t! are we clear? 可当我找上你 你会希望 他选的不是你!


清楚了 清楚了 太清楚了

Yeh…we clear clearwe’re so clear!

很好 呵呵

Good…I can’t wait to get start~

我都按耐不住 就等着开始了

Let’s begin!



等等 什么?

Now ?


- 现在?

- 是的 现在!

Unless you think great wugui was wrong…and you’re not the dragon warrior~ 除非你认为了不起的乌龟错了


Ok…well I think I can’t do all …those …moves…en…

好吧 我不知道我能不能...

