



副充耳不闻、事不关己的样子,或者顾左右而言它,或者干脆不予理睬,把女儿悬在了沉默的半空中,使她受到了比来自话语更加深重的伤害。对这一点女儿有着切肤的体会:“我妈妈懂得怎样让人痛苦,这种痛苦比任何其他形式的痛苦都更加深重”。这位母亲能让“白色变成黑色,黑色变成白色”,让女儿经过精心调整、自以为满不错的新生活——包括新婚的丈夫、自己的女儿与新继父之间和谐的关系、丈夫送她的贵重礼物裘皮大衣、精心布置的家;一切的一切都变得一无是处、毫无价值可言。母亲利用沉默这把利剑把女儿戳得鲜血淋漓、体无完肤,而更可悲的是女儿从母亲身上继承来的那不可救药的心理情结(非要得到别人的肯定才能生活得心安理得)。一个非要不可,一个执意不给,这场不见硝烟的沉默战争使母亲和女儿都身心交瘁,伤痕累累,在双方感情上造成了本不该有的深深的伤害。一天,当女儿下定决心要去找母亲说个清楚时,她才在母亲睡熟的时候霍然发现,自己那强大的“敌人”原来不过是一个毫无攻击力,甚至是不堪一击的老妇人,这是多少年来她第一次发现母亲的真实面孔。经过一番母女间推心置腹的交谈。女儿终于认识到,“真的,我终于懂了,不是懂了她刚才所说的话,而是那些原本就是真实的事情。 我明白了自己一直是为何而战的:是为自己,一个被吓坏了的孩子,一个老早以前就逃到了一个自认为安全的地方躲起来的孩子。我躲在这看不见的掩体后边,心里很清楚对面藏着的是什么:是她从侧面可能发起的攻击、她的那些秘密武器,还有她那洞察我一切弱点的高超本领。然而,就在我把头伸出掩体,向外窥视的那一瞬间,我终于发现了那里的一切:那是一个用铁锅当盔甲,用毛衣针作利剑的老妇人,一个因久等女儿的邀请而不得,正在变得脾气暴躁的老妇人。”这是一段多么形象、生动的描述!







Analysis of the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter from the Cultural Perspective In "the Joy Luck Club"


The movie "the Joy Luck Club" tells us communication obstacles between Chinese mother and American daughter and their belief in eastern and Western values and the dispute of traditional culture and modern civilization. Communication barriers between the mother and the daughter reflects not only the gap between two generations, but also reflects a cultural difference. The mother on behalf of the gradual disappearance of the traditional culture, the daughter is the representative of the new

culture growing; mothers hold special national culture, they want to teach

some Chinese culture to the girls, but because the girls do not meet their expectations and disappointed. However, the daughters between the mothers about expectations and American reality, finally accepted the mainstream culture, and ridiculed and

rejected the non mainstream culture to their mother as the representative. In this series of conflicts, they continue to seek self and social status, and work hard

to inherit their cultural value. Mothers try to mediate their "the past of China type

" and "America contemporary", while the daughters try looking for autonomy and loyal to the balance between cultural heritage.


2.1 the contrast of individualism and collectivism


方面服从他们。但是在美国的文化里面,孩子是应该独立的,并且孤立挑战权威和传统。美国出生的女儿们在个人主义原则下接受教育 ,因此容易与她们深受中华文化影响的母亲发生冲突。

Individualism and collectivism is the important measure of cultural

change, providing a powerful interpretive framework for cultural similarities and differences between the person and the person .The influence of

coexistence of China traditional ideology and America contemporary cultural is equally strong. Anytime, mothers put forward expectations to daughters or discipline them, however, daughters are always reluctant opposition or resistance . "American manufacturing" daughter, attach great importance to personal freedom, in other words, individualism. This means that they have the ability without other interference, including the mother, to master their own destiny. Each person first choice should be seen as an individual, the next is a member of the collective. For them, the rights of the pursuit of individual freedom is legitimate, which cannot be deprived by any

people. In Chinese culture, a person is not his own but belongs to the family and society, filial piety is the most important. Their parents are authoritative, children must obey them in all respects. But in

the USA culture, children should be independent, and isolated to challenge authority and tradition. American born daughters educated in individualism principle, so are conflicted easily with their mothers by the influence of Chinese culture.


