




此时此刻,我的心情有些激动,今天的活动是上海校成立以来第一次在校外场地举办。 今天上午,就在这个场地我们刚刚举办过小托福颁奖典礼,有88位小朋友进入到全国的前三名,这次小托福考试一共有177名学生参加,通过率是99.5%,全国前三名占50%,这是一个值得欣喜与庆贺的成绩,看到孩子们站上了这个舞台荣耀的那一刻,我相信在场的每一个人都受到了鼓舞。勇于接受挑战,闪耀光荣时刻。我们希望孩子们不仅学到英语,更能通过精心策划的多元化活动与比赛增加自信力与领导力。


回想起三月至四月份的卡拉OK 比赛、六月至八月份的说故事比赛、九月份的中秋达人秀到十月份的万圣节活动等等,每一次活动都留下了精彩的记忆与感人的画面。我还记得卡拉OK比赛上,TONY与爸爸一起拉小提琴的场面;我还记得说故事比赛决赛中,NICOLA外公在台上那感人的话语;我也记得每次活动DINGDING都有会参加,这次圣诞节活动节目海选DINGDING也有参加,看到他能够勇敢的走上舞台,能够自信的表演,那一刻我和爸爸妈妈一样真的有说不出的喜悦与感动,这样的故事还有很多很多。









hello,everyone.My name is Zhou Lin.Today my topic is about Christmas.I wish you will love it.Now,let's start.播放PPT和音乐。

Fisrt,I think we should know when is Christmas day.Yeah,it's December twenty-fifth.

And why choose this day?We need to know the feast of Christmas.It's a Christian holiday that celebrates the birth of Jesus Christ. Today,it has become a national holiday which can be compared with the New Year.It is similar to the Spring Festival in China.

How to celebrate it?Let me introduce you the customs and traditional activites in the following time.The night of December twenty-forth is called Christmas Eve.On Christmas,people don't go to work and children don't go to school.Before the day comes,people must prepare for Christmas trees,Christmas lights,Christmas cards.On Christmas eve, we know an traditional activity called carolling.They sing many Christmas carols .Before go to sleep,the children hang a stocking at the end of their beds for Santa's presents.And they often wake up early in the Christmas day to check the presents.Then the family will have a big Christmas dinner.

In the Western, each family need to prepare a Christmas tree to enhance the festive atmosphere. Christmas tree is generally made with evergreen such as cypress It is a symbol of life forever. Christmas tree often decorated with a variety of candles, flowers, toys, stars and all kinds of Christmas gifts. On Christmas Eve, people around the Christmas tree are singing and dancing.

On Christmas Eve, Christmas caroling has become an indispensable program. The team is made up of about twenty young people, plus a little girl who dressed as an angel and a Santa Claus.When they went to a family,they will sing some familiar Christmas carols like "Silent Night", "Jingle Bells" and so on,The songs mostly is about the birth of Jesus.Then all of people prayed together and Santa Claus will deliver the Christmas gifts.The activity continue until about four o'clock the next morning.

Although everyone enjoys Christmas Day,it is particularly enjoyed by children,who get very excited because of the presents. It is said that there was a kind old man whose name was Saint Nicholas. He often helped the poor and gave presents to them. Today, Santa Claus is an imaginary figure, but nearly all children believe in him. They think he is a happy old man with a long white beard and a long red robe.Another name for Santa Claus is Father Christmas.

People always wake up early. in the Christmas morning Some people may go to a Christmas morning church service .But most people will just watch the special Christmas programmes TV or play party games but the mothers will be in the kitchen preparing Christmas Dinner.

Everyone enjoy it,because Christmas dinner is the main meal of the day, some families arrange it at lunch, and some families arrange it at dinner.Major food for the Christmas meal is turkey or roast goose, puddings and a variety of cookies such as the golden butter cookies, fruit cookies and so on. The custom of eating turkey is popular in the Unite States from 1620 And British Christmas dinner is roast goose.

And now,we know how to celebrate the Christmas Day in the western.At last,I hope everyone have a good time in the Christmas of this year.And this presentation can give you some information that you need.Thank you for your attention.
