

Good morning everyone. I am so honor to be here to make the speech. Today, my topic is a word called “phubbing”.

Do you know the “phubbing” ?what?s the “phubbing”?And where is it from? OK, let me tell you what the phubbing is. When people in the bus, eating, walking, and even a date, People is in favor of their smart phone.This is “phubbing”

In our daily life, Friends party, family dinners, dating or collective outing, everyoneconcentrates on playing smart phone.For most people, the smart phone is one of the important tools they start and end the day.This phenomenon is called “phubbing”

“phubbing” it is a new word.As you can probably guess, phubbing is a blend of phoneand snubbing. The term was coined by a 23-year-old Melbourneresident Alex Hague. Apparently, he got fed up with how people are always checking Facebook or Twitter(twiter) on their phones when they are supposed to be interacting with someone face to face. He wanted to put an end to this social phenomenon,therefore he came up with this catchy term. When the family meets the phone,what will happen ?It will make us neglect ourfamily , Gradually, it will cause thegap between us, and we will quarrel even our family will be broken. Maybe things is not as serious as imagined, but everything is possible.Look,Even if thePresident barack Obama could notavoid the “phubbing ”storm. When crossing the street, all the people concentrate on smart phone, it?s easy to cause traffic accidents.

stopphubbing and life will be more valuable. Always said “the furthest distance in the world is not between life and death but when I stand in front of you yet you don?t know that I love you” .now I think it needs to change·····

I think this is not only a job, but also a need to be pay attention to social problem. Put down the phone and back to the crowd. pick up the real affection, love and friendship. Stop phubbing we will have bright future.




马云,阿里巴巴的创始人、CEO,中国雅虎董事局主席,同时也是软银、华谊兄弟等几家大型公司的董事。19xx年创办阿里巴巴网站,目前已发展为全球最大的B2B电子商务平台,(B2B就是Business To Business即企业和企业之间的营销关系),阿里巴巴集团旗下的淘宝网目前已成亚洲最大个人交易网站。下面我简单介绍下社会对他的评价,20xx年成为第一个登上《福布斯》封面的中国企业家,20xx年,荣获CCTV十大年度经济人物奖,20xx年马云获选美国《商业周刊》评出的25位互联网业最具影响力的人物,他也是唯一上榜的中国企业家。他的成就得到社会各界的广泛好评,哈佛大学两次将他和阿里巴巴经营管理的实践收录为MBA案例。


二、就是坚持 我开场说的那句话就充分反映了马云的毅力,没有坚持,他和他的团队恐怕早就被扼杀在创业初始阶段了。第三、学习,一个人厉害并不可怕,可怕的是他每时每刻都在学习,马云和他的团队做到了,就这样不断学习,学对手的成功与失败,打败了一个又一个对手。


