
When I was small I used to have such a dream: I am a person riding a Pijun Ma Cycling in the blue sky, the gently on the grass, not far away, there will be several yurts, the shepherd of the sheep in a group of cute inside

A non-stop shuttle, hard-working women in Mongolia next to cows kept Ji Niunai, around sunset sky was Hongxia with a Hong Tongtong, the blue sky and white clouds have become the embodiment of happiness, on the Prairie All became as beautiful. In the hope that the vast prairie, I would like to become a horse, it will always run in the top and I would like to become a sheep, in the depths of grassland to provide comfort for the shepherd, I would like to become a grass, For the original lush grasslands to add new Yima Green; In fact, I am more willing to become a teacher, will impart scientific knowledge to every corner of the motherland, to become a veterinarian on the grassland of all the people are suffering from the disease.

Reading the "Heijun Ma," and I have living on the grassland of a new understanding. On the grassland of life is not as satisfactory as we had imagined, the harsh living conditions there so that the same people full of bitterness, the elderly died of Health are also always filled with people's lives, men and women of unfair treatment of girls is Mongolia The sorrow of life??

I do not want too much to describe the contents of the article, this is a complete works of any description will make it seem pale and insipid, tasteless, the author, the reader is an invisible injury, only to appreciate their intentions will be Learn the secrets of these.

People often say "love" is the theme of eternal unchanged. This novel from the background we now have a very long life, I can not personally

experience it the kind of experience, only love can cause everyone's sympathy. White-Suomi Ya-power grid and the love is not how grand and spectacular, and certainly not how Chanmianfeice, but in peacetime life in the past unwittingly reveal, is so natural, without any modification, Pingping Faintly, as if their love is a beautiful Mongolian grasslands bring out the same. However, this is because of love a child and was hurled to the crush. Is love is is a porcelain? ? It Jingbu Zhu any of the wind and rain, a slightly careless, all the Haishishanmeng lost in the twinkling of an eye, everything becomes less important.

The grassland on the kind of unfair treatment, I am really very angry, why girls in the Mongolian steppe on both suffered what kind of treatment have been taken for granted ? Or even being raped and her child were also the most pro-grandmother that "Buddha and animal husbandry on the matter do not mind people, women on the grasslands are so generations to come, Suomi Ya know born to be a good thing." They Are For women without the

least respect for it ? So they can calm even the acceptance of all this is not fair, there is no resistance, I hope that in the end of the novel can be referred to as Suomi Ya courageous resistance to this unfair, but not, the women on the grasslands of Mongolia They still suffer in

silence?? read "Heijun Ma," I have a text has done, but the intention is not only a feeling, feel that what should happen again, perhaps used to look at the outcome of the lovers married bar, The tragedy of this love some are not suited.

Gradually I discovered that I have been in love with Mongolia's vast desert, wild love with it the need for any modification of the music, I know that perhaps in my lifetime I can personally to feel the beauty and vast grasslands, But in my heart that I will be lovely for the Mongolian grasslands left side of Pure Land.《黑骏马》读后感




人们常说“爱情”是永恒不变的主题。这篇小说的背景离我们现在的生活已经很远了,我不能亲身体验它的那种经历,惟有爱情才可以引起大家的共鸣。白音宝力格和索米娅的爱情并不是多么轰轰烈烈,更不是多么缠绵悱恻,而是在平时的生活中所不知不觉地流露出来的,是如此的自然,不加任何修饰的,平平淡淡的,仿佛他们的爱情是美丽的蒙古草原孕育出来的一样。然而这样的爱情却因为一个孩子而被摔的粉碎。难道爱情是是一件瓷器吗?它经不住任何的风吹雨打,稍微一个不小心,所有的海誓山盟都在刹那间化为乌有,一切都变得不那么重要了。 对于草原上的那种不公平待遇,我真的感到十分的愤怒,为什么女孩子在蒙古草原上无论遭受什么样的待遇都被视为理所当然?甚至是被强奸而生子也被她最亲的奶奶认为是“佛爷和牧人们对此事并不介意,草原上的女人世世代代都如此,知道索米娅能生养是件好事。”他们难道对于女人没有最起码的尊重吗?他


