
探寻历史 映照未来



《华尔街》是中国第一部真正意义上的金融纪录片,这部影片云集了国内外金融界知名学者、专家、政府高管及企业界精英参与拍摄。影片中以华尔街为代表的资本市场,是现代市场经济体系的核心架构。它的一举一动、一起一落,都对这一体系中各个国家的经济发展和每一个人的生活发生重要的影响。因此,研究和了解它的特点和规律,就成为试图掌握自己命运的人们必做的功课。华尔街和世界金融史是复杂的,也是多面的,这部片子从中选取的内容是对中国有直接借鉴的部分,其用意是为塑造健康、完善的中国证券市场这一崇高而庄重的任务。正如该片的制片人许文广所 1


在身边的媒体中不难找到对华尔街的各种描述:华尔街,推动世界经济前进的引擎;华尔街,把世界经济推向深渊的元凶;华尔街,催生亿万富翁的名利场;华尔街,摧毁财富梦想的伤心地;华尔街,自由、公开的博弈舞台;华尔街,阴谋、险恶的人性阴沟……随着经济表现的起伏,华尔街的形象也在不断经历着过山车般跳跃,恰如“任人打扮的小姑娘” 。

华尔街是一个极为复杂的机体,要把它看清楚和说明白,并不是一件容易的事情。从好的方面说,资本市场对资本这一关键性的资源在世界范围内的有效配置起了决定性的作用,推动了两百年来全球经济的迅速发展,这是任何人都无法否定的。从坏的方面说,“投机是万恶之源”的论断,切中了华尔街的要害。现实的做法,只能是像亚当﹒ 斯密所主张的那样,一方面发挥市场经济这只“看不见的手”的作用,引导追求自利的人们去增进他人的福利,另一方面努力提高人们的道德情操,自觉地为社会服务。 但是,人性的两重性和资本市场的两重性是永恒存在的,资本市场的问题也不可能一劳永逸地解决。旧的问题解决了,新的问题还会 2







Film Review of Wall Street

Wall Street is kind of commercial war film. Bud Fox, a share broker graduated from New York University and repaid student loan recently, lived a poor life and couldn’t make ends meet although worked hard with the ideal, struggling at the bottom of Wall Street. By chance, he was close to the big shot---Gordon Gekko,changing his life. Bard started to fish information through his father, classmates, colleagues, and every possible opportunity, providing the information for Gekko to the insider trading stocks. So, money, luxury, beauty and everything began pouring in. In the process of acquiring Blue Star Airline where Bard's father worked, greedy Gekko used Bud and went back on his word, trying to disincorporate and sell the company, which conflicted with Bud who has justice and conscience. So Bud defeated against Gekko in order to saving Blue Star Airlines, but also put into prison because engaged in illegal insider trading of shares.

Napoleon once said, the man's career is based on the battlefield and women’s chest. There are no wars in the peace times, and you cannot ride horseback strikes bravely to fighting the enemy. But in the stock market and the financial markets, you can find such a fighting feeling. Through computers, networks and terminals, you can become a general in an invisible battle. This is a zero-sum game, somebody earn pours while some people must go bankrupt.

Wall Street, the conflicts exist among greedy, money and humanity, however, in fact, this conflict also fills in our life. Perhaps you work like a dog, filled with ambition and ideals, but still struggle to survive on the edge with no fixed place to live, striving for three meals a day and can’t see any hope in the future. On the contrary, there is still someone not as good as you, which able to be in high positions and enjoy luxurious life. In this time, would you shatter your life beliefs and principles of life survive? Like the movie cover Gekko taught Bud with the words”lives to work? I bet you must stay up all night to analyze those rotten stocks that you want me to buy, right? But what benefits you can get from that? My father worked so hard every day by selling electronic instrument, but died of the heart attack when he was 49 years old, left a bunch of taxes to paid. ”When we still young, we want to be an honest person. But in the face of cruel reality, we choose the road like the others choose, even more black and more greedy than others.

Confrontation between human greedy desire and the moral law has never stopped. Greed is the devil, is a scourge, will devour our souls, tear our hearts. But we must also maintain the necessary greed for knowledge and life, which is our impetus to moving forward.

