
Yesterday, today and tomorrow

Human’s life for three days, ”yesterday, today and tomorrow” Yesterday have been past, it won’t be back again. Just like the song named <yesterday once more> tells us the memories are so sweet, but they have gone with the wind. As the time passing by, we grow up and not a kid any longer. We should say goodbye to our childhood and face our lives. It’s just like we could play with others the whole day when we were young, because our parents would do everything for us, but now, the parents are getting older and older, we should do everything by ourselves.

We should be realistic, yesterday have already gone, the only thing we can do is to live a good day today, do everything we must do today. If you have a “we can do the things tomorrow” attitude, you will be regretted tomorrow, because you’ll never know what things else will happen to us tomorrow and you’ll never finish the things we should do yesterday. As everybody says “today is the foundation of tomorrow, what if you can not take good use of today, how can you guarantee that there is a brilliant tomorrow for you ?”

Yesterday we can never find it, tomorrow we can never meet. Only "today" is the time we can catch it in our hands. Today becomes yesterday, so we are supposed to cherish every "today" and not to make them lost in the air with our regret complains. "Tomorrow" is unknown to us, so smile to every "tomorrow". One thing we should keep it in our hearts:

Tomorrow is coming and yesterday has gone, so we need not to pray or be regretful to them, time is money, value every minute and don't waste time







每一个人都有着自己心里那个最接近天堂的地方,而那个地方其实就是明天,有了明天一切就都有了,既然如此何必又在为一些事情的发生而不知所措,everything is gonna be fine.至少我相信这句话。希望每一个人都能珍惜所谓的三天,昨天,今天,明天。人生的苦短就在于此,如果不努力这三天将会成为最后的三天,这三天只能留给你的是后悔还有自责。