







最后,我祝在座的爷爷奶奶们身体健康,福如东海;叔叔阿姨们工作顺利,家庭幸福! 祝同学们学习进步,快乐成长!






Good morning, Ladies and Gentlemen: I’m Julia/Joana from Mary’s /Kim’s class. It’s a great honor to be here to make this speech. I appreciate that Inner Mongolia Normal University has given us the opportunity to study here. Thank all the leaders and all the teachers for giving us this chance. I want to salute to all the North America Teachers on behalf of all the trainees—Miss Barbara,Miss Mary,Miss Kim,Miss Terry,Mr JD and Mr Jason. Thank you all for

teaching us so well, you set a good example for us to learn, and also we salute the leaders and teachers who contributed to this Summer

Program. You did a lot of work for us, we benefited a lot from this training, not only the knowledge but also the spirit. This training is a strong spiritual feast for all of us trainees.We cherish this opportunity very much , please accept our highest respects to all of you.

I had lots of fun from this training. What’s more, I have learned many different kinds of teaching skills and techniques. All the North America teachers left us a deeply positive impression because of their hardwork and enthusiasm.

From this training,I have recognized many good friends. We ate 1

together and we chatted with each other in the dormitory. I’m so glad that I can know all of you. We sang songs, just like Make new friends, Love in any language,we watch movies, and I like Akeela and the bee best,because the girl Akeela encouraged us a lot, she moved us deeply. I have also opened my eyes to America. I have learned about Christmas Day, Dating, courtship and marriage and cultural differences between China and Western countries. We went for 1-to1’s talks,The folk dancing and we got some candies and souvenirs from our dear teachers.We performed the Geography of Inner Mongolia ,Chinese wedding The Mid-autumn Day the Spring Festival and Chinese folk dancing. Some students were so funny that we couldn’t stop laughing. We have brainstormed the words about food and animals. We also played all kinds of games. Everyone likes playing games. I think all the experiences in this training are so important for my teaching in the future. I can apply them to my teaching. And I am sure that my students will like them.

Thank all of our North America teachers again sincerely for spending a special summer vacation with all of us. We’ll cherish this sweet memory forever. Thank all the teachers, especially Miss Zhu who was together with us all the time. There’s more I could say, but I will just say: Thank you very much. Wish all of the North America teachers have a good journey home, may you health and happiness forever! Wish all the leaders and teachers enjoy your lives forever! Thank you!



我是来自中学英语5班的Julia,这位是来自3班的Joanna。能够在这里发言我感到非常的荣幸。非常感谢内蒙古师范大学为我们提供这次学习的机会。感谢各位领导和老师给我这次发言的机会。我想在这里代表所有学员向来自北美的所有老师们—— Barbara女士,Mary女士,Kim女士,Terry女士,以及JD先生和Jason先生致敬!感谢你们大家的辛勤付出,你们为我们树立了良好的学习榜样;我们还要向为此次暑期培训付出了辛勤汗水的各位领导以及老师们致敬!你们为我们做了大量的工作。从此次培训中我们获益良多,不仅仅学到了知识而且也传承了你们的精神。此次培训对我们所有的学员来说是一场精神盛宴.我们非常珍惜这次机会,请接受我们对全体领导和教师们至高无上的敬意!


我们还学会了唱像make new friends,love in any language这样的歌曲,我们看电影,我最喜欢Akeela and the bee这部影片,因为Akeela这个小姑娘给了我们很大的鼓舞,她使我们非常感动。我也开拓了我的视野,对美国更加的了解。我们学习了关于美国的圣诞节,约会、求婚以及结婚典礼,还有中西方文化差异等。每天下午我们还进行了1对1的谈话,头脑风暴了关于食物和动物的单词。我 3

们也向北美教师们展示了内蒙的地理概况,中国的婚礼,中秋节,春节以及中国民间舞蹈。我们还做了与英语教学有关的各种各样的游戏,我们每个人都喜欢做游戏。一些同学的动作如此的滑稽使我们大家捧腹大笑。我认为这次培训中的所有经历会对我未来的教学起到非常重要的作用。我会把他们运用到我的教学过程中。我确信我的学生们会喜欢他们。 再次真诚地感谢所有的北美老师们与我们共同度过了一个如此特殊的暑假。我们将会永远珍藏这段美好的回忆。感谢在培训期间一直陪伴我们的所有的师大领导和老师们,千言万语汇成一句话:感谢你们!