In Chinese family, close relatives are mutually dependent . According to the Confucius view, Chinese belong to their community, personal

interests belong to the interests of the collective. Therefore, family support is essential for individual, whether parents or children, can take the culture as "our culture” rather than "my culture “. In "the Joy Luck Club", the mother from the Chinese tradition, migrate from a social focus on collective to the individualistic society, and their roles are changed, previously represents authority, but now immigrants to the new society, they become unsure of themselves. their daughters are no longer the same as before, they

cannot use the same way in China -- the authority to educate their daughters.


The comparison of privacy and harmony


In USA, what people learn is to choose how to express the aspirations of their own, they are responsible for their own behavior independent and

bravely . Respects not only are regarded as a very positive state, should also be treated as human desire and satisfied requirements. But in China, the word “privacy” is representative of the very negative meaning, which implies the loneliness and unsocial.


For example, if a person does not have the ability of enough

self-control, he or she will simply seek his or her own interests while

ignoring or even damaging other people's interests. So paying too much

attention to personal interests also endanger the social harmony. In the culture of collectivism oriented , in order to get the necessary support, harmony is highly valued. Each person occupies a space when considered in the family or society, the place implies that the people should be how to

treat others to live in harmony with others, so everyone is concerned about the position and roles of their own. To some extent, Chinese think others want to get a harmonious interpersonal relationship is a kind valuable quality . In order to avoid conflict, people put their wishes to others to show respect and love, especially in the Chinese traditional culture, wife must obey her

husband. Chinese buried worth for the common interest, helping the

organization or other member is very necessary. Chinese encountered

difficulties and relyed on the collective strength to solve, in other words, the collectivism is characterized by the rigid frame, in cooperation with the

internal group and the external group people expect their relation in group to take care of them, in exchange, they believe they have absolute loyalty to the group.


从母女冲突中我们分析出导致母女冲突的主要原因是文化的专制。母女来自不同的文化,有着不同的价值观。母亲来自家长统治的社会,有着占统治地位文化。女儿重视个人主义,自由,平等和独立。两种文化的价值观是完全不同的,但是 ,如果她们承认这些不同,并且接受彼此的文化,而不是把自己的想法强加在彼此身上,那就不会有那么多的冲突了。不幸的是,每一方都把自己的文化当成是中心,母亲想要控制孩子,展现父母的权威,要求孩子服从自己,去做被要求的是;而女儿要求独立,自由,希望与妈妈平等。母女对待彼此的文化态度,导致严重的冲突,这些冲突折磨她们,到最后谁都无法再容忍了。打破沉默,开始需要和对方进行沟通了。很长时间的斗争之后,她们知道斗争的目的是要求更接近对方。当她们感受到这一点,文化中心开始解体,和谐的关系建立了。从冲突的原因,文化专制和母女间的专制的解体到和谐关系的建立我们得出一个结论:任何有文化专制的人都会在不同文化的沟通中引起冲突;所说的文化专制不存在,那只是人们的虚构和想象,多种文化可以共存,只有来自不同文化的人们理解尊重其他人的文化,好好交流,那才会有和谐的关系。

From the conflict between mother and daughter, we analyze the main causes of the conflict is the cultural despotism. Mother and daughter come from different cultures, and have different values. The mother from the patriarchal society, has

a dominant culture. The daughter emphasis on individualism, freedom, equality and independence. The two kind of cultural values are completely different, however, if

they admit that these are different, and accept each other's culture, rather than to impose its own views on each other body, it will not have so many conflicts. Unfortunately, each side has their own culture as the center, her mother tried to control the child

to show parental authority, asked the children to obey their own; and daughter required for independence, freedom and equality. Mother and daughter treat each other's cultural attitude, leading to serious conflict, and the conflict torture them, everyone are unable to tolerate. To break the silence, and each other need to start to communicate. After a long time struggle, they know the aim of struggle is more close to each other. When they felt this, cultural center began to disintegrate, harmonious relationship. From the causes of the conflict between mother and daughter, the disintegration of cultural despotism and tyranny to establish harmonious relations ,we draw a conclusion: any cultural tyranny would cause conflict in the communication of different

cultures; the cultural autocracy does not exist, it is just people's imagination and

fabrication, many cultures can coexist, only people from different cultures to understand and respect other people's culture communicate, which can create

harmonious relationship and enter the " joy and happiness"enventually.
