



今天很荣幸能够站在这里参加此次活动。环保,可谓是老生常谈的话题。 但是却历久弥新。不同时代、不同地域、不同的人种,对环保都有自己的理解和行动。在我的家乡,环保也为人们所津津乐道。







Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen!

It’s an honor to be invited to speak here.

Environmental protection is not only a timeless but also commonplace subject. Different man has his own understanding and action on environmental protection at different times and regions . In my hometown, People also talked about environmental protection frequently.

Today ,I ‘m very honored for the first time to participate in the global event on environmental in a foreign country.

I don’t think the environmental protection is only a slogan to be talked but a matter of fact that should be practiced in daily life. Chongqing Vocational College of Media, the promotional host of this competition, sets a good example from the concept to actions by itself. Here, I also hope I can learn from the stuff of the college, from their own small action from his daily life, to practice the concept of environmental protection from each piece of trifles in daily use, and to live a life of energy saving, low carbon, and full of green. It’s known to all, with the industrial economic development, carbon emission is a more and more serious problem. The earth is suffering from the crisis of unprecedented layer which bring out the climate problems. More importantly, these kinds of problems begin to make some significant influences on the living condition and health of human beings. In front of the severe environmental problems, we would better prevent pollution before its happening than curb it after pollution.

A better quality of life, a better living condition is what we fighting for. Our environmental protectors will do everything we could to pursue this goal.

With more and more people realized the importance of environmental protection; governments around the world have established environmental protection measures; our living condition has also undergone a great change. The air we breathing is no longer turbid; the sky we looking at is not gray any more; the road we walking on is no longer a dust-floated one. Today, when we open the door, there are fresh grass, blue sky and white clouds. The river is also getting cleaner. Our life eventually back to a healthy and comfortable from the darkness of pollutions. I hope that the winners of today’s competition can expand the influence of environmental protection by themselves. Thus, cities we lived in can be more beautiful and cleaner.

Finally, I sincerely congratulate all the contestants and the competition a complete success!

Thank you all !



此次活动今年在重庆第一次设立赛区,是基于重庆过去几年在环保、创模等方面所取得的显著成绩,为了扩大环保宣传的力度和提升重庆的城市品质,此次活动得到了社会各界的广泛支持。参赛单位有:重庆师范大学、重庆第二师范学院、重庆师范大学涉外商贸学院、 重庆商务职业学院、重庆青年职业技术学院、重庆财经职业学院、重庆教育管理学校等众多高校。同时,此次活动也得到了平面媒体、网络媒体的极大关注。如:人民日报、新华社、网易、搜狐、新浪、中央人民广播电台、中国网新闻中心等诸多媒体也对本次活动给予了极大的关注,争相报道。

活动于20xx年 11月 3日在重庆传媒职业学院隆重启动,从海选到复赛(11月24日)直至今天的决赛,所有传媒人都行动起来,开展了丰富多样的环保宣传活动,以班级为单位开展的诸如环保演讲、辩论、摄影等特色活动,既丰富了学生们的校园生活,又极大的提高了学生的环保意识,从自己做起,从身边的小事做起,为环保大业献计献策。


海选从十几个高校里面筛选出了27名优秀的选手晋级复赛,通过激烈的角逐,11名选手脱颖而出,他们就是今天参加决赛的各位准大使们。在此也预祝他们能取得良好的成绩。另一方面,我们的环保征文活动正如火如荼的进行。迄今为止,作为承办方的传媒学院已有1000余篇环保稿件,同时,其他参赛单位也不甘落后,仅是环保征文一项,参与人次就突破了2000。正是因为比赛内容的双向运行,所以此次比赛的奖项设置也异于往常。在今天的比赛中,除了冠、亚、季军以外,我们还将揭晓以下奖项:最佳人气奖、最具潜力奖、最佳形象奖、最佳才艺奖 、环保征文荣誉奖以及最佳组织奖等。



Good morning ,ladies and gentlemen. I' m a young English teacher from Sha He Primary School. My name is Liu Fang. It is my greatest honor to be here making a speech .Today I would like to share some English teaching experience with you .

Working as an English teacher, maybe there is nothing special in our life,But we have a belief deep within, that is ---we must protect children's self-confidence and cultivate their interests.

In class, I use a serious of teaching method. Learning English should be fun and exciting and must not be boring or with a sense of failure.After becoming an English teacher, I do whatever I can to make my class lively and instructive.

In recent years,the value of English songs in motivating students to learn English and enhancing their involvement is widely acknowledged. In my classes,I have adopted richly meaningful English songs, which take up the whole class period instead of only being used as warming-up activities games and so on. Now English songs are seen as a unique teaching tool, vital in communication language teaching, providing rich and varied resources. They can be used not only

for purposeful language practice, but also to motivate students to learn English and enhance their involvement in English foreign language learning. So I often prepare songs for class,and that should be simple and rhythmed. For example, I often use the melody of <Two Tigers>, <Little Star>,<If you are happy>,<Apple Tree> ,adapt them ,


Secondly, I often compile some chants for students,

"chant" is a type of rhyming writing whose contents are simple and easy to read and recite. With the strong-rhythm music, chant is spoken and sung out, which makes people deeply impressed. When I teach

来是come去是 go, 点头Yes,摇头NO。 clean 干净 dirty脏 深是deep 浅 shallow。 big 大 small小, 快 f ast 慢 slow, heavy 重 light轻 山高high 低 low young年轻 old老 旧是old ,新是

new hot 热 cold冷 丑 ugly 美 beautiful long 是长,高是 tall front 前 behind后 short 矮又

短, thin是薄又瘦 safe 安全 dangerous险 fat 胖 thick厚 up 向上 down向下 旧的old 新的 new left 、 right左和右

Thirdly, role play is a common but effective method in our classes, role play is not only tally with students' psychological and linguistic features, but also optimize the process of teaching, it makes abstract language learning become lively and interesting performance, which increased their interests and inspire their confidence.

For example, when I teach Oxford English 4a Unit7 It's late, students are all like to act Mike's Grandma,

An English teacher can also help students learn and understand more about a very different culture. In addition, if knowledge is a bridge to success, then an English teacher must be a bridge for students to learn a foreign language, a bridge to aid students’ communication with foreigners, abridge to share our Chinese culture with others.

I will try my best to be an excellent English teacher ! Thank you very much for your attention!