飘 观后感 英文版

A great woman in Gone with the wind

专业:工商管理 姓名:袁莲霞 学号:1200701120 成绩 "Gone with the wind" is a love story which background of the social reality in the American civil war. The story happens in Atlanta and a nearby plantation .It describes the people's life before and after the civil war in United States and a few love entanglement of youth .Scarlett is the main line in the film.

After watching the film, a lot of people may hate the heroine because of her self-will, hypocrisy, greed, selfishness, behavior to marry sister’s boyfriend, ignorance of Rhett’s love. But as for me, her self-confidence, tough , brave, perseverance to revitalize possessions let me admire wholeheartedly. The film gives me a lot of inspirations and ideas that mainly divided into the following several aspects: Scarlett is really a stubborn woman. she is confused by love in her most life and do a lot of mistakes. At last, she finds that Ashley she has been loved didn't love her and also don’t as good as her thought. Precisely, because of her mistakes, she lost her real love beside her. In fact, we can’t avoid to making the same mistakes in the face of love .We always require others should to be perfect but actually ourselves can’t do as we supposed to be in most situations. We claim to pursuit what we call love, but repeatedly ignore those around us again and again. We also often think

that what we can’t get is the best. Until the real lost, we just know to cherish. Everyone is similar. We have no reason to ask Scarlett to do more.

Scarlett has a strong sense of responsibility. In the war, she never leaves Melanie and helps her at the risk of losing her lives. She also shows great courage when Melanie gives birth to a baby. In the face of destroyed home and her mother’s death, Scarlett uncharacteristically shoulders the troubles of her family and friends. The manor has been a part of her life. In order to get funds to pay the taxes on and save her family's beloved home,she sacrifice her happiness and marries her sister's beau. She put the farm as a life struggle target, as her emotional sustenance. Her strong and responsibility consciousness is worthwhile for us to learn. Scarlett is an optimistic person. When the war happens, she does not give up. When Tara is burned, mother died and father goes mad, she does not give up. When daughter died, Rhett leaves her, she does not give up. “Left to go to tomorrow, anyway, tomorrow is another day.” She is optimistic and strong. If these things happened to us, how many people can do so. Scarlett always is full of hope, never give up, never despair. The spirit needs us to study. So, whenever I meet with difficulties, I will think of this sentence and never give up my dream. We can rest, but we should never give up.

When it comes to friendship, the friendship between Scarlett and Melanie is still let me envy. Scarlett not only hates Melanie but also love her while Melanie trust Scarlett's from start to end. When Melanie dies, Scarlett’s tears show their friendships have beyond everything. In one's life, who can live without friends? Real friend is one of life's most precious things. Treat our friends sincerely and you will get sincerely.








斯佳丽就像一个小孩子一样,对自己想要的东西异常执着,而对自己所拥有的东西却不屑一顾.斯佳丽认为自己爱的是阿希礼,可是阿希礼却不爱她,就像白瑞特说的那样,阿希礼是个君子,只是生在了一个和他格格不入的时代.他还是用旧世界的游戏规则生活,只会撞得一鼻子灰.可是斯佳丽却不明白,越是得不到,难以实现的,就越追求不舍.可是,到最后才发现,她最爱的人一直就在自己身边却不曾意识到,等到明白时,却为时已晚.但斯佳丽就是斯佳丽,她没有绝望,她只是告诉自己:Tomorrow is another day!斯佳丽,始终就是这样一个充满生气,充满斗志的人.


很容易被书中的人物所感染,从中学到了不少东西.就像斯佳丽每次面对困难时的乐观,有时自己遇到不顺的时候,也会轻轻地对自己说一句:"Tomorrow is another day!"


一个憧憬并执着追求爱情的女人, 却不得不在生活的压力面前一次次的被叛自己的内心。

一个固执的、简直是执拗的女人, 也正因此而没有意识到自己的爱情。 一个被物质的困乏吓坏的女人, 在追求物质, 却无可指责, 因为这样的一个女人也是处心积虑的想要帮助自己爱的人, 却一直在小心翼翼的维护着这个男人的尊严。



“My life will go on."

这是一个完整的女人, 是一个有缺点的完整女人。 虽然只是一个作者的人物缩影, 不仅包含了作者自己的人生经历, 也有很多女人的身影在里面! 思佳丽的大半生又是为爱所迷惑的。因为迷惑而做了很多错事。知道最后她才发现,原来她一直钟爱的艾希礼并不爱她,也不曾象她所想的那般优秀。其实她爱的并不是艾希礼,而是自己内心的一个完美形象。艾希礼越是拒绝她,她心中的那个形象就越完善——这正应了中国的一句老话:得不到的就是最好的—— 而恰恰因为她错误的迷恋,才使她错了身边真正的幸福。这也给了我一个启示:人要学会明辨是非,不要让幸福从自己的指间溜走。
