
The Understanding of Cleopatra

Cleopatra, which was a mysterious and legendary woman, has become a beautiful dream in people’s mind. She was the third daughter of Ptolemy XII and until she was nineteen, she could speak nine kinds of languages. She was also the last Egyptian pharaoh. When I knew her story, a sentence occurred my mind, which was “men conquer women by conquering the world, but women conquer the world by conquering men”. Her name was from her legend of love and life, and Dante and Shakespeare preferred to call her “an extraordinary sexy temptress.”

Before I learned the first chapter and watched the movie of Cleopatra, I thought Cleopatra was a bad woman. She was malicious, because she caused the war between Roma and Egypt and in order to get the king, she killed her brother. She was an evil though she was the most beautiful woman that I have heard of. But when I saw the movie of Cleopatra, I thought I was wrong. She made me have a new understanding about her, beautiful, wise, aspiring, and loyal.

There is no doubt that she was beautiful, as a woman. Maybe you said many women are beautiful and that is not curious. But no woman could fuse wisdom with beauty perfectly. Julius Caesar, a great man, one by the cult of the Roman empire and all the people of historical figures, to kneel in front of the woman -- Cleopatra. She was a queen who conquered Julius Caesar, Antony and Roman by her wisdom and beauty, so someone said “she was such a woman that can conquer a world”. In the view of my opinion, I thought a woman falls in love with the only man, but my idea was changed by her. She loved Caesar and Antony. When she married Caesar in Egypt, she encouraged Caesar to realize his aspiration-to be the king of Rome. After seven years, Caesar had had back to Rome. When she knew this news, she prepared to go to Rome with her son at once. She gave a wonderful show to everyone, wearing beautiful clothes made by gold. At that time, Antony loved her at first sight. But unfortunately, Caesar failed in the process of to be king and was killed, and Antony helped Cleopatra to return Egypt. During the next long time, Cleopatra waited for opportunities to revenge, until Antony came to Egypt. To be honest, I thought Antony loved Cleopatra deeper than Caesar. In order to stick with Cleopatra, Antony would rather give up his power, position, dream, even his life. Whatever the truth about the history, I think of Cleopatra is a beauty to conquer the entire queen, a bitter waiting for you to love of woman. I believe that there is no anything more precious than a

man uses his life to protect and love you. Of course, Cleopatra was moved by his love, so she chose death when Octavian won and defeated Antony. Now I do not know the love clearly between two people, but I hope I could meet a boy like Antony. Maybe when two people fall in love with each other, money, power and position are nothing for them.

Someone said she was the combination of angel and demon. For the Egyptian, she was the queen. Because she brought the peace and got the protection of Rome at least 22 years, Egypt was in prosperity for a long time. On the contrary, she was an evil for the Roman. In Roman’s eyes, she brought war to them and broke the balance

of the power. After Caesar’s death, Antony leaved Rome to Egypt and never return, so the roman thought Antony discarded them. This made them furious. Eventually the Roman regarded her as the most emery. In my mind, she was nothing wrong. As the king of Egypt, she must take the benefit of Egyptian as the first position and protect her country. As a woman, she had the responsibility to protect her husband and child. She was a good king and wife.

Speaking of her death, some people said she was killed by herself, but the other said she was killed by Octavian. Some historians more believe the second wording. But I preferred the first idea, because in the view of my opinion, she was kingly and dignified. I believe that she would rather finish her life than captured by Octavian. Because of this, she left lots of mysteries for us, but there is a truth that she was a legend. And countless people were admired by her glamour.








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