Gone girl消失的爱人观后感

Gone girl, gone love

Nick Dunne: When I think of my wife, I always think of the back of her head. I picture cracking her lovely skull, unspooling her brain, trying to get answers. The primal questions of a marriage: What are you thinking? How are you feeling? What have we done to each other?

I was thrilled and shocked by the first part of this movie. It seems that the husband wants to kill his wife to find out the truth in her mind. And then in the movie it introduce how they met at a party, which is surely an amazing story. In china, I think, the movie may have a beautiful endings that they have several smart babies and live a happy life. But in this movie, the man betray her finally and the wife design a “game” for revenge. They are both in deep sorrow at the end. So I am wandering what is marriage about on earth ?

First and foremost, maybe marriage is a contract, and some rules people have to follow. As a English prose says :” love is holding hands in the street; marriage is holding arguments in the street.” Sometimes we can not control everything and quarrel can not be avoided., Everyone should have the responsibility to take care of each other when a girl or boy is chosen to be the partner. The husband should not fall in love with other girls when he had already married. I can’t Imagine what a happy life they should live if he can be responsible for his wife.

What’s more, marriage is a game, and people should know the art of it. The seed of high quality will die young without a lot of care and attention and so does the marriage. Learn how to protect marriage is the most important thing in life. Nobody is perfect. One should try to accept the mistakes the other one make. When there are misunderstandings, people should communicate with each other as soon as possible. Nick should have courage to solve the problems by talking with Amy . At the same time, people should learn how to tolerate others and express our feelings in an appropriate way.

In addition, marriage shouldn’t be a wall between two people. It is not easy for couples to be married . Why not cherish the other one who loved you and supported you unconditionally even they had. There will be surely a negative outcome, if only one person keeps desperately the marriage, or both sides treat it with indifference. In fact, women are inclined to protect marriage in all kinds of methods, which sometimes push their husbands further away .

Last but not least, try to make marriage full of love. A study shows that the massage from a loved one can not only ease pain but also soothe depression and strengthen a relationship. Love is attractive, however, hate means pain. Hate, not only a bad emotion but also joy and happiness once may become the most painful memories. So it is wise for people to learn how to love. In my opinion, a couple both sides

maintain it together with mutual respect, understanding and communication is vital for a harmony and permanence marriage.

To sum up, in my mind, Chinese people are more honest and responsible for their family. So we should be confident to our life and marriage in the future. I believe that the both sides in love will be mature in the conflict of life and finally build up an ordinary and true happiness in both life and work as long as they try utmost to protect the love.






从此讲来Amy及其父母的公众人物身份,以及在亲密关系中的冷漠和表演,不过是种比喻,并试图给这群本应代表“社会良心”的中产精英的冷漠和虚伪做合理化和去道德化的分析。 体现之一为Amy在看到Nick接受采访时的表演所表现出的激动,是因为她狂喜于Nick即使是虚伪的示爱吗?大概不全是。婚姻后Amy最失望的不是爱情渐淡,自己对丈夫失去了吸引力。而是非中产出身的Nick放弃了表演,放弃了中产精英对智力游戏精神追求,转而进入“自暴自弃”的他所熟悉的普通人的吃喝拉撒的生活状态。Nick在和姐姐以及警察的互动中能看到他的真实,这种真实却让Amy及其父母所代表的中产精英难以接受,因为过于朴实乏味,过于缺乏雕琢,过于粗暴而缺乏美感。在节目上的表演,标志着他重新进入Amy的虚构游戏,重拾中产角色。无论是自愿或者被迫,作为伙伴还是敌人,这都另Amy兴奋,因为这是她熟悉的战场。






